أيالون توقع تفكك سوريا إلى محافظات ورجح أن يتعرض لبنان للمصير عينه

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توقع نائب وزير الخارجية داني أيالون تفكك سوريا إلى محافظات مرجحاً أن يتعرض لبنان لذات المصير لاحقاً .

وقال أيالون في لقاء مع مجموعة من أعضاء قرية "غيفيم" التعاونية في النقب الغربي إن "العالم العربي يمرّ حالياً بمرحلة ستعيده إلى ما كان عليه قبل الحرب العالمية الأولى وإفرازاتها الاستعمارية".

واستبعد أيالون نشوء تحالف عربي مناهض لإسرائيل خلال السنوات العشر أو الخمس عشرة المقبلة مبدياً تفاؤله بأن الدول العربية "ستدرك بعد الخضات الداخلية التي تشهدها أهمية التعاون مع إسرائيل".

وتشهد سوريا منذ أكثر من عام ونصف احتجاجات ضد النظام امتدت إلى مناطق نفوذه في حلب ودمشق وسط سقوط أكثر من 20000 قتيل.

وكان قد أقر ضابط إسرائيلي كبير اليوم الجمعة رافضا الكشف عن اسمه أنه "لدينا انطباع بأنه يوجد احتمال جيد لنشوء كانتونات في سوريا، وإذا استمر الوضع بشكله الحالي فإنه سيكون هناك إقليم كردي في الشمال وأصبحنا نرى مؤشرات لذلك، وإقليم علوي في منطقة الساحل يشمل مدينتي طرطوس واللاذقية، وإقليم سني، وإقليم درزي في جبل الدروز".

ورأى الضابط الإسرائيلي أن "التأثير الأهم، بنظري، لما يحدث في سوريا هو أن محور طهران - دمشق - بيروت أي حزب الله سيتضرر، فهذا هو المحور الذي تمر من خلاله الأسلحة، ولذلك فإننا نرى أن الإيرانيين قلقون للغاية مما يحدث في سوريا".

وتطرق الضابط في هيئة أركان الجيش الإسرائيلي إلى لبنان واعتبر أن أمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله "موجود في حالة توتر بسبب الوضع في سوريا، وقد أخذ يلقي مؤخرا خطابات أكثر من الماضي".

التعليقات 13
Thumb shab 18:48 ,2012 آب 10

Peace now will elminate the filthy militia

Missing barhoum 06:59 ,2012 آب 11

Not only will it eliminate this filthy militia, but peace with the Israelis will cause confusion in Israel. The only reason for Jewish unity, is a common foe.......the Arabs. I encourage peace!

Default-user-icon Jabal al-Sheikh (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 آب 10

Israel is so worried now that it's most reliable "enemy" is about to fall, the Golan is no longer the playground of the Israeli rich and famous.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:49 ,2012 آب 10

ayalon is reading kissinger plan for the 100th time..and the sionist entity will have another 10 /15 years,what's new danny?we have time.

Thumb ado.australia 19:58 ,2012 آب 10

Google search "new middle eastern map". In 1997, Dick Cheney, who was a senator and chairmen of the council for foriegn relations, came up with this map of the middle east.

He was also the ceo of Halliburton. As vice president, he argued that this step removed any conflict of interest. Cheney's net worth, estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million, is largely derived from his post at Halliburton which was the main contractor in the Iraqi invasion which removed Sunni Iraq and started this Sunni/Shiite war.
He was also a member of the board of advisors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) before becoming vice president.

This is what is happening.... Congratulations to all participants of this plan.... Particularly those middle eastern "allies". (aka Saadadine Hariri)

Thumb anonymouslb 17:07 ,2012 آب 11

Absolutely... I was going to post about it...

Missing people-power 18:51 ,2012 آب 11

The Iraq invasion "started the Sunni/Shiite war"??? hahaha.... good one, this shows your intelligence level.

Missing truthseeker 21:08 ,2012 آب 10

In other words, the satanic beast ayalon is saying: arabs better submit to "israel" or face partiion, division and civil war until the people of the same household will start viewing themselves as seperate identies diffirent from eachother. What is happening in syria is a taste of what could happen.

If bashar el assad cared about syria then he would have stepped down a long time ago instead of giving the zionist scum the opportunity to do what they are doing. Their evil plans are always in action and the arab leaders are as usual to stupid or too selfish from stopping them.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 12:18 ,2012 آب 11

In the bible, Isaiah said: "Thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth from thee" In simple words: those who will destroy you will come from your own people.
Instead of investing in people's prosperity, leaders are inciting against Israel to cover their own corruption, lack of freedom , low income, unemployment, poverty etc.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 12:20 ,2012 آب 11

Look around you, 1.5 billion Arabs blame a tiny country like Israel that occupies 0.14 percent of all Arabian land, for all their trouble.
The Jealousy in Israel for being a developed country while all Arabs remain behind, the fault is not Israel, its because of Arabian leaders who remain corrupted, lack of democracy, unemployment, no freedom of speech, low standard of life and the incitement against Israel blaming them for all the Arabs' troubles.
Time to grow up, Israel's existence is a fact.
You can either live with them in peace which will contribute to all nations or continue dreaming of wiping out Israel and remain behind.
Your enemy is not Israel the real enemy are the leaders whom inciting against Israel to cover their corruption.
Israel will be more than happy if Lebanon will be united and return to be the Switzerland of the Mediterranean.
A quiet border is for benefit of both nations.

Default-user-icon Watcher465 (ضيف) 17:34 ,2012 آب 28

Thanks for admitting that Israel occupies Arab land. As for the rest of your comment, it is dog shit wrapped in hasbara.Why don't you eat your words?

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 13:46 ,2012 آب 11

Israel needs to know one thing: give back the territories that they took to their lawful owners, the palestinians, and we the Arabs will take care of our countries. Israel has nothing to say about the Arab world. Israel is a foreign body and should shut up when it's surrounded by a million arab. one day it will find itself puched to accept the inevitable: ceding the occupied territories to its people.

Missing ulpianus 23:10 ,2012 آب 11

By these kind of statements, they are trying to make us feel there will be a strife.

But there wont. Lebanon wont be divided. We have been through much worse situations. In fact, when Assad falls, the only solution for Hezb is to stretchen out their hands to the rest of the Lebanese. Which they will do.

The question is, will future/saudi movement accept this? or will they try to corner the beast to make it fight for it´s survival and thus, digging the grave of Lebanon?