الجميل: ما يُقال عن اضعاف "حزب الله" بسقوط النظام السوري "كلام خطير وساذج"

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رأى رئيس حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" أمين الجميل أن ما يحكى عن ان سقوط النظام السوري سيقوم باضعاف "حزب الله"، هو "كلام خطير وساذج".

وقال في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير" ان "هذا التحليل والرهان على سقوط سوريا واضعاف "حزب الله" او استسلامه كلام ساذج وغير مسؤول ويورط البلد".

وأوضح الجميل، قائلاً "ربما التعبير ليس في مكانه لكن لا تكرهوا شراً لعله خير لكم. ربما اذا احسنّا توظيف الاحداث في سوريا، تكون اول مناسبة جدية لتوحيد البلد واجراء مصالحة حقيقية التي لا تتم الا مع الاطراف الاساسيين بمن فيهم "حزب الله".

وتابع أن "سوريا لن تستقر لسنوات الى الامام. تداعيات الوضع فيها لن تنتهي بكبسة زر. المعارضة ليست قادرة على التوحد بشكل فعال واللقاء تحت قيادة واحدة للثورة".

وأردف الجميل، قائلاً أن "الوضع يحتاج الى وقت طويل حتى تنقشع الامور وتأخذ الديموقراطية مداها وتقع المصالحات ويتبلور نظام ديموقراطي جديد. ونحن سنتأثر بالوضع السوري".

الا أنه شدد على ان "هناك وعي عند اللبنانيين لجهة عدم الوقوع في الحرب الاهلية. وكل ما يهمني هو تحصين الساحة الداخلية. وهذه تقتضي التواصل بين القيادات وهذا ليس مستحيلاً".

وتشهد سوريا منذ آذر 2011 حركة احتجاجية، مطالبة بسقوط نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، أودت بحياة حوالي 16 ألف شخص.

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Ramzi (ضيف) 09:15 ,2012 تموز 24

Regardless what you may think of Hizballah and how much you wish for their collapse, they are a major entity that has to be represented in Lebanon. You think they will just disappear? We have to talk them into giving up their weapons, and the only way to do that is secure our borders and lure them with political rewards. When Syria falls, not much will change in Lebanon, not for another decade at least.

Thumb joesikemrex 10:28 ,2012 تموز 24

Peacefully or by force, they will be disarmed

Thumb Bandoul 16:43 ,2012 تموز 24

The Party of God = Pervasive Cancer, pure and evil, unrelenting and undeterred, hell bent on cancelling at least 50% of the Lebanese population by any means necessary including and up to lies, propaganda, disinformation and terror tactics. They are belligerent, defiant and indifferent. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a card carrying member with the same exact disposition.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 10:53 ,2012 تموز 24

Be realistic ya 7elween .. as much as I like to see them kicked out and dragged in the streets like they are doing to others, we have to be realistic as this will not to happen overnight. Gemayel is right on this issue.

Thumb Captain 11:06 ,2012 تموز 24

Four Star U.S General admits to American Foreign Policy Coup

Thumb Captain 13:01 ,2012 تموز 24

Of course not.

Missing phillipo 11:12 ,2012 تموز 24

So Gemayel is in favour of Hizballah undermining the Constitution of the Lebanese Republic. In any other, democratic, country he would be arrested for incitement at the least and at the worst, treason.
Once the pipeline through Syria is cut off, just how will Hizballah continue getting their military supplies, or perhaps Gemayel has his own ready for them.

Default-user-icon Lebneneh (ضيف) 16:09 ,2012 تموز 24

phillipo, you are an alien to Lebanon, you should be arrested for treason. Sunnis and Shiite and Chiristian Lebanese are all 1 people, we are Lebanon together. Not Syria, not USA, not Israel and not Saudi Arabia will convince us to fight each other anymore. Gemayel is in favour of a strong and united Lebanon and anyone like you inciting violence on our Shiite brothers is a treaterous! Long live Lebanon--UNITED

Missing phillipo 20:12 ,2012 تموز 24

Excuse me, but who exactly is trying to convince you that Shia, Sunni and Christians have to fight each other. It is necessary for dialogue to preserve the unity of the Republic of Lebanon, and the comments of Mr. GFemayel are not working in the direction of dialogue.

Thumb jabal10452 12:52 ,2012 تموز 24

I want Hezbollah disarmed. If this can be achieved by diplomacy rather by civil war then I chose diplomacy and dialog as long as the dialog is kept moving reasonably forward. Gemayel's approach is to go easy on the fiery rethoric, which is a precondition to fruitful dialog. You can't start negotiations by insulting your counterpart and putting him on the defensive. You need to create the proper atmosphere. Nasrallah and by extension a significant number of Shias cannot lose face and be seen as the losers in this process. A successful outcome of a negotiation is always win-win. Any other result will create resentment in the party that got the short end of the deal. This will lead to a new conflict down the road. We need more cool-headed political thinking like Gemayel's.

Thumb jcamerican 13:24 ,2012 تموز 24

@FT and Jabal. Very nicely said. Gemayel is right about he said. With attitudes like this, the country will be spared. @joesikemrex What are you threatening with? Peace or by force, what kind of a statement is that.

Thumb geha 15:43 ,2012 تموز 24

your logic would be true if:
- hizbushaitan agenda was Lebanese and not iranian.
- what is there to negotiate with hizbushaitan? redistribute power in 3, with one third to Christians? we already lost enough don't you think?
what is the alternative? if it is war, we will have to go through it, as we have no other alternative. we have nothing left to give.
if you were a true Lebanese, you would understand what I said.

Thumb jabal10452 16:26 ,2012 تموز 24

FT, the LF is not a monolithic organisation. There are different opinions in the party and they are voiced freely. To generalize: the old farts like me tend to prefer a disarmament of Hezbollah by political / diplomatic means and this invariably involves posturing and clear definition of red lines as a preamble to negotiations which is what Samir is doing. The younger generation of LF:ers tend to be less tolerant and patient (and have a surplus of testosterones ) and at times advocate a more militant approach. Its really nothing strange: every political movement has similar currents.

Thumb jabal10452 16:27 ,2012 تموز 24


Samir has the responsibility and the duty to uphold the principles of the LF and his positions are stiffer than that of the Kataeb. The LF by definition is to the right of the Kataeb and therefore less inclined to concessions. But this does not make us war mongers. We simply have less wiggle room on the issue of disarmament. What Samir wants to establish a different baseline then the one that Hezbollah wants as a precondition to join the talks. To me personally, the unity of the Christians transcends the LF and the FMP and I want the leaderships of both parties to exert serious effort to unite our ranks.

Thumb geha 17:00 ,2012 تموز 24

First hizbushaitan have admitted several times recently their iranian agenda.
second no one believes this resistance until the country is free.
third for shebaa, the proof is in the hands of your syrian masters, and they denied sending that letter to the UN to solve this matter.
don't you think what you said above is complete BS?

Missing castro@46 16:31 ,2012 تموز 24

Geagea is a good man at least he speaks for Lebanon unlike Hezb Iran .Mr Gemayel Hezb Iran will be gone once the big dog in Syria is gone than Hezb will follow suit.Geagea for president ,god bless Lebanon ..

Missing roger@10452 17:46 ,2012 تموز 24

You must be real smart that you can see what other people can't or you are a big idiot...which one is it? do I need to guess???

Default-user-icon Maxx (ضيف) 19:16 ,2012 تموز 24

The biggest problem with modernity is that you can't just get the idiots who want to go to war to go kill each other, but that once a war begins its mostly who support neither side who are murdered en masse. Look at us, the People of Lebanon: who, still, today, after all that has happened in the past decade or so, still whole-heartedly believes in either M8 or M14 and wouldn't prefer to be associated with neither and live an ACTUAL HUMAN LIFE in Lebanon without being referenced to some political party whose definition of existence revolves around a foreign country ("pro-Syria", "anti-Syria", "pro-West", "anti-West", ad nauseam).

Missing moslem88 20:28 ,2012 تموز 24

Are you serious? You believe israel will remain? Not a chance. It is a prophecy that it will be destroyed. You will see.

Missing castro@46 00:23 ,2012 تموز 25

bandoul dream on Hezb Iran know what to do with Sixty thousand rockets made in 1960 and they can stick them where the sun dont shine, ,they are not called the party of god they are called the party of Iran.They will never control Lebanon not a chance and if you ask why the answer is Assad is going = bye bye Hezb Iran ,god bless Lebanon..

Thumb Bandoul 16:13 ,2012 تموز 25

From your mouth to God's ear, nchallah bass that's not how it will work out. It's just my opinion though, I hope I am wrong.

Thumb Bandoul 16:17 ,2012 تموز 25

It seems the biased censors violated thier on terms of service and removed my post. Here it is again, in case you're wondering: The people who dream of wiping the Party of God from the face of the earth are the same out of touch with reality people who believe that someday Israel will be wiped form the face of the earth. Sixty thousands rockets are sixty thousands rockets with or without Syria's support. And those who think the Party does not use the Airport and Seaport of Beirut to smuggle whatever they want are just not coping well with Lebanon's terminal illness. The Party of God will hold us hostage and at gunpoint for a very long time to come and nobody cares.

Thumb Captain 10:32 ,2012 تموز 26

Too bad for a very esteemed news site like Naharnet to have a sick and extremely biased moderator who is beyond comprehension of what is being written.