أهالي الضباط المحتجزين في قضية عبد الواحد ومواطنون يقطعون طريق صربا "حتى إطلاق سراحهم"
Read this story in Englishقطع أهالي الضباط المحتجزين في قضية الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد ورفيقه وعدد من "أصدقاء الجيش" طريق صربا – جونية في الإتجاهين مقابل ثكنة للجيش معلنين أنهم لن يغادروا قبل إطلاق سراحهم.
وتمنى مصدر عسكري عبر أكثر من قناة من الأهالي فتح الطريق "لان الناس المارة هم أيضا من أهلنا ونشكرهم على كل ما يفعلوه من أجل الجيش".
ولم يستجب المعتصمون فعمدت وحدات من الجيش والأمن الداخلي إلى فتح المسلك الشرقي بالقوة وبإطلاق النار في الهواء وبقي المسلك الغربي مقفلا.
واعترض المواطنون على فتح الطريق وتوجهوا إلى الضابط الذي كان متواجدا قائلين "لماذا لا تفتح طريق صيدا وطرق طرابلس؟".
وكان قد استدعى قاضي التحقيق العسكري الاول رياض ابو غيدا البست الضباط الثلاثة في قضية مقتل الشيخين محمد عبد الواحد وحسين مرعب في بلدة الكويخات، واستجوبهم واعاد توقيفهم، وذلك بعد إطلاق سراحهم في وقت سابق.
ورأى عضو تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب نعمة الله أبي نصر في حديث إلى الـ"LBCI" أن "خطوة قطع الطريق في صربا كانت منتظرة لأنه بات لدينا محاكم تصدر أحكامها عند الطلب وهذا أمر مؤسف".
وسأل أبي نصر "هل يريدون تشتيت المؤسسة العسكرية وشرذمتها وأن يصبح ميليشيات؟".
ودعا أبي نصر لإعادة النظر بالأحكام بطريقة سرية و"أن لا يكون القضاء تحت ضغط الشارع" مشيرا إلى أن "الطريق لن تفتح قبل إعادة النظر بالقرار وأن يرفع السياسيون يدهم عن القضاء".
وختم أبي نصر قائلا "لا نلجأ لهذا الأسلوب ولكن هؤلاء الشباب شعروا أن القضاء يصدر قراره عند الطلب".
بدوره قال عضو كتلة "المستقبل للقناة عينها أنه "نحن أصحاب حق والشيخ أحمد رجل دين من العلماء المسلمين ويتعاطى الشأن العام مع المسيحيين والمسلمين وتم إعدامه وكل ما نطلبه هو محاسبة من أطلق النار".
وتابع قائلا "لا أحد يزايد علينا في دعم الجيش وأنا من بلدة سقط فيها 12 شهيدا من الجيش بوجه الإرهاب".
وحمل الضاهر "مسؤول فوج المجوقل في الجيش العميد جورج نادر مسؤولية ما يحصل" قائلا أن هذا "عيب".
في المقابل قال أحد المعتصمين "نحن من المؤسسة العسكرية وطالما ان عسكرنا موقوف نحن سنبقى هنا" فيما قال آخر "إذا كان القضاء لا يفهم إلا بقطع الطرق فنحن أيضا نقطع الطرق".
أما وزير الداخلية مروان شربل فقال أن "من يحب الجيش لا يقطع الطريق بل يكلف محامين بالدفاع عن الجيش ولا يجب الرد بالمثل كما فعل غيرهم في السابق".
وكانت قد توصلت الحكومة منذ أسبوع إلى تسوية في قضية مقتل الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد ورفيقه بإجراء التوسع في التحقيق بإشراف النائب العام التمييزي سعيد ميرزا.
وقتل الشيخ احمد عبد الواحد ورفيقه الشيخ محمد مرعب في أيار، برصاص عسكريين على حاجز الكويخات في عكار، ما أدى الى قطع طرق وحرق الاطارات احتجاجاً.
“Do you want to shatter and fragment the military institutions and turn it into militias?” Abi Nasr added.""
No, no one wants that. At the same time the army, though the one institution that the Lebanese can rally around despite its bias to HA, is not infallible. Officers can and do make mistakes. They were initially arrested for a reason and may have been released either for a reason or because of political pressure.
Let the judicial process take its course. It is only natural that suspects remain in custody until the end of the investigation as happens in all civilized countries.
That said, no one should make light of the feelings of the officers' families.
Supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement outside EDL's building in Mar Mikhail: “the occupation of institutions is rejected,” read some of the banners carried by the protesters.
OK girls now tell old Naamtallah how "The occupation of roads should also be rejected" and ask him why did he not block roads when Lebanese army officers were arrested for merely defending themselves against Shiite punks, or when the Shiite punk who murdered Samer Hanna was released.
Salafis what do you expect-- you supported the Palestinians in the past and you support the Salafis today. The Lebanese Army TAJ RASKON.
khalad daher is your hero geha. "Sheik Ahmad is a muslim scholar that was executed" by the army?... he was travelling in armed conveys that refused to stop at a check point and fired on the soldiers. therefore he is now dead!
if a priest was driving in an armed convey that fired at and refused to stop, at an army checkpoint, the odds are he would be dead too.
I have no hero.
but once more: how do you explain a body riddled with 60 bullets most of them in the head, while the shiite officer had a previous running with that person a while back?
why not shoot the tires of the vehicle? do you know it was confirmed that not a single shot was fired from the bodyguards?
as well I am sure you know this guy is a political figure, not just a sheikh.
our army is not supposed to be executing the orders of the syrian regime, executing people against that regime, just because they ordered him dead.
Geha, I hope one day you pass an army checkpoint without stopping and they shoot you.
So trudemocracy... you're the dude who escaped the mental institution huh?! Time to go back home now...
the main officer that ordered the fire is shiite, go check your records.
as for the rest of your comment, you seem to be an expert in such matters so do it to yourself and enjoy :)
should those officers be infiltrated by Hezbollah and commissioned to assassinate the sheikh, they should meet the same faith.
amid georges nader is orchestrating this theatre, becose this amid is the only responsible of killing the two sheiks in akkar and is hiding behind the poor small officers
@ Primesuspect, indeed what you are saying is very interesting, this is why i think as well the identity of those generals or officers have not been revealed. If they were chiites a war would be imminent. But surprise surprise, looks like they were christians, and affiliated to the FPM. I guess now not only the FPM and Aoun do the dirty talk, they do the dirty acts for hezbollah. My view on this whole thing is simple, there is accountability. Murder of a religious figure without even getting shot at in the first place or beeing in danger is pure fellony. EVEN if the cheikh was guilty of not stopping properly, he shouldnt have been shot that way. Even the way the murder scene was shown, is obviously that it was an act prepared in advance because the car had stopped and the aim was exellent for the killers.
The true colors of March 14 are beginning to show, their anti-Army hysteria will never die.
good tayar make good thing yesterday, he's going to support the army, but he forget that 50% of lebanese army are from akkar, and akkar need the justice to protect her sons in this army.
The one event since 2005 that i cant accept is the death of Samer Hanna, the officer who's helicopter was shot down, and then he was executed by HA at close range (the shia soldier in the helicopter were spared).
GMA and M8 who pretend to be 100% with the army did everything to get the culprit out of prison. And they did.
Where were the "friends of the army" then? who stood by Samer's family? GMA the great general who is one with the army? M8 christian supporters? You bet they didnt.
It has nothing to do with religion, or friends or enemies of the army. It has all to do with ACCOUNTABILITY and building a Nation.
How can anyone accuse 3 Lebanese army officers of being traitors! Those are Men who willingly gave and will give their lives in order to defend our homeland and our lives. and then comes a zero like Daher with an educational level approaching null, who used to work for the Syrian intelligence during the Syrio/Harriri occupation and criticize them for killing a man who refused to stop at a Barrage, the man can be a saint a sheikh or whomever when the armed force asks you to stop you comply or suffer the consequences.
What is really sad is that their educated people who criticize the army and support Daher
No keserweneh, what is really sad is that you claim to be educated and you dont let a judicial procedure take its course.
and as for the blocus It will be repeated tonight wth more and more people going into the streets to support the Lebanese Army, a semi-man like Daher will not be left unpunished. and finally as for LF and other Terrorism supporters you shall pay in 2013. No christian attacks the church and the army and wins an election in Kesrwan
WTF is up with all the road closing, not a day went by in the last 3 months without a major road being closed, they have already ruined the lively hood of those Lebanese that depend on tourism to feed their families, when does it stop? enough is enough, most of us are fed up with all this BS, just cause or not no one have the right to close roads period.
First of all I would like those defending what has happened to explain one thing, this was a convoy of 4 to 5 vehicles, if this was not deliberate then how in the hell was the one vehicle the sheikh was in targeted and not the other vehicles, just think about it for a minute, this was as deliberate as it gets.
Keserweneh ,where were you when Samer hanna was executed?
Neon?Ma tsharsha7 el jeish in Baalbeck, 2 weeks ago when their weapons was confiscated and were sent home without it (oups i forgot that the hizbollah s drug dealer is a saint).
You were not offended at all when the Syrian army crossed the border,kidnapped 2 soldiers and released them 4 hours later.
Hallak akhad ala khatrak ou khatro?