شربل: غرفة عمليات تضم كافة الأجهزة الأمنية لحماية البابا ومواكبة تحركاته كافة

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كشف وزير الداخلية مروان شربل ان "هناك غرفة عمليات تضم كل الاجهزة الامنية" ستواكب زيارة بابا روما بينيدكتوس السادس عشر الى لبنان وستعمل على حمايته.

و"تنعقد الغرفة لدى قيادة لواء الحرس الجمهوري باعتباره المولج حماية البابا"، وفق ما اوضحه شربل لصحيفة "النهار"، و"تتولى الغرفة توزيع الادوار والتنسيق الامني خلال الزيارة".

واكد شربل، ان الغرفة "وضعت خططاً منسقة لحماية موكب البابا وتنقلاته ومقار اقامته، وأهم ما في هذا المضمار هو تأمين الحماية للبابا اثناء تنقلاته على الطرق".

وأشار، عبر "النهار" الى ان "لكل جهاز امني دوره المحدد في عملية الحماية، والادوار موزعة على كل الاجهزة ومنسقة بدقة ليتولى كل جهاز دوراً معيناً في عملية الحماية، مطمئناً "البابا نفسه، و كل المهتمين في لبنان والفاتيكان والعالم أن أمن البابا محفوظ بالشكل الذي يجب ان يكون عليه واكثر".

ولفت الى أن المعنيين بأمن الفاتيكان "انفسهم يعرفون ذلك جيداً، وقد ارسلوا الينا وفداً أمنياً ينسق مع اجهزتنا، وهو مطلع على الخطط الخاصة بالزيارة، ويعمل مع اجهزتنا الأمنية على تأمين كل التفاصيل الصغيرة".

وأكد شربل ان الاجهزة الامنية جهزت نفسها "للتعامل مع كل الافتراضات والسيناريوات حتى السيئة منها لا سمح الله".

ويزور البابا لبنان من 14 إلى 16 الجاري. وخلال زيارته سيوقع على "الارشاد الرسولي" (رسالة تتضمن خطوطا ارشادية للكنائس المحلية) المنبثق من سينودس اساقفة الشرق الاوسط الذي عقد في روما في تشرين الاول 2010.

وشدد شربل عبر "النهار" على ان الاجراءات الامنية المواكبة لزيارة البابا "لم يسبق ان اتخذت في اي خطة لحماية اي رئيس دولة زار لبنان، نظراً الى حساسية الظروف الراهنة".

من جانب آخر، اعتبر شربل ان "اصرار البابا على المجيء الى لبنان في الظروف الصعبة التي يمر بها ما هو إلا لرفع معنويات الشعب اللبناني والدولة اللبنانية، وليقول للجميع إن دولة الفاتيكان، بما تمثل من تأثير معنوي على دول العالم، تقف بجانب لبنان".

التعليقات 15
Missing hitech 08:51 ,2012 أيلول 06

When Jean-Paul II visited Lebanon in 1997, there were reports that Hizbullah tried to assassinate him by shooting down his airplane soon after it took off from the airport on his way back to Rome. The plan was foiled by Canadian and Italian Interpol. At the time I thought these allegations were ridiculous, now no one puts anything past Hizbullah. I wish the Pope would postpone his visit. Lebanon is not safe. Our security agencies cannot even stop kidnappings, how do we expect them to protect the Pontiff?

Missing hitech 17:03 ,2012 أيلول 06

Well sir, if the truth hurts you, that doesn't give you the right to track people's IP and force them to shut-up because you did not like what they said. That's what the Syrians do. Syrian mentality goes deep in some Lebanese; that's what we got after 30 years of Syrian tutelage.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 09:15 ,2012 أيلول 06

i doubt any political party in Lebanon that respects itself would actually risk such an international incident.

Thumb cedar 13:52 ,2012 أيلول 06

God protect Lebanon and the pope during his visit. And all the time for that matter.

Missing hitech 14:10 ,2012 أيلول 06

From the alleged assassination of Harriri to the 2006 war, Hizbullah did what no one expects them to do. Intelligence does not hurt, stupidity does. What we're afraid of is not a smart action, it is a stupid action, and stupid actions often don't make sense. The typical question that follows is always: Why on earth did they do that for?

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:19 ,2012 أيلول 06

Hitech is typing away from his arm chair in occupied Palestine.. mind your own business.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:21 ,2012 أيلول 06

Hitech, for your own info. harriri was assasinated by israeli and Syrina agents. Orders were given from occupied Jerusalem.

Missing hitech 14:46 ,2012 أيلول 06

FlameThrower: So the war of 2006, the invasion of Beirut in May 2007, were those the work of individuals, absolutely not. Those were premeditated and pre-thought actions taken by Hizbullah, and none the less very, very, very stupid. Stop defending them mate. Sometimes the line between right and wrong is very thin, in case of Hizbullah, it's crystal clear. Hizbullah as an institution is the incarnation of evil in Lebanon, it is a "terrorist organization that is not separate from Syria" to quote Michel Aoun.

Missing hitech 16:03 ,2012 أيلول 06

You know what mate, us Lebanese we have something very valuable in our culture, it is our sense or responsibility. This is something in which we are far better than the Europeans, and way, way, way better than the Americans. Europeans and Americans are 'blame' cultures. To give a simple example, if a student is not doing well at school, in Lebanon they say he/she has to work harder, in Europe they blame the school and the teacher, in America they give it a fancy name like Attention Deficit Disorder (or even Homeopathic ADD, which means it looks like ADD but we don't know what it is) and they put the kid on a cocktail of drugs. We are way better than that, we take responsibility. So let's take responsibility and admit that the 2006 war was a mistake and a failure because it did not bring Lebanon or the Lebanese anything. That's a fact.

Missing hitech 15:28 ,2012 أيلول 06

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not Israeli nor I swore allegiance to their flag (although I would be happy to piss on it if I had the chance to). I am purely bred, born, and raised in Lebanon. On a side note I appreciate the fact that you welcome me to discuss my opinion here; I did not know you own this forum. In any case it's a pleasure for me to be here.

Missing hitech 16:22 ,2012 أيلول 06

I completely agree with you FlameThrower, they all make comments against each other, and all their comments are usually true.

Missing hitech 17:52 ,2012 أيلول 06

Also FrameThrower: Hizbullah admitted it was a mistake, so let's not take this any further. If you are so proud of what they did, next time you invite them to fight Israel from your house and you sacrifice your family members, then you can rightfully vent how glorious their actions were. I, and many other Lebanese, just want to live in peace.

Missing hitech 20:12 ,2012 أيلول 06

As I said before, quoting Michel Aoun, "Hizbullah is a terrorist organization that is not separate from Syria".

I wish I knew what goes on in terrorists' minds, but I don't. All I know is that our security agencies cannot even stop kidnappings, how do we expect them to protect the Pontiff?

Default-user-icon jack (ضيف) 20:32 ,2012 أيلول 06

what a bunch of farts yee all are, halleluia

Default-user-icon Wise Guy (ضيف) 23:40 ,2012 أيلول 06

Whether or Hezbullah had planned to assassinate Pope John-Paul II is irrelevant and obsolete. Pope Benedict's ultra-conservative views may be highly unpopular, however if the Lebanese "state" truly existed, I would have no fear in its capacity ofpretecting such a high-visibility visitor. Unfortunately, Lebanon is riddled with various mini-states (statelets), the first one being Hizbullah. I hate any party, any organisation based on a religious community with total allegiance to a foreign power, Iran in the case of the Hizb.