إشكال عائلي تطور الى اطلاق نار في برج البراجنة شارك فيه فلسطينيون
Read this story in Englishحصل إشكالا بين عائلتي جعفر والديراني وآخرين فلسطينيين في برج البراجنة في الضاحية الجنوبية في بيروت، تطور الى إطلاق نار لم يسفر عم أي إصابات.
وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن إشكال فردي حصل بين أشخاص من عائلتي جعفر والديراني وآخرين فلسطسنيين في برج البراجنة".
وتزامن الحادث مع اليوم الاول من الخطة الامينة التي أطلقها وزير الداخلية مروان شربل اليوم الأربعاء من المشرفية، و سبق ذلك أحداث أمنية أخرى تمثلت بقطع طريق المطار بالإطارات المشتعلة وطريق السبيرز إحتجاجا على توقيف المعتدي على مبنى قناة "الجديد" وسام علاء الدين.
وكانت مجموعة من موقوفي سجن رومية أقدمت على القيام بأعمل شغب داخل قاعة محكمة الجنايات في بعبدا أثناء محاكمتهم، ما دفع بالاهالي والقضاة الى الخروج من القاعة.
وقال شربل من المشرفية: "لا غطاء سياسي لأحد وما يحصل هو امتحان للسياسيين لمعرفة اذا كانوا سيعطون الغطاء السياسي لأحد"، لافتاً الى أن "المواطن لا اشكال لديه بوجود الامن ونتمنى ان يتمتع هذا الشهر بحالة أمنية ممتازة".
Palestinians are the most powerful weapon in Lebanon against the Hezbollahi-Syro-Iranian hegemony. Unlike the Shias, those Palestinians are exiled victims against their will. The day Hezbollah gives its arsenal to the Army is also the day the Palestinians will surrender their weapons unconditionally. That's why it must happen quickly for the sake of EVERYBODY.
Amazing-- never heard such a wild interpretation on my life. Did you forget the Palestinians were the catalyst for the Israeli invasion? The civil war? Unlike the Shiia's? The Shiia's is a broad generalization, and as a Shiite from the south of Lebanon, we have nothing to do with what Shias from the Bekka area do when they steal cars, commit crimes, and deal drugs. Palestinians are a disgrace on this land and presumably you and your forefathers are probably the so-called Arabists who supported the Palestinians due to your common religion. I'm not sectarian, but Palestinians are a disgrace on Lebanon.
Are denying that Palestinians are literally living in precarious conditions and that's it's against their will? Even though I've only heard of Christian or Sunni Palestinians at the very least they are Arabs and Canaanites like us. They don't take their money from Persia... Well, not the ones in Lebanon. Although, you may have noticed that Ismail Haniye collaborates with the wilayat al fakin, which isn't in the interest of his people, but that he'll only learn his lesson later, when it'll be too late.
the Palestinians are refugees hosted by Lebanon - they have no right to carry weapons, nor should they. They also have no right to attack Isreal/liberate Palestine from Lebanese territory.
All camps should be disarmed, the Cairo accords should be abrogated, and the Lebanese security forces should enter all camps and restore order for them as well as be in control of security of the camps. The current arrangement is a ticking time bomb!
They will never go back to west bank and gaza. Forget it. We are stuck with them. Israel will not have them. And Yasser Arafat burned all his chances for a honorable peace deal. The best thing for them is to ship them off to qatar or saudi. these are countries that can absorb them. They are rich. They are sunni. They need people. Take them, and stop hiring indians.