عون: لقانون انتخابي يصهر اللبنانيين وطنيا وليس طائفيا ويعتمد النسبية
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أبدى رئيس تكتل التغيير النائب ميشال عون تأييده "لقانون انتخابي جديد يصهر اللبنانيين جميعا في سبيل الاتجاه لإلغاء الطائفية عبر قانون تمثيلي يعتمد النسبية.
وقال عون في اطار زيارته لزحلة التي بدأت أمس الجمعة: "لقانون انتخابي جديد يصهر اللبنانيين جميعا في سبيل الاتجاه لإلغاء الطائفية عبر قانون تمثيلي يعتمد النسبية في دائرة انتخابية واحدة ولائحة واحدة على صعيد كل لبنان، مما يجعل الصراع السياسي يتجه وطنيا وليس طائفيا".
ورأى أن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي هو "العراب لكل الصناديق والمجالس والمؤسسات الرديفة للدولة، والدوائر والقرار المالي مرتبطين به"، مبديا تخوفه من "ترسخ العادة لدى الشعب اللبناني تجاه ثقافة الفساد، اذ اصبح لا يهتز ولا يبدي اية ردود فعل تجاه الآفة المتأصلة".
وتساءل: "لماذا السكوت عن 6 مليارات ذهبت سرقة وهدرا، ولا نرى وسائل الاعلام تهتم وتبرر ولو بـ"مانشيت" عن مصير هذه الاموال"، معتبرا أن "وسائل الاعلام تغطي هذه الامور بالقشور والمظاهر السطحية ولا تكشف عن هذه السلبيات الكبيرة في الهدر والسرقة".
كما تناول موضوع الحوار والسياسة الدفاعية وسلاح المقاومة.
وكان عون قد صرح أمس الجمعة " أن البدائل في سوريا لا تؤمن بالديمقراطية"، موضحا أن "الوعود التي يطلقونها الان لا تكون صحيحة عند إستلامهم الحكم"، داعيا في الوقت عينه اللبنانيين الى الوحدة الوطنية.
وقال: "الشيء الأهم هو المشاركة في الافكار والوحدة الوطنية، ووحدة القيم المشتركة التي سنحافظ عليها."

The only form of proportional representation that would be fair for the Christian voters is if it were based on small voting districts. The Shiites on the other hand want the whole country a single electoral district where they can overwhelm everyone else by controlling, through brute force, the lists in their own geographical areas while, at the same time, tilting all the others in their and their allies favor.

ma byekfe enta w sehrak sahren l dene kela ba3d na2es tesherna kamen shu ma bteshba3

I agree that everyone needs to be represented in an equal manner and let the game of alliances do the rest. We have 17 sects, 10 seats for each = 170 deputees.

Screw proportional representation. We want the feudal warlords and mafiosos because we are dumb and like to continue to live under their soles. No warlords and no mafiosos, no peace.

Sorry for the expression, but Aoun is the dick Hizbollah uses to screw Christians, moderate Sunnis, democracy and freedom so all what remains of Lebanon is a mixture of Basij and Salafis taking Lebanon to the dark ages of religious tyranny, economic misery, and intellectual sterility.

Any Christian who wants Hariri and Jumblat to elect his MPs should stand against proportionality, and I am sure will get $100 for his soul!!!

How many hundreds of thousands of Iranian cash did hassan give the cowardly general for his post Doha meeting FPM billboard campaign up and down the coast boasting the great 1960 election law claiming "we gave the Christians their rights back". But I give you this Aoun could not sell his soul for cash how could he when he came unequipped with a soul, he can sell his brain or heart either for the same reason.

How's Gabby? Is ASSad still in power? I thought he was finished 6379 times since 2005! Or maybe his is!

What about laics or those whom don't believe in God? Don't they get the right to be represented as well? What about the jews? This is typical Aoun nonesense.

Proportional representation is an essential element that would change the status qua in Lebanon. I'm Proportional representation law everybody would be represented according to their size on the ground...no more bullshit! So I don't understand why anyone would be against it. The weapons of Hizb are there (unfortunately) whichever law is implemented whether proportional or not so what's the point of your argument?

I agree with you Aoun changes his colors according to his own interests just like all the politicians in Lebanon but why are you against proportional representation

the problem is not the electoral laws, rather it is the presence of weapons and money that can buy the votes.
there will be no democracy as long as those two factors are involved in any election.