كلينتون: العقوبات على حزب الله تهدف الى قطع الصلات بينه وبين إيران وسوريا

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رأت وزيرة الخارجية الاميركية هيلاري كلينتون أن عقوبات واشنطن على حزب الله تهدف الى قطع "الصلات" بينه وبين إيران وسوريا، مشيرة الى ان هذه العلاقة تسهم في "إطالة عمر النظام السوري".

وقالت كلينتون اليوم السبت في مؤتمر صحفي عقدته في اسطنبول مع نظيرها التركي أحمد داوود اوغلو: "يوجد صلات بين حزب الله وايران وسوريا تطيل عمر النظام السوري".

وأكدت "نواصل تشديد الضغط من الخارج"، لافتة الى أن عقوبات واشنطن أمس الجمعة "هدفها قطع الصلات بين ايران وحزب الله وسوريا التي تطيل عمر نظام الاسد".

وكانت اتهمت وزارة الخزانة الاميركية الجمعة حزب الله باداء "دور مركزي" في أعمال القمع التي يرتكبها النظام السوري برئاسة بشار الاسد في سوريا، معلنة فرض عقوبات اقتصاية عليه.

واتهم بيان وزارة الخزانة الاميركية حزب الله بـ"تقديم التدريب والمشورة والدعم اللوجستي لمساعدة الحكومة السورية في قمعها للمعارضة الذي يزداد ضراوة يوما بعد يوم".

كما اتهم البيان حزب الله بـ"تسهيل" تدريب القوات الحكومة السورية على ايدي الحرس الثوري الايراني، وباداء "دور اساسي" في طرد معارضين سوريين من لبنان.

وقررت واشنطن اضافة حزب الله الى قائمة المنظمات الخاضعة للعقوبات بسبب ارتباطها بالنظام السوري.

ودائما ما ينفي حزب الله نفيا قاطعا أي علاقة لمقاتليه في الأحداث في سوريا.

التعليقات 7
Thumb geha 15:57 ,2012 آب 11

to all m14 commentators,
lately someone pointed out to me that trying to discuss with m8 guys is useless, and I agree with him, as all that will happen is insults and more insults.
in the spirit of one unified Lebanon, I urge all m14 not to reply to comments from m8 at any cost.
if they do not want to realize what their policies and actions are doing to our country, we should not do the same.
I hope you will all comply, even when they attack us directly.

Thumb geha 16:03 ,2012 آب 11

After what has been known of the syrian regime through the arrest of samaha, if hizbushaitan chief comes out and talks about his divine alliance with this murderous regime, he would be committing total political suicide on the internal level.
there is not a single true Lebanese that will accept alligning himself with this murderous regime, otherwise this would mean they are equally murderous towards Lebanon.
if hizbushaitan does not change course following these irrefutable revelations, then he would be confirming how bad they are for Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Sky (ضيف) 16:11 ,2012 آب 11

Clinton has made it more clear and evident that US and its terrorist buddies supported the west/Sunni ethnic genocide towards the Shia in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and soon again they wish to repeat it in Iran and Lebanon. The good news is that they lost their terrorist attack on Syria, they lost in 2006 and before in Lebanon and they will lost if they attempt on Iran and Lebanon again. For the commentator above she/he clearly show how Lebanon is divided and how people thinks. Lebanese cannot live in peace with each others, they only think about their own sect before the nation. This is sad to see and how poor knowledge is among some Lebanese. For the article, Lebanon should expel (PNG) the US embassy from Lebanon, along with their allies.

Default-user-icon Tonus (ضيف) 18:09 ,2012 آب 11

It is very true Geha was just talking to a friend exactly about it that its useless to reason with HA or orangies as they follow blindly their leaders. In such a situation all lebanese should be against Syria as its clear its trying to destroy Lebanon but here you are useless and brainwashed people.

Default-user-icon CJ (ضيف) 18:10 ,2012 آب 11

The American's have succeeded with Michel Samaha. Reminds me of the weeks and months leading to the September 11 Twin Towers Bombings. Recent events or speeches from the President and down have demonstrated the Lebanese have out-smart and played the American (& regional countries e.g. Saudi Arabia) game so to not allow their plan to succeed.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:10 ,2012 آب 11

she spends her time doing sanctions. alla yse3id wleida.

Missing gabby 19:50 ,2012 آب 11

What took them so long? This is obviously too little too late, but a good start.