اصابة 2 جراء سقوط قذائف من الجانب السوري على بلدتين في عكار فجر الخميس
Read this story in Englishسقط عدد من القذائف من الجانب السوري فجر الخميس على المنطقة الواقعة بين بلدتي البيرة وخربة داوود في عكار، ما ادى الى اصابة شخصين.
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام أن 7 قذائف سقطت بين بلدتي البيرة وخربة داوود اللتين تبعدان حوالي 6 كيلومترات عن الحدود الشمالية اللبنانية السورية.
وسادت حالة من الذعر بين اهالي منطقة الدريب الاوسط بعكار الذين نزح قسم منهم، وعادوا صباح الخميس الى منازلهم، وفق الوكالة.
وأعلن رئيس اتحاد بلديات الدريب الاوسط رئيس بلدية خربة داوود محمود عبدالمجيد، عبر "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، عن اصابة شخصين جراء سقوط القذائف.
وأوضح أن "منزل ناصر مرعب في بلدة خربة داوود قد اصيب، بالاضافة الى بلوغ شظايا القذائف المدفعية السورية عددا من المنازل الاخرى"، مشيراً إلى أن "سيدة تدعى مرام الزعبي قد اصيبت ونقلت الى مستشفى سيدة السلام في القبيات للعلاج كما اصيب تيسير مرعب اصابة طفيفة وتم علاجه".
وأشار عبدالمجيد الى انها "المرة الاولى التي تبلغ القذائف السورية هذا المدى البعيد نسبياً عن الحدود، وهذا أمر بالغ الخطورة".
وطالب "الدولة اللبنانية بتحمل مسؤولياتها إزاء المخاطر الكبيرة التي تنجم عن مثل هذه الانتهاكات".
وقد شهدت بلدتي العبودية والشيخ عياش الحدوديتين توترا امنيا، ليل الاربعاء-الخميس مع بلوغ الرصاص من الجانب السوري الضفة اللبنانية لمجرى النهر الكبير في خراج البلدتين.
وأفادت الوكالة عن إصابة عدد من المنازل التي نزح ساكنوها عنها. ونقلت عن الاهالي ان 12 قذيفة سقطت ليلاً دون الابلاغ عن وقوع اصابات.
وتعرضت المناطق الحدودية في الآونة الاخيرة الى القصف من الجانب السوري ادى الى مقتل وجرح عدد من الاشخاص. يذكر انها المرة الاولى التي تسقط فيها قذائف في هذه المنطقة البعيدة نسبيا عن الحدود.
and the army is? defending the syrian regime!
what a joke of an army and an army chief!
Take it easy, it is not that simple. We are assuming it is the Syrian army but it could be the opposition retaliating to handing in 2 opposition to the regime yesterday or could a 3rd party like the Palestinian group that are lying low now. They want to drag Lebanon into mess, We just have to be smart enough in dealing with these king incident. We have no air power to backup any response.
It is the Syrian army as they have the control of that border and no opposition has the firepower (yet) to reach at least 6 km. Keep in mind the distance from within Syria for the opposition is even greater to surpass the Syrian army let alone way into Lebanon.
Neither our government nor our army care... they are both so affiliated to the Syrian regime that they don't dare lifting a finger! As a mater of fact, they own their positions to their good friend Bashar...
By the way... has Bashar ever apologised.....CRIMINAL!
Guys, it is pretty clear I am an army supporter/loyalist and that I am not well liked for it on this forum but all am saying is are we just going to accuse the army of all this chips heik without documentation of facts? So, we're just going to dump on them without knowing the internals of how it is being commanded by the Party of Terror and Intimidation aka M8 chips government? I mean isn't the core idea of an army is to follow its orders? Yalla give me a million thumbs down for debating.
If this government does not issue clear orders to the army to defend the citizens in the North, I advocate the citizens take up arms and defend themselves from the enemy just as much as the people of the south have done and still do. What a difference between the Jordanian army and our army.... The jordanian army has strict orders to engage the criminal gangs of Assad and silence the source of fire. It is happening almost daily on the Jordanian-Syrian border!
All we need is an officer with balls to fire back at Syria,not to worry guys Hezb Iran will protect our country not.
Akiid the army didn't do anything....they say were going to protect lebanon so does HA but then again nothing....aybe we should take up arms and protect lebanon at least we would be doing it for lebanon not anything else maybe get rid of the terrorist M8 forces
As Assad goes down in Syria, his Regime's hamfisted manner of conduct toward towns and villages in Lebanon along his border will bring down this M8 government in Lebanon as well.
The M8 Government of Nasrallah/Berri/Aoun/Frangieh/Wahab/SSNP are all acolytes of Mr. Assad's family and so they will not interfer with Assad's attempts to survive in Syria, even if those attempts mean violation of Lebanese sovereignty, destruction of Lebanese homes and killing of Lebanese people, because this M8 Rogues Gallery's survival in Lebanon depends upon Assad's survival in Syria. These guys cannot cut their umbilical cord to Assad and so when he goes they will go with him.
And good riddance to them all.
I recall last week a article whereby Miqati stated that the Lebanese Army will defend our borders at all costs.....and I said "OK....let's see what happens next time the Syrian make their move". BS! This government post masked (silent) coup by HA removing Hariri is in total control of the SCUMS HA! This is why nothing is being done to defend the country.....let alone assassination attempts covered up (telecom data restricted). HA has to be destroyed once and for all.
Guys, it is pretty clear I am an army supporter/loyalist and that I am not well liked for it on this forum but all am saying is are we just going to accuse the army of all this chips heik without documentation of facts? So, we're just going to dump on them without knowing the internals of how it is being commanded by the Party of Terror and Intimidation aka M8 chips government? I mean isn't the core idea of an army is to follow its orders? Yalla give me a million thumbs down for debating.