جنبلاط: "التيار الوطني الحر" يعطل الكهرباء وليتحمل باسيل مسؤوليته

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رأى رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط أن "هناك جهة سياسية في الحكومة تعطل الكهرباء، هي "التيار الوطني الحر" الذي لا يريد الاستفادة من الصناديق العربية، ولا يريد إعطاء دور للقطاع الخاص".

وحمل جنبلاط في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" الخميس "التيار" "المسؤولية المباشرة عن هذا الواقع المزري الذي وصلت إليه الكهرباء".

وأضاف: "كفى تمويها وعبثا، وليتحمل صهر التيار الـ"داماد" مسؤوليته"، ("داماد" كلمة تركية تعني صهر السلطان).

ويشهد لبنان منذ أيام حركة احتجاجية واسعة على الانقطاع الكهربائي المتمادي وزيادة ساعات التقنين، تمثلت بقطع الطرق في مختلف المناطق بالإطارات المشتعلة والتهديد بالتصعيد.

تجدر الإشارة إلى أن لبنان بنتظار وصول بواخر الكهرباء التركية التي وافق عليها مجلس الوزراء في شهر آب المقبل.

في المقابل، قالت مصادر في "الأكثرية" لـ"السفير" إن بعض ما يجري في الشارع بشأن الكهرباء يدعو الى الارتياب، لا سيما بعد ورود معلومات حول دخول أجهزة معينة على خط اللعب بنار الإطارات المشتعلة.

وكان قد نقل النواب بعد "لقاء الاربعاء" الاسبوعي عن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، استياءه وانزعاجه الشديدين مما آلت أوضاع الكهرباء، مؤكدا أنه "لم يعد مقبولا السكوت عن هذا الوضع الذي هو من مسؤولية الجميع".

وشدد على أنه "في جلسة مجلس الوزراء المقبلة في 27 من الجاري، لا بد من اتخاذ اجراءات حاسمة في هذا الشأن".

التعليقات 36
Default-user-icon Drooby (ضيف) 09:30 ,2012 حزيران 21

So, hopeless hopefuls, I bet once again you are saying to yourselves that this embodiment of filth is going to switch camps. Flip. Flop. Maybe not? But you would welcome scum anytime because scum helps scum prevail. And as you know, scum thinks it is a beauty queens and everyone unlike it is ugly. This country is going to need a thorough and deep cleansing, believe me.

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 10:09 ,2012 حزيران 21

even yourself mr joumblat said lately it was our mistake that we fired the late georges frem
so mr joumblat if someone is responsible for this crisis is you and the head of the goverment you were a minister in
this statement shows mr joumblat that all of you are starting the campain for elections with bancropty in ideas so you resort to the kahraba issue hoping the people will believe you

Thumb habib 10:37 ,2012 حزيران 21

Bassil lanba ma7ro2a gayrowa wray7una

Thumb habib 10:40 ,2012 حزيران 21

Bassil srej bala ftili wbala kaz wkif bedo yedwi

Thumb thepatriot 10:44 ,2012 حزيران 21

Who has been in charge of the ministry of Electricity and water for the past 12 years? Hmaydeh (Amal), Sehnaoui (FPM),Yammine (Frangieh), Fneich (Hezb), Tabourian (FPM) Bassil (FPM)....yeah...ALL M8! ;)

Default-user-icon Pas Im-Bassil (ضيف) 11:26 ,2012 حزيران 21

When your MW (megawatt) of gas generated electricity costs as much as a MW of wind turbine electricity logically the difference is going into someone's pocket, right? Oh, and that is not to mention the illegal bidding process for the power ships, where a contract is stripped away from a winning contractor and awarded to a new comer that appeared after the bid was over...FYI it is Mikati and Jumblatt that obstructed Bassil's transparent and "reformful" projects.

Thumb thepatriot 12:32 ,2012 حزيران 21

Mmmmm...naaah... I don't think so rudes, I have posted several times links about audits performed by a french company on the EDL, and the conclusions. 30% of the electricity produced is not billed, and 20% not collected. How do you expect things to work this way? How do you expect private companies to be interested in investing in this sector knowing that they will not be able to collect almost 50% of the money owed. Now, your argument about 30 years of obstruction is incorrect. Who obstructed to reforms ? Fneich for example never signed the project of rehabilitation that remained in his drawer for months...why? Bassil was blocked (even by his allies) and when he came to his senses,and accepted some amendments, he was not opposed anymore...
FT, you're sooo clever... "he thinks projects are made by magic, as soon as parliament approves them. no money needed at all" ...so that works for m8 but not for m14 huh?? LOL

Thumb habib 10:50 ,2012 حزيران 21

Sho dakhelko bassil ken modir ta ye2dar eydir wazaret taqa taqto lall edara ma3rofi edaysh wala bi 3omro dar moasase sho terikho hadan yeshra7li bi ayya shariki ken naeb modir aw modir Shi kesem bi ayya shariki bassil feshel bi dawertayen bel entikhabet wmab3omro la7 bi shofa la niyebe

Thumb thepatriot 15:49 ,2012 حزيران 21

Aaaakh... FT ya FT......because Berri did not loot :) and neither did Lahoud :) nor Bassil :) hehehe...

BTW, I sense a strong frustration through your language... crap, idiot, moron, etc...you revert to insults so easily.... compléxé FT? :)

Default-user-icon Raho Fratta (ضيف) 10:51 ,2012 حزيران 21

Ouuuu! The embodiment of filth scares the FPM! Ouuuu! The thief and collaborator with every enemy of Lebanon scares the FPM! Ouuuuu! The feudal warlord scum bag murderer scares the FPM! Ouuuu!

Thumb geha 10:51 ,2012 حزيران 21

it is all about stealing more money, wether through generators, fuel selling, or executing projects.
this is a cash cow for m8 which they kepp going to fill their pockets.

Thumb habib 10:59 ,2012 حزيران 21

Geha akidi aoun bedo Yegni la sehro men amwal sha3eb metel magtana howi

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 12:34 ,2012 حزيران 21

Ma 7ada 2a3ma addak ya FT ... Bassil now owns more than 10 buildings in Rabieh ... several properties (Land & Houses) in Batroun ... I know you wont beleive me and will ask for proof ... just do a visit to Batroun and check with any real estate agent and they will confirm ... if you do not beleive them go to the baladiyeh and ask for records ... if you do not believe them khbot rasak bel 7eit

Thumb liefighter 13:47 ,2012 حزيران 21

Maskin badna na3mellou lammeh

Default-user-icon 3aw 3aw (ضيف) 22:59 ,2012 حزيران 21

Hahahaha 3aw 3aw mista2jir bil rabieh but owns a tv station... hahahaha how much more stupid could this guy get??? hahhahahaha

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 11:55 ,2012 حزيران 21

Mr joumblat , you said it was a mistake we fired the late georges frem and his plan for electricity was the best one and if it was applied then we would have excess electricity now
so who is to blame ya beik
btw how yyou are a beik and socialist ?

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 12:39 ,2012 حزيران 21

comment if they are descent should not be banned if yes mr administrator this is considered undemocratic and against freedom of expression and your system will be worse than the arab dictatorship

Thumb lebneneh 13:18 ,2012 حزيران 21

Guys if you read your comments objectively you'll be disgusted...all you do is attack each other's "leaders". No one is willing to accept blame not even partial blame...The past governments have responsibility and the current government is partially responsible but in the end I don't give a shit...I want the electricity back!

Thumb liefighter 13:42 ,2012 حزيران 21

walla 5awaftna

Thumb lebneneh 14:26 ,2012 حزيران 21

L7i2it wou 7keet illak shee illo ma3nna

Missing abulkook 21:28 ,2012 حزيران 21

I think the so called lebnani is in the middle of your amazing lag so don't bother answering his Cretaceous mind

Missing abulkook 21:28 ,2012 حزيران 21

I meant flag :)

Default-user-icon guest4ever (ضيف) 14:15 ,2012 حزيران 21

el weylou le oumatin kana Joubranaha Khalil Wsar Joubranaha Bassillll..

Default-user-icon Gouwava (ضيف) 15:19 ,2012 حزيران 21

khaffef mashroub wkhod 7emmem may berdeh

Thumb lebnanfirst 22:05 ,2012 حزيران 21

@ guest4ever: Forget the negative comments, that was a very clever statement. Kudos!

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 15:00 ,2012 حزيران 21

I think FT is schizo! sometimes he sounds like a moderate and very well mannered indivdual and others he is outright idiotic and insulting in his comments. Last week I could not but agree with most of his comments on reform and building for the future, but this week I think he forgot his meds and the M8 virus hit him back ... I just hope the M14 virus does not affect him as well or else we will have another undecided Jumblat on our hands.

As the phoenix rightyfuly said ... M8 & M14 tizeyn be fard lbeis .. I just hope more Lebanese would wake up and realize this.

Thumb lebnanfirst 21:57 ,2012 حزيران 21

@ Halaktouna: A very apt description, yup, that is FT for you.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 16:52 ,2012 حزيران 21

yes ya beik,without any hate,FMP is responsible for the energy crisis, but u are responsible for the whole govmt,u have to correct ur mistake b4 u are eliminated.

Thumb liefighter 19:46 ,2012 حزيران 21

In Nigeria power comes only for 1 hour a day, In the whole Africa and some third world , no networks and no power, I don't see why we should be better if Aouuu continue his miserable existing ,Sorry for the pessimism

Default-user-icon fever (ضيف) 20:27 ,2012 حزيران 21

CATFIGHT!! Pass the popcorn.

Default-user-icon Attasso (ضيف) 21:14 ,2012 حزيران 21

I'd rather be the son-in-law of anyone anytime than a floor mat a-la-Jumblat for all of the enemies of Lebanon from which he gathered not only shoe dust and whatever stuck to the soles, but also hefty droppings of gold and silver. Being low suits the likes of Jumblat, and this is where he shall stay.

Missing abulkook 21:32 ,2012 حزيران 21

It's all the fault of one guy...!? The rest are saints and we are sheep.... All we do is react instead being proactive and patriotic by removing all the jackasses in power from all sides of the barn

Default-user-icon Wassim (ضيف) 21:36 ,2012 حزيران 21

I know jebran as I am related to him.
He did not have capital to start a minimarket back in 1998.
FT, ur an ignorant. You know dozens of people under 30 who became rich from real estate, as you put it. Any real estate project requires 800k$ baxk in the days as a start and believe me Bassil did not have it. Plus regardless he is the son in Law of a wacko who put 3 relatives in the ministries and opposes el siyasiye el wirassiye! Wake up

Missing abulkook 21:38 ,2012 حزيران 21

Much as I do not like the LF and nor Hizb and nor FPM and nor and nor and nor... Must say Bashir was a great guy when he broke the status quo... But again the past won't help

Thumb Abubakr 01:48 ,2012 حزيران 22

Flame thrower , i would have liked to debate with you , but ur an arrogant f like your orange master..sick people !.. go treat your self..shaklak 3andak marad el 3azameh..u keep calling names..all these names go back to you and the household that raised you !

Default-user-icon Disgust (ضيف) 08:12 ,2012 حزيران 22

FT, you are full of crap. really. there was never a pure M14 government to pass the laws and mouwezane and what not. in fact if any plan or action was on the table, your precious M8 threaten to resign. (which they eventually did, and from that point onwards we know what happened...)
now that "your" M8 party is the govermenent why cant you take any decision and pass the laws? if you were "trasparent" why didnt you get aproval for imbecile's projects?
you are really sheep.