السنيورة: مشاركة 14 آذار بالحوارغدا هي حرصا على مرجعية الدولة وحماية الوطن

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شدد رئيس كتلة المستقبل فؤاد السنيورة على أن المشاركة في طاولة الحوار يوم غد الخميس "تأتي انطلاقا من الأسس التي طالما انطلقت منها قوى 14 آذار حرصا على وحدة الوطن ومرجعية الدولة.

وقال السنيورة خلال لقائه رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان اليوم الأربعاء: المشاركة "تأتي انطلاقا من الاسس التي طالما اجتمعت حولها وانطلقت منها قوى 14 آذار، وهي مسألة الارتكاز على وحدة الوطن والدولة ومرجعية مؤسسات الدولة الكاملة والحصرية في السيادة، وعلى اساس ان مسؤولية حماية الوطن تعود إلى الدولة وللدولة وحدها وليس لفريق أو طائفة من اللبنانيين".

وأضاف: "على رأس المهام السيادية التي تناط بمؤسسات الدولة حصريا، أكان ذلك في القرار أو في التنفيذ مهمة الدفاع عن الوطن بجميع أبعاد تلك المهمة وجوانبها، والتي تشمل التحرير والردع وكذلك في ما خص كل قرار أو عمل عسكري او أمني".

وأوضح أن "أي حوار وطني جدي بشأن حماية لبنان لا يمكن إلا أن يرتكز على مبدأ سلطة الدولة الحصرية الشاملة العسكرية والأمنية على جميع الأراضي اللبنانية، وعلى أن يكون ذلك استنادا الى ارادة حازمة لتعزيز قدرات الجيش واعتبار ذلك هدفا جامعا لكل اللبنانيين".

وأكد السنيورة أنه "لا يمكن لأي مقاربة جدية لموضوع حماية لبنان أن تعتمد ثنائية السلطة العسكرية، أو ازدواجية الإمرة العسكرية، أو ازدواجية القرار العسكري"، معتبرا أن "أي حوار لا ينطلق من هذه المبادىء المشار اليها في ما خص مسألة السلاح الخارج عن سلطة الدولة اللبنانية يبقى حوارا شكليا لا يوصل إلى الهدف المنشود".

وقد نوه السنيورة خلال الاجتماع بالجهود التي يقوم بها سليمان "من موقعه على رأس الدولة باعتباره المؤتمن على الدستور واحترامه، اضافة الى تمسكه بحماية اسس العيش المشترك ووحدة البلاد".

التعليقات 19
Thumb lebanon_first 18:12 ,2012 آب 15

Good Move Fouad. We have to talk. Maybe we wont reach any result now. But we will eventually.
Now with the moqdads, the smahas, the zaiters, HA seems like a lesser evel. And HA is in a weak position. The time is better than ever for negotiation.... The question is: If HA gives its weapons, who will garantee to the chiite community that there wont be a revenge on May 7? If Israel attacks, what will we do? How will we hold the thugs with weapons all over teh country? a lot of issues to discuss.

Thumb Bandoul 18:54 ,2012 آب 15

Israel will only attack if provoked. People who want revenge are barbarians & zou3ran. The ISF has a moral duty and obligation to protect all Lebanese citizens from the wrath of zou3ran. That said, the Party of Satan will never voluntarily surrender its arsenal to the proper authorities because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even if Iran strikes a deal on its nuclear ambitions and orders HA to comply, I doubt that they will. A metastasized cancer can only be removed surgically. Dialogue with terrorists is just a waste of dialogue.

Thumb thepatriot 18:18 ,2012 آب 15

"If Israel attacks what will we do". .??? leb first... why would israel attack if HA dissarms???

Thumb lebanon_first 18:25 ,2012 آب 15

You know, the chebaa issue is not an issue. it is syrian land. The palestinian refugees can be solved by money by shipping them to a rich country. But Israel is trying to take part of Levanthian, our gas field. And this is war material...

Thumb Bandoul 18:57 ,2012 آب 15

Even enemies can share strategic goals. The forces of good are greater than the forces of Evil. The world will not stand still if Israel decides to deprive Lebanon of its rightful share.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:09 ,2012 آب 15

We WILL be bullied by Israel. Cant talk with this racist supremacist regime. But again, I prefer that israel steals some of our gas wealth to having the state authority questioned everyday by HA. And HA is not our worse ennemy, it is its "underthugs": the Mokdads, the zeaiters, the SSNP, Amal.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:14 ,2012 آب 15

Even if chebaa is lebanese, it doesnt justify the resistance. There are islands disputed between japan and korea. lands between irak and saudi. the falklands are disputed between argentina and the UK. I dont see all these countries having a "resistance"

Thumb thepatriot 08:54 ,2012 آب 16

No it is not! This can be sorted out in a very civil mater...when there's a will, there's a way...

Thumb thepatriot 08:59 ,2012 آب 16

Cyprus deals with it without threats, weapons, war...

Thumb bigsami 18:29 ,2012 آب 15

Good question Patriot....This whole thing about "Israel" coming to get us is a hoax used by HA to gain support from most these illiterate and poor Lebanese who don't know better. Israel in NOT a threat but HA is the BIGGEST threat since they are merely a branch of the Iranian Republic Guard. HA does not serve Lebanon or it's people but Iran. Plain and simple. Unfortunately you will have these poor conditioned people who have no idea about the true threat to all of us.

Missing truthseeker 05:02 ,2012 آب 16

You lost me at "israel is not a threat". Wow at the ignorance.

Thumb bigsami 06:13 ,2012 آب 16

Not a threat is correct. Your still frozen in time my friend. The world has changed and not a land of barbarians who can easily conquer other countries. Wow.....I am lost for words with some of the mentality of people here.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:38 ,2012 آب 15

BS- FT You are both right. Israel will not come after us if the HA parameter is eliminated. However dont forget how they reacted with our gas. They will stay our ennemy and They will keep on bullying us. I personally prefer to be bullied by israel and have a couple of billions of gas stolen from us than to have a gang of thugs roaming the streets creating instability and killing our economy.

Thumb bigsami 19:57 ,2012 آب 15

You may think I don't know history BSThrower but at least I did NOT freeze in history like you!

Thumb beiruti 20:01 ,2012 آب 15

A good move by M14, given recent events.

Missing truthseeker 05:04 ,2012 آب 16

Bandoul, what nation? They are argentinians, russians, germans, yemenis and basicly people from all over the world living on a country that does not belong to them. Go ahead ane defend their evil, may you arise next to them on the day of judgement.

Thumb Bandoul 06:23 ,2012 آب 16

Palestine belonged to the Jews thousands of years before Arabs set foot there. But I know people like you will never acknowledge that. Both the Palestinians and the Jews have a right to live on that land. The only viable solution is a two-state solution but people like you will never permit that to happen.

Missing truthseeker 05:11 ,2012 آب 16

Wow, so now israel is not evil? Lek, who is this bigsami and bandoul? Are you netanyahus son?

Thumb thepatriot 08:57 ,2012 آب 16

History evolves... unlike yourself!