عون يطمئن أن "الوضع الأمني في لبنان لن يتدهور أكثر": على النظام السوري أن يظل علمانيا
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون أن الدولة فشلت في حفظ الأمن ومحاسبة من هو مجرم بنظر المواطن، مطمئنا أن "الحالة الامنية التي شهدها لبنان مؤخرا لن تزيد لأن لا قدرة لأحد للتمدد أكثر"، معربا أيضا عن استعداده للتحالف مع حزبي القوات والكتائب اللبنانية إذا قبلت كتلة المستقبل باللقاء الأرثودوكسي، مشددا من جهة أخرى على ضرورة أن يظل النظام في سوريا علمانيا.
وقال عون في حديث له عبر قناة الـ OTV: "يحاولون جعل ما يحصل في طرابلس صراعا سنيا علويا، 5 أيار لم تأت من العدم، ورئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي حاول أن يشكل حكومة وحدة وطنية من الجميع ولكن كان هناك رفض نهائي منهم، وبالتالي علينا تحمل مسؤولياتنا لوحدنا".
وتوقف عون عند ظاهرة الخطف التي حصلت و عند قطع طريق المطار، وقال: "هناك أمر بدأ يتشكل منذ خطف اللبنانيين الـ 11 ثم خطف أحد افراد آل المقداد، والضربة القاضية على الوضع الاحتجاجي الهادئ جاءت بعد خبر مقتل المخطوفين اللبنانيين، وهذه الحادثة سبقها حادث الخطف، الحكومة قامت بجولة سياحية دون ان تأتي بشيء معها، بات ابو ابراهيم المخاطب التلفزيوني ويضع شروطه".
واستدرك "كل واحد يسمعني الآن، أفهمه انني لا أبرر الخطف ولا اغلاق الطريق، ولكن لا يحق لي أن استنكر ردة الفعل اذا لم استنكر الفعل أولا"، معتبرا أن "الدولة فقدت صدقيتها في حفظ الأمن وبمحاسبة من يعتبرون مجرمين في نظر المواطنين".
وأضاف: "نحن لا نعتبر تركيا دولة عدوة، ونعتبر قطر دولة شقيقة والسعودية دولة أكثر من شقيقة، طالما هذه الدول اشقاء وتتكلم عن استقرار لبنان وهي تقول انها تدعم الجيش السوري الحر، ألا تستطيع القول له اطلاق المخطوفين الـ11 ؟"، موضحا أن باستطاعة هذه الدول القيام بالمبادرة لإنهاء هذه التمثيلية.
وعن قضية النائب والوزير السابق ميشال سماحة، رأى عون أن المسالة أصبحت إستغلال سياسي وإعلامي، مضيفا: "تركنا الموضوع للقضاء ، ما الفائدة من تسريب التقرير لصحيفة "الجمهورية" حول التحقيق".
وأردف: " لبنان ساحة للمخابرات الدولية لا أريد اتهام ولا تبرئة أحد ولكن لدي تحليلي الخاص للموضوع، الاعلام التضليلي عمّ العالم".
وحول قانون الإنتخابات أكد عون أن أحدا لن يعطل الإنتخابات النيابية الا في حال حرب إقليمية، مرفا " أقصى درجات التوتر ما مررنا به بالايام الماضية، عكار وطرابلس لا يمكن اجراء انتخابات فيهما اذا بقي وضعهما على ما هو عليه".
وتابع: "لجنة بكركي بحثت قانون النسبية وحصل توافق على الدوائر، قلنا دوائر متوسطة بلجنة بكركي، وسيكون هناك مشكلة اذا لم يقبلوا بها ، ويجب بحث الموضوع ولا يمكن وضع فيتو ومستعدون لبحث حل الـ15 دائرة" ، لافتا الى أنهم "مستعدون للعودة الى حل اللقاء الارثوذكسي وللسير به مع القوات والكتائب".
وأعاد عون التأكيد في حديثه انه "مستعد لاتحالف مع القوات والكتائب لجلب أكثرية نيابية اذا جعلوا المستقبل يسير بقانون اللقاء الأرثوذكسي، قد أخسر مقعدا في جبيل و2 في المتن و2 في بعبدا و2 في كسروان بالنسبية، أقبل كي يصبح التمثيل صحيحا وخاصة عند المسيحيين، ولا اريد حذف القوات والكتائب"، معتبرا أن "رفضهم للنسبية يدل على مصالح مادية لديهما".
وأضاف: "اذا كانوا يعتبرون سلاح حزب الله الجمرة التي تكوي، اعتبر أن الحالة الامنية التي نعيشها هي الجمرة"، مؤكدا أن "السلاح المتفلت يجب أن يكون له الاولوية بالحوار، غياب الدولة والقدرة على مواجهة اسرائيل يبرر ضرورة سياسة حزب الله، لو عاشوا الف سنة لا يمكنهم ايجاد رديف لسلاح حزب الله".
كما تطرق عون الى الأحداث التي تشهدها سوريا، وقال: "الحريات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية موجودة في سوريا، مَن مِن الذي يتحدثون عن حقوق الانسان لديهم حقوق انسان".
وإذ لفت الى أنه "لم يقل يوما انه ضد الانتفاضة في سوريا"، قال عون "لكن طالبنا بتغيير في النظام واطلاق بعض الحريات ولكن لا تدخلوا بالعنف لأن القوة تجلب السلاح والسلاح يجر السلاح"، جازما أن "لا أحد دخل في المعركة السورية الا وفق مصالحه".
وتابع: "الحرب أميركية اوروبية بواسطة الشعب السوري، يريدون تغيير النظام لانهم يعتبرونه حاجزا بوجه السلام مع اسرائيل وحاجزا اقتصاديا لانه لا يسمح بمرور نفط من تركيا الى أوروبا".
وشدد عون على أن "سوريا لا يمكن ان تصبح نظاما دينيا ولا يمكن قبول هكذا نظام"، مؤكدا أن نظامها يجب أن يظل علمانيا بسبب الأقليات الدينية الموجودة فيها من دروز زمسيحيين وعلويين،.
وشرح "أول دولة هجّرت المسيحيين من أرضهم هي اسرائيل، اذا وصل "الاخوان" الى الحكم لن يذهبوا الا بالدم ولن يحكموا بديمقراطية لأن الديمقراطية عندهم ضد الشريعة".
22:01 ,2012 آب 28
عون: السلاح المتفلت يجب أن يكون له الاولوية بالحوار وغياب الدولة والقدرة على مواجهة اسرائيل يبرر ضرورة سياسة حزب الله ولو عاشوا الف سنة لا يمكنهم ايجاد رديف لسلاح الحزب
21:54 ,2012 آب 28
عون: أنا مستعد للتحالف مع القوات والكتائب إذا قبل تيار المستقبل بقانون اللقاء الأرثودوكسي
21:50 ,2012 آب 28
عون: لا احد يعطل الانتخابات الا بحرب إقليمية واقصى درجات التوتر ما مررنا به بالايام الماضية أما عكار وطرابلس لا يمكن اجراء انتخابات فيهما اذا بقي وضعهما على ما هو عليه
21:45 ,2012 آب 28
عون: لا أرى تقسيم في لبنان والحالة الامنية لا تزيد عن ما حصل في الأيام الأخيرة ولا قدرة لأحد للتمدد
21:30 ,2012 آب 28
عون: لا أحد يستطيع القيام بحرب مع طرف آخر من دون ان يكون مدعوما من أطراف دولية أخرى
21:26 ,2012 آب 28
عون: على سوريا أن يظل نظامها علماني بسبب الأقليات الموجودة فيها هناك دروز ومسيحيين وعلويين النظام الديني لا يصلح فيها
21:25 ,2012 آب 28
عون: الحرب أميركية اوروبية بواسطة الشعب السوري يريدون تغيير النظام لانهم يعتبرونه حاجزا بوجه السلام مع اسرائيل وحاجزا اقتصاديا لانه لا يسمح بمرور نفط من تركيا الى اوروبا
21:22 ,2012 آب 28
عون: الإسلام السياسي هو الذي يرفض الآخر
21:16 ,2012 آب 28
عون: هل تركيا وغيرها خائفين على حقوق الإنسان
21:16 ,2012 آب 28
عون: ما يحصل في سوريا إنتفاضة ونحن ندعو الى تغيير في النظام ولكن لا نؤيد الدخول في حالات العنف فهذا الموضوع من يخذيه؟
21:15 ,2012 آب 28
عون: إذا أردنا أن نتكلم عن حقوق الإنسان ليس هناك بلد وشعب يعاني أكثر من الشعب الفلسطيني
21:12 ,2012 آب 28
عون: سوريا دولة ديمقراطية فيها حرية التصرف للجميع وهناك المادة الثامنة فيها تحتاج تعديل
21:06 ,2012 آب 28
عون: لبنان ساحة للمخابرات الدولية لذلك لن أتهم احدا ولن أبرىء أحدا واترك القضاء يقوم بواجبه
21:05 ,2012 آب 28
عون عن قضية ميشال سماحة: أصبحت المسألة مسألةاستغلال سياسي ووسائل الإعلام تستغل هذا الشيء أيضا
21:04 ,2012 آب 28
عون: هناك إهمال من الدول الصديقة والشقيقة حول قضية المخطوفين والإنسان يشعر أنه يريد ان يأخذ حقه بيده عندما يفقد الثقة بالسلطة الشرعية
21:01 ,2012 آب 28
عون: تركيا ليست دولة عدوة لنا بل شقيقة وهكذا قطر والسعودية على الرغم من أنهم أخذوا مسافة عنا ولكن بدل من أن يتحدثوا عن استقرار لبنان فليعالجوا ما يحصل لانهم هم من يدعموا الجيش الحر
20:59 ,2012 آب 28
عون:انا لا أبرر الخطف ولا الخطف المضاد ولا قطع الطرقات ولكن علي أن أستنكر الفعل اولا قبل أن أستنكر رد الفعل
20:58 ,2012 آب 28
عون: إذا أردنا أن نتلك عن ظاهرة قطع طريق المطار والخطف علينا أن ننظر الى الظاهرة الأولي المتمثلة بخطف اللبنانيين الـ11 في سوريا وخبر وفاتهم بغارة جوية فماذا تريدون من المواطنين أن يفعلوا
20:55 ,2012 آب 28
عون عن مظاهر الخطف التي انتشرت مؤخرا: الدولة فقدت صدقيتها فيحفظ أمن المواطنين وفقدت صدقيتها بمحاسبة المجرمين في عين المواطنين
20:54 ,2012 آب 28
عون: عندما شتمني الأسير انا نصر الله وبري نحن هزأناه بعدم الرد عليه
20:52 ,2012 آب 28
عون: هناك محاولات تجعل من أحداث الشمال مذهبية
20:51 ,2012 آب 28
عون: جيشنا هو آخر من ينقسم وأول من يلتئم لأنه تربى على الروح الوطنية وهذا ما يطبقونه على الأرض
20:50 ,2012 آب 28
عون: في الـ2005 كنت أمثل 70 بالمئة من مسيحيي لبنان وأقصيت بسبب عملية العزل لأشخاص من التكتل وقبلت بالقواعد الديمقراطية
20:46 ,2012 آب 28
عون: هناك شواذات كبيرة تصير على الأرض اللبنانية من تسلل وسلاح وغيره ومن الطبيعي أن يفلت الوضع في عكار
20:45 ,2012 آب 28
عون: المادة الثامنة من ميثاق جامعة الدول العربية يقول لا يحق لأحد التدخل بشؤون دولة أخرى وأعتقد اننا وسوريا ودول عربية أخرى موجودين بناءعلى هذا الميثاق
20:44 ,2012 آب 28
عون: الإنسان يجب أن تحرره من الحاجة ومن الخوف
20:42 ,2012 آب 28
عون: المسؤولين الامنيين يقصرون في معالجة المواضيع الحساسة في الوقت المناسب
20:41 ,2012 آب 28
عون: الناس تريد الهجرة وهذا سببه أمني وشعور بالظلم وضعف الإقتصاد
"The state lost its credibility by not preserving the citizens' security and holding the criminals accountable"
You've got some nerve! Stop criticizing the government or resign!
Mr Aoun, are you serious sir? Your excuses are worse than admitting guilt (3zro akba7 min zaneb). We cannot control what happens in another country, but we can control what happens in ours. We can control the security of our country and arrest the criminals abducting innocent people. Stop making excuses please for everything and everyone. Had it not been for the plague of populism that affects our culture, you would not have more than 10 followers. I guarantee you sir that if someone came out of the blue and says what you say, all your supporters will disagree with him and call for the state authority. It's sad that we have such leaders in Lebanon.
Can Lebanon have a Muslim president? get over yourself idiot. That is not how one measures democracy...It takes a complete idiot to say that Syria is democratic...It takes even more of an idiot to defend that idiot...
What a great and compelling logic FlameThrower. Acually in comparison to Hitler's Nazis, all regimes are democratic. Syria is not a democratic state. That's a fact. Don't tell yourself otherwise and don't let anyone wash your brain and convince you of the opposite.
How can you say Syria is a democratic state? I don't care if the other Gulf countries are oppressive too. Syria has always had one of the worst human rights records where only one party could dominate and freedom of the press is restricted. How can you possibly say Syria is a democratic state? How?
i've a couple of good friends of mine who are "Aounis".and by Aounis..i mean just like u.following a guy rather than a party and its ideology. these friends are very sane but i cannot seem to debate with them on political issues. its a waste of time. they answer questions with questions and if they are cornered they yell and become aggressive...reminds me of Aoun! let me first just say that i admire your homage and loyalty to Aoun. lets say he is just another politician..forget the name...think for a minute and ask yourself what has this politician and his "change and reform" party done for me in the past 2 or 3 years... electricity? water? infrastructure? good business environment? security? these are just the basic necessities... now think 5 years ago; was your life better or worse from now? look around you? listen to people on the streets; in the coffee shops...pubs...WAKE UP! God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so that we listen twice as much as we say.
Aoun didn't say Syria is a democratic state. He said there are lots of freedoms in Syria except political freedom.... which is relatively true. Thats doesn't mean it's a democratic state.
UAE has a woman diplomat Hissa Abdulla Ahmed Al—Otaiba , she represents the UAE in both Spain and the vatican
Pls get your facts rights before throwing all gcc countries in one basket
lol FT... hahaha... you and Aoun are clowns....hahahaha... are we talking about the country that elected its president with 97% of the votes?? hahahaha...
This guy is a complete KouKOU...How can he keep a straight face while telling all these lies...
Well, this is not what he exactly said: "هناك حريات مطلقة في سوريا بإستثناء السياسة "
kukoo kukoo ......it is Tuesday again. The country traitor and Christian backstabber is back for another session.
Didn't he say the war in Syria was over 6 months ago? What about the Samaha and Bashar assasination connection ya Aoun. The biggest criminal case in the country since Hariri (and most likely connected) and not a comment? International terror and killings of your "countrymen" and you have nothing to say???? Shuh ya Orange freak!!!
Bass 7aram 3al mo3ta2alin l lebneniyi bel sojoun l souriyi yali 3am yesma3o 3am ye7ki w ydefi3 3an l nizam!!!
fantastic. how is it possible that allouchi and gabbi1, made the same joke on the coucou? hitech and anonym made exactly teh ssame remark, in the form of question (is he high?) people, either you betrayed your own aliases, or you rrepeat someone else comments like parrots..
Just look at this moment...."7" down votes that showed up all at the same time. BSThrower and HA conditioned sheep....what's the point? No one shares your love for the devil. Go to another site that praises wars, hatred, killing and intimidation.
"7" down votes that showed up all at the same time across the board for all. Naharnet could easily trace these by simply going after the IP number and put an end to this character.
I am seriously doubting your identity? Is there really anybody as passionate about this aoun clown to create so many profiles to put thumbs up and down?? Or are you related to him? Gebran Bassil maybe? hahaha
I hope u ll come back to reason before the clown does.
I am seriously doubting your identity? Is there really anybody as passionate about this aoun clown to create so many profiles to put thumbs up and down?? Or are you related to him? Gebran Bassil maybe? hahaha
I hope u ll come back to reason before the clown does.
“I don't see partitioning in Lebanon and the security situation will not deteriorate to an extent that exceeds what happened in the past few days,” Aoun said in an interview on his movement’s mouthpiece OTV.
so to those who have common sense and post on here... so in short, what happened in the past few days is halal and not a big deal, unless it gets worse. so the demented general has officially declared his support to the illegal kidnappings, as long as his family members do not get kidnapped. yes.. yes.. continue to vote for him, or in other words continue to vote for your pocket as it is his time to steal and get you rich..
Asked about the latest spate of kidnappings that targeted Syrian, Turkish, Kuwaiti and Lebanese citizens, Aoun said: “If we want to criticize the trend of blocking the airport road and kidnappings, we must first take into account the first event: the abduction of the 11 Lebanese (pilgrims) in Syria and the reports about their death in an air raid.”
“How do you want the citizens to react?” Aoun asked.
ummmmm...maybe in a civilized manner that would befit a well educated person???????????
or are you condoning an eye for an eye...a bomb for a bomb...an assassination for another...where does it stop ya GENERAL inta..ya the image of Army inta...
Asked about the recent arrest of former minister Michel Samaha on charges of conspiring with Syrian security chief Maj. Gen. Ali Mamlouk to carry out bombings and assassinations in Akkar, Aoun said “the issue has become an issue of political exploitation and media outlets are also taking advantage of this matter.”
“Lebanon is an arena for the world's intelligence agencies, that's why I won't accuse anyone or acquit anyone and I will leave the issue to the judiciary to perform its duty,” he added.
you were in a hurry to support the army against a dead sheikh who may or maybe not have had an RPG and alcohol in his car...
AND you decline to comment and judge on smaha's case (an open and shut case)
FT/Mowaten and his 10 nicks at his best. He actually forgot some passwords, that's why you only have 7 red votes. LOL
Aoun, however, lamented that the security officials “are not responding promptly enough to the sensitive issues.”
yes the security arrest of your good friend samaha is not good enough to be classified as "not responding promptly enough to the sensitive issues...." and as you previously said, the kidnappings in lebanon could not be considered as an enough of a security deterioration for you.... so keep voting for him my fellow Christians...
Voicing confidence in the army’s coherence, Aoun said: “Our army is the last to disintegrate and the first to unite, because it has a patriotic spirit and this is what it is implementing on the ground.”
yes that is why our army disintegrated during the civil war....
and that is why the 6th brigade was supporting berri and butchering the palestinians in their camps
In what country would Syria be considered a 'democracy'? Probably the same one that considers Iran one.
Asked about the latest spate of kidnappings that targeted Syrian, Turkish, Kuwaiti and Lebanese citizens, Aoun said: “If we want to criticize the trend of blocking the airport road and kidnappings, we must first take into account the first event: the abduction of the 11 Lebanese (pilgrims) in Syria and the reports about their death in an air raid.”
“How do you want the citizens to react?” Aoun asked.
we want citizens to react like responsible citizens. meaning if they burn a tire, they are destroying our environment... and when they kidnap or abduct or kill a human being, they are destroying our very existence..... but then again, this is the same demented general who forced certain MPs into being held at will.. a their residence... under house arrest.. so they do not vote in favor of the taef accord... because in short... the taef accord took away his ability to practice his dictatorship over lebanon
this man is dangerous and destructive. even if he came out and said he supports the devil his followers would remain loyal to him.
"Aoun: The war is an American-European war that is being waged through the Syrian people. They want to change the regime because they consider it to be... an economic obstacle because it is not allowing the passage of oil from Turkey to Europe."
someone please give this senile imbecile a map or a globe
General Michel Aoun is ill, He isn't in his right mind. He suffers from atherosclerosis. That's why I quit his camp, his decisions are based on nothing.
“Turkey is not our enemy but rather a brotherly country, the same as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, although they have distanced themselves from us. Instead of talking about Lebanon's stability, let them find solutions to what's happening, because they are the ones who are supporting the Free Syrian Army,” Aoun said.
wow he considers turkey qatar saudi arabia as brotherly countries... he must want money from them... he then adds that they have distanced themselves from us, but why doesnt he tell us why they distanced themselves from us? maybe because of him and his kidnapping allies?
Instead of talking about Lebanon's stability, let them find solutions to what's happening, because they are the ones who are supporting the Free Syrian Army,” Aoun said.
last time i checked, it was not the FSA who is causing problems in lebanon..
Asked about the recent arrest of former minister Michel Samaha on charges of conspiring with Syrian security chief Maj. Gen. Ali Mamlouk to carry out bombings and assassinations in Akkar, Aoun said “the issue has become an issue of political exploitation and media outlets are also taking advantage of this matter.”
“Lebanon is an arena for the world's intelligence agencies, that's why I won't accuse anyone or acquit anyone and I will leave the issue to the judiciary to perform its duty,” he added.
he used to meet with samaha all the time, so what else can you expect from the general? dont forget how he is surrounded by the world's intelligence arenas with the likes of fayez karam and michel samaha..
Addressing the issue of the 2013 parliamentary elections, Aoun said “nothing can torpedo the elections other than a regional war,” but warned that elections cannot be held in Akkar and Tripoli “if the security situation (there) remains the same.”
sounds like march 8 is already setting the scene for not holding the elections on time. so imagine that elections in akkar and tripoli could not be held but they can be held in southern beirut, baalbak and south lebanon under the direct threat of hizballah's illegal weapons... this man is bankrupt of wisdom... but keep voting for him my fellow christians..
Turning to the developments in Syria, Aoun said “the regime in Syria must remain secular because there are religious minorities.”
is lebanon secular? are you elected as a secular leader?
Aoun acknowledged that “what's happening in Syria is an uprising.”
“We have been calling for a change in the regime, but we do not support the cycle of violence which is being fueled by foreign countries,” he added.
ufff sah el nawm ya hasooni. now that the regime is on its way out, he wants to call it an uprising? he has been calling for a change in the regime? since when? but keep voting for him my fellow christians for you know no better
“The war is an American-European war that is being waged through the Syrian people. They want to change the regime because they consider it to be an obstacle to peace with Israel and an economic obstacle because it is not allowing the passage of oil from Turkey to Europe,” he noted.
syria the most peaceful country at the israeli border is an obstacle to peace? this man smokes crack! economic obstacle because it is not allowing the passage of oil from turkey to europe? hahah why would it have to go through syria if it is going from turkey to europe? what oil does syria have? this man is really senile but keep voting for him my fellow christian for you are greedy and trying to fill your pockets through his presence in office...
The only time Syria was close to peace with Israel was when Israel had almost promised to return the Golan heights. That deal was torpedoed when their prime minister, Yitsak Rabin was assassinated by Israeli fundamentalists. After that, Syria has always been at war with Israel. Not to mention, the Syrian Arab Army has gotten quite a good overhaul.
And please understand the oil issue before making fun of someone. You only make yourself look ignorant. The oil flow he is referring to is produced by the GCC then flows through Syria, TURKEY, and then Europe. Turkey does not produce enough oil to export. The oil issue will make EUrope independent of Russian oil and gas.
Also, insulting people who vote a certain way is quite childish.
But why would you want to confront Israel? And why would u want to do it with weapons (there are other means of confrontation other then Islamic resistance... Remember you are Christian!)
"Syria was begging Israel for peace, but Israel didn't heed their calls ."
When exactly did that happed. Ask Walid Muallem why there was not a second round of talks with Israel. He even refused to shake hands with the Israeli representative.
Remember PEACE can only come about between two countries that had been at war.
By the majority of people voting against my previous comments, does it mean that they are against peace, and want to continue the present precarious situation that exists in Lebanon?
I hope I am wrong in this assumption.
As long as they keep getting their monthly salaries from Saudi and Qatar, the M14 slaves of Saadoun will never be able to comprehend the General's sophisticated and logical views.
What a slap in the face for all the people in syria, when he says its a foreign war. How dare u? Words can't express how disrespectful that is for a Syrian who has lost his whole family in the name of freedom. Aoun has a prejudice against muslim sunnis, this has always been evident. I will ally with Phalange and LF if they convince Mustaqbal? Are u kidding me? Plus Syria has an overwhelming majority of muslims, why shouldnt they be in power, with protection for minoroties? All this scare of muslim states is the consistent work of all these dictators, it is simply not true. Muslims that are not in the khaleej want complete respect and rights for other beliefs. Our societies are intertwined and its only politicians that try to stir something diffrent.
@ramzi, GMA and his blinded followers suffer from Harriri Derangement Syndrome. It all started when they refused the land deal in Solidaire because of their damned greed and as a result lost the shares they could have had $$$ after it was built and generated wealth for Harriri and all the stakeholders that accepted the offer. They will loath Harriri for the rest of their lives no matter what.
in respone to the comment stating what Aoun said regarding Syria as a place of freedom, you must be kidding for sure. a place of freedom who kills every oponent. Go to Hell Aoun..
Aoun said the priority must be given to “the proliferation of arms and the absence of the state.”
He stressed that “Hizbullah's arms are necessary because they enable us to confront Israel.”
Only a person without a rational thinking brain could hold such two opposing thoughts in his head at the same time, much less express them both in one address.