السجن سنة و200 جلدة للبناني قام بوشم سعوديات
Read this story in Englishاصدرت محكمة سعودية مؤخرا حكما بالسجن سنة والجلد 200 سوط للبناني ملقب بـ"ملك التاتو" اثر ادانته بوشم سعوديات فضلا عن استخدامه مراهم لتكبير الصدر وازالة السواد من الركب، بحسب صحيفة "المدينة" الصادرة الثلاثاء.
وذكرت الصحيفة ان محكمة جدة قررت ايضا فرض "غرامة مالية ومصادرة جواله على خلفية قيامه بوشم النساء واجراء عمليات المكياج لبشرة النساء" مشيرة الى ان المدعي العام يريد "الاعتراض امام محكمة الاستئناف لتغليط العقوبة فيما ابدى الوافد قناعته بالحكم".
ولم يتسن الحصول على تاكيد رسمي من مصادر قضائية.
واضافت الصحيفة دون ذكر اسمه ان "الوافد المعروف في اوساط النساء بـ"ملك التاتو" قبضت عليه هيئة الامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر وبحوزته حقيبة بداخلها مراهم مخصصة للتخسيس واخرى لرفع الصدر وتكبيره ومساحيق لازالة السواد من الركب".
وتابعت الصحيفة "زعم الوافد ان هذه المواد يستخدمها في لبنان نافيا قيامه بذلك بالمملكة"، مشيرة الى "تضارب اقواله اثناء استجوابه حيث تبين وجود رسائل على جواله من نساء تدل على قيامه بدخوله منازلهن واجرائه عمليات +نقوش+ على اجسادهن".
كما اشارت الى "صور لنساء نقش على اجسادهن تاتو في جواله وبطاقات شخصية للمذكور وزعها على النساء تؤكد مزاولته مهنة الكوافير من خلال الذهاب لمنازلهن".
واكدت ان "التحقيقات تظهر ان الوافد اللبناني درج على هذا العمل طوال تسع سنوات من خلال دخوله المتكرر عبر تأشيرات تجارية وكان في البداية يستقبل النساء في شقة استاجرها. لكنه بعد فترة زمنية وخشية من اعين رجال هيئة الامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر بدأ بالاتفاق مع النساء على زيارتهن في منازلهن لاجراء الوشم".
وختمت ان عناصر الهيئة ضبطت الرجل من خلال "ارسال مخبر اوهمه انه سائق عند احدى السيدات التي ترغب في عمل وشم بجسدها".
where's the prob, you have to control your families and daughters not to punish this guy.
200 lashes for a few tatoos. I wonder about the sentence for burning the jeddah airport road...
Slash it seems you head is in your ass. Typical from a Hakim follower who looks up to Wahhabi trash. Rouh nde7esh fiyon and keep your dirty hands out of Lebanon. Kalb.
You are right wahabis stink. But Slash just said that is their right to do what they want in their country. It doesnt mean he is wahabi. What is this new insult "wahabi" people are throwing on everyone? What is this need to insult those u dont agree with?
slash, i do not know if you really follow the person ion your avatar photo... but most of your posts is dedicated to defending arabism and saudi arabia and their allies. i do not recall sheik bashir being such a wahabi defender like you. if their laws are to execute all christains... do you defend their law? if their law is no protesting by citizens against the government, do you defend that law?
please stop your stop your embaressing comments defending arab insanity against fellow lebanese. the lebanese forces was banned by the lebanese government in the 90s... did you respect that law or did you ignore it?
The highest Wahabi authority encourages sex and marriage with little girls, younger then 12. Saudi Arabia should clearly not be a country, the draconian state is a pedophiles paradise and home to almost all things Al Qaida. What a sick sick society. Someday, I hope we wake up and slam them for their atrocities against humanity.
Slash stated a fact and the fact is, at the end of the day, it is their country and they can trash it the way they want. That does not make him one of them nor their advocate. When the LF were banned and Gen Aoun was exiled, we did ignore it because those verdicts were issued in OUR country. The moment those savages start importing these dark ages mentalities to OUR country, which actually started already, is the time when we should insult them and kick them out. The only problem Lebanese as a whole have is not having THEIR country as their utmost priority.
No, traditions are not to be respected when they limit freedoms. CONSERVATISM=ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY!
All 3rd world countries should stop following these archaic traditions. Even if the majority supports them (for lack of education and brains), we shouldn't have to suffer under them.
Plus, he's a Lebanese citizen. Are we just gonna let them subjugate him to their medieval Arab/Islamic punishment?!
I totally agree with Slash, when you are a guest at any country, you follow the law of the land ... this is FINAL. Whether it is murder or littering of the streets, law is law, you break it you get punished!
Most of you are having a difficulty understanding this idea because you never followed any law.
ya3ni ya shabeb ... she byerfa3 el ras ...
1 year and 200 lashs, Saudi are still living in stone ages , this guy should not be punished , he must come back to Lebanon without punishment asap , Enough of your Saudi stupidity we are in 2012