تمثال السيدة العذراء في مزار سيدة البحار في جبيل يرشح دما والاب العنداري: ما حصل هو عوامل طبيعية
Read this story in Englishأوضح رئيس أنطش مار يوحنا مرقس - جبيل الأب الياس العنداري ان "الخبر الذي تناقلته بعض وسائل الاعلام ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والذي يظهر ان تمثال السيدة العذراء في مزار سيدة البحار في جبيل ينضح دما وزيتا، ليس صحيحا وما حصل هو بسبب العوامل الطبيعية".
وقال في بيان صدر اليوم السبت "بعد الكشف على التمثال من كهنة الرعية، تبين ان الظاهرة هي بسبب العوامل الطبيعية نتيجة قربها من البحر وخصوصا انه لم يتبين وجود اي اثر للزيت والدم اللذين حكي عنهما في الاعلام وظهر في بعض الصور المتناقلة عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي".
ودعا كافة المؤمنين الى"توخي الحذر والدقة والاكتفاء بالصلاة للعذراء مريم، سيدة لبنان، ان تحفظ وطننا وتبارك وتفعل زيارة الحبر الاعظم قداسة البابا ينديكتوس السادس عشر، الى لبنان".
وتابع نرجو من "وسائل الاعلام التأكد من صحة الاخبار الكنسية من المراجع المختصة قبل نشرها".
وكانت قد افادت معلومات صحفية ان العين اليمنى لتمثال سيدة "ماريتيم" في جبيل (سيدة البحار) تذرف دموعا من الدم وان عنقها ينزف دما ايضا.
في حين كشفت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، اليوم السبت، ان تمثال السيدة العذراء في مزار سيدة البحار لم يرشح دماً، بل رشح زيتاً منذ الساعة الثامنة من مساء الجمعة وما زال حتى الساعة.
the virgin mary is not waiting for u mowaten to believe, the world of christians is full of miracles, this is not the first time, and if she's crying because there's people like u in this world. by the way some people doesn't want to believe because they are affraid
Ok, the Lady reads the news and is giving a prophecy: lots of blood there will be before there is oil from "Her" sea
we don't care mowaten if u believe or not, the world is full of miracles this is not the first time, we believe in the virgin mary if the statue is crying or not, and if there's no miracles so all the religions are wrong.... by the way if the virgin mary is crying because there's people like u in this world...
Mowaten / to everyone that doesn't believe these things..
I have witnessed it in my own eyes, when of our lady of Bechwat Statue had its eyes blinking for several times. It was breathtaking, I stood there for minutes just to make sure it WAS REALLY BLINKING.
Please for all that have witnessed it please join by liking or posting a comment.
We who have seen these miracles are lucky, however we are all responsible of sharing what we have witnessed with those who haven't.
I'm not sure about the status of this Statue yet, as no church body has claimed the above miracle yet.
comin g from a christian: this is certainly a joke! I thought that the naharnet readership (muse and xtians) are the educated fact finding class.
Get real guys. both religions are myth for crowd control.
i do believe and god does not need us to believe in him and his miracles but ho does believe will save his soul.
Yes all Christians believe in these things because we believe in miracles. Each one that is reported is assessed by professionals to make sure some idiot is not making a story up and seeking attention.
it happened to my family. so i know its true. i cant really convince u , but people believe alot of things and people change their mind about things also... i guess life experience ultimately prevails and get the right answer ultimately
Uhm FT, respecting the virgin mary is not the same as visiting harissa as thats not virgin mary. We rewpect her in our hearts, not by going to statues as thats considered shirk in Islam and any muslim who show his respect in such a way is sinning greatly according to the quran. Just saying.
After all you have said you have the nerve to claim you never said anything. Hypocrites. You insult islam day and night on naharnet.
Just because you believe in this sort of thing doesn't mean it's true. Plenty of people believe that they've seen UFOs and bigfoot, etc; doesn't mean it's true. Religious people will always believe what they want to believe.
Just because you believe in this sort of thing doesn't mean it's true. Plenty of people believe that they've seen UFOs and bigfoot, etc; doesn't mean it's true. Religious people will always believe what they want to believe.
"All Christians believe this"???? Says who?? Are you really waiting for a STATUE to start dancing for you to believe??? You guys have so little faith
The1phoenix, when this happened in nab3a how much money did the family raise ? Bass so2ale
No not all Christians beleive in this. Not even the Church beleives in this before making thourough investigations.
It's ridiculous that even this incident related to the holy virgin is a cause for us to fight with Muslims. How can we ever build a country like this. Please open your mind and stop this childish George Bush mentality "Either you are with us or you are against us!"
Hehehe better mowaten if u didn't speak, if people don't believe in miracles so all the religions are wrong....
It's important to accept that REAL miracles do occasional exist, but also equally important to accept, that there are criminals that create hoaxes to capitalize dollar donations on the hyper faithful, the medically sick and desperate with cancer, etc. Those fraudulent hoax scammers are the ones dividing the faithful against each other.
Guys, everyone has their own believes. We should all just respect each other, pray for one another. We are all blessed because we have life. God does not pick and choose. We have all experienced miracles in different ways. May God Bless You All, Christians, Muslims,Heathens,Zanzibars and all Religious and Non Religious People out there. God created us all in His Image. He would have never put us on the earth if we were not special to Him. Are we questioning His work? Let's just keep on praying. God Bless Us.