تحذير عربي من فتنة لبنانية-فلسطينية وارتفاع حصيلة المواجهات مع الجيش

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تصاعدت المواجهة بين الجيش اللبناني ومجموعات فلسطينية داخل مخيم عين الحلوة ليل الاثنين-الثلاثاء، ما أدى الى سقوط قتيل و11 جريحاً، وفق مصادر فلسطينية.

واقدمت مجموعات فلسطينية من داخل المخيم على مهاجمة مواقع وحواجز للجيش على مداخله، ليلاً، وخصوصاً في الشارع التحتاني، وفق صحيفة "النهار"، واندلعت اشتباكات بين الطرفين أدى الى مقتل الفلسطيني خالد يوسف (البالغ 20 سنة) وجرح 11 آخرين، على ما أفادت المصادر الفلسطينية الصحيفة.

وكانت قد تحركت مسيرة في مخيم عين الحلوة، بعد ظهر الاثنين، اثر مواجهات بين الجيش واهالي من مخيم نهر البلد شمال لبنان، والقى بعض المشاركين في المسيرة حجارة في اتجاه حاجز للجيش على مدخل المخيم.

وقتل فلسطيني وجرح ثمانية بينهم ثلاثة عسكريين لدى تعرض مركز الجيش في موقع صامد بمخيم نهر البارد، الاثنين، لهجوم من مجموعة فلسطينية من داخل المخيم استخدم افرادها زجاجات حارقة وحجارة.

وكان اهالي نهر البارد يشيعون قتيلاً سقط الجمعة ايضاً في مواجهات مع الجيش بعد محاولة عدد من ابناء المخيم اقتحام حاجز الجيش مطالبين باطلاق سراح احد الموقوفين لدى الجيش.

وحصيلة الاشتباكات بين الجيش اللبناني والمجموعات الفلسطينية، الاثنين، هي قتيلان و حوالي 19 جريحاً.

الى ذلك، كشفت مصادر في الجيش لصحيفة "النهار" أن الجيش يتعرض لاستفزازات وثمة فريق يحرض الفلسطينيين على الجيش وهو فريق معروف لدى الجميع.

ولفتت الى إن اتفاقا كان قد تم التوصل اليه مع الفصائل الفلسطينية السبت الفائت، ثم صدرت بيانات من عكار وصيدا وطرابلس صبّت كلها في خانة التحريض على مشكلة مع الجيش وخصوصاً بعدما تم تطويق كل المشاكل التي برزت مع الجيش في الشمال في الفترة الاخيرة، ولكن يبدو ان ثمة اصرارا على افتعال مشكلة والدليل على ذلك انه بعد نهر البارد جرى تحريك عين الحلوة.

واكدت المصادر العسكرية ان الجيش يقوم بدوره في نهر البارد ولا يمكن لاحد الاقتراب من مراكزه.

كما أصدرت قيادة الجيش بياناً الاثنين نبهت فيه "الاخوة الفلسطينيين بأن لا يكونوا ضحية الاستغلال السياسي من هنا وهناك"، موضحة من أن "تحريضهم على الجيش ودفعهم الى مواجهته لا يؤدي الى تنفيذ ما اتفق عليه بين هذه القيادة والفصائل الفلسطينية، لا بل من شأنه ان يلحق اشد الضرر بأمن المخيم ومصلحة ابنائه جميعاً".

من جانب آخر، نقلت صحيفة "الاخبار" عن مصادر مطلعة أن مرجعاً سياسياً لبنانياً كبيراً كشف عن أنه تلقّى تحذيراً من رئيس عربي، يفيد بضرورة "التحسّب لإمكان زج ديموغرافيا اللجوء الفلسطيني في لبنان في فتنة داخلية لنسف التهدئة وإلحاق الساحة اللبنانية باستتباعات ما يحصل على الساحة السورية".

وشدد الرئيس العربي على أن لديه "معلومات موثوقة في هذا الخصوص".

وأردفت الصحيفة، أن المعلومات الواردة من بعض المخيمات الفلسطينية، تكثفت، عن ازدياد حركة وفود عناصر سلفية من جنسيات مختلفة إليها، خصوصاً الى مخيم عين الحلوة ومخيمات أخرى في الشمال وبيروت.

ونقلت الصحيفة خشية المراجع اللبنانية من أن يكون لهذا الحراك علاقة بما يتسرب من معلومات عن أن لبنان سيكون مستهدفاً في المرحلة المنظورة بإشعال فتنة داخلية يجري توريط الفلسطينيين فيها.

وأفادت "الاخبار"، أن عناصر يشتبه في انتمائها الى تنظيم "القاعدة" وصلت حديثاً إلى حي الطوارئ في مخيم عين الحلوة، حيث تخضع، يومياً، في إحدى مدارس هذا الحي لتدريبات عسكرية وندوات تثقيفية تحثّ على الجهاد ضد "العدو القريب"، وهي نظرية تحرض على القتال في الداخل.

وقالت أن مراجع فلسطينية تنصح بضرورة أن يجري التنبه عند معالجة أي إشكال في المخيمات الفلسطينية، إلى وجود جهات تتربص لتوسيع دائرته وجعله حالة دائمة وأخذ تفاعلاته باتجاه يخدم تنفيذ مخططات لا يريدها الفلسطينيون ولا اللبنانيون.

التعليقات 69
Thumb jcamerican 10:03 ,2012 حزيران 19

Most of you concentrated on Hizballah disarming, thinking all your problems would be solved.

Missing peace2012 12:55 ,2012 حزيران 19

What's the point here?

Thumb extramildcake 14:07 ,2012 حزيران 19

The people who can't talk about anything else but the disarmament of Hezbollah are puppets of M14 and the people who can't about anything else but the death of the United States and Israel are puppets of M8.

Which puppet do you want to be today?

Default-user-icon Hans (ضيف) 10:36 ,2012 حزيران 19

Just let the Palestinians go back to there own country and let them fight their own war with the Israelies and their own people. The only thing they want is war, death, and fighting. Discusting.

Missing peace2012 12:55 ,2012 حزيران 19

Yeah yeah yeah,, grow up and get real!

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:21 ,2012 حزيران 19

You are the one that needs to 'grow up and get real', all you ever do is come on and give your useless, false and unwanted comments, don't you have a life? Really, just BLOODY STOP!!

Thumb shab 11:03 ,2012 حزيران 19

One word. Parking lot.

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:15 ,2012 حزيران 19

You are too right Shab, great comment, I like the way you think, I only wish someone in the Government realized this.

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:15 ,2012 حزيران 19

You are too right Shab, great comment, I like the way you think, I only wish someone in the Government realized this.

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:16 ,2012 حزيران 19

You are too right Shab, great comment, I like the way you think, I only wish someone in the Government realized this.

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:16 ,2012 حزيران 19

You are too right Shab, great comment, I like the way you think, I only wish someone in the Government realized this.

Default-user-icon Bint Jbeil (ضيف) 18:43 ,2012 حزيران 19

Shab, we disagree in some points that I've read but I couldn't agree more. Disarm and deport, or flatten the camp and get rid of this problem once and for all.

Missing peace2012 10:13 ,2012 حزيران 20

You2bushni benat Jbeil ana!!lol

Default-user-icon LebExile (ضيف) 23:37 ,2012 حزيران 19

thats two words, agree nonetheless!

Thumb normzz 11:20 ,2012 حزيران 19

God bless the lebanese army

Default-user-icon Sam (ضيف) 12:04 ,2012 حزيران 19

God bless and save our saviour the lebanese army

Missing peace2012 11:48 ,2012 حزيران 20

"Long Live Palestinian People"

Default-user-icon Dzuppa (ضيف) 12:17 ,2012 حزيران 19

Deja vu all over again. falat al mla2 ya chabeb. Kataeb? Ouwet? The Palestinians have a free hand once again. Are you going to call the US or the UN for help? See what you should do before you, once again, spread the red carpet for the Syrians to the rescue.

Default-user-icon Nicola ABUAMMAR (ضيف) 12:35 ,2012 حزيران 19

'Hit them and hit them hard and mercilessly' Well said the1phoenix..

Missing youssefhaddad 12:39 ,2012 حزيران 19

The decision to ignite a palestinian lebanese conflict was made in Syria between Assad and Ahmad Jebril. It is one of the few left maneuvres available to Assad , after the Tripoli events, to drag the lebanese Sunnis into a sectarian conflict. Hopefully the Lebanese are now wiser than 1970.
This shows that the refugee camps remain a dangerous threat to stability and that their inhumane conditions will keep providing great numbers of desperate youth who could be easily exploited and drafted for inciting trouble.
A humanitarian solution should be planned to end the miserable conditions in the camps. It should include allowing a work migration to the rich Arab states followed by a complete assimilation of the refugees and their families in these countries. This process should be able to progressively empty the camps of shame and relieve the pressure of having 440,000 refugees in a small country of 4000000 like lebanon.

Default-user-icon Palestine (ضيف) 12:53 ,2012 حزيران 19

what kind of ignorants are you lebanese people??? do u ignore the fact that the war in 2007... caused by fateh el islam had nothing to do with palestinians?? we allowed the army to hit them and do the needed action to maintain peace... and did u ppl forget when beirut was under seige by the israely army?? palestinian maintained there positions and defended beirut... stop being ignorant hatred ppl and come to think of it... financially... palestinians are doing u a big favor... so whoever thiks of replying... have some manners... and be realistic!!

Default-user-icon Bint Jbeil (ضيف) 18:48 ,2012 حزيران 19

Really? Are you living in la la land? You people were never welcome, you and your phony resistance used my village in South Lebanon as a shield to launch your phony war on Israel and we paid the price. Resisting Israel? You were the reason they came in the first place. Take your people and get out of Lebanon, you were never welcome and never will be and if we ever let loose, rest assured not one Palestinian will remain on our land. Disarm and leave our country but leave by boat, dont think you're going through the southern border because we've been waiting to collect from you criminals since the 1970's so you will not be allowed safe passage. Leave our country.

Missing peace2012 11:22 ,2012 حزيران 20

Hassan Nasralla is so right when he refuses to disarm Hizbullah because he is so sure that people like you will be sitting on the knees of the israeli soldiers and spoonfeeding them with honey and cream! again, such a racist and fascist ***** you are! burn in hell! "Long Live Palestinian People"

Thumb joesikemrex 02:54 ,2012 حزيران 20

Good joke. a thorn in our back. If you followed the law and lived in peace, our comments would be different. We have not forgotten nor will forgive you're actions in Lebanon.

Thumb falanges 08:12 ,2012 حزيران 20

go back to "your" country and fight. you follow the dollar as you sold your land, nothing but cheap people with no dignity

Default-user-icon peace2012 (ضيف) 10:07 ,2012 حزيران 20

If there is anyone who sold his country, I think the Lebansese people beat any other nation with this compition! With Israel, the number of traitors is still unknown due to its large size, with the syrians, don't mention it and with PLO many thousands, but at least those who worked with the PLO although they had benefited financially, they worked for the most just matter in the world! they should be proud and honoured. And when you talk about degnity, look around you before you point a fingure at the most dignified and pround nation on the entire globe!Ask the old and decent lebanese people and they will tell you the truth about the palestinians!

Missing peace2012 11:08 ,2012 حزيران 20

You are talking about dignity? Palestinians are the most, I repeat, the most dignified people on the entire globeyou piece of shit! dare you say such a thing about the palestinians! The people of honour and pride!

By the way,talking about dignity; go and see your lebanese army dinking tea with the israeli soldiers!the soldiers who made massacres in the south of lebanon! or may be you don't care about the south of Lebanon!

Missing peace2012 12:54 ,2012 حزيران 19

In your dreams!!

Thumb Marouni 16:38 ,2012 حزيران 19

toi ferme ta guelle vraiment t'es un grand connard. Qu'est ce qui va pas dans ta tête ? Oublie ces palestiniens ce sont seulement des infideles.

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:39 ,2012 حزيران 19

Why is your name 'peace2012' if all you do is instigate violence? Idiot.

Thumb joesikemrex 02:50 ,2012 حزيران 20

Too bad rock throwing is not an Olympic sport

Default-user-icon ehmm (ضيف) 12:59 ,2012 حزيران 19

again... fools... remember the following... we proteted beirut against the israeli army... where was the leb army? loool... when u all ran away... lebanon was almost totally taken by israel if not for palestinian u idiots... plus... financially... we do u a big favour... and if u dont know that... do something usefull and research it and get ur facts right... ignorant bunch of ppl...

Thumb falanges 08:15 ,2012 حزيران 20

shut up rock thrower. enter the Olympics for shot-put you might win

Thumb Abubakr 13:13 ,2012 حزيران 19

The Lebanese Zionist Army is the biggest traitor and the main reason for civil unrest..I hope its leadership would be destroyed..Lebanese armies main function is to opress the Ahlu Sunnah ..not fighting israel..not fighting drug dealers all over bekaa. they are just there to fight the faithfull muslims..who want to restore Islam..

Thumb lebneneh 14:29 ,2012 حزيران 19

rastafarian you are either fake or just plain stupid.

Thumb jabal10452 15:01 ,2012 حزيران 19

wlek shou hal rastafarian enta. Leik would you share a splif? it might make me see the light that you so obviously see...

Thumb Chupachups 15:43 ,2012 حزيران 19

lek rou777 kelak chi mowzeh

Thumb Marouni 16:40 ,2012 حزيران 19

toi ta guelle !!

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:12 ,2012 حزيران 19

What the hell are you talking about??!! Are you just trying to irritate us or are you just plain STUPID?!

Thumb lebneneh 13:15 ,2012 حزيران 19

You sound like you read history because but like you never learned from them.

Thumb lebneneh 13:17 ,2012 حزيران 19

he got of the militias not the people...more than half of Jordanians are Palestinians. It's about time we Lebanese get rid of our fascist (kill them all) ideologies and way of thinking.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:15 ,2012 حزيران 19

the lebanese army will not fall in the trap of bashar,ahmad jibril is his last card,ahl el sunna el wahaby and ahlu el shia el farsi will die in their anger and go where they belong.
the lebanese sunna are not wahhabies
the lebanese shia are not farsis
that's why lebanon will prevail

Default-user-icon Hitler (ضيف) 14:56 ,2012 حزيران 19

please fire up the entire camp

Thumb J_Sarkis 18:24 ,2012 حزيران 19

Great thinking, now if we could just get someone in the Army to do it, we'll be sorted.

Missing peace2012 10:19 ,2012 حزيران 20

3anjad enta Hitler! If anyone tries to fire the up any of the camps, his hands will mashed before he even lights the fire! Do you dare to try? try it if you are a real man!

Default-user-icon hitler (ضيف) 14:58 ,2012 حزيران 19

I sure hope the LEbanese Army puts the entire camp on file

Missing feekahraba 01:26 ,2012 حزيران 20

I think they put on last years file Mr. Adolf.

Missing mansour 15:34 ,2012 حزيران 19

the more of these grubby Palestainans see the bottom of the ground or ocean the bettter...And for anyone that supports these grubs who are GUESTS inside of lebanon i hope u all join em as well!Long Live The Syrian Civil war.

Thumb Chupachups 15:44 ,2012 حزيران 19

i know, they are guests and expect to attack the army and nothing will happen?.. i hope they attack one more time so the army goes HARD!

Missing peace2012 11:43 ,2012 حزيران 20

How hard? ya mama.. we are so scared... oi oi oi...who? Tony and Johnny.. ya mama! ha ha... come on babe.. let me see what you can do! pull your sleeves up!

Default-user-icon Bint Jbeil (ضيف) 18:45 ,2012 حزيران 19

Agreed with everything but what's with the "long live the syrian civil war"? You're basically for the death and destruction of innocent people? I don't care who you support or which side you support, your lack of humanity or just stupidity in saying something like that is a shame.

Thumb Abubakr 15:36 ,2012 حزيران 19

All the facts point to that ...Marja3youn tea party ..sheikh abdul wa7eds death..the imprisonment of many innocent Islamists..cooperating with hezbollah against other Lebanese sects..giving immunity to drug dealer and car robbers of bekaa..military camping training of 7araket amal and hezbullah..shu ba3d badkon..

Thumb Abubakr 15:53 ,2012 حزيران 19

The hole state is flawed ...the west attacked us with a philosophical attack..they used an epistimology that knowledge only comes from exterior observation and rational inquiry..and took us to materialism ..that there is no reality beyond material reality ,, then they applied to a political form, and so out of philosophical materialism emerges a new political philosophy , since there is no reality beyond material , we can no longer recognize Allah sovereignty and had to relocate to the state ..the people are now sovereign,, and the authority of the state is supreme ..and the state now makes law and its law is the highest law ..that is a EUROPEAN CREATION did not come out of Arab culture ..recognizing a state is associating another a partner with ALLah...When they declared that soverignty belongs to them not to Allah that was SHIRK it was shirk for the Pharoah..IT IS SHIRK FOR THE GOVT ..salam

Missing peace 16:44 ,2012 حزيران 19

i guess your prophet is king selassie from ethiopia isn t it? and you smoke a lot to try and reach Jah since you called yourself rastafarian...

Thumb lebneneh 16:49 ,2012 حزيران 19

Habibi this is not a forum for philosophy. Your copy pasted text is so week and it's soo obvious that you are trying to instigate something here.

Missing feekahraba 01:30 ,2012 حزيران 20

Wow, I think you need a new batch of ganja.

Default-user-icon Davyo (ضيف) 16:47 ,2012 حزيران 19

The real problem is not with the Palestinians. They are idiots just like the Lebanese for being the tools that were used in the past and continue to present their services while executing themselves in the process. The real problem is with the filthy Arab potentates, their Western friends and, of course, the Israelis behind them. YOU IDIOTS HAVE NOT LEARNED ANYTHING. WAKE UP ALREADY, IDIOTS. But hatred is king. IDIOTS.

Missing peace2012 10:45 ,2012 حزيران 20

Valid point Davyo!

Thumb normzz 16:01 ,2012 حزيران 21

Davyo (Guest 100%

Thumb Abubakr 17:22 ,2012 حزيران 19

if this is ur answer you shouldve just shut up from the first comment w waffir kb

Missing peace 17:57 ,2012 حزيران 19

i guess your prophet is king selassie from ethiopia isn t it? and you smoke a lot to try and reach Jah since you called yourself rastafarian...

Thumb Abubakr 17:25 ,2012 حزيران 19


Default-user-icon Ridiculousness (ضيف) 19:10 ,2012 حزيران 19

Woah fellas slow down your flow! Our incompetent leaders will need someone to rule over after most of the Lebanese have immigrated to real countries that respect civil liberties and enforce the rule of law.

For the most part, it seems that all those who commented support collecting all arms that aren't under the control of the state, yet the politicians don't enforce the will of the people. What kind of a democracy is this?

Missing allouchi 20:39 ,2012 حزيران 19

rastafarian, why are you attacking everyone here? we are talking politics and not religion and why are you trying to enforce your personal believes on everyone? Please stick to the subject @ hand and join appropriate religious site for religious debates..Salaam.

Thumb Abubakr 21:38 ,2012 حزيران 19

i didnt attack any1 i put my personal opinion every1 started hating ..who ever attacked should mined his own business

Thumb Abubakr 21:39 ,2012 حزيران 19

Religion is politics.

Thumb joesikemrex 02:49 ,2012 حزيران 20

yes, get rid of them.

Missing peace2012 10:15 ,2012 حزيران 20

Peace is the peace of the brave people J-Sarkis! this is peace according to my dictionary!

Thumb normzz 16:01 ,2012 حزيران 21

God help us !