القوى الامنية تشتبك مع مسلحين اثناء عملها على تلف الحشيشة في اليمونة البقاعية
Read this story in Englishوقعت اشتباكات بين القوى الامنية ومسلحين، في منطقة اليمونة البقاعية، استعملت فيها الرشاشات الحربية والاسلحة المتوسطة والخفيفة، بينها قذائف "ب 7"، اثناء قيام القوى بتلف مزروعات الحشيشة.
وأفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، صباح الجمعة، أن عسكري وضابط من مخفر الدرك في اليمونة اصيبا بجروح بعد تعرض الدورية التي تعمل على اتلاف الحشيشة في المنطفة.
وتابعت، انه تم اطلاق قذيفتين، احداهما قذيفة "ب 7"، التي اصابت جرافة للقوى الامنية تقوم بتلف الحشيشة في الدار الواسعة في بعلبك، الامر الذي ادى الى اشتعال حريق كبير، حيث تعمل فرق الدفاع المدني على اخماده.
ومن جانبها، أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، عن اصابة عنصر من الجيش اللبناني بجروح طفيفة في خلال اطلاق نار على القوى الامنية التي تعمل على تلف الحشيشة وبمؤازرة الجيش بعملية تلف للحشيشة في منطقة دار الواسعة البقاعية.
ولاحقا أصدرت مديرية التوجيه في قيادة الجيش شرحت فيه أنه "صباح اليوم، وخلال قيام قوة من الجيش في منطقة اليمونة - دار الواسعة، بمؤازرة مجموعة تابعة لمكتب مكافحة المخدرات في قوى الأمن الداخلي، مكلفة بمهمة تلف المزروعات الممنوعة، تعرضت لإطلاق نار بالأسلحة الحربية المتوسطة والخفيفة من قبل مسلحين، ما أدى الى إصابة عسكريين اثنين بجروح".
ولفتت القيادة أنه "قد ردت عناصر القوة على النار بالمثل، كما تم استقدام تعزيزات إضافية الى المنطقة، حيث باشرت وحدات الجيش تنفيذ عمليات دهم لأماكن مطلقي النار وملاحقة المسلحين الذين فروا الى الجرود المحيطة بالمنطقة".
وتواصلت عملية تلف المزروعات الممنوعة وفق البرنامج المقرر لها بحسب الجيش.
وطوق الجيش اللبناني بلدة اليمونة لناحية دار الواسعة ودير الاحمر بالاليات العسكرية والعناصر.
من جانب آخر، أقدم مجهولون يستقلون سيارة على اطلاق النار بإتجاه سيار الدرك في بعلبك ما ادى الى اصابة دركي، كشفت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5) أن هذا الدركي يدعى علي رعد.
في حين أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، أن مجهولين أطلقوا النار على مخفر درك بعلبك أثناء مرورهم بسيارة من نوع جيب شيروكي نبيذي اللون، ما أدى إلى إصابة عنصرين من حرس المخفر أحدهما في رجله وقد نقل إلى مستشفى دار الأمل الجامعي لتلقي العلاج والآخر إصابة طفيفة في عنقه.
وفر مطلقو النار إلى جهة مجهولة.
Ya3ne ya Phil, fathal enta. Habboub we do not need dirty additional income like this by helping destroying other lifes and minds and we certainly don't need people like you and your thinking in Lebanon. Bhannik 3ala hal comment wel tefkir
Cannabis doesn't destroy "other lifes and minds".. it is a mild recreational drug.. Anyway, when you say "we certainly don't need people" like Phil in Lebanon, who is "we"? you and your boyfriend?
ya ghabi...halla2 haw 3am ya3mlo 3amal inseni ya3ne? 3am yzra3o minshem pharmaceutical needs?
For once I totally agree with you FT. Moreover, I can assure you that cannabis cultivation is NOT political. I.e, Bekaa (all regions, sects, affiliation, etc..) has been growing cannabis since a very long time. Please people be rational for once! Now don't get me wrong, I believe the political/cash-for-weapons operations are not based on cannabis, but rather based on the Heroin/smart-drug labs that are popping like crazy up there. That's what they should be focusing on and not the freaking farmers and cultivators who aren't given any other alternative!
this is once more the result of weapons proliferation by hizbushaitan.
Just wondering (and if someone would care commenting seriouly you are welcome):
- Nasrallah said in his latest speech that the main deterrent to israel are his long range missiles.
- why does he not give those missiles to the army?
- hizbushaitan being a resistance can still resist in the south.
what is wrong with scenario?
@geha and those similar to him
Honestly I am sick and tired of you calling Hizballah "Hizbushaitan".
You are taking the name of "Allah" and twisting it into something evil and other times into something dirty which shows you are practically a pagan for had you been a believer, you would not dare do that!
And before you say who the hell are they to use the name of Allah, refer to the Koran and see where the word "Hizbullah" is mentioned and its weight and importance to the party who adopted this name.
Now I advise you to find a decent way to bitch about the party, the shiite sect altogether, the shiite religion, the sect's reigious leader and its people. Enough is enough!
@applepie: okokokok. Since Hezbollah is a major producer of hash, lets call them Hezbolswareekh instead. And I'm not referring to Katyushas ;-)
I know exactly the meaning of the word hizbullah and it is for that reason that I chose to refuse it.
my reasoning is that you cannot be against the party of GOD otherwise you would be siding with satan, and I know for a fact that I am not.
thus I call them hizbushaitan. hope you understand the justification.
I had not seem your last comment and my above answer is for your first comment.
however, your second comment denotes your hatred to the extreme, and insulting others is not justifiable.
applepie ma yékhod 3a khatrak habibi énta. I actually have a tactical idea that you can relay to your party:
Cut a few truckloads of that hashish and take it to the south, as close to the border as possible. Pile it up. Wait until the wind blows south and make a giant abboulé of the whole thing. Then watch the IDF put away those guns and whip up those guitars and sing Kumbaya. And right there, right there the road to Jerusalem will be open. Charge! Go get em boys! Allaaaaahu akbar wall 3izzatu lill3arab!
Those who have the audacity to claim they are the Party of God on earth are blasphemous arrogant thugs. We reject shar7an w’faslan, the name of this party, its agenda, its leader and its views: both ideological and political. Wa2e7it this Party of Terror and Intimidation knows no boundaries and they have no right to call themselves anything with the name God in it.
Alcohol is far more dangerous than cannabis .And you can get it in every market. Let's be honest cannibis would be an opportunity for Lebanon to make money.
Hash should be legalized (and hopefully taxed) in this country. Enno wherever I look, somebody is firing up a saroukh at some party. There is an added benefit to hash: it makes you mellow and nice and fuzzy and cozy and less inclined to grab your kalash or your RPG and shoot it in an arak-induced rage ;-)
Alla yerham trabak ya Jerry Garcia!
@jabal10452, besides mellow, nice ,fuzzy and cozy you forgot the munchies, besides how awesome would it be if the only swareekh we had in Lebanon were cannabis swareekh.
The munchies! How could I ever forget! Thus, a boost to the shawarma industry. Because in my book only a good shawarma with extra tarator cures the good old munchies.
Nothing to do with sects or political parties.. simply scum!
The best solution is to leave the cannabis and put plenty of land mines in. My only concern is these cowards would send their women and children to collect the crops.
If you legalize marijuana, everybody will get along and party together :-)
Enforce banning guns first! they are far more dangerous than a happy smiley person that have the munchies!
This is not surprising. Bekaa has long been a lawless land dominated by families and mobs that are ruled by the laws of honor. This is the case in both Christian and Muslim villages in the region, and it also has little to do with Hezb's weapons (as some might proclaim).
When a region is impoverished and suffers from poor socioeconomic conditions, such types of illicit activities will flourish. Rather than simply and exclusively spend resources on tackling these illicit activities, governments should draft an economic plan that would increase standards of living and establish the rule of law, eventually leading to a gradual decrease in illegal actions.
Those who have the audacity to claim they are the Party of God on earth are blasphemous arrogant thugs. We reject shar7an w’faslan, the name of this party, its agenda, its leader and its views: both ideological and political. Wa2e7it this Party of Terror and Intimidation knows no boundaries and they have no right to call themselves anything with the name God in it.