حزب الله ينفي علاقته بلبناني يعتقله "الجيش السوري الحر"

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نفى "حزب الله" ان تكون له اية علاقة بالمدعو حسان سليم المقداد الذي اعتقله "الجيش السوري الحر" في دمشق.

وفي بيان صادر عن العلاقات الاعلامية في "حزب الله"، اليوم الثلاثاء، قال الحزب أنه "تعليقاً على ما أوردته قناة "العربية" من خبر إعتقال ما يسمى بـ"الجيش السوري الحر" لأحد اللبنانيين في دمشق المدعو السيد حسان سليم المقداد على انه احد عناصر حزب الله، ينفي الحزب بشكل قاطع ان يكون المقداد من عناصره".

وكانت قد بثت قناة "العربية" شريط فيديو، أكد فيه "الجيش السوري الحر" اعتقال أحد عناصر "حزب الله" حيث دخل إلى سوريا ضمن مجموعة يبلغ عددها 1500 شخص تم توزيعهم على دمشق وحلب وحمص".

وفي الشريط، يظهر شخصاً عرف عن نفسه بأنه حسان سليم المقداد وأنه دخل دمشق مع 250 عنصراً وكانوا متواجدين في منطقة السيدة زينب".

وكشف المقداد أنه دخول إلى سوريا بتوجيهات من الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله "الذي طالبهم بالذهاب الى سوريا لمساندة ما أسماه "النظام الشيعي السوري" ضد ما زعم بأنهم "عصابات سُنية مسلحة وهم الجيش الحر" مشيراً إلى أن أغلب العناصر من القناصة الذين تم تدريبهم في منطقة بعلبك".

ونفى المقداد، في الشريط الذي بثته "العربية" وجود أي جماعات مسلحة موضحاً أن هناك جيشا سوريا حرا يطالب بالحرية ورفع القمع والظلم عنه.

ووجه مقداد رسالة الى نصرالله قائلاً "أرجو أن يكف بلاه عن الشعب السوري لأنه شعب يبحث عن الحرية والعيش بكرامة".

التعليقات 32
Thumb geha 09:53 ,2012 آب 14

the plans of the axis of evil (the syro/iranians and allies) are failing again and again.
their evil doings are being uncovered daily, and the result on them will be really hard, as they will have to pay dearly for all these evils doings.
hizbushaitan is driving the shiite community and his allies fpm down the drain with massive retaliation coming soon. they do not have a friend left in the region.

Thumb joesikemrex 11:03 ,2012 آب 14

Hizbalkizb propaganda employees.....

Missing maroun 11:58 ,2012 آب 14

just another brainwashed twit

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 13:31 ,2012 آب 14

Yeah mowaten soureh exactly the same thing happened with the hezballah terrorist caught previously in Egypt. The first they denied it then groundhog Hassan admited. Hassan of the underground likes to send poor men to die in foreign lands.

Thumb thepatriot 14:39 ,2012 آب 14

I read you regime lovers and I laugh... "propaganda"..."so called confession"... It's always the same words when a hezbollah operative gets caught : Thailand, Egypt, Iraq, Syria... You always have to deny it and scream scheme! Whatever mowaten... yeah yeah... keep talking... :)

Missing allouchi 17:01 ,2012 آب 14

karim, are you an Assad agent you low scum???

Missing gcb1 17:32 ,2012 آب 14


Please. are you taking the claims of a beat up kidnapped man surrounded by guns seriously? Is this honestly considered credible proof that Hezb is involved in Syria? Give me a break. Anyone knowledgable about Hezb's organizational structure and has read multiple articles and credible books about it would know that this type of assistance is not the way Hezb operates.

And before you all jump to conclusions, I'm not a so-called "Assad sympathizer". In fact, I find him a criminal much more than you do. But let us please not dumb down our analysis and be objective with our views. Look at the credible evidence before we jump to conclusions.

Missing gcb1 17:35 ,2012 آب 14


I agree with you that this claim should not be taken seriously. Those who take the confession of a man beat up and surrounded by weapons simply should be ignored.

Nonetheless, I don't believe Gaza is our problem to fight so long as we have our own divisive problems.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 17:45 ,2012 آب 14

"hezbollah never denied it, to the contrary" is being able to lie mandatory to become the mouthpiece for groundhog hassan?

to correct you mowaten soureh, when the story broke of a hezballah member aliased mansour hezballah first denied but then when sami chehab his real name was revealed hassan the groundhog gave a speech admitting chehab was a member of his terrorist group what else was he going to do.

Thumb thepatriot 19:51 ,2012 آب 14

Where was the syrian regime to fight israel ya stupid mowaten!

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 10:40 ,2012 آب 14

It's quite logical for Huzbullah to come to the rescue of its ally in Syria. The Syrian had been helping out Huzbullah gain power and dominate in Lebanon and likewise Huzbullah is reciprocating. Where's the amazement here? it's a tit for tat. Why should Huzbullah deny this. Everyone know the strong relationship between the regime in Syria and huzbullah.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 11:15 ,2012 آب 14

"When the people that destroyed Lebanon for 40 years are about to get overthrown, stand up and support the revolution."- Me.

Thumb jcamerican 13:37 ,2012 آب 14

While the alawites were destroying lebanon, who was minding syria, the sunnis?

Thumb dasphinx 11:20 ,2012 آب 14

How can Nasrallah seek Heaven while killing innocent people in Syria unless he considers non-Shias to be infidels and can therefore be killed without sacrificing the after life? Soon he will have his one-way ticket to Hell.

Missing maroun 11:59 ,2012 آب 14

party of evil,its like a cancer that must be destroyed

Missing gcb1 17:36 ,2012 آب 14

Sad that you believe anything you read without much questioning.

Missing roberto46 12:11 ,2012 آب 14

Assad is going down and is taking Nasrallah with him.

Missing roberto46 13:26 ,2012 آب 14

I have noticed all the Syrian /Irianian lovers gave me the thumbs down ,its must be a sad day for Hezb Iran having their ass kicked in Syria as well as May 2008 ,there is more to come your way ..

Missing allouchi 17:05 ,2012 آب 14

Nousrala’s days are numbered..he made reservation for a new deluxe rat tunnel i Iran :)

Missing gcb1 17:37 ,2012 آب 14

I disagree with much of your views and I hate Assad. Surprised?

Thumb Bandoul 20:13 ,2012 آب 15

All oranginas who decide to tell the truth on this particular subject, hate Assad. Of course their master orangina the great feels the same way but for the sake of the throne in b3ada, he hides it for fear his Syrian master will not reward him.

Default-user-icon sta steek (ضيف) 17:29 ,2012 آب 14

the more the syrian regime loses ground the more hezb el fakih terrorists are captured it's the law of probability.

Missing gcb1 17:38 ,2012 آب 14

No credible proof whatsoever that Hezb is involved. Not even this one (a man beat up surrounded by weapons saying a confession is not considered proof to me nor to international law).

Missing gcb1 17:39 ,2012 آب 14

Before you call me an Assad sympathizer, know that I hate Assad more than you do.

Thumb Bandoul 20:15 ,2012 آب 15

All oranginas who decide to tell the truth on this particular subject, hate Assad. Of course their master orangina the great feels the same way but for the sake of the throne in b3ada, he hides it for fear his Syrian master will not reward him.

Missing gabby 17:50 ,2012 آب 14

The Hezz are screwed in Syria after ASSad falls.

Thumb shab 19:05 ,2012 آب 14

many more will be caught soon, and they are all pilgrims.

Missing samiam 19:06 ,2012 آب 14

If it were SHA himself, hizbulla would never admit that he were from hizb--deny, deny, deny...reminds me of the syrians and the iranians who said that the kidnapped weren't revolutionary guards, but later were "retired".

I don't know if he is from hizb or not--all I know is that hizb lies to cover up which makes their denials less believable over time.

Default-user-icon hajj alison hajj (ضيف) 21:42 ,2012 آب 14

look at that the family of this terrorist threatening to kidnap innocent Syrian, Arab or Western citizens to trade for his release. It's the 80s all over again. Thugs belonging to a cult of thugs.

Thumb bigsami 21:53 ,2012 آب 14

That's HA for you.....always denying, denying and denying but when it comes to handing over any of these convicts for simple questioning/interrogation they forbid it and threaten anyone who dares touch them. Hmmmmm......

Missing people-power 02:05 ,2012 آب 15

This keeps getting better and better

Thumb Bandoul 20:15 ,2012 آب 15

PoS "Party of Satan" is more accurate.