الجيش ينتشر شمالاً والتعليمات تقضي بـ"الرد الفوري على مصادر النيران" من اي جهة كانت

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أعلنت قيادة الجيش اللبناني عن بدء تعزيز انتشار الوحدات في منطقة الشمال، وأنه تم تزويدها بالتعليمات القاضية بالرد الفوري على مصادر النيران من أي جهة كانت.

وفي بيان صادر عن القيادة، صباح الجمعة، ان تعزيز الانتشار بدأ من مدينة طرابلس وضواحيها وصولاً إلى الحدود الشمالية والشرقية، على أن تستكمل هذه العملية خلال الأيام المقبلة.

وتشمل العملية، وفق البيان، انتشاراً لوحدات جديدة إلى جانب الوحدات العسكرية والقوة الأمنية المشتركة الموجودة سابقاً في هذه المناطق.

وكشفت قيادة الجيش أنه "تم تزويد جميع القوى المكلفة تنفيذ المهمة، تعليمات دقيقة وحازمة تقضي بوجوب التشدد في حماية المواطنين من أي اعتداء، وقمع المظاهر المسلحة ومنع التسلل والتهريب على جانبي الحدود اللبنانية – السورية".

اضافة الى "الرد الفوري على مصادر النيران من أي جهة كانت".

وعبّرت قيادة الجيش في بيانها، الجمعة، عن كامل ثقتها بتجاوب أهالي المناطق الحدودية وفعالياتهم، مع الإجراءات الميدانية التي ستتخذها قوى الجيش تباعاً حفاظاً على أمنهم وسلامتهم.

ودعتهم الى التعاون التام مع هذه القوى بهدف إفشال أي محاولة مشبوهة لتوتير الأوضاع الأمنية وتصعيد الموقف في المناطق المذكورة.

ويأتي البيان غداة خروقات من الجانب السوري للاراضي اللبنانية مرات عدة خلال الشهر الفائت والتي أدت الى مقتل وجرح عدد من المواطنين اللبنانيين والنازحين السوريين، على المناطق الحدودية.

واصيب الخميس، رجل وثلاثة اطفال جراء سقوط قذائف من الجانب السوري على عدد من قرى عكار وعلى بلدة الطفيل في بعلبك فجر الخميس.

التعليقات 17
Thumb lebneneh 11:56 ,2012 تموز 13

Let's wait and see!

Missing justlebanese 12:11 ,2012 تموز 13

al jayesh yantahser wata3lemat be tatnesh 3an aya msdar lel neran,hek azbat

Thumb benzona 12:21 ,2012 تموز 13

This institution might just be respectable afterall. Let's not forget that our president is a former military commander and watching the Syrian regime bombing us might be paining him.

Missing justlebanese 12:28 ,2012 تموز 13

Benzona: believe me no one cares and the people pain is their last concern, they are liven in their palacies and people in their misery

Thumb benzona 12:34 ,2012 تموز 13

Well this is sad. anyway, this matter should be taken to the UN council before taking it to the next level by returning fire which is being at war.

Missing souri 12:46 ,2012 تموز 13

I wish the Lebanese army all the success in the world...but I'm worried that they're being sent as pawns in a Hizballah Assadi plot.

Missing trigger 13:05 ,2012 تموز 13

Allah yse3id jayshna...aala chou baddo ylahhik

Thumb jabal10452 14:24 ,2012 تموز 13

Well I hope that the army would not have to fire a single shot. I hope that the Lebanese "ekhouan" stay home and mind their families and that the Syrians mind their own internal problems.

Default-user-icon Ibn Akkar (ضيف) 16:23 ,2012 تموز 13

Enfin, il faut montrer aux Barbus et abrutis salafistes à qui revient la charge d'imposer l'ordre et la loi. Que Dieu bénisse notre armée

Thumb bigsami 16:40 ,2012 تموز 13

Harness all that hot air you posses and we should annihilate anyone!

Missing allouchi 16:53 ,2012 تموز 13

The Lebanese Army will be welcomed and respected in the north...I hope the Army is firm in protecting our citizens and fire back to defend our people and territory. The Army's prestige must be protected by its actions so we keep in loving and supporting our army. Remember the north supported the Army in attacking Nahr Al bared and Hizb stated its a red line.

Missing thatisit 17:48 ,2012 تموز 13

what should have been done is demarcation of our borders along the north/ east and the south with UN approval. Those who rejected the idea are known and are clinging on to their weapons. a bunch of bullcrap but hizballah and the assad in syria were so distraught when isreali pulled out of lebanon back in the days - they want the isreali to stay to give them legitimacy. Now they are gone, they created the shebaa farm issue - which we all know it could easily belong to syria if the demarcation was allowed. Even if itis determined that shebbaa is syrian teritory, hizbalallah would say that israel still occupy arab land and they will not give up their weapons until it is liberated. It would be crazy to think that hizballah will give away his weapons and seize to become a sate within a state. Who ever think that hizballah is working in the interest of lebanon must be out of his mind. hizbalah is a persian project and will not go away until the iranian and syrian regimes are gone.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:55 ,2012 تموز 13

The army is costing the lebanese a lot of money. Especially the officers with their clubs and their benefits. The army has been used as an employment agency to those who are not fit to find work.

This being said, the army should be empowered to protect the lebanese. If they dont, then the army is a useless big expense. If they allow the army to protect us, then we accept all the above and pray for the army. And as I am seeing now, it seems that it is being empowered... and that is a good thing.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 07:44 ,2012 تموز 14

It pains me to say this because the LA is our national treasure and may God bless everyone of them, but if any of you believe that the army will engage the Syrians is dearly mistaken, there is no way in hell a HA dominated government will issue orders to the army to engage the Syrians, no way, what they meant engage but on our side of the border, this pains me to say but that's reality.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 11:29 ,2012 تموز 14

Well Nahr al Bared was completely different circumstances not to mention the March 14 dominated government but I do agree with you that the army is walking a fine line.

Thumb phoenician 09:03 ,2012 تموز 14

How embarrassing it is yhat a bunch of rebels are havoc in syria but our honourable army are to weak to engage in battle with syrian army,thats how under armed we really are. And how sad that the majority of our parliament belong to hizb terrorists. Lebanon is over,so sad.

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 18:56 ,2012 تموز 14

This Useless army you are talking about is eating 36% of our budget.
This no good no use army was getting paid for watching the country in war.
The funny thing ,is according to the lebanese pension scheme ,each soldier was paid 3 years for every year he served during the 25 years of war.
So imagine a useless soldier who served the 25 years of war,will have his pension tripled ,his kids will go to school for free ,health service for him and the whole family for free,for doing F Off.
Byerga3o bi2oulolak dawle maksoura.
ou they cant send the army north because of sectarian tension.
This should not be called Lebanese army ,it should be called Lebanese Joke.
Ai hallak Jean ahwagi byeb3at el maghawir ala ain el remeneh ta yekhdoune for critising the joke