تقارير: القاعدة تقدم مكافأة 300 ألف دولار لمنفذي اغتيال بري وقهوجي
Read this story in Englishخصص تنظيم القاعدة الدولي، مبلغ 300 ألف دولار كمكافأة للشخص الذي سينفذ اغتيال رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي، على ما أفادت معلومات صحفية، الثلاثاء.
وأفادت صحيفة "الاخبار" أن القاعدة خصصت مبلغ 150 ألف دولار مكافأة للشخص الذي سينفذ عملية اغتيال بري، ومثل هذا المبلغ للشخص الذي سينفذ عملية اغتيال قهوجي، أو لصرف هذين المبلغين ككلفة لتحضير عمليتي الاغتيالين.
وتابعت أنه يتم التداول في السيناريو الذي ستجري على اساسه عمليتي الاغتيال، والقاضي بتنفيذ عبر "كمين صاروخي" لموكبي بري وقهوجي، كل على حدة. وأكدت المصادر المتابعة لهذا الملف أن أوامر الاغتيال صدرت من الرجل الأقوى في تنظيم القاعدة الشيخ أيمن الظواهري.
ووفق معلومات "الاخبار" فإنه تم رصد حراك خلية القاعدة وإلقاء القبض على أحد الخيوط الرئيسية فيها قبل نحو شهر، قاد إلى تحصيل المزيد من المعلومات التي تدعم مقولة وجود أجندة جديدة للقاعدة في لبنان، يجري تنفيذها بإشراف الظواهري.
وكشفت المعلومات أن قيادياً ميدانياً من الجنسية اللبنانية يقيم في باكستان، منخرط أيضاً ببناء جانب من هيكلية تنظيمية للقاعدة في لبنان.
وتوضح المعلومات الجديدة المستقاة من اعترافات س. ك.، شقيق القيادي الميداني للقاعدة المقيم في باكستان، والذي تم إيقافه بالجرم المشهود أثناء تنفيذ مهمة كلفه بها شقيقه، أن القاعدة باشرت فعلاً بتنفيذ بناء الهرمية التنظيمية لها في لبنان، عبر تسمية أمراء لها في المناطق اللبنانية، وأنها سمّت أخيراً أميراً لمنطقة الشمال هو ك. ب.
وتتابع، وفق "الاخبار"، أنه منذ أكثر من شهر، طلب القيادي الميداني المذكور في باكستان من شقيقه س. ك. التوجه الى بيروت لتسلّم نحو أربعين ألف دولار من شخص كويتي في بيروت، في منطقة عين المريسة.
وحضر س. ك. والتقى الكويتي في مطعم في عين المريسة ببيروت وتسلم منه المبلغ. وبعد ذلك عاد إلى طرابلس، حيث طلب منه شقيقه تسليم المبلغ، الى شخص آخر.
وأثناء عملية التسليم، تم توقيفه، وأحيل مع الشخص الذي حضر لتسلّم المال منه الى التحقيق، وتبين أن هذا الشخص هو أنس ع. (سوري الجنسية) المنتدب من قبل تنظيم القاعدة لمساعدة المعارضة السورية. وكان يفترض بأنس أن يسلم المبلغ الى مسؤول القاعدة في سوريا.
وفي معلومات مؤكدة لـ"الاخبار"، فإن شقيق س. ك. المقيم في باكستان طلب منه نقل رسالة الى اللبناني ك. ب. يعلمه فيها بأنه وفق خطة العمل الجديدة للقاعدة في لبنان، وانطلاقاً منه، فإنه تم تعيينه (أي ك. ب.)، أميراً للقاعدة في منطقة شمال لبنان.
وقالت "الاخبار أن هذه المعلومات تدعم صحة معلومة الرسالة التي أرسلها الظواهري الى رموز من القاعدة في لبنان، مع أ. ج، مسؤول العمليات الخارجية في القاعدة، ومساعده ع. هـ. اللذين حضرا قبل أسابيع إلى لبنان.
وتقول الرسالة أن القاعدة قررت اتخاذ لبنان قاعدة لنشاطها في كل دول المشرق، واعتباره قاعدة "نصرة" يتم الانطلاق منه لدعم خلايا القاعدة في سوريا بالمال والسلاح.
ونصت الرسالة على اعتبار لبنان أيضاً "ساحة جهاد" تنفذ فوقها اغتيالات، أبرزها ضد بري وأخرى تتصل باستطلاعات لمراكز دينية وشخصيات أخرى. والهدف من كل ذلك إشاعة الفوضى في البلد، الأمر الذي تفيد منه القاعدة لتعزيز وجودها في لبنان، وانطلاقاً منه نحو دول المشرق، وبخاصة سوريا.
وتقول الرسالة، وفق "الاخبار"، إن الظواهري سوف يعيّن أمراء لمجموعات القاعدة في المناطق اللبنانية، وإنه سيكون هناك أمير عام للتنظيم في كل لبنان، سيصار إلى تسميته لاحقاً.
وحتى ذلك الحين، سيكون السعودي ماجد الماجد هو الأمير الواجب طاعته وتنفيذ أوامره، علماً بأن الأخير بات يشغل منصب أمير كتائب عبد الله عزام (التسمية الجديدة لتنظيم القاعدة) في بلاد الشام.
this is the enemy that needs to be prevented from proliferating in Lebanon. kudos for the security apparatus for catching this guy.
i get it, comments that u don't like u don't post ! come on naharnet ur more mature than this. at least make this site fun for people to debate and give an opinion ! shows u dont have the tools to support such a site. thanks anyway for ur kind reports
Why they like to do propaganda that they are threaten, since they are both no use to stop arms outside army. I believe that Berri and Kahwaji both are good candidate for Terrorists and out of Laws in Lebanon. Tripoly is a big example.
Well, those sunni muslims are no better than the shia muslims. Al qaeda deals drugs in Afghanistan whilst the other deal drugs in Iran and Colombia/Ecuador. Berri's very own son is a well known felon in the US.
Slash.. i absolutely agree.. in australia everyone hates the muslim lebanese.. there was a time when they thought we were all drug dealers and trouble makers.. but now they know there are christian lebanese too....
i'm trying to say the muslims suck, but they do need to clean up their act
Slash, pretty ignorant comment. First, look up Joseph Kony. Second, there are more Muslims than Christians living in developing countries with poor socioeconomic conditions, which usually lead to religious fundamentalism.
When Europe was poor and the Arabian lands were rich, the fundamentalists were the Christians who resorted to terrorist tactics and justified it through religion.
Furthermore, the evangelic Christians in the US who constantly advocate for war and for a greater Israel- at the expense of Palestinians- in order to fulfill some Biblical prophecies sounds pretty fundamentalist to me.
Slash, pretty ignorant comment. First, look up Joseph Kony. Second, there are more Muslims than Christians living in developing countries with poor socioeconomic conditions, which usually lead to religious fundamentalism.
When Europe was poor and the Arabian lands were rich, the fundamentalists were the Christians who resorted to terrorist tactics and justified it through religion.
Furthermore, the evangelic Christians in the US who constantly advocate for war and for a greater Israel- at the expense of Palestinians- in order to fulfill some Biblical prophecies sounds pretty fundamentalist to me.
film hendi raw3a, betlefou w betdourou w bterja3ou bet2oulou fi ka3idah bel shmal, tayeb khalou el jeish yfout ydawer.
I am sure karim you will leave us soon when your syrian masters leave.
good riddance of you and your radical syrian comments.
you and your party's role has always been to assassinate people as you did to Pierre Gemayel.
I am not here to agree with karim_m1 or you but I'm just reminding you that the Gemayel family and their LF militia do not have a good history either. Anyone with half a brain knows Lebanon's history past five years ago and for you to try and victimize the Gemayel's is pathetic.
Dear all, you find a way to argue on every article and every piece of news, good christians like good muslims spread a good reputation of Lebanon, terrorism is not acceptable wherever it comes from, and we should all be united to fight it, it will do you no good to attack or deffend the people you are attacking ot deffending, judge people on their actions and not on their political views, there are good and honest people in M8 like there are in M14 and there are thugs on both sides as well, I guess that in order to save our country we should all unite and fight terrorism from all sides and stop jumping into biased conclusions
Go home folks nothing to see here it's from al-Akhbar and the fertile mind of Bibo al mish Amin.
Yes slash i have heard of MANY christian drug dealers in the world. And yes i have heard about MANY christian terrorists. Were you trying to be funny or are you a liar trying to tell us christians dont comitt terrorism and drug dealing? Your own LF is a perfect example of terrorism and drug dealing, despite how much you try to claim they resisted this and that, we all know about the tens of thousands of civilians brutally killed, massacred and tortured at the hands of the christian LF, not to forget its likes so just be quite. By the way, almost every lebanese caught working in human trafficking has been a maronite. You are the last to point fingers.
I agree with what you said about the LF. LF were involved in many atrocities, such as the Sabra and Shatila massacre.
By the way, I am a Maronite.
Those who lecture us on what LF did and don't mention what happened in Damur are hypocrites of the highest order. Both massacres were despicable and unforgivable atrocities, but those who only tell half the story, do it for the sole purpose of expressing their blind hatred and to divide and sow resentment in the hearts of likeminded people. Those kinds of people ought to be ashamed of them self. But then for that to happen we would have to assume that somewhere within their being there is a conscience.
Part 1- Oh and BTW, I grew up in East Beirut during the civil war, the son of a Greek Orthodox mother and a non-practicing Sunni father. A Maronite militiaman stormed our apartment in 1976 and shot my father in the face for being a Muslim. I was only 11. It made no difference whatsoever that my father lived in that same East Beirut apartment for more than 20 years and a known ebn el manta2a. Maybe if I went to your school of hatred and half-truths then I would have learned to hate all Maronites. But despite all that I converted to my mother’s faith when I was old enough to choose.
Part 2- I was a ST Joseph student in Aintoura and I’ve suffered from religious hatred from both ignorant Christians and ignorant Muslims throughout my childhood and still till this day. I can tell real sympathy from real hatred and I am fed up from those who can’t stop bringing religion into politics because their blind hatred still lurks within them. Oh and one more thing, can anyone tell me what the initials GCB stand for? Nevermind...I think I already know. Ya 3eib el shoum.
bandoul, Umm, I don't know what you are referring to when mention "what the initials GCB stand for"? They are simply the initials of my name lool nothing more to it
And if you've read my past posts, I have constantly denounced those that bring up religion in politics. The one and only reason I brought up that I come from a Maronite family is because slash mentioned that no Christians are involved in illicit activities like Muslims, and I disproved his point.
But if you've read my past posts, I have a strong liberal philosophy that believes that the sectarian nature of Lebanese politics is the biggest problem facing Lebanon today.
Karim-m1 you are one sick bastard, We all know who al zawahiri is but your master hassoun is no better then him. Zawahiri is wahabi agree but hassoun is filthy shia iranian terrorist.
ya moslem88 yes agree with yoy there are christian drug dealers. most of the drug cartel in Mexico/ south America are christians. but in Lebanon they are 99.99% the opposite Kudos to slash
You forgot that most lebanese christians live outside lebanon. The media is filled with drug related christian lebanese, google it. If you want to narrow it down, only search drug crimes from france and you will see howm many lebanese christians that are involved in that. The point is everyone has criminals. Dont try to blame only one side. By the way, also in lebanon plenty of christians deal with drugs. The LF and kate2eb got much of their money from drugs.
tfeh 3al 7aki l ta2ifi!!! 2ilna snin bel 7areb l ta2ifiyi w ba3ed ma t3elamna!
wleh min menkoun na22a ta2eftou? 2oulouli bass min na2a ta2efto baynetkoun?
aya ta2ifi mafiya motatarifin? min ma 2atal 3al hawiyi?
7aji ba2a nkaziib 3a ba3ed. 7aji nefrod l karahiyi wel 7e2ed ben ba3ed. khalouna nebni balad w mowatani ya jame3a!
ne7na kelna lebneniyi w lebnen metel ma 2al l baba jean paul 2 balad "riseli" lal 3alam, w metel ma2al 2ablo l imam l kbir Moussa l Sader : "bi kel masi7i lebneni fi 2eslem" w metel ma 2al Ghassan l twayni " dfeno l karahiyi wel 7e2ed"!
w ba3ed ma t3elamna...
kelna ya slash bi jouwetna 3enna shwayit ta3assob ta2ifi bimojarad wojoudna bhal share2 w bhal balad. bass inta 2eben l bashir bta3rif enno Lebanen ma bise7 2ella lama mnedfoun l ta2ifiyi wel 2enti2am. w inta 2eben l bashir ya Slash bta3rif 2enno heda l balad hadafo yfarji lal 3alam ta3eyosh masi7i-moslim moch mawjoud bel 3alam kello! lezim kelna ka lebneiyi ne7mi ba3edna , ne7mi terikh ba3edna, ne7mi sakafit w takalid ba3edna, ne7mi l tanawo3 ta7et shi esmo l mowatani l lebneniyi !!
Vive la république Libanaise multiculturelle multiethnique multiconfessionnelle!
LF will never be tej ras anyone but scum like you. Muslims that you insult are tej rasak enta. You secterian racist good for nothing piece of filth.
oh one more comment moslem
during our civil war which one of our politicians did not commit crimes? they all did one is not any better then other. so stop blaming Geagea & yes indeed LF where the saviors of the Christians in Lebanon. Unlike Hassouni He is the bad example of muslims,
its is unbelievable how sectarian most of you are.its discusting.what difference is it to anyone how or who anyone prays for.Look around you the world has passed you by.Lebanon is a backword nation with nothing to show for, no infrastructure no government no vision no future.The language of hate is all you know.This is why most of us left this sick country.All lebanese should be "UNITED" against an a$$ whole who pays few dollars to kill a lebanese even if the victim is a politician.Enough of this christian and moslem crap ya.
when u turn the coin of this filthy garbage called zawahiri el wahabi... u'll find the other filthy guy called hassoun the farsi
Why don't we send some Lebanese commandos to pay a visit to this miserable lunatic. I am sure the ride in and out Pakistan is free.
While I am no fan of Nabih Berri and his plans to stuff ministries with his acolytes, this bastard Ayman al-Zawahiri has no business injecting himself and his homicidal solutions to political issues into Lebanese domestic politics.
I would be the first to defend Berri from such things. Berri may deserve to be voted out of office and denied the Speakers Chair, but never is anyone to be gunned down in an assassination. Berri has a wife and children, he is a human being with the right to his life and it should be taken from no person and by no government at least without observing full due process.
So Mr. Al Qaida, go find somewhere else to practice your hateful ways. We in Lebanon protect our own. Lebanese Maronites will defend Lebanese Shia, and Lebanese Shia will defend Lebanese Sunni from all outsiders of whatever faith or religion because at the end of the day, we all all Lebanese and you are not.
Wake up and stop lying. You know very well that isent true AT ALL. Shia wont defend anyone, neither will maronites. But themselfs of course. You are not fooling anyone.
halla2 l shi3a saro moch 2eslem? hal2ad l ta2ifiyi 3emyetak? hall2ad 3endak kereh? shou badak n2awiss ba3edna? badak n2atel ba3edna 3al hawiyi?
What beiruti means is that he feels our Lebanese identity is above all. We might believe berri is stealing the country. we might hate berri. But we don't accept a terrorist asshole like zawahiri touches him.
@beiruti, I wonder which degenerate gave you a thumbs down for your civilized and humanitarian post.
Maybe Amine Gemayel and samir geagea stink as leaders. That is why they are alive. But Bachir Gemayel was a real leader. Pierre Gemayel Jr. was leader material. The proof: syrian SR killed them. You can like the gemayels or not. You can agree or not. But at least have respect for the blood they spilled for this country.
You lebanese are nothing but a joke , you guys are broke and in debt , all you do is look up to the upper social , you have never acheived shit , never overcame anything , never changed a negative to a positive . worthless peice of shit people . us lebanese who lives outside lebanon should come and burn the country upside down and rebuild it by killing all these hizbs and people who think gemayel familly or geagea are saviors or Hassan is etc.... i hope one we unite and attack and one day we will be hunting you down like rats all you racist fucks just we hunted slavery back in the day ..
i hope a war collapse maybe we will come from abroad and build our country and lead it as it supposed to be ...
You lebanese are nothing but a joke , you guys are broke and in debt , all you do is look up to the upper social , you have never acheived shit , never overcame anything , never changed a negative to a positive . worthless peice of shit people . us lebanese who lives outside lebanon should come and burn the country upside down and rebuild it by killing all these hizbs and people who think gemayel familly or geagea are saviors or Hassan is etc.... i hope one we unite and attack and one day we will be hunting you down like rats all you racist fucks just we hunted slavery back in the day ..
i hope a war collapse maybe we will come from abroad and build our country and lead it as it supposed to be ...
All of you guys dont deserve a country like ours ! a shit hole doesnt even deserves you ... from the bottom i hope all of you racist fucks burn in a war in hell when muslim hunt a christian and vice versa , maybe next time whenever you wanna comment about religion you fear the consequences . cha3b zabel ! w 7a ydal zabel .
i wish one day we can unite and revolt against all of this insanity maybe build a new country with new elected leaders who are well qualified and anti racist at least ya jame3a ! walaw ! we as people hate each other because of dick heads politicians .. thats so not fair . they should beg us for leadership , they should beg us as country citizen to give them a job , a house and money . not like now ... we look up for gangster and ex war criminals who never even been educated properly , 7oukemna 2ortit jehline kelon .. w ya dee3an hal 3elem b heik cha3eb . kermelo la wara haha. ....
because the sunni extremists lead by the mustaqbul mp from akkar, khalad Daher, are demonizing the lebanese army. And people like geha, are promoting this attack on our Watan by claiming that the army is run and controlled by hezballah and the "devil" shiites. they are sectarian racists that are the arsonist and pretend to love fire fighters.
slash 17 July 2012, 08:26 27
did you hear in the past 10 years that a christian was cought dealing drugs in the world ? did you hear that a christian is accused by terrorism inthe world ? if someone is still giving a positive sign and reputation for the lebanses in the world it is the christian , they are not the same saints as your Sayed portrayed the Saints , i suggest you look into a dictionnary and see the true meaning of a saint;)
In reference to the above comment:
Slash you ignorant idiot, look up John Ibrahim and Tony Mokbel.
It never ceases to amaze me how many members on this forum want to degenerate this conversation into a religious mudslinging fest. I guess for all our education, travels and modernization we haven’t learned a thing from the civil war and we are doomed to repeat it. Just for the record, whatever religion you are, 3ala raseh w’3eineh! To me, whether you are a political foe or friend, you are only a fellow Lebanese citizen whom I am obliged to love and respect, nothing more and nothing less. 3eib this blind hatred amongst brother and sisters and vicious name calling. We can have sharply different political views but we cannot and should not forget we are wled hal watan el wa7ad!
Also for the record we should all reject terrorists no matter which terror organization they belong to and this rehashing what each and every civil war era warlord did in the past business serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever to resolve our differences. All of them are responsible for atrocities too shameful to repeat or mention! Get it? Every single one! Not a single saint in the bunch. None! So let’s judge them on their record today or we will never start discussing tomorrow. Hello? The future of our children??? Anyone???
For those of you who have a sublime hatred and loathing for Christians, the USA and ISRAEL, in that order, I feel sorry for you and I pity you. You can’t help but inject your hatred and ignorance into every conversation about the above because you would lose sleep over it if you didn’t engage in it! Again, I pity you and I feel sorry for you. The American people at large are a loving, generous and kind people and if you demonize them at every turn so you justify your existence it is a crying shame and makes you nothing more than low life degenerates.
You see how you are acting? Like idiots! What a country, no electricity, streets blocked by burning tires for any given reason, the Army being attacked, the Sister Syria bombarding and killing Lebanese, FM Mansour acting FM for Syria and you brag about Christian, Sunni or Shi'ism? In the meantime in Israel, a lebanese girl, Arze Haddad graduated at the Technion in Haifa, became major of her promotion and for this, our Ministry of Justice decides to prosecute her because she wanted to move on and took advantage of what she could never have had in Lebanon... We are a real joke....
Will you be paying by Cheque, cash or Credit Card ??
Solitude drove this clown to become senile