توقيف الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة وإطلاق سراح مرافقيه بعد اعترافه أنه كان يخطط لتفجيرات في الشمال
Read this story in Englishإعترف النائب والوزير السابق ميشال سماحة بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات في شمال لبنان بطلب سوري، وذلك بعد توقيفه صباح الخميس بمداهمة منزله في الخنشارة عبر قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي.
وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" في خبر عاجل بعد ظهر الخميس أن "سماحة اعترف بالتخطيط لتفجيرات إرهابية في لبنان بطلب سوري".
وأوضحت القناة أن التفجيرات كانت ستحصل في إفطارات رمضانية في شمال لبنان.
بدورها أشارت قناة الـ"LBCI" إلى أن "سائق سماحة اعترف بضلوعه في المشاركة في التحضير لعمليات إرهابية كانت ستنفذ في الشمال" واعتراف السائق بعد القبض عليه هو الذي أدى إلى اعتراف سماحة .
كذلك لفتت القناة إلى اعتراف سماحة "بتهريب المتفجرات بسيارته من سوريا إلى لبنان" مضيفة "المتفجرات كانت تنقل بصندوق سيارة سماحة وقد صادرتها القوى الأمنية اليوم من أجل الكشف عليها وتم تسليمها لشخص من آل كفوري وقد قبض عليه".
وأبلغ مصدر أمني الـ"LBCI" أن "الأدلة كانت واضحة وموضوعية وجمعها بدأ منذ نحو أسبوعين وجرى عمليات تصوير بالتفصيل لهذه المراحل".
وفي السياق عينه أشارت قناة "الجديد" أن "توقيف ميشال سماحة استند إلى شريط فيديو يظهر تورطه في التخطيط لتفجيرات في الشمال".
ومساء الخميس أفرج عن مرافقي سماحة علي ملاح وفارس بركات وعن سكريترته غلاديس عواضة بسند كفالة .
وقال بركات لقناة الـ"LBCI" أنه لم ينقل "أي سلاح بسيارة سماحة من سوريا إلى لبنان".
وتابع بركات "لا أعلم لماذا أوقفت ولا أعلم التهمة الموجهة إلي وإلى الوزير وسمعوا مني فقط معلومات عن الوزير".
وأوضح أنه لم يواجه سماحة في التحقيق قائلا "هم يكتبون التحقيق كما يريدون والوزير هو آخر من يفكر في التفجيرات وأول هذا الأسبوع زار سوريا وأنا كنت برفقته".
وفي كواليس التحقيق أيضا علمت قناة الـ"MTV" أن "مدة توقيف سماحة في فرع المعلومات هي قانونا يومين قابلة للتمديد يومين آخرين بعد الحصول على موافقة خطية من المدعي العام التمييزي".
كما أشارت القناة إلى أن التحقيق "استند الى أدلة أكيدة ومحكمة لها علاقة بجزء منها بالداتا وبجزئها الآخر بصور وأشرطة فيديو وتسجيلات صوتية تظهره وبالجرم المشهود وأدوات التخطيط مع المجموعة المكلفة بالتفجيرات".
ووصفت مصادر أمنية لـ"LBCI" ما جرى في عملية التوقيف "أنها عملية مخابراتية تقليدية وأحد الأشخاص الذين جندهم سماحة للقيام بالتفجيرات تعامل مع فرع المعلومات وأوصلهم إلى الحقيقة".
وكشفت القناة أن "سماحة تسلم المتفجرات في زيارته الاخيرة لدمشق بعدما كان في مكتب اللواء علي المملوك".
وكانت داهمت قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي صباح الخميس، منرلي النائب والوزير السابق ميشال سماحة في الاشرفية والخنشارة وأوقفته في البلدة الثانية بناء على استنابة قضائية.
وبعد التوقيف حضر القاضي سمير حمود الى مبنى شعبة المعلومات واطلع شخصيا على مجريات التحقيق مع الوزير سماحة وعلى الادلة والمضبوطات.
وقد قابل حمود سماحة وتأكد من سلامة الاجراءات المتخذة من شعبة المعلومات واطلع من الطبيبين اللذين عاينا سماحة، على سلامة وضعه الصحي.
من جهة أخرى أفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 93.3" ان "ذوي وأنصار سماحة سيتحركون صباح غد (الجمعة) في حال لم يتم إطلاق سراحه في مدة أقصاها مساء اليوم (الخميس)".
من جانبها، كشفت معلومات أمنية للـ"MTV" صباح الخميس أن توقيف سماحة تم على خلفية محاولة اغتيال النائب عن كتلة "المستقبل النيابية" خالد الضاهر لإحداث فتنة مذهبية.
وأعلن النائب الضاهر عبر الـ"MTV" انه متفاجئ بعلاقة سماحة بمحاولة اغتياله، الذي هو برسم القوى الامن والقضاء المختص.
كذلك تحدثت معلومات أخرى عن أن سماحة كان يخطط لتفجيرات في عكار قبيل زيارة البطريرك الماروني إليها بهدف زج الموضوع بالسلفيين "لإحداث فتنة" كما نقل موقع صحيفة "الجمهورية".
يُشار الى أن قنبلة صوتية قد انفجرت فجر أمس الاربعاء، قرب منزل الضاهر في بلدة ببنين في قضاء عكار.
وقام فرع المعلومات بعملية تفتيش دقيقة لمنزل سماحة في جوار الخنشارة، وقد اخذت مجموعة من الملفات واجهزة كومبيوتر واشرطة فيديو.
ونقلت الـ"LBCI" أنه تم العثور على عبوات ناسفة في مكان، في منزل سماحة في جوار الخنشارة، رافضة تحديده.
واوقفت الاجهزة الامنية سائقه فارس بركات.
وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" أن القوى الامنية اوقفت في وقت سابق سكرتيرته واثنين من مرافقيه.
وقالت زوجة سماحة للـ"LBCI" ان قوة امنية اقتحمت المنزل في جوار الخنشارة واوقفت سماحة واجبرته على دخول احدى السيارات الاربعة التي كانت امام المنزل.
وأشارت الى ان سماحة كان لا يزال داخل فراشه واقتيد منه مباشرة.
يُشار الى ان في العام 2007 صدر قرار اميركي يمنع دخول ميشال سماحة وعدد من الشخصيات الموالية للنظام السوري، الى الولايات المتحدة بحجة التورط أو إمكانية التورط في زعزعة الاستقرار الامني والاقتصادي للبنان.
this traitor is the right hand of the syrian president nd has an office in his presidential palace.
here I am guessing: probably this has to do with unveiled plot to assassinate berri? especially they arrested lately a terrorist cell...
whatever, all traitors to Lebanon will end up in jail or finalized...
I agree with with you this guy is a traitor to Lebanon and should be in prison or better still send him to Syria
this guy will end up dead to make sure he does nt tell what he knows. does it remind you of someone else? yes, hobeika :) when hobeika threatened to reveal what he knows, he was assassinated.
This guy was part of the late Nassib Lahoud party. So by calling him "Syrian dog" are you kids implying the same about Lahoud? Too many ignorantis giving their comments here.
Iqu7, you are may be mistaken this guy with Carole who is of a quite different brand from this Chabb(i7)7
i hope that everybody who's playing with the Lebanese independence will be condemned. long live Lebanon...
What a classy and intelligent bunch of people post here on Naharnet! No wonder Lebanon is deteriorating :( Shame.
Now here is an intelligent comment. People can write anything they want within the limit set by Naharnet.
My initial comment about seeing Samaha in Damascus on a few occasions over the past few months with a leading figure in the airforce intelligence was deleted by naharnet. So much for freedom of speech i guess.
My initial comment about seeing Samaha in Damascus on a few occasions over the past few months with a leading figure in the airforce intelligence was deleted by naharnet. So much for freedom of speech i guess.
I remind you that you have stated on more than one occasion that you want to shoot M14 supporters in the head and dissolve them in acid. You have never apologized or shown remorse for this incendiary statements. Immoral individuals, who have no conscience, should not cry wolf or lecture others on civility and ethics.
Being 8th of March or 14th of March they all didn't do anything. Enough bullshit, enough non sense politic talks. Grow up people, enough following bullshit leaders whom names are repeated continuously since the beginning of the war till date.
Leaders are only interested to stay in control by winning the elections. Every 4 years the same drama and play is repeated, and Lebanese people wait every 4 years by hoping that the minimum living requirements are supplied with bullshit talks and non sense promises.
Dear Ministers, Deputies, Presidents, political clans heads, you are dirty Pigs, dogs, unworthy to talk in the Lebanese people’s name. To go hell
I think Pauldiezer and Slash politness can make us win the elections, without lifting a finger (especially not the middle one)
Simply a taste of HIS OWN MEDICINE! Finally justice is partially served!
Way to go Lebanon.The falling dictatorship in Syria starts paying off!
Long live Syria and Lebanon.
that is another proof of the dying syrian regime..who is next ..that is the question.
Let the judicial process take its course... (Ha ha! - WHAT judicial process?!?!?)....
Anyway, I think that there is general agreement among this august crowd that this guys is scum...
To lqu,
Just for the record :That low life was never in Lahoud's party. He was forced upon him by the zealots of syria.
I'm not sure what that has anything to do with my statement regarding the fact that the guy is always in Damascus and probably is coordinating with Assad's Airforce intelligence to carry out crimes in Lebanon. I agree that none of the people you mentioned are patriots given that they put their family interests before their own country but that still doesn't make it ok that Michel Samaha is complicit in the attempted murder of a Lebanese politician/citizen. You should be equally harsh on him as on the other politicians you mentioned. Right?
And I really meant it when I said that I saw him there at least 3 times over the past 5 months. Same spot as well. Sheraton Lobby in the bar area that's next to the front desk. He was also with the same guy all three times. Suspicious don't you think?
To FT:
You are an ignorant and a malicious person. The late Mr LAHOUD Nassib was a man of honor, whose hands were not smeared with the blood of innocent and unarmed citizens (may 7th), was cleaner and more honorable than drug smuggling HA deputies. A true lebanese who did not get so low as you and hour fpm freinds to post such crap on the internet.
Go get a shower and clean your brain cause it stinks and make people vomit.
A pro-syrian politician arrested with the political cover of a pro-syrian government... Something smells fishy..;
Anyway, I hope all the pro-syrian, pro-saudi, pro-iranian, pro-israeli, pro-US politicians will be arrested soon for high treason...
I don't know who this guy is to be honest. Maybe he knows something about the Syrian regime that puts the regime in a bad light and now that the regime is on its last leg it wants to make sure he doesn't talk before it is too late to silence him? Just guessing...
More speculation and no sources bandoul? Please, spare us this flawed methodology of political analysis.
LOL, look who's calling the kettle black! What part of "I don't know" and "Just guessing" tripped you up?
What tripped me up? The fact that you don't know and you're just guessing and yet still speculate lol.
Michel Samaha is a member of the M8 camp and a well known Syrian agent...so who's trying to create chaos in Lebanon? very simple really, SYRIA, IRAN and their Lebanese cronies so they can stay in power and help their foreign masters achieve whatever goals they are after regardless of the suffering of Lebanese economy, security and well being...most M8rs are a bunch of traitors...
For all of your statements, not one source to accompany them.
Geez, you wouldn't last an hour in university.
I remind you that you have stated on more than one occasion that you want to shoot M14 supporters in the head and dissolve them in acid. You have never apologized or shown remorse for these incendiary statements. Immoral individuals, who have no conscience, should not cry wolf or lecture others on civility and ethics.
Bala tahzeeb, bala marba, bala akhle2 and bala sharaf is lecturing others on tahzeeb, marba akhle2 and sharaf? Keep it up...it just reminds us that what comes around goes around. You'll get your turn 7abboub <wink> I have faith in God that the likes of you will get their judgment day just like the rest of us!
it is a bad women language, you can talk as men when you decide, we are proud of the israelean killers (Hezbollah) while we are not proudf of Katarian dogs, israelean dogs, saudian dogs, american dogs and bitches
ya chabeb w sabaya , yaraytkoun bytcheelo kel souwar el zo3ama , madi wa hader , shaheed wa mojrem w btehtamo bi chi taneh yinfa3 hal balad .. el syaseh ghasseel dmagh a3l fadeh. no one is right , no one is wrong , but that is not the point . It is only a divertion to distract people from social pressure & citizens basic needs .
Stick to the streets , follow your rights & needs not a party or a politician and they will fall one by one until a real state of order & services takes over ...
Nope, another well raised typical Lebanese political follower. Unfortunately, it is not just M14 supporters that fit this category.
You are all blinded by these politicians. When a problem occurs, M8 blames it on M14, and M14 blames it on M8. In the end, we've had no progress, and yet we sit and bicker about whose fault it was without providing any tangible solutions. The one solutions you do provide involve violence and the marginalization of a segment of the Lebanese population.
Overall, none of these people you all follow have done anything for you. Nothing. We still have no water and electricity. We still have no rule of law. We still have corruption. We still have no plans to get out of our debt. We still can't attract any foreign investment. You each have your flawed reasons for these problems, but you all miss the fundamental problem in our political system: our sectarian attitude leads to incompetent and unaccountable politicians, whose only job is to accuse and not actually do something.
Geagea is a mass murderer and he got out from jail. This guy will do short time and then out again and more popular then ever. Still with facts authorities have on criminal acts politicians have committed and still are committing and still at large, this is very political arrest.
I can't believe how many people are falling over each other to defend this low life brown nose
This comment goes to anyone with a bit of logic in Lebanon... Even the FPMs... Is it too far fetched to beleive this guy isn't plotting or hasnt plotted attempts on key officials? Plus if they say there is video soon enough it will be leaked... And if then we see officials demanding his release... Especially from Aoun...Then we will c who wants a state and who enjoys lawless streets and picking up crumbs. Let's all hope the Vedio is clear enough to implicate our ex MP.
instead of thinking how to avoid the pit falls of sectarianism and destroying each other and your country, I feel sorry I am Lebanese. you are in serious trouble this war will not end in 50 years. those who are laughing at each other misery you will drink from the same cup .instead of sharing thoughts how to work out the situation with each other you try to be little each other so the west will think your civilized and your fighting for democracy. what I see from each and every one is an animal behavior
instead of thinking how to avoid the pit falls of sectarianism and destroying each other and your country, I feel sorry I am Lebanese. you are in serious trouble this war will not end in 50 years. those who are laughing at each other misery you will drink from the same cup .instead of sharing thoughts how to work out the situation with each other you try to be little each other so the west will think your civilized and your fighting for democracy. what I see from each and every one is an animal behavior
How can we ever have a country if we keep cursing at each other? Most posts here are shameful, be it m8 or m14. For once people, think of Lebanon, the country all our kids will live in and what kind of legacy we keep to them.
If semaha truely betrayed his country then he should be punished accordingly, end of story. This is the logic in any country, grand treason is never taken lightly.
Stop debating your m8 and m14 ideals. It's completely futile when you look at the big picture that is your country, Lebanon for all.