قباني يسلم البابا رسالة: المسلمون والمسيحيون يتساوون بالحقوق والواجبات

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سلم مفتي الجمهورية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني رسالة الى قداسة الحبر الاعظم بنديكتوس السادس عشر تتضمن ترحيباً بزيارته وتطمينات من الجانب المسلم إلى الشريك المسيحي.

واكد قباني في رسالته التي سلمها الى البابا خلال لقائه اليوم السبت في بعبدا على أن "أي إعتداء على أي مواطن مسيحي هو إعتداء على الإسلام"، لافتا الى أن "المسلمين والمسيحيين يشكلون أمة واحدة ويتساوون بالحقوق والواجبات".

واعرب عن ألمه "لما تعرض له بعض المسيحيين في بعض بلدان الشرق من إعتداءات على ارواحهم ومقداساتهم".

وشدد قائلا "لقد رفعنا الصوت عاليا ضد كل هذه الأعمال المدانة والمرفوضة شكلا ومضمونا والتي غالبا ما تكون مدبرة لإيقاع الفتنة من أيد داخلية أو خارجية تحقيقا لمصالحها، وهي لا تسيء فقط الى تاريخنا المشترك في العيش معا، بل وتتناقض أيضا مع قيمنا في الاسلام".

التعليقات 11
Thumb phoenician 12:41 ,2012 أيلول 15


Missing peace 19:25 ,2012 أيلول 15

the1phoenix: you just forgot all the reports of iranian human rights associations denouncing the lack of liberty of christians in iran...
sunnis and shiites show they can live in peace in lebanon...

it seems that you think that all sunnis in lebanon are salafists when they only represent a minority...salafists are the same as the hezbollahis, same islamic extremism...
when all chiites are not hezbollahis thank god

you are morally dishonest

Missing beirut78 14:39 ,2012 أيلول 15

And your people showed their true colours during all the massacres you comitted in the name of christ.

Default-user-icon Cedarthegreat (ضيف) 15:32 ,2012 أيلول 15

Peace be to the moderate Christians and Muslims. The world needs moderation and wisdom as the enemies of our people are playing us against each other. It starts with basic mutual respect of each other. As a proud Maronite I salute our Grand Mufti Qabbani. Peace to the good Islamic and Christian citizens. Let us live freely and respect each others differences and keep Lebanon as our unified nation...

Missing peace 18:25 ,2012 أيلول 15

but the BIG problem in lebanon is that they use religion to achieve political goals by frightening people that the other camp are evils...ALL OF THEM!
as long as religion doesn t stick to religion only the world will see everlasting wars!
it means nasrallah should stick only to religious affairs like qabbani like kabalan like rahi like.......
as long as the citizens approve those cited above to give political opinions then lebanon will NEVER be stable and the peace message of the pope an idealistic wish...
i guess lebanon only has what it deserves as long as the citizens classify themselves according to their religion and not to their citizenship....

Thumb phoenician 18:56 ,2012 أيلول 15

Christians only attack in self defence.

Missing peace 19:16 ,2012 أيلول 15


Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 أيلول 15

I think religion shouldn't play any role in shaping a country, let alone assigning rights based on it. These are matters of eras that had gone. A country should be based on meritocracy and anyone, no matter what his/her religion is, should get what he deserves based on his abilities. Religion is something that has to do with the human being and God for the sake of acquiring heaven through good deeds. Building a country is better served through meritocracy and ability. Lebanon would hence be better served by assigning the right person in the right place and through excessive monitoring techniques that lauds the good doer and punishes the bad doers. we don't have to do that far to see the results; look at all westerners and their life styles and societal harmony and peace! Why not therefore have such things here in our land.

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 19:58 ,2012 أيلول 15

I am appalled at all your comments -- all of you, "christians", "sunnis", "shiites"... None of you have grown out of your caves, have you? Still the old tae'feh at work. I guess you can all be proud of yourselves for being equally repulsive... What is each one of YOUR Lebanons about? Your community, bigotry, fanaticism, stupidity?

Thumb kanaandian 11:12 ,2012 أيلول 16

As long as Lebanese people take their clergymen seriously and allow them to make front page news, I find it difficult to fathom the country will move forward.

For the record I agree with The Phoenix 99% of the time.

Missing peace 12:10 ,2012 أيلول 16

thx for the precisions