14 آذار تؤكد على ان لا خلاف حول الوقوف الى جانب الجيش

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اتهم منسق الأمانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بتحريض المواطنين لقطع اوتستراد صربا الاثنين، تعويضاً لخسارته الشعبية في الكورة.

وقال سعيد في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار" أن "تيارات سياسية في مقدمها النائب العماد ميشال عون قررت القيام بحركة تعويضية لخسارتها الشعبية في الكورة من خلال محاولة إظهار أن هناك طائفة مع الجيش وطائفة ضده، طائفة مع الظالم وطائفة مع المظلوم".

وأقدم، الاثنين، عدد من المواطنين "الداعمين للجيش اللبناني"، على قطع اوتستراد صربا-جونية بالاتجاهين كطالبين باطلاق الضباط الثلاثة الموقوفين على خلفية مقتل الشيخين أحمد عبد الواحد ومحمد مرعب على حاجز الكويخات.

ودعا سعيد، عبر "النهار"، قيادة الجيش الى "التنبه الى أن هذا الفريق يريد الزج بالمؤسسة العسكرية على خط انزلاق خطير".

وأوضح ان الاعتصامات المتنقلة ليل الاثنين "لا يمكن أن تكون حصلت من دون دعم بعض الأجهزة الأمنية التابعة للمؤسسة العسكرية وهنا تكمن الخطورة".

وطالب سعيد قيادة الجيش "الذي نحترم ونجل بألا تسمح لبعض المكونات المفلسة سياسياً باستخدام الجيش غطاء لخسارتها".

وأكد "أننا قوى 14 آذار مع الجيش اللبناني والمؤسسات الشرعية والدولة اللبنانية وأن ما يحصل من فلتان أمني مفبرك يضرب وحدة المؤسسات وينذر بفتنة كبيرة في البلاد".

يُشار الى أن الانتخابات الفرعية، التي جرت الاحد، أدت الى فوز مرشح "القوات اللبنانية" عن المقعد الاوثوذكسي فادي كرم. وشغر هذا المقعد اثر وفاة النائب فريد حبيب بعد صراع مع المرض.

التعليقات 23
Thumb geha 10:26 ,2012 تموز 17

Aoun is the one who left his officers and soldiers to be killed by his current allies whilst he fled to france.

Thumb geha 10:28 ,2012 تموز 17

everybody supports the army when it does what it is supposed to be doing, i.e. protect our borders.
however when rogue officers shoot down a person with over 60 bullets most of them to the head, it is the least that there is a real investigation in this incident.

Thumb geha 11:34 ,2012 تموز 17

my posts are there, so show us the proof.
my comments were triggered by one of your comments justifying the army cannot reply to syrian fire. so yes in that case, why do we need them?

Thumb geha 11:35 ,2012 تموز 17

you are an fpm traitor, under the orders of your syrian masters, so please do not even try to portray yourself as a lebanese patriot as you are not.

Thumb geha 11:42 ,2012 تموز 17

in case you forgot:

FlameThrower16 hours ago10
are u out of ur mind? how do you expect the LA to engage the much stronger syrian army? with our outdated APC's and willis? ya 7abibe let the world arm us first, and then we can talk about engagement capacities.


geha15 hours ago00
then what use is this army? just to shoot down a sheikh in akkar?
why are we even paying them salaries?


Missing rudy 12:52 ,2012 تموز 17

wasnt aoun the one who called to prosecute whoever was responsible for sending samer hanna to where he was brutally murdered by hezballah trash (that aoun defended)?

so habibe FT basically what this is saying, kelna ma3 el jeish w michel aoun manno ma3 el jeish aktar men ghayro. maybe its time to stop this pathetic attempt at being significant

Thumb bigsami 16:01 ,2012 تموز 17

Grow up man (woman or whatever specie you are). The only person on this site that has HA 1st and the army second with numerous posts proving it is YOU! Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The nerve of this BSThrower!

Missing lqu7 10:28 ,2012 تموز 17

Is this what they teach in Geagea school or Jumblatt college?

Thumb geha 10:36 ,2012 تموز 17

no this is reality

Thumb geha 10:36 ,2012 تموز 17

how do you explain a body riddled with 60 bullets most of them in the head, while the shiite officer had a previous running with that person a while back?
why not shoot the tires of the vehicle? do you know it was confirmed that not a single shot was fired from the bodyguards?
as well I am sure you know this guy is a political figure, not just a sheikh.
our army is not supposed to be executing the orders of the syrian regime, executing people against that regime, just because they ordered him dead.

Thumb kesrweneh 11:36 ,2012 تموز 17

Geha stop getting your info from idiotic gossip. We all saw the car on TV, there so very few bullets in it. we all saw that the fugitive had guns and narcotics in his car and we all know that the "Kawmy" was shaving a ceremony on that same day and the weapons smuggling was forbidden so the 3 officers did their job and tried to stop a thug from running away, unfortunate the thug was a Sheikh, that doesn't make him irreproachable.

Thumb geha 11:44 ,2012 تموز 17

tell us then what happened, and I might show you the official documents about this matter :)
go play in your corner, and if your ministers were able to show a shred of evidence of the contrary (or those of hizbushaitan for that matter) your cabinet would not have voted for a continuation of the investigations.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:06 ,2012 تموز 17

yalla instead of saying bullshit show us documents, we have already seen on TV the weapons they were smuggling so...

Default-user-icon GB (ضيف) 11:43 ,2012 تموز 17

An army checkpoint is "an army checkpoint" and people must adhere to the rules of stopping when asked to do so, no matter who you are or who covers you, whether a sheikh, a priest or other.
In these times full of tension, some reactions may be exagerated, but those who shot are not to blame, nor should they be jailed. Seems you forgot Nahr-El-Bared and what those who belonged to the same political line as the 2 dead sheikhs did with the army!!!
Be rational and admit the reality.

Missing lqu7 10:48 ,2012 تموز 17

Your story sounds good for a hollywood movie. I suggest you get it registered and copyrighted, unless you stole it from Future tv. In any case I'm sure you're happy about the release of the Palestinian terrorists today, while honest soldiers are in jail, since this is what your Saudi paymasters want.

Thumb geha 11:01 ,2012 تموز 17

irrational replies is a sign of stupidity, would suggest you avoid them:)
these are facts you cannot deny, unless you have a different version of what happened, then please share them.

Thumb geha 11:36 ,2012 تموز 17

What does it say about you and your comment? ....
and who are you to judge a patriot lebanese? you the traitor to lebanon under the orders of your syrian masters.

Thumb kesrweneh 11:40 ,2012 تموز 17

The M14 criminals were asking for the army withdrawal of Aaakar long before the Kweikhat incident, Khaled el daher and Merehbi from Future, Wehbi katicha (the Lebanese army dishonorable discharged general) from LF...So it’s not news that M14 supports the Salafis against the Lebanese Army. Geagea said it in public and on TV : T1: Falyahkum el 2ekhwan. T2: the Lebanese Army is a legalized murderer.
So no matter what Syrian product Souaid says he can’t pretend to like the Lebanese Army while his masters are attacking it constantly.

Thumb geha 11:46 ,2012 تموز 17

yes we are against the army being a cover for hizbushaitan thugs to roam the north freely arresting people on behalf of the syrian regime.
we are for our army to do what they are there for: protect our borders.

Thumb applepie 13:11 ,2012 تموز 17

FT I wonder how everybody always backs the army but never wonder why the army backs HA. They think it has to do with majority of Shiite in the army but never stop to scratch their heads for a moment and see it is all due to the fact that both the army and HA have one common goal: protecting their country.

Thumb bigsami 16:04 ,2012 تموز 17

applepie....get your facts right....yes the army's goal is indeed to protect the country BUT NOT HA. They would sell our country out on a snap of the fingers......that is if Iran instructs them. Wake up!

Default-user-icon Rationale (ضيف) 16:13 ,2012 تموز 17

Just leave Akkar alone and concentrate on your own dump. I wonder if the army would shoot at a shia shiekh. Aslan are there any checkpoints in shia towns? You bunch of hypocrites - your twisted approach to politics has finally started to bite you back in the ass, and what happened in koura is the biggest proof.

Missing roger@10452 17:44 ,2012 تموز 17

bigsami, you are right on. Very well said!!!

One Country One Army...no more thugs...