فعاليات صيدا تدعو الى فتح الطرقات والشيخ الاسير يرد: لن نفتح الطريق ولو اجتمع مجلس الامن

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عقد اجتماع ظهر الجمعة لفعاليات صيدا، طالبت فيه فتح الطرقات امام جميع المواطنين في جميع المناطق اللبنانية، في حين رد إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الاسير، مشدداص على انه لن يوقف اعتصامه ولن يفتح الطريق حتى ولو "اجتمع مجلس الامن".

واثر انتهاء الاجتماع، دعا رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة الى فتح كل الطرق في مدينة صيدا امام جميع المواطنين والعابرين، متمنياً ان يحذو حذو هذا الموقف جميع اللبنانيين في كل مكان في لبنان وليس فقط كما يروج الآن على طريق مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي.

وقال "يجب التوقف عن هذا التصرف لما يسببه من مشاكل وهو لا يؤدي لاي حل ولا يحقق اي مطلب سياسي او معيشي"، مشدداً "نتمسك بالاسلوب الديمقراطي وسنظل ملتزمين بذلك ولن ننجر الى ممارسة ما يمارسه البعض من حملة السلاح والمتطاولين على الدولة".

وأردف السنيورة، قائلاً "نحترم رأي من اعلن الاعتصام في صيدا ونحترم الاهداف التي أعلنها لكننا نكرر موقفنا وهو أن حرية المواطن تقف عند حدود حرية غيره أي نمارس حريتنا بالتعبير عن رأينا دون قطع الطريق على الآخرين".

وأكد ان "اعداء لبنان لهم مصلحة بافتعال المشكلات فهل نتجاوب معهم ونكون اداة طيعة بأيديهم؟ هذا امر غير مقبول"، مشدداً "فليكن واضحاً أن التعبير عن الرأي والموقف مسألة طبيعية ونطالب بممارستها حتى لو كان اصحابها على غير موقفها ونحن ملتزمون باحترام الرأي الآخر وننبه الى ان قطع الطريق مسألة تتخطى التعبير عن الموقف وتمس بأمن جميع المواطنين".

بدوره أكد مفتي صيدا والجنوب الشيخ سليم سوسان، اننا "لن نقبل ان تكون صيدا عرضة للتجاذب".

وقال "في صيدا لا مكان للتخوين واريد ان اسمع صدى لاصواتنا في ضواحي صيدا لاننا حرصاء على كل الجوار كحرصنا على صيدا".

ورد الشيخ الاسير، معلناً ومؤكداً أن "طريق صيدا لن تُفتح ولو اجتمع مجلس الأمن"، واعتبر ان ما يقوله الرئيس فؤاد السنيورة يمثله وحده ولا يمثل الصيداويين الاحرار".

وحذر من "ان اي اعتداء علينا هو اعتداء من حزب المقاومة ونحمل فؤاد السنيورة المسؤولية لانه اعطاهم الضوء الاخضر".

وأكد الاسير ان ليس هناك من فتنة شيعية سنية، وقال "هذا تهويل علينا لان هناك سلاحا اقوى من سلاح الدولة ومهيمن على الدولة. كيف تكون الفتنة بين اشخاص عزل واشخاص لديهم سلاح اقوى من سلاح الدولة. ورأى ان الجمهورية اللبنانية هي رهينة السلاح المهيمن عليها".

وقال "اعتذر منك يا رئيس الجمهورية واعتذر منك يا قائد الجيش والاجهزة الامنية كافة"، مؤكداً ان الاعتصام لن يتوقف الا اذا اقنعنا أحد ان حزب المقاومة و"أمل" قبلوا بمساع جدية لمعالجة قضية السلاح خارج الدولة".

وكان قد أكد الأسير أن الاعتصام في صيدا هو الخطوة الأولى "وفي حال لم نشهد أي عمليات جديّة وفعلية لمعالجة كل السلاح خارج الدولة بدءا من "سلاح حزب الله" فنحن ذاهبون الى التصعيد".

وعمدت مجموعات من انصار الشيخ الأسير مساء الأربعاء على قطع الطريق الرئيسي عند المدخل الشمالي لمدينة صيدا، عند مثلث جامع أبو بهاء الدين الحريري.

التعليقات 54
Thumb phoenician 13:01 ,2012 حزيران 29

Disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet you are calling for the state to be respected and the rule of law,why dont you lead by example Sir.

Missing ulpianus 13:01 ,2012 حزيران 29

The Salafi/wahabi movement see their chance now to gain popularity amongst traditionally mainly Hanafi Sunnis of Lebanon.

I hope the Lebanese wont fall into this trap as replacing something bad ( hezb hegemony) with another bad ( Salafi/ wahabi hegemony)is not the way to go.

The Salafi movement do not speak for the population of Sidon.

If Hezb was a truely Lebanese movement, they should see that their arms are now creating dangerous things for Lebanon. Go to the tables and agree on arms free Lebanon. Integrate your arms into the Lebanese armies.

Thumb AngryLeb 13:03 ,2012 حزيران 29

Well said , throw him in jail and rape him there, na3em machekel , khalass enough . ( make sure he shave before ) . this guy is putting oil on fire that might lead to bigger problems

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 13:08 ,2012 حزيران 29

This is a peaceful protest! where are the so called resistance arms and the spread of arms among other camps are completely ILLEGAL!

While i don't agree with this extremist religious views, I commend him for standing up for this rights PEACEFULLY!!

Thumb benzona 13:12 ,2012 حزيران 29

eeeeuh, The Palestinians are far less dangerous than the Persians. Hezbollah sends rockets too Israel and caused us so much... our country was flattened because of their reckless behaviour not long ago. To me, Hezbollah is top priority, Palestinian camps come second.

Default-user-icon keserweneh (ضيف) 14:32 ,2012 حزيران 29

FlamingTurd you are right, so we should thank God the current Hassan government was not in charge during the Nahr el bared episode, Hassan's red lines would have protected the throat slitting terrorists living there and they'd be alive and still busy throat slitting even today up and down the north/south highway and in the mountain during the summer month.

Thumb geha 14:46 ,2012 حزيران 29

simply put: FT, you are silly and have silly comments.
ther is nothing unconstructive to want all weapons under the control of the armed forces, and not have militias roaming the country doing what they wish and go unpunished.
stealing, drugs, kidnapping, hegemony on other people's lands, provocations( what about that musallah they want to have in kesrewan?). add to that killing, intimidtion,...
no, the answer is not to accpet this matter sitting down.

Missing gcb1 15:51 ,2012 حزيران 29

@FT: Hezb could be considered dangerous to the Lebanese, because its actions- which are not consented by all Lebanese- against Israel end up affecting ALL Lebanese people. The 2006 war was unnecessary, provocatory, and erased all the gains the Lebanese economy made after the civil war. Not to mention the over 1000 civilian deaths. While these are the results of Israeli attacks on the country, it is due to Hezb's miscalculation of Israeli retaliation, and it just goes to show that violent resistance does not take us anywhere now that Israel is outside of Lebanon

Thumb ado.australia 17:15 ,2012 حزيران 29

Benzona... The Palestinians are not Lebanese. They caused the civil war in Lebanon. Hezbollah is Lebanese, whether u like them or hate them. Simply put, if you put foreigners against fellow Lebanese, you are a traitor! Hezballah will only be dealt with internally, through dialogue and a build up of respect and trust.

Default-user-icon Parallels (ضيف) 19:27 ,2012 حزيران 29

ado.australia, "The Palestinians are not Lebanese... Hezbollah is Lebanese" but it's acting exactly like the Palestinians did, same threats, same accusations, same rhetoric.. "the state cannot defend us we need our own distinct and independent arms to defend ourselves", "we will strike at the enemy whenever and wherever we wish, we decide on the where, the when and the how, the rest of you have no say", "our protected areas are our own stay out the Lebanese state's prying eyes or else, Samer Hanna discovered at his expense", "we are major players on the world stage so interests of our foreign benefactors are paramount and they come before Lebanese puny interest", "the resistance is seperate from ythe army and the people and we will use the 'resistance above all' clause anytime we disagree and you are with Israel if you question us".. so many more not enough space

Thumb lebneneh 13:25 ,2012 حزيران 29

People like is guy are just poison to society. He uses a valid cause to spread, chaos, animosity and hatred...he should be arrested but the people/countries if any, pushing him should be exposed!

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 13:26 ,2012 حزيران 29

benzona palestinian arms created the war in lebanon in75
and israel flattened lebanon several times cause of the palestinians
and we have 12 camps and 500000 refugees as for saudi arabia not even 1 single camp
so ship them to the gulf countries ie the palestinians

Missing roy_hanna 16:45 ,2012 حزيران 29

Actually, the lebanese civil war started the day two sects lived in lebanon at the same time. Each sect has fought the other in lebanon, and it started over 1000 years ago and never ended, same disputes and hate have lived on and continued to grow in this sect-based area of lebanon. The only solution is for EVERYONE to leave secterianism and put all weapons in the hands of the state and to provide better training for the lebanese army, especially when it comes to dealing with people as unfortunetly it often is rude to citizens. Everyone needs to change their secterian mentality and leave the blame game. This is the salvation of lebanon, not in everyone beeing armed and living in the past and blaming eachother left and right. Lebanon can never change to the better untill we recognize our own misstakes instead of looking in the faults of others.

Missing roy_hanna 16:45 ,2012 حزيران 29

As Christ said: Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:1-5)

Default-user-icon karim_m1 (ضيف) 14:18 ,2012 حزيران 29

salafis - hezballah same ideology different butt cheek

Default-user-icon Rolfen (ضيف) 14:42 ,2012 حزيران 29

The only tensions that it will create are tensions in Siniora (and other rich people's) wallets as people will not drive to work and not use up fuel and not pay taxes anymore.

Default-user-icon resistanceceh (ضيف) 19:38 ,2012 حزيران 29

Rolfen good one, lucky for us Hezbollah supporters we don't work or pay any taxes and it's about time the rest of the population experiences the same blissful carefree life we live, throw a couple of trash bags on their women and they become exactly like us.

Thumb geha 14:49 ,2012 حزيران 29

hizbushaitan insistance on keeping their weapons is the root cause of the emergence of such evil people.
let us deal with the root cause, then the rest will return to normal.
hizbushaitan and fpm are polarrizing everybody else through their actions, thus turning the most moderate people in the country toward extrmism. if this is what they want, then they are served.

Thumb benzona 16:11 ,2012 حزيران 29

stop insulting people, FT AKA wiseass. A ma connaissance t'es pas un voyou, n'est-ce pas? A moins que je ne sois dans l'erreur. Because when you insult people, you don't do Aoun a favour by acting as one of his unofficial 'ambassadors'.

Thumb geha 16:48 ,2012 حزيران 29

where in my comment you see me endorsing his actions?
so clearly you are confirming your stupidity by your comment.
people like you and assir are much of the same: extremists.

Thumb geha 17:50 ,2012 حزيران 29

so in plain words FT is confirming simply and plainly that he is: un voyou :)
OK we will treat you as such.... if this is what you want? or it is a common denominaator to all fpm people? are you all "des voyous" ?

Missing lebanese@ 14:29 ,2012 حزيران 30

And LF are taking advantage of this situation by starting speeches that they need peace..oh give me a break

Default-user-icon khalasna (ضيف) 14:53 ,2012 حزيران 29

stop covering his activties and nobody would hear of him!

Default-user-icon Hasan (ضيف) 15:06 ,2012 حزيران 29

For whom who dont know,omar bakri and Aseer are 3omala for junblat=hizbollah=Israel

Missing lebanese@ 00:07 ,2012 حزيران 30

I think you're the 3ameel.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:35 ,2012 حزيران 29

garbage attract more garbage.

Missing lebanese@ 15:39 ,2012 حزيران 29

First of all, Hezballah's arms are to Liberate the South, eh?

Second, Future movement, LF, Kataeb,..etc.. ALL have arms and weapons,eh ?

Don't forget what happened in Taree2 el Jdeede last time? Who had the weapons and fighting like crack ?

Thumb applepie 15:59 ,2012 حزيران 29

Oh look! Someome on naharnet with a memory!!! :)

And I thought everyone here had goldfish for ancestors.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 15:50 ,2012 حزيران 29

As for the palestinians , im not with you benzona. They must be disarmed first , then Hezbollah. Because they are more dangerous to the lebanese entity and anyway you cannot disarm hezbollah then them, it is a stupid move and the chiite wont accept it after what happened in the south during the civil war.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 15:50 ,2012 حزيران 29

As many have said previously, Asir the salafist has gone loose. This is what happens when a group wants to impose on others their views. Hezbollah has awaken the extremist branch of salafis. And this was predictable, and it was nonetheless not the time to do so, with all the events favoring these extremists in the middle east and power slipping into their hands.( egypt-tunisia-libya-morrocco-yemen- maybe even syria soon). This is also what happens when you criticize a moderate sunni like Hariri, which although i dont really support, and you bring him down, the sunni sect feels threaten and might turn to these crazies like Asir. Mon general i hope you have a back up plan you never stop criticizing and uundermining Sunni power posts.

Thumb applepie 16:44 ,2012 حزيران 29

Yes that's right my friend. Hezbollah woke up the "extremist branch of salafists."

How many branches of salafists do you know that are not extremists? And how many countries in the world have salafists even without the existence of Hezbollah there? And how many a sleeping salafist without actually knowing he was a salafist was faced with Hezbollah and it brought out the inner salafist withim him?

Sorry if I am not making sense. I thought we were playing a make-no-sense game by hitting the "post a comment" button!

Thumb benzona 16:48 ,2012 حزيران 29

Ton general Aoun ou Suleiman?

Default-user-icon Brassa (ضيف) 16:27 ,2012 حزيران 29

Get the DDT, AND GET IT NOW. The stench is killing me.

Thumb applepie 16:51 ,2012 حزيران 29


I love that little afterthought you just had .... "yes, ummm, he should not be blocking roads.... but let's leave that aside for now...."


Default-user-icon complete control (ضيف) 18:12 ,2012 حزيران 29

his job create chaos in the anti hezballah camp and alarm the rest of the population at large, and he's executing it to perfection.

Default-user-icon thisisit (ضيف) 18:26 ,2012 حزيران 29

all religious thugs should be thrown in jail but one but can't help wonder, how is what this freak doing is any different then what hizbiran and the syrian regime lapdog "aoun the clown" did in downtwon beirut few years ago?

Default-user-icon off with their heads (ضيف) 18:38 ,2012 حزيران 29

That's right Bashar's boy toy, I remember when you did that same thing to the filthy Christian terrorists who dared oppose your everlasting love's rule in Lebanon early this century.

Thumb lebnanfirst 18:45 ,2012 حزيران 29

Asir soon responded to the Sidon personalities meeting, declaring: “We will not reopen the road even if the United Nations Security Council ordered us to do so.”

Sounds familiar? Dose one not hear echo of Nasrallah there somewhere? Extremism begets extremism, have we not learned that lesson yet?

One is justified in criticizing this guy and one should also not forget about what HA and Amal thugs are doing to try and release the criminal Ala'eldine.

Missing lebanese@ 00:34 ,2012 حزيران 30

Assir is trying to copy Nasrallah
Leik wein el assir w leik wein Nasrallah, shu da5alon be ba3don?

Nasrallah is not an extremist for your knowledge, if you think so; see a doctor please.

Thumb primesuspect 02:57 ,2012 حزيران 30

Well, Assir is in the streets, Nasrallah is underground. Big LOL. And no, Hassan isn't an extremist, He's a pacifist.... yeah right. It's Friday night, did you smoke a little too much? BigSami, please tell him how not to get affected excessively when he over doses. gracias!

Default-user-icon FlameThrower's solicitor (ضيف) 20:13 ,2012 حزيران 29

A warning to Mr Asir and his supporters the practice of blocking roads using burning tires is registered to Hajj FlameThrower.

Thumb phoenician 20:31 ,2012 حزيران 29

Salafists or Hizballa they both have one goal. ........... UMMA to spread islam by any means if you cant convert the people than convert the land (breed like rabbits) and thats exactly what happened in Lebanon and its happening all over the world. Shiites follow Hussein way and all sects of sunni follow 3ala sunnat al rassoul. Wake up people we have tried to live amongst each other for more than 1000 years. IT WONT WORK we are like chalk and cheese.

Thumb phoenician 20:45 ,2012 حزيران 29

All together now " sa3a sab3a w sab3 d2ayi2 "

Thumb phoenician 20:47 ,2012 حزيران 29

Oh look i could see a woman amongst all these men.........that'll be 40 lashes then. Phahhahahaha

Thumb beiruti 21:40 ,2012 حزيران 29

Such a spectacle, these guys in their long white sheets, head bandages and unshaven beards. This is what Lebanon 2012 looks like?? It is not the condition of Lebanon, but the symptopm of the condition of Lebanon that the government is so absent, empty and hollow that these religious figures have to engage in this sort of activity.

How can the Lebanese tolerate this and in this "tourist season" when money for the year is supposed to be earned. Thibran Bassil is keeping the power running (not!) and Hezbollah is doing security. Such a terrible joke this is.

Missing lebanese@ 23:54 ,2012 حزيران 29

Beiruti, am looking forward how will other elected ministers in the future will do it.
Dnt Blame Jibran* Bassil for this, the ones before him weren't any better.
Haydak el sanyoura ele sarra2 el 11 billion 3a wa2to, alla lay redo.

Thumb beiruti 00:44 ,2012 حزيران 30

Alebanese@ Bassil's predecessors were parts of "Unity Cabinets" that were boycotted and subject to Veto by this M8 grouping of Aounists and Hezbolli. The difference is that this is a cabinet of "one color" no boycotts, no blocking thirds, no obstruction from the Opposition, and yet, look at how the country is being run. Clean into the ground.

Thumb primesuspect 02:59 ,2012 حزيران 30

beiruti, you meant clean into the wall... and I think it's gona hurt them a lot.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 21:45 ,2012 حزيران 29

Blocking roads makes you a terrorist but blowing up prime ministers and taking over cities with guns doesn't? M8 supporters have the brains of mindless sheep.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 03:00 ,2012 حزيران 30

@ Benzona , i was sarcastically refering to general Aoun's loosing stances, as for @ applepie, what i meant was he woke up the salafi branch meaning he woke up the salafists, i might have said it in a wrong way and it was not understandable. Anyway i hope you agree this is the consequence of groups like Hezbollah that are chiites armed to the teeth undermining sunni powers that led to this. They throw out Hariri, they criticize Rifi and Hassan, Aoun even attacks Mikati. Every sunni strong man, he is the voice of Hezbollah. He has served them well.

Missing lebanese@ 14:31 ,2012 حزيران 30

Thanks man, at least it's clean, not dirty.

Default-user-icon Oftanguy (ضيف) 15:49 ,2012 حزيران 30

They have one of two choices: reopen the roads billati hiya a7san or risk of having their bungholes opened wide with a lot of pain.

Thumb liefighter 05:59 ,2012 تموز 01

by establishing prioriyy , you are protecting Hizbu arms

Thumb liefighter 06:09 ,2012 تموز 01

Bubba,what balance of power , is it between Iran and Lebanon on lebanese territory, shame on you to follow the invader of your country.