عون: جعجع لن يرفض مقررات الحوار وسيتحمل كل إنسان مسؤولية العرقلة بعد الآن

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أبدى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون ارتياحه لليوم الأول من جلسات الحوار معلنا أنه "من الآن فصاعدا سيتحمل كل إنسان مسؤولية العرقلة في تنفيذ المبادئ" في إشارة إلى إعلان بعبدا الذي صدر بعد الجلسة.

وقال عون في حديث إلى قناة الـ"OTV" مساء الإثنين هناك مسؤولية كبيرة على ضرورة تنفيذ المبادئ التي أقرّت اليوم (..) الجميع تكلم بالمضمون وليس بالشكل".

وردا على سؤال لفت إلى وزير المالية "محمد الصفدي بسبب المرض و(رئيس الحكومة السابق) الشيخ سعد الحريري بسبب وجوده خارج البلاد، و(رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية") السيد سمير جعجع بسبب عدم رغبته بالحضور لأنّه يعتقد أن اللقاء لن يؤدي إلى نتيجة".

وتابع عون أن رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة قال بأن ملائكته (جعجع) حاضرة وإذا أجمع الحاضرون على أمور لن تكون القوات اللبنانية ضدها وعلى الحكومة تنفيذ ما يتقرر على الأرض".

وعن "ابلاغ "اعلان بعبدا" إلى جامعة الدول العربية والأمم المتحدة قال عون "إذا اردنا أن ننأى عما يحصل في سوريا وهذه وثيقة الوفاق الوطني تنص على أن لا يكون لبنان ممرا او مقرا وبالتالي إبلاغهم يقضي بالقول تفضلوا "ريحونا".

وتابع عون "أشعر بالارتياح ازاء جلسة الحوار اليوم ونتائجها لأنها حددت المبادئ التي سننطلق منها للتنفيذ ومن الآن فصاعدا سيتحمل كل إنسان مسؤولية العرقلة في تنفيذ المبادئ".

وشرح أن موضوع تغيير الحكومة طرح "لكن المقررات سنعمل بها في هذه الحكومة لأن الأخطار داهمة ولا تنتظر سبعة أشهر (..) هناك إلزامية معنوية الجميع يتحملها والحكومة تنفذ".

التعليقات 28
Thumb beiruti 23:05 ,2012 حزيران 11

This is very funny, Aoun demanding accountability for obstruction of implementation of anything. What is "implementation of principles" anyway? I have heard of implementing a policy or a a program, this requires implementation. But what is the implementation of a principle. One should think a certain way??
And who was responsible for the obstruction of decisions reached at the dialogue table starting in March 2006 if not Aoun and his allies?
Like with the budgets when Aoun demands accountablity from 2005 forward, he seeks to avoid accountability from March 2006 to June 11, 2012. And when his brain does obstructions whatever principles were decided today, then he will move the line again.
As I have said, this is a useless foolish exercise this fake "dialogue".

Missing reformist 23:45 ,2012 حزيران 11

ba3dena beiruti iza el chaghle el wa7eede li m3alla' 3layya hiyye a naharnet translation hahahaha I PITY YOU MAN!!! Hayda kill yilli chefto inta? the word principle? W 3meltelna diarrea 3laya?
Your M14 supporters can be proud of you ;)

Thumb beiruti 00:40 ,2012 حزيران 12

Not as irrelevant as what took place in Baabda today, dear reformist.

Thumb lebnanfirst 23:15 ,2012 حزيران 11

@ beiruti: I agree with your views as stated. Hope, as they say, springs eternal. So, I am willing to give them (M8) a small benefit of doubt just in case it is possible that circumstances have changed. Also because Saudi Arabia appears to have blessed Future attending the discussions so will wait and see what, if anything, good will come out of this.
As for Aoun, besides his disingenuous partnership with HA, falej la t3elej! Forget him.

Missing reformist 23:43 ,2012 حزيران 11

mesh ahrak ella Aoun lebnanfirst but I start to like how you think. You just need a bit more education and soon you will see and admit what Aoun did for our country :)
Amen to you too!

Thumb benzona 23:24 ,2012 حزيران 11

Can't wait to have my Tuesday night session of laughter with Aoun's live speech. Better than going to the zoo.

Missing peace 00:47 ,2012 حزيران 12

"Better than going to the zoo." or to the circus watching clowns!

Missing peace 01:16 ,2012 حزيران 12

mish ma2hour ya zalami but he is a real clown he missed his career! he just entertains us with his stupid speeches!

in every speech you can find its contrary in those he made before marrying the hezb! you never noticed? or you just try and forget what you cannot justify?
that is what is comic! hahaha! no dignity no honor! but comic? yessssss! :)

Missing peace 17:39 ,2012 حزيران 12

"really peace? i refuted twice your silly youtube videos"

really? oh! you should then look closer again because your alzheimer is worse than we thought...

seems these videos annoy you because it makes you feel uneasy....

Missing reformist 23:46 ,2012 حزيران 11

Aoun said ex-PM Fouad Saniora hinted during the dialogue session that Geagea is represented by his allies. HAHAHAHA
lek M14 is simply full of contradictions. kell wa7ad byetla3 bi mouwwel ;)

Missing neutral 08:23 ,2012 حزيران 12

fadson, that's what i call facts, but they r all blindes

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 09:38 ,2012 حزيران 12

Lebanon has too many "leaders".
Way too many cooks in the kitchen, and that spoils the broth.
and they're terrible cooks!
So as long as you people act like sheep, you will most likely be eating poop for dinner for the rest of your lives.

Wake up already.
Bring on the revolution.

Missing peace 11:02 ,2012 حزيران 12


Missing peace 12:14 ,2012 حزيران 12

FT lol!!!!

Thumb sophia_angle 12:30 ,2012 حزيران 12

Walla ma m3a2adkoun hada gheir Aoun! God save you ya ahla General ! :D

Missing neutral 13:47 ,2012 حزيران 12

flame b7essak wajdi w majdi style

Thumb shab 16:03 ,2012 حزيران 12

nice picture of several war criminals

Thumb normzz 16:51 ,2012 حزيران 12

Not only are politicians giving the lebanese people no opportunities ,causing bloodshed amongst the people while they sit together,filling up there pockets while lebanese struggle to feed and educate there family's .but they even have you people standing up for them on the net,getting angry for them insulting other fellow lebanese for them,when you guys could be sitting in a bar with couple girls,spending night out with your family's,enjoying the weather with friends talking about things other then politics. i mean i get dragged into this web also and i look at my self and think what a idiot i am to let this stuff turn me into a hater,i am not going to hate and unless the lebanese people unite and change the government rules and religious constitution then . same shit different day for years to come. and young people hating each other for old spilt blood which should be forgotten and forgiven.

Thumb normzz 16:59 ,2012 حزيران 12

i live in australia,where they have made it illegal for bikies "organized crime association's "like ahzeb bi lebnen" illegal for members to socialise with each other or even call each other on phone.and if you dont follow then you will get a jail term each time. i think this should be done in lebanon and ahzeb should be illegal. i believe it would be a better place,and people will learn to think for themselves.

Missing peace 17:43 ,2012 حزيران 12

"making fun of aoun for asking for the ownership of shebaa because once ownership is confirmed"

yes we are making fun of you! not later than this week you claimed that shebaa was officially lebanese and that assad confirmed it orally... now you say it needs to be confirmed like WE always told you!
did aoun ask the syrians to hand the OFFICIAL documents to the UN to prove shebaa is lebanese? NO
if aoun REALLY wanted hezb to hand over their weapons he would have done it from the beggining...
many other examples of how your aoun changed from black to white exist and that is what annoys you and makes you aggressive... poor you

Thumb beiruti 17:46 ,2012 حزيران 12

@FT, you are quite right, I have mistyped the dates. Aoun seeks his audit from 1992 forward and M14 sought to legalize spending by the government from 2005-2009, a period largely when the government was paralyzed by M8 boycotts and Berri's refusal to convene Parliament in order to frustrate M14's efforts to elect a new president. Mea culpa.
However you are incorrect in your post that the 2006 National Dialogue did not reach any decisions. See,http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/lebanese-national-dialogue-avoiding-the-hard-questions
When the June session ended and the agenda set to discuss Hezbollah's arms, Hezbollah seized 2 Israeli soldiers which incited the July 2006 War. Whenever Hezbollah senses any threat to its weaponized presence it uses its weapons to end the discussion. The same happened in May 2008 when the government decided to declare illegal the Hezbollah telcom system that was being constructed against the law.

Thumb beiruti 17:47 ,2012 حزيران 12

@FT, you are quite right, I have mistyped the dates. Aoun seeks his audit from 1992 forward and M14 sought to legalize spending by the government from 2005-2009, a period largely when the government was paralyzed by M8 boycotts and Berri's refusal to convene Parliament in order to frustrate M14's efforts to elect a new president. Mea culpa.
However you are incorrect in your post that the 2006 National Dialogue did not reach any decisions. See,http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/lebanese-national-dialogue-avoiding-the-hard-questions
When the June session ended and the agenda set to discuss Hezbollah's arms, Hezbollah seized 2 Israeli soldiers which incited the July 2006 War. Whenever Hezbollah senses any threat to its weaponized presence it uses its weapons to end the discussion. The same happened in May 2008 when the government decided to declare illegal the Hezbollah telcom system that was being constructed against the law.

Thumb beiruti 17:49 ,2012 حزيران 12

This only proves the larger point to be made about Hezbollah's arms. It uses them whenever it feels necessary to preserve the weapons. There is no political decision that can be taken in Lebanon that challenges the presence of those arms where Hezbollah will not use its weapons, either in the streets or the threat to go to the street, in order to work Hezbollah's political will. And Hezbollah's political will is not exercised in Lebanon's national interest, but in the interest of the country that supplied the weapons, Iran. (con't)

Thumb beiruti 18:13 ,2012 حزيران 12

And Aoun's 1992 start date happens to coincide with the first Hariri Administration indicating that Aoun is more interested in pursuing a political vendetta against Hariri than a reform agenda. He has resisted, despite your statement, a look into the books going back to the 1988-1990 era when he, Aoun, administered the government. He was investigated and there were writs of arrest against Aoun put out by the pro-Syrian regime in Beirut, but all was forgiven in May 2006. Wikileaks, leak both ways, see, http://qifanabki.com/2011/09/07/wikileaks-aoun-hizbullah/
My apologies for the wrong dates, but no apologies for the point made, the one FT that you should simply embrace as your own rather than making continuous efforts to refute.

Thumb beiruti 18:51 ,2012 حزيران 12

Meet Dr. Geagea's new spokesperson: Gen. Michel Aoun. Geagea must pay well.

Missing peace 19:25 ,2012 حزيران 12

nice comments beiruti that shows how FT is in denial about his puppet and forgets a lot of facts in his desperate quest to defend him.

Missing peace 20:56 ,2012 حزيران 12

"you dont wanna know where your money went?" = we know: the majority to the syrian treasury...

Thumb beiruti 21:17 ,2012 حزيران 12

Okay, I see, so it was non-existant, well that explains a lot. 1988-1990 never happened. Well FT, I was in Lebanon during that time and yes there was a government, Aoun was the head of it, it collected and spent money, but who knows what happened to it all. Aoun only had two or three of his army buddies allowed to participate in the government. So maybe the Aoun Prime ministership didn't happen either. Amnesia is convenient at times.