ميلاد كفوري هو من أوقع بسماحة ومكتب الصفدي يوضح ظروف الإستعانة به

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تبين أن من أوقع بالوزير السابق ميشال سماحة يتخذ لنفسه عدة أسماء والحقيقي هو ميلاد كفوري، فيما أوضح مكتب وزير المال محمد الصفدي ظروف الإستعانة بكفوري عام 2005.

وأشارت قناة الـ"LBCI" بعد ظهر الأحد أن "ميلاد كفوري يعتبر هو محور القضية ومحور هذ المسألة وهو الذي اوقع بسماحة من خلال علاقته ببعض العناصر الامنية".

وأوضحت القناة أن كفوري يعمل في المجال الامني منذ سنوات "وهو يهوى جمع المعلومات ولذلك نسج علاقات مع عدة سياسيين بهدف حمايتهم".

وكان قد أوقف سماحة الخميس واعترف بحسب عدة تسريبات أنه كان يخطط لتفجيرات في الشمال بأمر من رئيس مكتب الأمن الوطني في دمشق اللواء علي مملوك.

واكدت المصادر أن "واحدة من العلاقات التي انشأها كفوري كانت مع سماحة الذي اتصل به منذ فترة لتنفيذ مخططه بشأن العبوات والتفجيرات فذهل كفوري وذهب إلى فرع المعلومات فطلب منه الفرع بالإستمرار في لقاء سماحة وزوده بأجهزة تصوير وتسجيل".

ولفتت القناة إلى أن كفوري كان يتخذ عدة أسماء منها زهير نحاس.

إلى ذلك أوضح مكتب الصفدي في بيان بعد ظهر الأحد "انه في العام 2005 وبعد اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري ورفاقه وعندما كان معظم السياسيين في دائرة الخطر عمدوا الى استئجار خدمات حماية من شركات أمنية، وفي هذا الاطار جرى التعاون مع السيد كفوري الذي قدّم نفسه على أنه يمتلك شركة خدمات حماية وعلى هذا الاساس تم استئجار خدماته".

وقال المكتب أنه "لغاية الأسبوع الثالث من شهر تموز الماضي حين حضر الى المكتب ليبلغنا قراره بالتوقف عن العمل في مجال تقديم خدمات الحماية لأسباب لم يشأ توضيحها فانتهى عمله عند هذا الحد".

التعليقات 22
Thumb phoenician 18:10 ,2012 آب 12

Samaha should be tried for treason alongside nassrallah.

Thumb geha 18:37 ,2012 آب 12

this guy deserves a medal for all the lives he protected from being blown up.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:31 ,2012 آب 12

Isn't it weird that someone like safadi needs to hire private security guards? usually polititicians have guards appointed to them by the state? Or is it before he became politician?

Default-user-icon assaad (ضيف) 19:46 ,2012 آب 12

ka3k ka3k

Missing gabby 19:52 ,2012 آب 12

This is a huge blow for M8, Nassy, SSNP, and the orange boys. They are exposed and screwedote for these killers.

Default-user-icon redleb (ضيف) 09:21 ,2012 آب 13

so when his wife said that his arrest was political and that he was representing a certain group and that she expected her group to react(http://nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=426664) who was she referring to?
please stop getting blinded by brainwash now that one from your team has been caught hand in the bag.
im not the one to take sides. as i dont forgive any horrific act done by any political group let it be m14 or m8 in the past and present and i wish for complete political renewal in lebanon which is why i have voted blank in the past and will again until i can see someone id feel would represent me.

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 20:03 ,2012 آب 12

Say all you want, facts are facts and those can hardly be taken out of context if one has a 90-minute video tape featuring a former statesman personally moving heavy explosives and literally confessing.
Samaha himself confessed to plotting to kill innocent lives and whatever "scenario" the M8 or M14 forces chose to justify this case, this time, the facts cannot be changed.
The only thing that remains to be seen is (sadly)how people will chose to perceive this matter.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 20:11 ,2012 آب 12

whatever are the proofs nobody could approach samaha if bashar was still governing in lebanon...it is the end of bashar in lebanon and now they "are" working to cut syria from the farsis.
N.B. the next semaha is called GEBRAN BASSIL..wait for michel aoun who is already preparing his escape to rio very soon.

Missing freemind 21:15 ,2012 آب 12

Siniora, acolytes & the future (movement that is stuck in the past) is saying: now show us that you are patriots (how quickly the focal point has shifted from Samaha, the scapegoat, to the real deal: Assad) and severe ties with Syria. Aha, if you dont do it, then you are not real, true Lebanese, you are not patriots, you dont deserve to be in power so resign.

It all looks too suspicious to me as yet.

Missing allouchi 21:52 ,2012 آب 12

freemind, you are very illogical and closed minded...You and M8 still stuck in the past and miss the days of the Syrian occupation...your days are numbered...

Missing freemind 22:50 ,2012 آب 12

well i should say that the person implying that i should be 'illogical' and 'closed minded' is actually talking about himself.
nothing in what i wrote implies that i am M8 or M28, or any odd number as a matter of fact. this dichotomy in lebanese politics is unbearable and totally un-constructive.
why cant one be free from 8 or 14 and express his/her honest opinion without being tagged a number?
An inquisitive mind is far better than a gullible one.
If you want your country to go forward, i suggest you make a political tabula rasa and start afresh.

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 08:56 ,2012 آب 13

To Flame Thrower
All the points you listed are very true but i disagree with your interpretation. If we have actually a weak country, with 50 milliards debts, no electricity, no decent infrastructure, no security, prohibited areas, law violations, etc... does it mean M14 or M8 are responsible? From 1992 till 2005 both were absent and none of all issues above were resolved. Why? because of Syrian occupation. They were ruling and none of any evolution regarding public sector was allowed! it happened that the prime minister is Sunni an called Hariri; but whoever he were do you think he could be a decision maker?? And do you think that Berri, Jumblat etc... were saints watching Hariri stealing? during this period ALL were involved in destroying economy. You are naive to think otherwise.

Default-user-icon redleb (ضيف) 09:26 ,2012 آب 13

and the proof is that i totally agree with what u r saying here :)

Thumb jcamerican 21:49 ,2012 آب 12

Why not HA is involved in this? Why would Samaha allow himself to be involved in assassinations? If I was in his place, I would have kept the money, and exposed the syrian government. He must be the lowest and the dumbest person on earth, conducting bombing and assassination plots against his fellow colleagues and citizens. They should hang him as soon as possible, when convicted.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 22:19 ,2012 آب 12


Because stealing a fish from a shark will bite you in the ass later. What would he have accomplished by getting the shark in trouble where he can leash off of that shark for the rest of his natural life?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 02:17 ,2012 آب 13

in lebanon it will be the period b4 semaha and after semaha

Thumb anonymouslb 02:18 ,2012 آب 13

@freemind: yeslam hel temm

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 08:29 ,2012 آب 13

Syrian agents are numerous and each operates for a specific task and in specific region. All what we say is that we need justice to fully investigate this case and that of minister Hareb. We should not stick to the same demagogic themes based on rejecting justice for lack of confidence or for links with Israel.

Missing maroun 12:41 ,2012 آب 13

FT M14 never had the government to themselves to do anything, M8 always blocked them from doing anything ,remember when they camped downtown and only went home when they were given the third of ministers ...and the electricity ministry has always been with the M8 minister and nothing was ever done ..they closed parliament,invaded Beirut and shouf and yet u still call them civilized.they just want power at any cost ... very sad educated people can not see that ..or maybe can be easily bought for few dollars ....very sad for lebanon.

Thumb Bandoul 18:46 ,2012 آب 13

We are ruled/oppressed at gunpoint by the party of satan and its side kick the orange juice king.

Missing maroun 14:05 ,2012 آب 13

well said

Default-user-icon Sharyl (ضيف) 22:13 ,2012 آب 18

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