حزب الله يدعو لإطلاق سراح رجل دين سعودي ويستنكر "التعاطي العنيف" لقوات الأمن مع المحتجين
Read this story in Englishدعا "حزب الله" السلطات السعودية إلى الإفراج "العاجل" عن رجل الدين الشيخ نمر باقر النمر الذي اعتقلته قوات الأمن مستنكرا "التعاطي العنيف لقوات الأمن مع المحتجين سلميا".
وعبر حزب الله في بيان أصدره بعد ظهر الإثنين " عن "قلقه وألمه لقيام السلطات السعودية بالتعرض للشخصيات الدينية، والتي كان آخرها اعتقال الشيخ نمر باقر النمر، لا لجرم اقترفه، وإنما لمطالبته بتحقيق الحد الأدنى من الحقوق المدنية، والتي تنص عليها كل القوانين الدولية، وسعيه لإنهاء سياسة التمييز بين المواطنين".
وكانت قد اعتقلت قوات الأمن السعودية الشيخ نمر واتهمته السلطات أنه "احد مثيري الفتن" في بلدة العوامية الشيعية.
واستنكر "بشدة اعتقال النمر، والتعاطي العنيف لقوات الأمن مع المحتجين سلميا في مدينة العوامية ومنطقة القطيف، مما أدى إلى سقوط شهداء وجرحى".
وطالب حزب الله بالافراج "العاجل عن النمر وتوفير العلاج اللازم له، وباحترام الرموز الدينية، وبوقف الاجراءات غير الديموقراطية في التعامل مع المطالب السلمية والمشروعة للمواطنين السعوديين".
يشار إلى أن الشرطة السعودية اطلقت النار على تظاهرة في منطقة القطيف تندد باعتقال النمر ليل الاحد الاثنين ما ادى الى مقتل شخصين.
Hold on for ONE SECOND while I catch my breath from rolling on the floor with laughter >>>>>>>>>>> HA voiced "Undemocratic’ Actions against Citizens" LMAO! HA has no concept or idea of what "DEMOCRACY" means! Now that is hilarious!
Your time is up Nounou,but am sure iran has a Gucci hole in tehran for you to live in,you satanic coward.
Cut the guy some slack. He was having a senior moment. He was actually thinking abut Syria and Iran when he made those statements.
Why Hezbollah don't protest against " DEMOCRATIC" policy of the Regime of Iran against Islamic Reformism of Ira?
I am an Iranian.
He was beaten.Maybe.But not killed! You thugs have you felt sorry for the murder of the 2 Sheikhs in Akkar?? Do you feel sorry for the non premeditated (ref Mansour!) murder of Lebanese by the Syrian army ?? Pfouuu!! Dirty garbage !
Can't believe what I'm reading..... Hezbollah talking about democracy?
The assassination death squad that carried out the murder of a former Prime Minister, and other political opponents and journalists.
The terrorist organization that has been linked to numerous terror activities around the world (Argentina, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, etc).
The mafiosa crime syndicate that has been linked to the drug trade and money laundering in South America and elsewhere.
The militia group that started a war which caused billions of dollars in damages, and many lives lost, without the consent or approval of the government.
The insurgent group that turned their arms against their own people on May 7 because they didn't like some decisions made by the government.
The foreign sponsored traitors that peformed a coup d'etat against the elected government in 2011 to try to stop the STL.
No mention about crimes against peaceful protestors in Syria or Iran?
hey how about the thousand of Children dying in Syria...hizbollah didn't say anywords about what happening in syria or because they are not shi3a!!!! are they talking about democracy???? who hizbollah!!!!!...how about their boss in Syria is he doing the democracy....have you recognized that they only talk when something happened in bahrain or east of saudi king....or where shi3a is...what a democracy
Dear Nasrallah, I totally support you when you say that the Shia cleric should be released. This is totally against uncivilized, undemocratic and can never be justified.
However, I would expect you to say the same when the cleric is not Shia, but from another sect or religion. For example, about the Christian pastor that has been sentenced to death in your beloved country Iran (See today's Naharnet news article titled "U.S. Urges Iran to Release Christian Pastor"). However, since I know that you are nothing but a hypocrite with a strong sectarian view, I know you will never criticize this arrest by Iran. That is why I will never take you seriously. You and your followers on this forum.
Calling for democracy and the respect for freedom of expression in the middle east, is a silly formula that = (hypocrisy x sectarian interests)...
And this is valid for all parties in leb and the region...
Yes the syrian children dying were never lamented by anyone who pretend caring about the souls of the Arabs...
If Israel have been the cause of a fraction of these casualities, it would have been the big scandal in every party's mind...
The situation in syria shows clearly the ridiculous minds in every political party... It unfolds the real intentions and visions... None of them cares about poor dying souls in the region, they just care about their religious sect wining the maximum political and demographic ground...
And they exploit the situation as it suits them...
All parties involved!!!!