إشتباكات في الضاحية الجنوبية بين أفراد من آل المقداد و"عناصر من حزب الله"

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شهدت منطقة الكفاءات في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت عاد اشتباكات مسلحة وتبادلا لاطلاق النار بالأسلحة الرشاشة بين أفراد من آل المقداد و"عناصر من حزب الله".

وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" عن أن الإشتباكات حصلت بعد "توقيف عناصر من الحزب لأشخاص من آل مقداد بعد أن قام بسرقة لإحدى المحلات".

وأشارت القناة إلى أنه "لدى وصول عناصر من الحزب إلى المعمورة بالقرب من سوبر ماركت رمال اندلعت الإشتباكات مع أفراد آل مقداد" مضيفة "بعض عناصر حزب الله يحملون قذائف آربي جي".

وعلمت القناة أن "مسؤولا في حزب الله يدعى أبو هادي تعرض للإعتداء وعناصر من الحزب يحملون قذائف آربي جي".

وكانت قد أفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" وعدة قنوات عن "إطلاق نار بين المريجة والمعمورة بين آل المقداد واشخاص مجهولين".

أما قناة الـ"OTV" فقالت أن الإشتباكات هو بين أفراد من آل المقداد وآخرين من آل زعيتر.

ومساء الثلاثاء صدر عن قيادة الجيش - مديرية التوجيه بيانا قالت فيه أنه "بعد ظهر اليوم وعلى إثر حصول اشكال بين مواطنين في محلة الكفاءات - الحدث، نتيجة خلافات عائلية سابقة، وتطوره الى تبادل اطلاق نار بالاسلحة الحربية الخفيفة، تدخلت قوة من الجيش وفرضت طوقا امنيا حول المنطقة، كما سيرت دوريات مؤللة واقامت حواجز تفتيش في مختلف ارجائها واعادت الوضع الى طبيعته".

وأشارت قيادة الجيش إلى أن وحداتها "تستمر بمداهمة اماكن مطلقي النار وملاحقتهم لتوقيفهم واحالتهم على القضاء المختص".

التعليقات 26
Thumb primesuspect 21:07 ,2012 حزيران 12

Hezbollahi weapons for the defense of the country. INDEED! Perfect illustration of the reason why all weapons must be turned to the army.

Thumb geha 08:02 ,2012 حزيران 13

resorting to the army as a uniting factor would be great if the army acts the way it is supposed to, i.e. take over all weapons outside the state starting from jabal mohsen. as well, the army should act in a manner to defend its citizens, and not be the one shooting at its citizens, i.e. the army should not be shooting at people at check points instead of shooting down the tires of the car if they do not stop.
the army should defend the lebanese people at its borders and not allow the syrians to cconduct raids inside lebanon.
these are crucial mattes that would restore the army's image as a uniting factor.

Thumb thepatriot 13:52 ,2012 حزيران 13

I remember a previous article where FT and mowateh praised hezbollah for their "restrain" LOL

Thumb benzona 16:15 ,2012 حزيران 13

FT is Mowaten. ( schizophrenia )

Thumb beiruti 21:12 ,2012 حزيران 12

Send in the Army!!

Thumb thepatriot 15:22 ,2012 حزيران 13

"the fighting erupted as Hizbullah members arrived in al-Maamoura” adding that “some Hizbullah members were seen carrying rocket-propelled grenade launchers.”

"Hizbullah members arrested members of the al-Moqdad family"

mowateh, are they not supposed to fight israel instead of acting as substitutes of the state with rocket launchers...hehehehe... you should know better ya momo...

Thumb thepatriot 15:24 ,2012 حزيران 13

PS: yeah yeah...at the end of the day hezb is never guilty...saints right? ;)

Thumb beiruti 21:13 ,2012 حزيران 12

Perfect timing to show up how full of BS these M8 dialogue people really are.

Thumb thepatriot 16:19 ,2012 حزيران 13

mowateh... you bore me to death! Dahiyeh man! That seals the deal I'm afraid ;)

Thumb bigsami 16:38 ,2012 حزيران 13

He bores us all to death....him and his alias Candle Thrower. Bunch of losers.

Missing rudy 21:21 ,2012 حزيران 12

Sadly for you, denying the truth doesnt make it any less real. If it looks like a terrorist militia, smells like a terrorist militia, and uses its weapons to create fear, violence and a power imbalance, then it is a terrorist militia.

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 21:54 ,2012 حزيران 12

Karim ,Tonto ,all you have to do is taking a walk though Tarik Saida el 2adime and hear the sounds of your terrorists thugs slaughtering each others .
Been there already ,Sounds like music to my ears.
Yes come on Hizzzi turn el Da7ye into a parking lot again.

Default-user-icon Soothsayer (ضيف) 22:05 ,2012 حزيران 12

Hezbollah are armed to the teeth that they get their RPGs to find a man who robbed a store.
And the Al Qaeda al Hariri Saud clan are armed to the teeth that they're sending the surplus to the Al Qaeda rebels in Syria.

Wow! What a country... no wonder why our complete annihilation is imminent.

Thumb bigsami 22:31 ,2012 حزيران 12

I can't wait to hear from those who support HA and their role as the 'resistance' say about this ongoing abuse/use of illegitimate arms.

Come on FT aka motomouth.....let's hear more brainwashed comments supporting these actions. Oh I forgot....these aggressors (al-Moqdad family) are Israelis dressed as Lebanese and the resistance has come to our rescue! Bunch of tyrants!

Default-user-icon karim_m1 Iove you (ضيف) 23:02 ,2012 حزيران 12

"Army Command on al-Kafaat clash: An army unit imposed a security cordon around the area, staged armored patrols, erected checkpoints and restored normalcy."

karim_m1 is right look at those lying Taliban, Al Qaeda, Wahhabists, Saudi terrorists in Army Command trying to tarnish the reputation of our heroic Iranian Islamic militia!!

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 23:46 ,2012 حزيران 12

Thieves need to be arrested by the police not anyone else.militias need not to get involved.where is the police?how come they cannot go in and arrest these thugs?Hizballah needs to let the police do thier job.how many members is this family? I always here thier name associated with crime.

Thumb beiruti 00:02 ,2012 حزيران 13

And why is Hezbollah executing arrest warrants. That is the job of the State. He who acts in derrogation of the State has no business at some Dialogue professing to promote the State. It shows up the lie.
The Hezbollah does not want to serve the State, it wants the State to serve Hezbollah.

Thumb falanges 00:02 ,2012 حزيران 13

Karim relax over there in dearborn, MI. you are being watched by the CIA and FBI

Missing peace 00:46 ,2012 حزيران 13

i guess then every party in its region can arrest people instead of the police! waw! it only proves one thing : that hezbollah has no respect for the lebanese state and doesn t care about its laws...

Default-user-icon JUSH (ضيف) 01:48 ,2012 حزيران 13

Hezbollah holds Lebanese in the balls(they decide what to do without asking the government...you see it in this case as well)and because of that Lebanon will pay an high price in a future war with Israel(much more then in 2006).

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 05:21 ,2012 حزيران 13

Further is Lebanon thrown into the abyss because of the HA militia. I dont understand why the Army plays a secondary role.

Missing roger@10452 06:38 ,2012 حزيران 13

Look up IMPLOSION in the dictionary!!!

The end is near for all those thugs who claim to be saints and above the law.

Aoun, you better re-examine your MOU with these criminals...

Hassouni, you better start looking for another sugar-daddy...

Missing nickvegas 10:21 ,2012 حزيران 13

we need to feel safe,we live in un normal country that we can't live with out gun shot .enough is enough we are human and we are not able to give more or to shut our mouths to legitimate hezboullah existance.All i need is normal life with out any political complications,my friends think that we have been in war more than 30 years,and its enough to end it and start to build LEBANON.

Thumb LightLeb 13:07 ,2012 حزيران 13

lool come see east L.A. they have Latino Hizballah :P
Not every time there is a gunfight it has to be politicized either it is in Tripoli or in Dahiye :/

Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 14:22 ,2012 حزيران 13

This is nothing to worry about. As Raad said, this is just a picnic.
What Raad ignored, or pretended to ignore, is that the war he is threatening with can also happen among the Shiites themselves.
As long as there are weapons outside the control of the government, "picnic" like this one will continue to occur.
Without weapons, nobody go to war.

Thumb thepatriot 21:22 ,2012 حزيران 13

1- you were the 1st one to quote this article
2- "fear" "exposed" ...really!?! Who do you thik you are?? Assange?? LOL
3- zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......