تقارير: العريضي سيضع دراسة عن امكانية تشغيل مطار القليعات.
Read this story in Englishطلب رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي من وزير الاشغال والنقل العام غازي العريضي وضع دراسة عن امكانية تشغيل مطار القليعات.
ففي جلسة مجلس الوزراء امس الاربعاء طلب ميقاتي من العريضي، وفق صحيفة "النهار" وضع دراسة عن امكان تشغيل هذا المطار وتقديمها الى مجلس الوزراء في غضون شهر.
وافادت "النهار" ان وزير المال محمد الصفدي طرح موضوع فتح مطار القليعات واستخدام شركة "الميدل ايست" اياه، في الجلسة الاربعاء.
وكان قد طرح العريضي اعادة الحصرية الى شركة الـ"ميدل ايست" لمدة 20 سنة، لكن الاقتراح أثار اعتراض عدد كبير من الوزراء تقدمهم وزراء "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" ووزير المال محمد الصفدي، وأدى النقاش الى تبني وجهة نظر بخفض مدة الحصرية الجديدة الى 12 سنة كتسوية إفساحاً للحفاظ على استثمارات الشركة والتزاماتها.
وطلب مجلس الوزراء من العريضي وضع دراسة عن فتح الباب أمام شركات لبنانية أخرى لتسيير رحلات الى بلدان ليست لـ"الميدل ايست" خطوط اليها.
Why on earth do we need another Airport, with everything else going on the only one we have is empty , no tourists , everyone heading out then in . Another way for politicians to line their pockets. Can see the head line now " March 8&14 Accuse each other over corruption in Qlaiaat Airport Case "
Dont agree with you. Google the Rene Mouawad airport location. It is north of Tripoli. Meaning that you have to drive through Bab el tabbaneh to get there!!! Between the Ouzai tire burning thugs and the Bab el tabbaneh missile shooting thugs, i am not really sure... If we are to open a new airport, it should be in halate/safra region, even if we reclaim part of the sea. as far as possible from trouble makers from south or north.
I agree with you lebanon both current locations are shit next to thugs (Halate/Safra ) is a better place for the new airport..
I believe a better option would be to transform the Wujh el Hajar Airport into a civilian one. It's already been renovated as a military one (C-130 planes were landing there last year) and I think it would only need minor changes so it becomes civilian too. It's around 10 minutes North of Batroun, so very safe area and no need to build from scratch.
do we even know this is something MEA is interested in doing. or they have no say. how expensive would it be to operate a flight into any airport other than Beirut. or would this be an emergency airport, for when the thugs (as you guys call them) block roads into H.I.A. what I often see in other countries when a flight is operated from a less traffic airport tickets tend to be more expensive. now assuming MEA will do flights into both Beirut and Qlaiaat. The question is, will you pay more for a flight into Qlaiaat and how much more. 200$ 300$???
Really, a second airport in a country as small as Lebanon? Just call it as it is and say that Muslim hating Christians want their own airport near their mountain villages.
Really, a second airport in a country as small as Lebanon? Just call it as it is and say that Christian seperatists want their own airport near their mountain villages.