قرطباوي يسلم الامانة العامة لمجلس النواب كتابا لرفع الحصانة عن المرعبي

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تسلمت الأمانة العامة لمجلس النواب، ظهر اليوم الخميس، كتاباً من وزير العدل شكيب قرطباوي يطلب فيه رفع الحصانة عن النائب معين المرعبي.

وكشف تلفزيون "الجديد"، ان الكتاب جاء بطلب من قيادة الجيش، ويتضمن اتهامات للمرعبي باثارة النعرات.

بدوره اعلن المرعبي عبر الـ"LBC"، "حاضرون وجاهزون للمحاسبة ونتمنى ان تطال الجميع من اعلى الهرم الى قاعدته".

وكانت قد أعلنت قيادة الجيش، اواخر تموز الفائت، أنها "باشرت اتخاذ الاجراءات الآيلة الى ملاحقة" المرعبي بعد أن "تمادي في التهجم على المؤسسة العسكرية والتجريح بقيادتها".

وأشارت الى "انها باشرت اتخاذ الاجراءات الآيلة الى ملاحقة النائب المذكور امام الجهات المختصة، وفقا لما تنص عليه القوانين والانظمة المرعية الاجراء، وذلك في ما يتعلق بالتهجم والافتراءات التي دأب على سوقها تجاه المؤسسة وقيادتها".

وأكدت على ان "القيادة تحتفظ لنفسها بحق الرد أمام القضاء المختص كونه يصر على مواصلة افتراءاته من دون رادع".

وكان المرعبي قد رأى في تصاريح سابقة أن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي "إنسان فاشل وهو مسؤول عن كل الأخطاء والفتن، وكلامه لا طعم له"، لافتاً الى أنه "موظف يجب أن يقوم بواجبه"، متهماً إياه باستخدام "المؤسسة ليصل الى رئاسة الجمهورية".

وبدأ تصاعد الحرب الكلامية بين المرعبي والجيش منذ مقتل الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد في الكويخات بعكار في أوائل أيار الماضي.

التعليقات 24
Missing Rambo 13:34 ,2012 آب 23

Apparently you look at things in one eye. Not sure what you call all the kidnapping that happened over the last week. I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR JUSTIFICATION AS THERE ARE NONE. Kidnapping is the work of cowords and terrorists. I would be happy to see the day where these terrorists are being brought to justice.

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 14:01 ,2012 آب 23

Army Commander not doing his job !wow ,does this kind of criticism warrant this kind of action?.. hell no,unless you live in a place like Iran,Syria and few other countries where criticism of officials right or wrong can cost you your life. well take it easy Mr justice Minister and put your effort in something meaningful ,like issue a warrant for this thug who tried to blow up MP Harb .

Default-user-icon ace (ضيف) 14:08 ,2012 آب 23

M8, and M14, you shouldn't argue. You have so much in common.

You are both idiots

Missing allouchi 14:41 ,2012 آب 23

kaka, you are an idiot agent of the Syrian farsi regime.

Thumb geha 16:18 ,2012 آب 23

nothing will happen from this as an MP is protected from prosecution by law, but this is all about the incompetence of this government and the chief of the army.
they are trying to silence everyone by igniting more strife.
instead if they would have done what needed to be done against the abductors and the syrian regime, it would have been more fruitfull.
but no, this cabinet of traitors is doing whatever to ignite strife in the country.

Missing allouchi 14:52 ,2012 آب 23

In a democracy any citizen should be able to criticize anyone or any entity without any consequences. He’s a member of parliament and has immunity. If the army screws up the we should be able to criticize it..We should be able to critises the president, army, hizballa and anyone..no one of them is appointed by god.

Missing mohammad_ca 17:49 ,2012 آب 23

He said the army is not doing its job and is causing more harm than good...now, unless you want a military state, we should be able to say such things about our army.

Now about treason: Your master Nasrallaat likes to accuse everyone of treason...who holds him responsible dakhlak?

el3ama sho inkon aghbiyaa2.

Thumb ramzi 15:00 ,2012 آب 23

How is it freedom and democracy to not be able to criticize your own institutions? How karim? Try him, but for what? In a deomcracy, u should be able to say whatever you want. thats freedom of speech. have you ever watched Jon stewart of Colbert? they make fun of the president, say whatever thay want.

Missing lqu7 15:02 ,2012 آب 23

One Wahhabi down, a couple of dozen more to follow.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:19 ,2012 آب 23

hang the wahabi clown!!just ask yourself if the army goes down who will take it's place

Missing mohammad_ca 17:50 ,2012 آب 23

The biggest threat to the army is something called hizbullaat but your majnoon in keserwan seems to be getting in bed comfortably with them...
Ma fi aghba min 3awn ella el3awniyeen...

Missing allouchi 22:38 ,2012 آب 23

kesr, your hizb is already trying to take its place!!!

Thumb thepatriot 15:34 ,2012 آب 23

"hang" him... because it is better to remain silent when Lebanon is violated, people are abducted, Lebanese people are murdered by Syrian shells in their homes... tsk tsk tsk...

I understand that kerwaneh lowIQ and FT prefer our government to sit still and shut up... We do not want to interfer in Syria's affairs, but how much more are we going to take punches and shut up!

I don't know how much of Merhebi's accusations are true, but I sure know that our army is the most useless army in the world, so cut out the "God save the army" speech, because it hase no line of command, no equipment, poor training and a faulty hierarchy, and it remains in the shadow of HB...alas...

Missing mohammad_ca 17:51 ,2012 آب 23

The MP never said scrap it.

Thumb bigsami 18:07 ,2012 آب 23

Thepatriot......>>>> FT... Stop playing dumb! Dissarm HB, build an independant state, and all the countries in the world will gladly equip our army!

He's NOT playing. He is naturally DUMB! LOL

Thumb thepatriot 15:35 ,2012 آب 23

We want a Strong Army, a true chain of command, impartiality... we have none! And we suffer from it!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:43 ,2012 آب 23

it seems that aoun got the message, jamil el sayyed in his last saying reprimended the general for his neutral stand concerning samaha, saying that the syrian regime helped him in the case of the israeli agent fayez karam by interfering with hassoun, so why he is not helping in the case of samaha???..so in the coming days u will see more stands from kortbawi(aouns minister) in the cases helping the syrian regime ..and from the general in person defending semaha.

Default-user-icon law written on hearts (ضيف) 16:26 ,2012 آب 23

now lebanon is acting like syria in using threats and control over those who speak out. this is ridiculous. where is the rage against syria crossing into lebanon and bombing and killing? where is the rage against the mokdad family kidnapping syrians in lebanon? where is the rage against street protesters blocking the airport road? grow up lebanon.

Missing sergio 16:52 ,2012 آب 23

Folks any citizen, politician can make critize or accuse anyone at anytime in the western world. just look at US presidential elections Obama vs Romney they accuse & critisize each othe 24/7. that is what you call democratic nation. if we look at it in M8 prospective they should be both tried in court then & the president should be stripped from his immunity what a joke shame on us. the world looking & laughing at us.

Missing sergio 16:58 ,2012 آب 23

threat to Irael? let's be smart & make peace with the ennemy instead of having an armed terrorist gang beating on us everyday. look at Jordan, Egypt until recently, they are in peace & ther is no problem. Jordan & Egypt annually receives tens of thousands of tourists. what do we get from Iran anything then weapons that certain groups in our country raise their weapons on us.

Missing libanenren 20:55 ,2012 آب 23


Thumb chrisrushlau 21:27 ,2012 آب 23

If aid to Hezbullah stops due to events in Syria, the half of the population in Lebanon who are Shiites will have no alternative to a civil rights movement aimed at overturning the Taef Accord's power-sharing formula. This controversy about criticizing the Army chief is a good lesson. When you sacrifice civil rights, you sacrifice ALL of them.

Missing youssefhaddad 23:30 ,2012 آب 23

Any member of the parliament has the right to criticize and evaluate the performance of any government employee including Qahwaji, the army commander.
We do not live in a police state and the armed forces are supposed to respond to the Government and to the representatives of the people.

Missing gabby1 01:29 ,2012 آب 24

M8 wants to prosecute a simple critisizer and the Hezz want to stop the Samaha court when he was going to set terror bombs in the country.