عون: وجود ضباط قوى الامن في مواقعهم غير قانوني ونستنكر السكوت عن المخالفة
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رأى رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون أن وجود ضباط قوى الامن الداخلي في مواقعهم هو وجود غير قانوني، مستنكرا "السكوت عن هذه المخالفة"، منددا في الوقت عينه بهجوم كتلة "المستقبل" على المؤسسة العسكرية، داعيا أيضا الدولة الإعلان عن "تلزيم استخراج النفط لأنه لا يوجد أي عائق".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل الأسبوعي عصر اليوم الثلاثاء في الرابية: "مجلس قيادة قوى الامن الداخلي لم يجتمع لاجراء التشكيلات منذ 2006"، موضحا أن "القانون في حال الاضطرار لنقل ضابط قبل اجتماع مجلس القيادة مدير قوى الامن الداخلي يمكنه فصله لـ3 اشهر وبعد هذه المدة يتم تشكيله او يعود لمركزه".
وإذ لفت في هذا الإطار الى أنه "منذ 2006 ليس هناك ضابط من ضباط قوى الامن موجود شرعا في مركز قيادته"، استنكر عون "التهميش لمجلس القيادة، كل التشكيلات والترقيات والضباط موجودين بشكل غير قانوني".
و سأل عون "الوزير المختص وكل السلطات بالتراتبية لماذا السكوت عن هذه المخالفة التي تتخطى كل التدابير؟".
وحول داتا الاتصالات، أشار عون الى أنها "المرة الاولى التي نرى فيها حكومة تادفع عن الحريات، وبعض الناس يقولون احجزوا حريتنا". مضيفا: "يجب أن نقوم باستفتاء اذا كان الشعب يسمح بالتجسس عليه، هذه الظاهرة لم تنوجد الا في لبنان".
وأردف: "لم تكن الداتا يوما وسيلة للقبض على مسؤولين عن الجرائم ، وغدا تنتهي المدة التي أعطوها القضاة لوزارة الإتصالات لتسليم الداتا".
وعلق عون على الأحداث الامينة في البلاد، مشددا على أن هاجس اللبنانيين الاول هو الأمن وليس الإستقرار لأن الأخير موجود، والأحداث الاخسيرة التي حصلت لم تمس استقرار البلد.
وأشار الى أن هدم وجود مراقبة للأشخاص الذين يأتون مأخرا الى لبنان، يؤدي الى ازدياد تفلت الوضع الامني وارتفاع نسبة الجرائم.
وندد عون بمهاجمة كتلة "المستقبل" للمؤسسة العسكرية بشكل دائم. وقال: "كل اجتماع لتيار المسقبل يقولون الجيش جيد ولا يستطيعون أن "يسبوه" لان هناك موجة عارمة مؤيدة له، لكنهم يحاولون دائما ان يطالوا معنويات الضباط".
وتابع: "هل يمكنهم ان يحلوا عن الجيش؟ ماذا يريدون؟ ان يأتي جيش سوريا الحر؟ او يريدون القاعدة؟ يجب ان ننتهي من هذه "الحرتقة"، لا اتخيل ان ممثلي شعب يطلبون فوضى ويضربون معنويات جيشهم".
وحول ملف استخراج النفط والغاز، طالب عون الحكومة بالإسراع عن تلزيم استخراجه، آملا الإنتهاء من هذه القضية سريعا وطمأنة المواطينين أن لديهم موارد في وطنهم.
وذكر "استمعنا من وزير الطاقة عن كل الاعمال التي تم القيام به لاستخراج النفط، العمل كان فيه الكثير من لجهد"، مشيرا الى أن "الاسماء للتعيين بهيئة ادارة النفط باتت جاهزة، وربما هناك خلافات عليها".
وتوقف عون عند مسألة قانون الإنتخاب، وقال: "بدأنا باللقاءات في بكركي وبعد جلستين او ثلاثة توصلنا الى مقررات وتبين بالتقرير الذي معي أن " اللجنة توصلت الى تقييم مشترك لقوانين مشاريع الانتخاب مما يعني ان المسيحيين انجزوا نقاشهم وجاهزون للذهاب الى نقاش مع مكونات المجتمع الاخرى، الاشكالية لم تعد الاتفاق بين المسيحيين حول الصيغة بل هي حول اية صيغة يمكن للمسيحيين الوصول اليها من خلل نقاشها".
وأضاف: "لا اعرف ماذا يريدون لا الاقتراح الأول ولا الثاني، بعدما استنفذنا اللقاء الارثوذكسي سرنا بالاقتراح الثاني، يريدون ان يلبسوا غيرهم الكذب والتبعية".
ورأى عون أن "المشروع المقترح من اللقاء الارثوذكسي الافضل من حيث تأمين تمثيل، لكن يبقى المطلوب نقاش وطني لتبديد أي مخاوف يثيرها حول العيش المشترك، وقانون النسبية على اساس الدوائر المتوسطة يؤمن تمثيلا جيدا".
17:24 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: الأسماء حول تعيين هيئة النفط جاهزة
17:21 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: يجب على الدولة أن تنظم النظام الضريبي
17:13 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: نتأمل أن تسرع الدولة قليلا ويعلنوا عن تلزيم استخراج النفط لأنه لا يوجد أي عائق
17:11 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: فلتترك "المستقبل" الجيش بحاله ماذا يريدون الجيش السوري الحر او القاعدة لا أتخيل ان ممثلي شعب يطلبون الفوضى ويضربون معنويات جيشه
17:10 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: كل اجتماع يعقده "المستقبل" ينوهون بالجيش ولا يتجرأوا على شتمه لأن هناك موجة دعم كبيرة للمؤسسة العسكرية في الوطن
17:09 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون عن الداتا: لم تكن الداتا يوما وسيلة للقبض على مسؤولين عن الجرائم ةغدا تنتهي المدة التي أعطوها القضاة لوزارة الإتصالات لتسليم الداتا
17:07 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: لم يكن لدينا جرائم في الوطن كما الآن
17:07 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: بسبب قدوم أشخاص غير مراقبين وغير مسجلين الى لبنان زادت الجريمة بشكل كبير من سرقة وجرائم فأين قوى الامن الداخلي
17:06 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: هاجس اللبنانيين الاول اليوم هو الامن قبل الإستقرار لأن الإستقرار مأمن والأحداث محدودة جدا ولم تمس باستقرار الوكن ولكن الامنهو الهاجس
17:05 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: نسأل الوزير المختص لماذا السكوت عن هذه المخالفة
17:05 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: كل الترقيات والتشكيلات ووجود هؤلاء الضباط هو وجود غير قانوني
17:05 ,2012 أيلول 11
عون: من 2006 لليوم لا يوجد ضابط من ضباط قوى الامن موجود شرعا في مركز قيادته

Why would naharnet want to waste such valuable space on their site with this worthless character?

Your so funny ya mustool. Can't you TRY to be a bit more original. Or did my post offend your love and dedication to Aoun. Figures you would annex yourself to such a similar loser.

BSThrowers writes (or by the look of it is struggling to...lol): "i wonder... ah yes! i found it: bigsami wallows in self-hatred and hatred of other" Keep wondering Mr. Farsi idiot because to the contrary of your comment, I'm a peace-loving person who strives for equality and human freedom. The only hatred I have is for idiots like YOU & fellow brainwashed creatures who standup and worship murderers, criminals, deceitful, suppressive dictators like HA/Iran/Bashar. I would also add that I specifically don't like you because I follow a majority voice and on this site that voice says "your an idiot"!

BSThrower "trust me idiot, you dont know neither what peace, love, nor equality means (:" Trust me....LOL. I think those are the same words your scum HA preach to all....and you still beleive they are there to save you from the big bad wold aka Israel. LOL....idiot!
Can you try to be a bit original with your lame responses. You like a broken record. Farsi mustool!

Praised be FT! Behold the sanctimonious BS that comes from a person who advocates the shooting of M14 leaders in the head and dissolving them in acid. You should go look in the mirror; if you still have an urge to spew your hate and double standards afterwards, then put a sock in it because we’re not buying it. You are the No 1 hypocrite here and you have pledged your allegiance to a man who is now allied with the same regime that humiliated him and chased him out of b3abda with his tail tucked between his legs. You leader is a coward and a denier that the regime he is bowing to, is holding Lebanese prisoners without due process. If you had an ounce of morality and ethics you wouldn't even spew your filth here. I pity you and I feel sorry for those who have to interact with you on a daily basis. You are a warped, decaying, soulless ghoul

Micho: TVA taxe sur le plus value??? you little morron micho!!! tva = taxe sur la valeur ajoute!! fu...ing idiot micho

Aoun: Week in week out I will say anything that come to my mind no matter how preposterous, absurd or ridiculous, my few remaining follower are a bunch of retarded imBassils and will believe anything. Look at them praising my every stupid word, it's breathtaking!

you know guys, the dilemna of fpm currently is due to the following:
- by associating themselves with sira and hizbushaitan, they thought they have it made.
- they thought they will control the country forever.
- suddenly they are realizing they control nothing.
even with m14 out of power, they have been bickering among themselves about each and every thing.
- and now the syrian regime is caught through the arrest of samaha red handed.
- and now there is the miqdad clan they have to deal with due to the outcry of their followers.
and now they see their hopes in the upcoming elections going down the drain.
you would think these fpm guys would wake up? oh no! they prove everyday they are dumb following a dumber general.

guys, have you noticed the stupidity of replies lately from mowaten, BS and others... :)
pathetic :)

same story different week...month...year...
attack Samaha! Attack Jamil!!! Attack the Syrian Regime that is waging a covert war on Lebanon..
Keep robbing the government as much as possible coz no one believes you will be part of it ever again...

Cukoo....cukoo....It is Tuesday again. All statements do not make sense. Put money in my pocket and I will block all investigations that need telecom data.

"the army is highly popular at the momen"!!??? What!???
The army SUCKS at the moment ya Micho! They have done nothing untill the recent days and after enormous pressure from M14!!

He's truly becoming more senile every Tuesday...the FPM should put this hilarious monkey in a zoo and charge people for watching and throwing bananas at him....

Good question starsky but rest assured they are few and between. They are the rejects of society who are easy pray to manipulate by the likes of Aoun and HA. Just browse posts from BSThrower and his alias Motormouth just to mention a few. Need anyone say more?

Aoun: We have prepared potential candidates for the Petroleum Regulatory Authority... and there will be fisticuffs once hezbelala and berri find out their don't like them.

kaka, you should be in the same zoo as your Aoun...ya idiot..

karim......"for his patriotism, protection of Lebanon's freedom and democracy" you are in a different planet dude.

bigsami, he means when GMA ran like a little girl from b3ada with his tail tucked between his hind legs....then returned and allied himself with the same scumbag regime he swore to be enemies with till the day he dies! Hypocrisy at its best!

Aoun, the slimy snake returned to Lebanon WITHOUT asking forgiveness for his crimes in the late 80s. I want him hung!

Look at how biased naharnet is. They choose the most ridiculous pictures of M8 and the nicest ones of M14. They even found a picture of sinioura where he looks ok. But this picture of Aoun is hilarious!!

FT, you are sooooo wrong dude, just because M14 is against Hizballa and cronies that doesn't mean what you said is true, let me spell it out for you "W E ARE WITH T H E LEBANESE STATE, NO ONE ELSE"...NOOOOOOO ONE ELSE "PERIOD"...got it? I doubt it!!!

Here he goes again....BSThrower has the sewage gates wide open. More turd coming out form his mouth than ever. Smells!

Good one starsky.....but I think he is really dumb and can't find a way to find tayar.org. I think someone placed a shrotcut icon for naharnet on his screen and that's all he knows what to do. Click ya hmaar..click.

1988: Aoun bet on Saddam Hussein. Got lot of weapon to fight Syria, with our blood. Result? Saddam lost two wars, and Aoun lost one...
2006: Aoun bet on Bashar Assad. Got of lot of political support from cronies (Hezballah, Amal, Marada, PSNS, ....). Results ? Bashar is losing his war, and Aoun to be exiled again soon
History tend to repeat itself. This guy can't stop making strategic mistakes. Changing camp is already a mistake in itself: changing camp to go toward a loser is pure stupidity.

"La grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le boeuf", racontait La Fontaine... "The frog who wanted to be as big as the ox" ... Doesn't he look like a frog ? Or maybe a toad...

You just keep on making friends I see Farsi BSThrower. You are so pathetic. Everyone can see through the same number of votes (up or down) that you are manipulating these threads through your aliases. But it's ok knucklehead because anyone can see/read by all these posts that the "majority of statements' are all ANTI-SCUM HA/Aoun/Iran/Bashar. Mustool and pathetic!

Aoun will be out of the political scene very soon... Nobody will regret him.

Praised be FT! Behold the sanctimonious BS that comes from a person who advocates the shooting of M14 leaders in the head and dissolving them in acid. You should go look in the mirror; if you still have an urge to spew your hate and double standards afterwards, then put a sock in it because we’re not buying it. You are the No 1 hypocrite here and you have pledged your allegiance to a man who is now allied with the same regime that humiliated him and chased him out of b3abda with his tail tucked between his legs. You leader is a coward and a denier that the regime he is bowing to, is holding Lebanese prisoners without due process. If you had an ounce of morality and ethics you wouldn't even spew your filth here. I pity you and I feel sorry for those who have to interact with you on a daily basis. You are a warped, decaying, soulless ghoul

BSThrower....the math is so simple....an NOT a coincidence! Simultaneous 8 votes DOWN for all anti scum Aoun/HA posts to be followed by 8 UP for your own posts (aliases). Hmaar and pathetic is what you are Mr. Farsi!

Jajajajajaja sounds funny whatever this medicine is intended to cure.

The only idiots who are displacing Christians are the morally bankrupt, boldfaced liars like you who defend a man who denies we have prisoners in Syria! Tfeh!

@starsky, its an automated script launched by one person...he is desperate to give the impression that this is an M8 site by generating an impossible number of thumbs down. We all know he is a retard. Who gives a rat's behind about the thumbs down? The truth drives these mutants nuts!

You figured it out too bandoul. How pathetic but just shows you hows these backward worshipers are so naive and actually make great suicide bombers. They belief everything that is preached to them by these phonies clergymen. They beleive that their purpose in life is to obey these God sent cons and will do anything to follow orders.

he's paid to spit his hatred, we do it for free... and definitely not like a robot... what a miserable and pathetic life this person has.

Praised be FT! Behold the sanctimonious BS that comes from a person who advocates the shooting of M14 leaders in the head and dissolving them in acid. You should go look in the mirror; if you still have an urge to spew your hate and double standards afterwards, then put a sock in it because we’re not buying it. You are the No 1 hypocrite here and you have pledged your allegiance to a man who is now allied with the same regime that humiliated him and chased him out of b3abda with his tail tucked between his legs. You leader is a coward and a denier that the regime he is bowing to, is holding Lebanese prisoners without due process. If you had an ounce of morality and ethics you wouldn't even spew your filth here. I pity you and I feel sorry for those who have to interact with you on a daily basis. You are a warped, decaying, soulless ghoul

harriri and bandar are in love and they will soon anounce their marraige to the world....

FT, banned smoking tobacco but encourages smoking hashish instead..lol