جعجع: كان الأجدى بالحكومة القيام بتحركات فورية تجاه ما حدث أفضل من الذهاب الى حوارغير مجد

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رأى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع أن الحوار الذي سيعقد غدا سيكون مضيعة للوقت، موضحا أن المواضيع التي يجب أن يتم مناقشتها في الحوار لن تناقش لأن حزب الله غير مستعد لذلك، معتبرا في الوقت عينه أنه كان الأجدى بالحكومة القيام بتحركات فورية إزاء ما حدث وليس الذهاب الى حوار غير مجد.

وقال جعجع في مقالبة تلفزيونية له مساء الأحد عبر قناة "الجديد": " ليكن غدا مشهدا وطنيا جامعا شاملا ولخرج خاسرين لا مشكلة، لأن المشهد إن كان في المضمون كما في الظاهر فنحن ما كنا لنتخلف لأن المشاركة لم تكن لتكلفنا أي أمر"، لافتا الى أن القوات لن نشارك غدا ليس لأننا نقاطع الحوار وإنما لأننا لا نرى أن حوار الغد مجد".

وسأل "هل النظام في سوريا وحزب الله جاهزين للجلوس على الطاولة، فهما لا يرضيان بالجلوس على طاولة مجلس الأمن فهل سيرضيان الجلوس على طاولة تضم قادة "14 آذار"، مضيفا: "طاولة الحوار ستنعقد فيما هناك 9 مخطوفين في عكار وتصاريح قادة حزب الله واضحة التي لا تقبل النقاش في السلاح".

ولفت جعجع الى أنه "كان الأجدى بأن تقوم الحكومة بتحركات فورية، وليس الذهاب باللبنانيين إلى طاولة الحوار لتضييع الوقت".

وأردف: "الرئيس سليمان بمبادرة شخصية منه قام بالدعوة إلى الحوار"، معتبرا أنه عبر جلوس الفرقاء من الممكن أن نصل إلى حل الأوضاع المتفرفطة، إلا أن حزب الله اليوم أكثر الأوقات التي هو محكوم بمواقفه الإستراتيجية لأن الجميع معنيون في هذه الأيام".

وحول أحداث طرابلس قال جعجع "في طرابلس السلاح لا يزال بين أيدي الناس والقوى الأمنية تتدخل عند اندلاع أي إشكال كالقوى الدولية عبر الإتصال بالفرقاء من أجل فض النزاع وإيقاف إطلاق النار".

وعليه، دعا جعجع "الحكومة بعقد جلسة وتوجيه أمر مباشر واضح للجيش بقرار رسمي بالدخول إلى جبل محسن وباب التبانة ونزع السلاح من يد المواطنين"، مردفا: "سنكون كلنا وراءها إلا أن هذا القرار لن يتخذ لغاية في نفس يعقوب لأن هناك فيتو من قبل النظام السوري لعدم اتخاذ قرار مماثل لأنه يريد نقل الأزمة السوريّة إلى لبنان".

وأضاف: "يقولون إن هناك قوى سلفية وهناك سلاح بكميات كبيرة من أجل دعم الثورة السورية، إلا أنهم لا يتخذون القرار بتكليف الجيش، إن كان ما يقولونه صحيحا فالأولى أن تقوم الحكومة باتخاذ هذا القرار بشكل سريع".

وتعليقا على أداء الحكومة، رأى جعجع أنه "بعيدا عن الخصومة السياسية، هذه لحكومة هي أسوأ حكومة تمر على لبنان"، مشيرا الى أن "لو كانت الحكومة تابعة لـ14 آذار وقامت بالتعاطي مع الحوادث كما تفعل هذه الحكومة لكنا قلنا عنها أنها سيئة".

وشرح أن "هذه الحكومة فشلت على كافة الصعد، فلا وجود لموازنات منذ العام 2005 لأن هذه الموازنات موجودة في مجلس النواب إلا أن تعطيل البلاد والمجلس حال من دون إقرارها".

كما أشار جعجع الى أن "الدفاع عن لبنان مهمة كل اللبنانيين وليس حصرا بأحد، وليس نحن من يجب أن ننضم إلى مقاومة حزب الله، وإنما هو يجب أن ينضم إلى الدولة لأنه يتم وضع الوعاء الصغير في الكبير وليس العكس".

وحول المؤتمر التأسيسي الذي دعا إليه الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله، قال جعجع " يتم الدعوة إلى مؤتمر تأسيسي عندما لا يكون هناك دولة أو دستور، نحن لدينا دولة ودستور إلا أنهما غير موجودان في ذهن "حزب الله" لهذا الأمر فالدعوة إلى هذا المؤتمر أمر خطير جدا.

  • 22:18 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: هذه الحكومة هي أسوء حكومة مرت في تاريخ لبنان ولو كانت حكومة من 14 آذار كانت على الأقل مشكلتا طرابلس والحدود اللبنانية السورية قد انحلت بشكل قاطع ولكنني لا أقوم بمقارنة

  • 22:15 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: لا أتخوف من عودة حرب أهليّة شاملة إلا أنني أيقن أن هناك حركة هريان تضرب البلاد

  • 22:07 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: لتقم الحكومة بعقد جلسة وتوجيه أمر مباشر واضح للجيش بقرار رسمي بالدخول إلى جبل محسن وباب التبانة ونزع السلاح من يد المواطنين وسنكون كلنا وراءها

  • 22:05 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع:في طرابلس السلاح لا يزال بين أيدي الناس والقوى الأمنية تتدخل عند اندلاع أي إشكال كالقوى الدولية عبر الإتصال بالفرقاء من أجل فض النزاع وإيقاف إطلاق النار

  • 21:52 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: كان الأجدى بأن تقوم الحكومة بالقيام بتحركات فورية وليس الذهاب باللبنانيين إلى طاولة الحوار لتضييع الوقت

  • 21:50 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع:النظام السوري وحزب الله ليسا مستعدين للجلوس إلى الطاولة والحوار فخ لأن الوضع سيئ بسبب ممارسات الحكومة الحالية

  • 21:38 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: هل أصبح لحزب الله نظرة أخرى للمشكلة التي من المفترض أن نعالجها على طاولة الحوار أصبحت مختلفة كي نذهب الى الحوار

  • 21:35 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: عدم ذهابنا الى الحوار لا يعني انان مقاطعين الحوار ولكن لأنه لن يكون حوارا

  • 21:34 ,2012 حزيران 10

    جعجع: غدا مشهد وطني جامع ولكن أسهل شي علينا كقوات أن نذهب ولكن هناك العديد من علامات الإستفهام لدينا

التعليقات 56
Thumb beiruti 22:25 ,2012 حزيران 10

@karim_m1 Said the Iranian puppet. Only an independent political personality who is not a patron or beneficiary of foreign payments has the right or standing to question the independence of a member of the political class in Lebanon. Otherwise you are accusing one of conduct which your own giddo engages in and this is hypocracy and not intellectually honest.
Otherwise, what is the difference between taking financial aid from KSA as opposed to taking aid from Iran? What, Shiites are better than Sunni? Better to walk around with your nose up a Shiite thiez than up a Sunnis? Having one's nose up anyone's theiz is not a way to walk upright and free. Do that first, then criticize those who don't.

Missing reformist 00:00 ,2012 حزيران 11

bravo peace very insightful comment! t3allamet men slash el msabbet? Ma kellkoun nafs el sleele, ortit ze3ran m7achecheen yeuh yeuuuuuuuuuuuuh yeuuuuuuuuuuuuh

Missing lebcan 00:07 ,2012 حزيران 11

Go to hell you hypocrite !!!

Default-user-icon ImpressedWithM8 (ضيف) 22:31 ,2012 حزيران 10

you silly idiot karim, if that was the case why is the only station you and your shallow M8 supporters hosting him?

go look at what your thuggish low life loser ssnp scum bags did today before attacking other politicians. FYI christians, shiites, and sunnis all were killing each other - lets be honest for once, it's about time you realize that all this geagea hating propaganda was fed to you by the assad regime who your close circles (including your family) support because of interests.

peshawar mountains? what about houla you fool!

Thumb beiruti 22:36 ,2012 حزيران 10

Wahabism being spread in Lebanon is a red herring. A false threat that is waved in front of the Lebanese Christians by Hezbollah to keep the FPM on board with Hezbollah.

No one is fooled by this except the Aouni and they are fooled by the biggest fool in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Dr. FLG (ضيف) 23:17 ,2012 حزيران 10

1. @karim_m1 --- I do not understand your systematic ad hominem (attacks against the person instead of what they are saying) against Samir Geagea.

2. I agree with beiruti. The thought of Wahabism in Lebanon is a red herring. That's almost as ridiculous as people believing Lebanon was ever to become an Islamic Shia state-let modeled after Iran (as depicted in Hizballah's original charter and manifesto). While that was a real and stated goal of the founding members of Hizballah even they woke up and realized that was not going to ever happen in Lebanon and have since renounced that part of their mission statement. The Wahabi's, unlike Hizballah have never proclaimed those intentions.

3. That kind of fear mongering has to stop. That's what everyone has been using to scare the minority communities (Christians, Druze, Jews, Armenians, Alawites, etc.) into a frezny all these years.

Default-user-icon Dr. FLG (ضيف) 23:17 ,2012 حزيران 10

4. What Geagea is worried out is the disparity in military arms one political party (Hizballah) in Lebanon holds over all other political parties and the domestic problems those arms are causing.

5. Geagea is also proposing we discuss the ways we can successfully transfer the use of those weapons to benefit all of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Tarek (ضيف) 23:19 ,2012 حزيران 10

Speak for yourself beiruti. Not all Sunnis in Lebanon are afraid of Hizballah. Hizballah has never done a thing targeting us as a sect. And yes, there is a Wahabist cause in Lebanon being spread, but it will die out eventually thanks to increased awareness and because most real Sunnis would never let such a cause spread, even if some politicians are dying for it to happen. Most of the Sunnis are going through a rough patch politically in Lebanon, but they are pillars in resistance just as much as the Shia and Christians are, and they will return to their senses. Te7ya Souria.

Missing reformist 23:48 ,2012 حزيران 10

what a loser this ba3ba3! Ma bsaddi' elo 3en ba3d ye7ke w yed7ak! Lek metel el bleb ray7een M14 3al 7ewar. First gov ever to achieve so many results despite the negativism of this cold-blood (no sorry full drugged) assassin!
ma fi chi marra al chi w zabatit ma3o! Ba3do men awal nhar baddo ysa'itt el 7oukoume. eh bi a7lemak cheri ;) mwah mwah mwah HAHAHAHA

Missing reformist 23:51 ,2012 حزيران 10

lek la bi addim wala bi akhirr el ba3ba3! Aslan meen 3ezmo! Amin zabalo, el batrak (that I respect so much) zabalo! El ahbal el sanioura zabalo. w ba3do 3am bi 3awwe! Lek t3allam at least enno when you are wrong like 100% of the time, try to change a bit ;) yeuh yeuh yeuh hahahaha

Missing reformist 23:56 ,2012 حزيران 10

Has anybody seen slash? This thread is lacking cheap msabbet ;)

Missing reformist 23:59 ,2012 حزيران 10

yeeeeeeeeee ija peace! ahla w sahla! Why do you change the topic please? ne7na ya habibi we are slow and love to tackle issues one by one... Can we focus? Do you support the position of ba3ba3 on the dialogue? yes or no? :) How come all M14 support it except this loser? please repond clearly?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 00:00 ,2012 حزيران 11

time will show that hakim is right unfortunatly, farsis will not have a foothold by the sea.

Missing peace 00:04 ,2012 حزيران 11

reformist is so narcissic and full of himself that he is talking to himself on this site... poor reformist he gives us a glimpse of the intellectual level of M8 sheep followers...

Missing reformist 00:06 ,2012 حزيران 11

chou ya peace 3am be7kik habibi. as usual like your ba3ba3 you avoid the question.
I repeat it just in case you don't get it from the first time : Do you support the position of ba3ba3 on the dialogue? yes or no? :) How come all M14 support it except this loser? please repond clearly?

Missing peace 00:55 ,2012 حزيران 11

oh FT! you are lowering yourself revealing your true face: a frustrated and desperate FPMer...not only pdf exist but many sources and testimonies just educate yourself!
but i guess truth hurts and you cannot imagine that your leader sold his ideas to the highest bidder, that the condition of his return to lebanon was not to ally with geagea or future...it creates a bug in your one neurone brain...
yes, we know truth hurts...

oh by the way i never dodge a question unlike you who escape from the site when you are faced with undeniable facts

oh and btw = the arrogant teacher doesn t say that M8 sheep have a pavlovian reaction when they see geagea like he says of the others about the articles of orangina ...but it sums up the whole dictatorial way of thinking of M8 = do as we tell you too, but we do whatever we want!

double M8 standards as usual...!!

Missing reformist 16:51 ,2012 حزيران 11

khalas we have our point proven FT :) this is what matters to me! They avoid the simplest questions they are so good at it.
God may forgive them because the Lebanese people won't!

Missing reformist 00:07 ,2012 حزيران 11

yalla farjeena your intellectual level peace. Give us a lesson by providing a direct sincere honest (google its meaning) answer. we - M8 supporters - cant wait to learn from you

Missing reformist 00:07 ,2012 حزيران 11

yalla farjeena your intellectual level peace. Give us a lesson by providing a direct sincere honest (google its meaning) answer. we - M8 supporters - cant wait to learn from you

Missing reformist 00:12 ,2012 حزيران 11

see ya m14 supporters? ;) haram peace, khtafa slash, ma fiiiiiiii hadaaaaaaaan la tindahiiiiiiiii ma fi hadaaaaaaaan! Ya hek men ya bala! ortit mjedeeb ;)
yeuh yeuh yeuuuuuuuuuh

Missing reformist 11:05 ,2012 حزيران 11

hahaha ma btetghayyarrr yeuhh yeuuuh yeuuuh cha'fit felten full of wishful thinking. If it makes you happy ma fi mashkal hahahaha!
lek ma3rouf men aslak inta wil milichyet tab3oulkoun. Ktir za3altene halla' la anno sabbet emme hehehehehe! 3an jadd ktiiiiiiiiiir t'assaret it shows your social level ;)

Missing reformist 00:13 ,2012 حزيران 11

Please FT be nice to your fellow brothers. The use of drugs burned their brain. hal add fiyoun ya3to. ne7na lezim nsemi7oun and continue our fight for a better leb!

Missing lebcan 00:14 ,2012 حزيران 11

Yes!!! an M14 government would have gone into those neighbourhoods just like they decided to go into Nahr el-Bared camp and the Boarder would have been protected!!! God I hate Hizbshitan's Mafia company. FM I hope you see the light one day...

Missing peace 00:35 ,2012 حزيران 11

yes just like the leader of those palestinian terrorists came from syria and spent 2 weeks in dahiye before going launch his attacks in nahr el bared...
just like your orange puppet predicted that the day syrian leave lebanon they would send islamists terrorists to spread chaos in lebanon! forgot that too?
you too educate yourself before trying to play the educated one...
truth hurts we know FT

Missing beiruti_s 01:24 ,2012 حزيران 11

Peace, my brother was in the army during nahr el bared events and most of the nahr el bared terrorists were saudi, kuwaiti, pakistani and other recent immigrant "jihadis". Only a few of the terrorists were palestinian. My brother said there were more lebanese than palestinians in fath el islem. It was the palestinian residents of the camp who hated fath el islem the most and warned about them (even before the conflict fath el islem had with the army) as they were terrorizing them with their extreme version of salafism. And if we take a look at jund el shem then most of its members are lebanese from saida and surrounding areas.

Missing peace 01:33 ,2012 حزيران 11

beiruti: being saudi pakistani or kowaiti prevents you from being paid by syria? the islamic jihad from tripoli are allied and trained by hezbollah...ben laden was saudi was he at the orders of saudis with al qaeda? strange their leader came from syria,and spent 2 weeks in dahiye, strange it happened like aoun said it would! many coincidences don t you think?
money has no nationality!

Thumb beiruti 00:25 ,2012 حزيران 11

Reading the comments here, its rather clear.
Sunday is computer access day at Dier Saleeb.

Missing lebcan 00:27 ,2012 حزيران 11


Missing reformist 00:30 ,2012 حزيران 11

waw beiruti! Again ktir insightful inta! hayde el culture taba3koun M14 when you are facing with CLEAR questions? :)
ok der el salib let it be, it shows how smart you are dear ;)

Default-user-icon ayad (ضيف) 01:00 ,2012 حزيران 11

samir Jaja is a crimminal ,just in case he fogot that.I dont see how he can be part of any soluation.

Missing reformist 17:58 ,2012 حزيران 11

criminal? he murdered so many kids in camps :)

Missing peace 01:14 ,2012 حزيران 11

btw retarded reformist "How come all M14 support it except this loser? please repond clearly?"

it is called democracy, everyone can have his point of view, but it is a concept you don t know in M8 because you are all obliged to have the same idea as your master, the turbanman hiding in a cave, 3aw 3aw....

Missing peace 11:24 ,2012 حزيران 11

nope wrong again little baby boy... just an example: france! the left wing comprises different parties each having an opinion but they agree on the essential... your posts are full of disinformation as usual!

when i tell you to educate yourself it s for your own good so that you do not appear ridiculous...

Missing reformist 16:50 ,2012 حزيران 11

This is what you call democracy? :D when you think very differently about fundamental issues? waw!
This is called 'non existence of M14' ;)

Missing reformist 17:57 ,2012 حزيران 11

Peace until you admit that there is no such thing like M14, only then we can talk. Lek mannoun mettef'een 3ala chi! You are comparing this to France? hahaha pure idiot!
I love this site and I love provoking all the followers just by bringing simple facts.
He is comparing M14 to France ;) Lek not so long ago the assembly (if we can call it this way) of M14 in Biel was a pure fiasco. YOu know all the details... You know how they had to hide empty chairs in front of the cameras... you know how pissed the leaders were at each other.
Hayda happens in France?
hahaha and if you don't know, it is just like you :) Pure ignorant!

Missing peace 18:09 ,2012 حزيران 11

"He is comparing M14 to France"
i guess the idiot here is you poor little thing...
in a right or left wing in europe or elsewhere, you may have different sensibilities thus different parties but all sharing the essential values...
so next time IDIOT learn to read or go back to school...or just shut up it will avoid you to appear like a fool here!

Missing reformist 23:39 ,2012 حزيران 11

What is the essential value of M14 educate us please peace and I will officially apologize to you! The hezb weapons? This is your value? :)
akid now you won't answer... piece of coward. Jeye ya3mella lesson left right w center halla'. If you find you have a common vision and the dialogue is just a small little tiny thing you don't agree upon then I pity you :)
Obviously like a chicken you will escape the question!

Default-user-icon alex (ضيف) 02:23 ,2012 حزيران 11

the head of the army recently stated that 3/4 of those caught in the north were direct employees of the local politicians???? in terms of security look back at when m14 was in charge....gmayell,francois haj,eid,eido,tueni just to name a few...where was their protection which was rightly deserved? gmayell killed in his own town where was his protection,eid head of intelligence killed driving himself,haj commander in military,eido and tueni car bombs where was there protection? who did the government have assigned to their security? why werent their vehicles checked before the got in them? these are fundamental questions that need answers? budget never released under siniora and hariri???

Default-user-icon windsorite (ضيف) 02:44 ,2012 حزيران 11

He's right, had march 14 been in charge the problems in Tripoli and the Lebanese-Syrian border would have not happened because march 14 are the ones creating this problem with the Saudi money..

Default-user-icon Fazlo (ضيف) 03:01 ,2012 حزيران 11

Dr. Loser should slam himself in the rear for one whole month for obeying Cheikh Saad and refusing to attend the National Diajoke when Cheikh Saad's decision is not even his own as proven by the fact that his Troupe of Crybabies will attend like little schoolboys.

Missing helicopter 04:02 ,2012 حزيران 11

Karim, all you said was like pick bones from the cemetery of the Civil war. Ever since the war ended Gaegae, Harriri, and M14 affiliates have been the peace makers and the M8 affiliates are the ones that yell, threaten, assassin, and shake their fingers in the air when they address the crowd.
Discuss the substance of what Gaegae said... such as this statement:
He said the government must meet and “give a direct, clear order to the army to enter Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh and disarm the citizens there and we will all throw our support behind it.”
YES hes is supporting the army and wants all the thugs disarmed. This falls into State Building category.

Missing helicopter 04:30 ,2012 حزيران 11

conformist ...... have you had your Rabi shot lately??

Missing reformist 17:54 ,2012 حزيران 11

Reformist ;) Anything but conformist dear!

Missing helicopter 04:32 ,2012 حزيران 11

karim...... the voice of Tehran. If one is not pro-khomeini he must be a wahabi (what a feeble mind).

Thumb joesikemrex 07:05 ,2012 حزيران 11

Nothing but hizb propaganda employee, you are full hot air and lies. Go back to goat herding and spare us your Iranian Syrian agenda

Thumb joesikemrex 07:19 ,2012 حزيران 11

This dialogue is waste of time, just tactics and maneuvers to buy hizbalkizb more time to complete its agenda....THE COMPLETE TAKE OVER of Lebanon......keep its weapons..steal more land...deal more drugs....destroy what is left of government institutions....kill more innocent....assassinate....terrorism...

And once achieved your coward general will be useless and silenced.

Thumb geha 09:10 ,2012 حزيران 11

the homicidal maniacs are those m8 thugs as demonstrated yesterday by the beating of a woman in public.
it is clear m8 is a bunch of arrogant thugs as demonstrated by karim, ft, and others like them...
all the comments of karim denote a low life thug, while Ft is a clear nazi wanting to kill or burn everyone who does not agree with his line of thought.
such animals belong in an asylum or in jail fr life.

Missing reformist 16:48 ,2012 حزيران 11

geha you are trying to put the same comment on all articles? hahahaha! Propaganda. shows your lack of content ;) nice try!

Thumb beiruti 15:42 ,2012 حزيران 11

@Tarek (Guest), I am with you ya kayieh. Mr. karim_m1 is engaging here in very devisive talk. It is not meant to bring Lebanese together, but to divide them and set them against each other. To brand all Lebanese Sunni as Wahabi, which connotes disloyalty to the Lebanese nation is devisive. I am sure that there are some, but the vast majority of Sunni have the spirit of March 14.
There are some Christian, and I am Maronite, who are separatists, but the vast majority of Christians share the spirit of March 14.
I would never say that because of 10,000 Hezbolli, that all 1.4 million Lebanese Shia bow to Iran. Lebanese Shia are as Lebanese as any.
Maronites are a room in the Lebanese house. Lose the house and lose the room. The Lebanese house has many rooms for all of her people. Each confessional group has a duty to the other to preserve the house of Lebanon which keeps us all.
Karim_m1's talk divides the house of Lebanon and a house divided cannot stand.

Missing reformist 16:49 ,2012 حزيران 11

Beiruti where do you take the fact that vast majority of christians are with M14 spirit? Was this shown by any election in the past? Please just provide numbers and convince me I am a christian and would love to see facts :)

Thumb beiruti 17:26 ,2012 حزيران 11

@Reformist, and what percentage of Christians, Reformist can you point to who want to create a Christian canton and separate themselves from the rest of the country? This is what I mean by the March 14 spirit, it is a spirit of national unity and living together in the country with all Lebanese regardless of confessional identity.
Since you have the defensive nature of an Aounist, remember that many of the Christians in Martyr Square on March 14, 2005 were Aounist. This was before Aoun made his pact with Hezbollah and led his sheep off in another direction. I would say that most Aounists are not for cantonization as that was an old LF idea and since most Christians vote the FPM ticket, I would conclude that most have the M14 spirit of union.

Missing reformist 17:53 ,2012 حزيران 11

Oh pleaseeeeeeeeee Beiruti am not on the defensive am asking for facts and please don't go into remembering stuff... or then you need to think Tsunami ;) The answer to you is simple : most christians are behind Aoun. Point final. le baddak tdayyi3 el 3alam. This was the point raised and that's it. bala diversions for once :)

Missing reformist 17:52 ,2012 حزيران 11

ok neutral point accepted bass based on what you say that dear? la annak ma'hour men el 7a'ee'a behind my comments and have no clever answer? fine am tolerant :)

Missing neutral 18:16 ,2012 حزيران 11

based on what???? based on this "yeuh yeuuuuuuuuuuuuh yeuuuuuuuuuuuuh
" da hell is this, ur fighting with your self sometimes, and by the way ma2hour mn chou, mn 8M or 14 m, or from your stupid questions or ur yeuh yeuuuuuuuuuuuuh yeuuuuuuuuuuuuh
get a life , and yalla drink some milk brush ur teeth and good night

Missing reformist 19:19 ,2012 حزيران 11

yeuh yeuh yeuh hahahaha

Missing reformist 19:35 ,2012 حزيران 11

yeuh yeuhhhh yeuhhh neutral ma'hour yeuh yeuh yeuuuuuuuuh hahahah