وهاب ينفي أن يكون من يقف وراء محاولة اغتياله لبنانياً

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أعلن رئيس "حزب التوحيد العربي" وئام وهاب ان المتهم بمحاولة اغتياله ليس لبنانياَ وأن من جنّده ينتمي لحزب سياسي.

وقال في حديث الى تلفزيون "الجديد"، "لن اتهم احد في محاولة اغتيالي حتى الان ولكن اذا تاكدت سيكون لي موقف قاسي".

وتابع وهاب أن "الشخص المتهم هو عندي وسأسلمه للاجهزة الامنية وهو ليس لبناني ومن جنّده ينتمي لحزب سياسي".

في حين كانت قد نقلت صحيفة "الاخبار" في عددها اليوم الثلاثاء تأكيد وهاب أن شخصاً لبنانياً يقف وراء محاولة اغتياله على الاراضي السورية.

وكشف في حديثه لـ"الاخبار" عن معلومات مؤكدة بشأن عملية أمنية كانت تعدّ منذ فترة لاغتياله، مشدداً على أن هناك شخصاً لبنانياً تلقّى أموالاً لتنفيذ عملية الاغتيال عبر إطلاق النار على موكبه داخل الأراضي السورية حتى لا يثير الشبهات في الداخل اللبناني.

وقال وهاب أن المتهم موقوف، وقد اعترف بتلقّيه وعوداً وأموالاً لتنفيذ عمليّة الاغتيال من قبل جهة سياسية لبنانية، مشدداً على ان هذه الجهة "ليست تيار المستقبل".

كما أكد لـ"الاخبار" أن في حوزته اعترافات موثّقة بالصوت والصورة تثبت ارتباط الموقوف بالجهة المشغّلة وتشرح ظروف التنفيذ وآلياته.

ورفض وهاب الغوص إعطاء أية معلومات عن الموقوف إلى حين حلول الوقت المناسب، واعداً بتسليم كل المعطيات التي في حوزته قريباً إلى الأجهزة اللبنانية حتى تجري تحقيقاتها لكشف كامل الملابسات وتحيل المتورطين على القضاء اللبناني.

الى ذلك، أكدت مصادر أمنية لـ"الاخبار" أن وهاب أبلغ بعض الجهات عن وجود موقوف لدى جهة أمنية، وأن الموقوف اعترف بأن مسؤولاً في "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي جنّده" لاغتيال وهاب، وطلب منه تنفيذ العملية في الداخل السوري، لكي يضيع الفاعل.

ورفضت المصادر الكشف عمّا إذا كان الموقوف موجوداً في عهدة جهة أمنية في لبنان أو في سوريا.

وأشارت المصادر عبر "الاخبار" أن عملاً كهذا، في حال صحته، يحصل من دون علم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، رابطة بين هذه المعلومات المتداولة والحذر الأمني الذي يعيشه جنبلاط".

التعليقات 22
Thumb ado.australia 08:45 ,2012 تموز 24

why would anyone want to assassinate this nobody?

Thumb geha 13:06 ,2012 تموز 24

the nobody is this guy, and your fpm MPs. they are all traitors to Lebanon, while Boutros Harb has always been a patriot.

Thumb ado.australia 13:34 ,2012 تموز 24

Geha... Your either have a very short memory or were too young to remember Boutros harb pre-2001.His weekly pilgrimage to anjar and Rustom Ghazali proposing to install him president as replacement to emile lahoud.

So please stop your idiotic comments on traitors.

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 18:36 ,2012 تموز 24

The true nobody is the traitor Samir Geagea. The internal sahyoune.

Missing trigger 09:00 ,2012 تموز 24

as we say in lebanese: MIN ech3ak ya train???

Default-user-icon Tonus (ضيف) 09:43 ,2012 تموز 24

Maybe he think if he get assasinated he will not be hanged coz his end with his friends HA and Orangies is very soon. better got assasinated than going to Lahay with long Procedures

Missing justlebanese 10:35 ,2012 تموز 24

hala2 enta men sheylam men 2ardak 2eh 7a2ak frangayn be wa2t l 8ala

Missing lionkiller 10:49 ,2012 تموز 24

they probably tried to kill you because you didn't leave any food for anyone on the all you can eat buffet

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 11:09 ,2012 تموز 24

kello kezeb , temsilieh min ekhrajo

Default-user-icon Borat (ضيف) 11:09 ,2012 تموز 24

that's a waste of a bullet which could have been used for a much greater cause. like shooting a can of coke off a fence

Default-user-icon GB (ضيف) 11:32 ,2012 تموز 24

It's a pity if he's killed...he will be missed for his humoristic appearances

Thumb geha 13:08 ,2012 تموز 24

clearly you have no sense of what patriotism is :)
especially when you are a traitor yourself. so stop accusing others of what you are.
your treason is well documented daily, boot lickers to the syro/iranians.

Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 13:48 ,2012 تموز 24

The last two assassination attempts against M14 leaders had failed. Hizballah is trying desperatly to weaken M14 by any means including assassination.
This so called assssination attempt, in Syria, against this law life Wahhab and accusing the PSP, is nothing but an attempt to weaken the Druze. With the Druze weak, Hizballah can continue controlling the government and enjoying a fake majority.

The attempt on Boutros HArb was supposed to be a goft from Hizballah to Aoun to boost Gibran Bassil's chances to win in the next elections. Hizballah also sent a team of "Manar Reporters" to videotape the street PM Zahra lives on. Those "reporters" claimed that they were reporting about the pollution in the Zouq power plant. Zahra is now living in Maarab to protect himself from assassination by Hizballah.

Thumb eli-g 14:30 ,2012 تموز 24

what were you doing in syria at this time anyhow.

Missing allouchi 14:53 ,2012 تموز 24

Wahhab better leave when his master Assad when the time comes...we all know that he's Assad's dog...no one will miss you...

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 14:55 ,2012 تموز 24

Earlier on Tuesday, al-Akhbar quoted Wahhab as saying that the suspect is Lebanese and confessed that he had received a sum of money from a political party in Lebanon to assassinate him.

Tawhid Movement leader Wiam Wahhab denied on Tuesday that a Lebanese man was behind an alleged assassination attempt against him. “He is not Lebanese and the person who recruited him belongs to a political party,” Wahhad said.

The fool cannot even get his own invented story straight!

Thumb geha 15:37 ,2012 تموز 24

Stupid and dumb FT: what is there to debate?
do you deny you, fpm and hizbushaitan are part of the syro/iranian axis of evil?
then you are traitors to Lebanon. simple.

Default-user-icon Wiam Kezzab (ضيف) 16:34 ,2012 تموز 24

If this happened in Syria and the guy was caught in Syria, why does this idiot want to involve the Lebanese authorities ? He doesn't even believe in Lebanon.

This supposed "assassin" should be tried in Syria ...

+ Why the hell is Wahab keeping him in custody ?

If true, this is completely illegal ... he's basically incriminating himself with:
- kidnapping a human being,
- holding him against his will,
- interrogating him with god knows what methods ...

If true, then Wahhab should be put on trial for a self confessed crime he carried out.

If false, then Wahhab should be put on trial for being a liar and attempting to create civil strife ...

+ Why would anyone on earth try to assassinate someone as insignificant as him ? He is barely a threat to cockroaches ...

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 17:51 ,2012 تموز 24

Geha, what makes you think that those you support are patriots? isn't it enough that their bank accounts are enough proof that they aren't? there are maybe very few politicians that are somehow patriots but none of these you are all trying here to debate and support are !!!! I must say that but this "ignorance" that you all have, makes them richer and stronger, Thank God that i ain't like one of you here a number or a follower, a lot of Lebanese like me living abroad are sick and tired from your ignorance.

Default-user-icon Maxx (ضيف) 19:24 ,2012 تموز 24

Does anyone know the story of Berezovski, the Russian oligarch mafioso who hired a team of pseudo-assassins to conduct a mock-assassination attempt on him in order to gain political and popular support? Wahhab is not the first, nor will he be the last collaborationist with a home-based terrorist team (in this case, Hizb-al-Suffa7) to try this stunt. Sorry, until you're actually dead, I'm not impressed. This applies equally to Geagea and other so-called "Lebanese politicians" who failed to get themselves properly killed... Here's for a new Lebanon whose politicians are pro-Lebanon, rather than being pro- or anti-Syrian!

Thumb Bandoul 20:22 ,2012 تموز 24

tony allah ywaff2ak we never sink to their level and we never advocate the killing of anyone...please let's keep it civil. We are not animals like them.

Thumb Bandoul 20:29 ,2012 تموز 24

Folks who continue to steer the debate away from the weapons of terror in the hands of the Party of God, think they are so clever pointing out we are allied with the west and proud of it. The difference between us is that even when we are in power/government we can't implement our political agenda for fear of death at the hand of the Party while in stark contrast, the Party does what it wants, when it wants and at gunpoint when needed. Ya 3eib on the people who cannot admit that they are forcing us against our will at gunpoint. Shamato finna la2ilkon, laka yawm ya zalem. Your day will come…eventually.