البنتاغون: إعتداء بلغاريا يحمل بصمات حزب الله لكن لا نستطيع التحديد بدقة

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اعلن المتحدث باسم البنتاغون جورج ليتل الجمعة ان الهجوم الانتحاري الذي استهدف حافلة تقل سياحا اسرائيليين في مطار بورغاس البلغاري "يحمل بصمات حزب الله".

وقال المتحدث امام الصحافيين ان "الاعتداء يحمل فعلا بعض بصمات حزب الله ولكننا لسنا قادرين على ان نحدد بدقة (هوية) من ارتكبه".

واضاف "البلغاريون هم من يتولون التحقيق".

واعلنت الشرطة البلغارية الجمعة انها تبذل جهودا مكثفة بالتعاون مع مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي الاميركي "اف بي اي" والشرطة الدولية "انتربول" لتحديد هوية منفذ الهجوم الانتحاري الذي اودى بحياة ستة اشخاص من بينهم خمسة سياح اسرائيليين.

وكانت قد نقلت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز عن مسؤولين اميركيين قولهم ان منفذ التفجير الانتحاري ينتمي الى خلية تابعة لحزب الله.

ونقلت الصحيفة الخميس عن مسؤولين اميركيين قولهم ان حزب الله يقف وراء الهجوم الذي ادى الى مقتل ستة اشخاص هم خمسة سياح اسرائيليين وسائق بلغاري.

كما نقلت عن مسؤول ثالث قوله ان منفذ التفجير "كان يتصرف الى حد بعيد بتوجيهات" من حزب الله وسنده الرئيسي ايران لشن ضربات ضد اهداف اسرائيلية.

التعليقات 25
Default-user-icon why (ضيف) 13:56 ,2012 تموز 20

hezballah usually rushes to deny such allegations it's been three day and they haven't yet.

Thumb benzona 22:16 ,2012 تموز 20

Some high Muslim cleric should issue a fatwa against Nasrallah. Wanted dead or alive like Salman Ruchdie. And I'd give 1000 L.L. To whom captures him.

Default-user-icon why (ضيف) 04:44 ,2012 تموز 21

I didn't say it you did, I guess you know something I don't moron.

Thumb geha 14:07 ,2012 تموز 20

Poor FT :(
you are so desperate!
hizbushaitan is behind:
- killing Hariri
- all M14 politicians
- Attempts on Geagea and Harb
- caught scouting thehouses of strida Geagea and Georges Adwan.
and now accused of this terrorist act!
what does it say about you for still following them?

Thumb jcamerican 15:31 ,2012 تموز 20

You are right geha. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. They can make you a terrorist if they want. All what they have to do is say so. Anyway,you can rest assured, they will destroy lebanon and other countries now since they have what they need, a very good and solid evidence.

Thumb ado.australia 14:17 ,2012 تموز 20


Thumb geha 14:24 ,2012 تموز 20

when there is smoke then there is fire.
anyway, whether they did this one or not, it does not matter. what matters is that Lebanon gets rid of the syro/iranians to recover its true face of multiculture country.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 14:48 ,2012 تموز 20

September 12, 2002
Michel Aoun: Hezbollah is not a separate entity from Syria. It is under the Syrian operational control.
Robertson: The so-called terrorist group is under the operational control of Syria?
Michel Aoun: Yes, 100 percent, no question about that.

nuff said

Thumb Captain 15:17 ,2012 تموز 20

If anyone blames Israel for anything, it will be anti-semetic. If Israel blames others without proof, I guess they have the right to.

If a rock was thrown at an Israeli, it is terrorism. If Israel wipes out a town with women and children, that is self-defense.

Thumb jcamerican 15:36 ,2012 تموز 20

You just hate civilization don't you? How can you compare savage rock throwing to a civilized missile?

Thumb Captain 16:32 ,2012 تموز 20

Me too, jcamerican. There are dislikes to my post.

Thumb Captain 15:50 ,2012 تموز 20

I feel readers are misinterpreting my post.

Thumb Captain 15:52 ,2012 تموز 20

In other words, get the proof and then point the fingers. Unfortunately, almost all of today's media is always giving noise rather than uncovering the truth.

Thumb jcamerican 16:15 ,2012 تموز 20

I was being sarcastic. I do agree with your comments.

Thumb Chupachups 16:05 ,2012 تموز 20

I can't trust Hezbollah... and I can't trust the US/Israel...

To me it seems the US/israel just wanna strike Hezbollah and are fabricating this..

btw i'm not a hezbollah supporter, infact i'm against.. but i still dont like how the US/israel can make up BS to suit them.

Default-user-icon j. epstein (ضيف) 16:24 ,2012 تموز 20

hizbullah is a usa intel operation. has been since oliver north saved theusa from abu nidal a usa intel agent.
check papers written usa war colleges. so it was a west strike.
if you have old footage look at nasarelleh release getting off the plane watch pm r. harir he is angry pacing it was forced on him by usa intel after 9/11 threatening lebanon with invasion if he did not go along

Thumb benzona 21:22 ,2012 تموز 20

Why r u anonymous?

Default-user-icon bhghwef obcwer (ضيف) 16:27 ,2012 تموز 20

Cherchez la Turkie. I repeat, CHERCHEZ LA TURKIE, another filthy Sunni crazy dump.

Default-user-icon yasser ahmadinejad (ضيف) 16:51 ,2012 تموز 20

Just like the PLO before it Hezballah has no problem putting Lebanon in danger for the cause.

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 17:26 ,2012 تموز 20

Does it really matter to us?We already know that Hizbollah are behind every single crime in lebanon which is enough for us.
outlaws?theft,drugs,murders,terrorism.treason you can name it.Every single member of hizbollah is a criminal and should be thrown in jail for life,anyone supporting them should join them in jail for life.
Thugs Thugs Thugs.

Thumb benzona 17:52 ,2012 تموز 20

Bomb the terrorists!

Default-user-icon Phardo Tikhtakh (ضيف) 15:42 ,2012 تموز 21

All Sunnis (they are becoming predominantly CRAZY LUNATICS) MUST be terminated, whether bombed or not.

Missing fadiashrafiyeh 21:27 ,2012 تموز 20

If your christian, i suggest you let go of your hate.

Missing fadiashrafiyeh 21:29 ,2012 تموز 20

Not that i approve of what zionism have done. I am against it 100%. Israel should never have been created. But hate is not good to carry around.

Missing feekahraba 04:12 ,2012 تموز 21

Can we just change your name to roofus bin doofus.