"القوات اللبنانية" يعلن ترشيح فادي عبدالله كرم لعضوية مجلس النواب عن قضاء الكورة
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب "القوات اللبنانية" ترشيح نقيب أطباء الأسنان سابقا الدكتور فادي عبدالله كرم لعضوية مجلس النواب عن قضاء الكورة بعد وفاة النائب فريد حبيب.
وقال رئيس الحزب سمير جعجع في مؤتمر صحفي عقده في معراب بعد اجتماع الهيئة التنفيذية مساء الأربعاء "قررت الهيئة التنفيذية، وبالإجماع، ترشيح الرفيق النقيب الدكتور فادي عبدالله كرم لخوض الانتخابات الفرعية عن المقعد الذي شغر برحيل رفيقنا فريد حبيب".
وكان قد دعا وزير الداخلية مروان شربل الثلاثاء الهيئات الناخبة في دائرة قضاء الكورة الى انتخاب نائب عن المقعد الارثوذكسي خلفا لحبيب في 15 تموز.
وأشار جعجع إلى أن قرار الترشيح تم "عملاً بأحكام النظام الداخلي للقوات اللبنانية، لا سيما المادة 101 الفقرة الثانية وبعد استشارة رؤساء المراكز الحزبية كافة في منطقة الكورة من قبل الأمين العام للحزب".
ودعا جعجع "القواتيّات والقواتيين، وشعب ثورة الأرز و14 آذار في الكورة ولبنان الى دعم ترشيح رفيقنا فادي كرم لإيصاله الى الندوة النيابية ترجمةً لأحلامهم الجميلة بوطن جميل".
وكرم انتخب نقيباً لاطباء الاسنان في طرابلس، سنة ٢٠٠٥ الى ٢٠٠٨ كما انتخب رئيساً لاتحاد المهن الحرة في لبنان سنة ٢٠٠٨ وهو ناشط في المجتمع المدني في الشمال.
وتوفي حبيب مساء الخميس 31 أيار بعد صراع مع المرض.
وانتخب حبيب عام 2005 نائبا في البرلمان عن أحد المقاعد الأرثوذكسية في دائرة الشمال الثانية، بينما انتخب بعام 2009 نائبًا عن دائرة الكورة.
في 2009 ترشح حبيب تحت إسم "لائحة القرار الكوراني" التي تضم إليه كل من النائب فريد مكاري والنائب نقولا غصن وجميهم ينتمون إلى فريق 14 آذار.
I have slight objection to the name "Lebanese Forces" as it is not befitting the post-war political movement. I have bigger objection to the word "comrade", leave that title to the communists or Nazis. Just an observation from someone who is aligned with their principles.
Mind you (2) this is a literal translation... Perhaps you should consider dissecting the original text.
This person looks okay. But he is not from Koura. We need a man from Koura (better from Kousba-eL koura). Sorry Dr Geagea, we need a better choice for Koura. Think over gain.
when i say far right aspirations i mean ouwwet and kataeb's emulation of nazism and fascism (2 things i support to me and that new followers of LF/kataeb are """"trained to hate"""", which causes a schizophrenic case because u cant be an ouwet/kataeb and abhor nazism/fascism).
if u can see word trained to hate
The questin is: will Aoun dare to oppose him someone, knowing that he will take a beating...?
FT the LF and Kataeb are two mutually exclusive ideologies. Even under Bashir Gemayel he successfully seperated the two. The Kateab was the administration/political headpeice and LF was the armed vehicle. That is why after the death of Bashir LF seperated from Amin gemayel who had tried to amalgamate them under the rule of the Kataeb. This was the birth of the modern day LF who continued to realise Bashir Gemayels philosiphy whilst Amin took his own direction. The ideology is still there, the political landscape has changed. As for the wrong alliance coment, FPM have made the correct alliances i see....
LF and Kataeb are based on the same ideology which is traditional Social democracy (nazism and Fascism) Boutros Gemayel separated the 2 parties and the zones under their occupation to avoid a clash among his 2 boys. when bashir was assassinated Amin indeed tried to take over both parties but the intifada led by Geagea and Hobeika prevented him from doing so. But they are still 2 face of the same Nazi coin
@Kesrweneh, The kataeb and LF share the same ideology that is, Lebanon is a Christian state and must be defended from all outside influences.LF have not wavered from that ideology since, hence their rejection of Amin Gemayel and continued existance as an independent force, or "intifada" as you called it.. I would suggest you don't resort to name calling as you insult not only the memory of the late Bashir Gemayel ( Calling him a nazi is not nice) but the thousands of Christians that lost their lifes defending their homes from outside influences.
ah I wish LF would have someone running in Kesrwen next year, too bad after the Daccach tragedy they never dared to have direct candidates again.
AAnd regarding the LF/Kataeb being Neo-Nazis. It's [perfectly true: when Boutros Gemayel went to the Olympics he had some deep admiration for the steel administration of the Fascist party and he applied it to his own soccer club/ boy scouts that eventually became the Kataeb. even the kataeb Logo "the cedar" isn't one, in fact it's 3 geometrical figures not attached symbolizing the 3 classes of the party. and also the Kataeb salute (holding up 3 fingers) is the same as the Nazi salute. So sorry to disappoint you slash but you are a neo-Nazi.
look at those chatrin kesrweneh and FT posting lots of comments here but zero comments on the planting of mines on lebanese territory or abduction of lebanese by the syrian army...
real pavlovian reflex! they see LF and 3aw 3aw... doing what they reproach others of doing when they comment on orangina the syrian puppet....
we see where their loyalty goes to....
Flame Thrower, Im sorry my friend but you are very wrong about your comments. The lebanese forces have left the war behind long time ago. I don't know how old you are, but because the lebanese forces, represented by Samir Geagea the, signed the Taif accord that ended the war in Lebanon. Because they did, Mr Aoun launched an elimination war against them that killed thousands and thousands more fled the country. We paid the biggest price for piece.
Flame thrower, The lebanese forces were the first group to hand over their weopans to the lebanese army. As for the name Lebanese forces, just read carefully the first part of the name is "Lebanese" and not "syrian" or "Iranian" or "Frensh"....and our logo is the lebanese cedar which we believe we fought to protect. please respect our beliefs if you want us to respect yours. The second part of our name is "forces", which could have a pwerful meaning for peace. We can also be strong in peace, love, and faith in GOD. why don't you see this positive interpretation of it? Finally I want to to tell everyone that piece and respect is very difficult to maintain, while hatred and war are very easy paths to take. Just read all the wholly books they say that, so don't he a hater anymore.
Flame Thrower, my name is actually "Rafic", which means friend. Calling someone "Rafic" has a lot of deep meaning to it and it is a personal choice for people to use it or not. I don't personally use that term because it reminds me of a politacl leftist group in my KOura area that took my fatehrs hat off his head because they said " it has a cedar on it". The called it " arnabita " the cedar, my late father was a police man in Lebanon during the civil war. I hope you can understand where Im coming from for being what I am and choosing the group that had the cedar as their logo to belong to after seeing what that syrian group do to my father as a child. sorry If I said too much
Hey guys. Why are you diverting the discussion. Lebanese forces are very well needed now for Lebanon especially that Chrstians were left with no good leaders. Back to Koura, Dr Fadi Karam is not good enough. Sorry Dr karam. We need a politician from Koura who works for the people of Koura and not outsiders. I hope the good people of Koura will step-up and make the right choice. Sorry Dr Geagea if you loose this time. But people of Koura will not accept somebody to dictate on them what to do. They are not sheep (ghanam) like the people of Dahiye (of Beirut), and they are not cheap to be brain washed.
@ fromjac, i totally agree with you. I wish it would be dr. Mazin Moufarij the LF candidate but Karam was chosen by the LF delegation in Koura under democratic system and was elected democraticly to complete till 2013. Your vote should be based on a program suitable to your purposes and not based on the person. Nadim Gemayel is from Metn and currently representing Achrafieh. Dr. Karam is more Koura best interrest than Salim Saade or Rizk.
Best regards,