ايران تنفي وجود عناصر من الحرس الثوري في سوريا ولا تتحدث عن لبنان

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نفت وزارة الخارجية الايرانية الاثنين ارسال عناصر من الحرس الثوري الايراني الى سوريا، مؤكدة ان تصريحات قائد الحرس الثوري في هذا الصدد اخرجتها وسائل الاعلام من سياقها.

وقال المتحدث باسم الخارجية الايرانية رامين مهمنبرست لقناة العالم التلفزيونية الناطقة بالعربية ان "التعليقات التي نسبت الى الجنرال (محمد علي) جعفري حول وجود الحرس (الثوري) في سوريا كانت جزئية ومغلوطة (...) وليست صحيحة في اي شكل".

واضاف ان "لا وجود عسكريا لايران في المنطقة وخصوصا في سوريا".

وكان جعفري اقر الاحد بوجود عناصر من "فيلق القدس" التابع للحرس الثوري في سوريا ولبنان، مشيرا الى "اننا نقدم لهما (البلدان) نصائح وآراء ونفيدهما من تجربتنا"، من دون ان يحدد الجهات التي تستفيد من هذه المساعدة في البلدين.

واوردت وكالات الانباء الايرانية بما فيها الوكالة الرسمية تصريحات جعفري، اضافة الى الموقع الالكتروني للحرس الثوري.

وطلب رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الاثنين "توضيحا رسميا" من السلطات الايرانية حول وجود عناصر من الحرس الثوري الايراني في لبنان.

التعليقات 11
Missing peace 18:44 ,2012 أيلول 17


Missing samiam 19:00 ,2012 أيلول 17

so what "context" was this again?

Default-user-icon pull! (ضيف) 19:30 ,2012 أيلول 17

yeah that elephant can fly but not too high

Thumb thepatriot 19:30 ,2012 أيلول 17

Oops! Too late! :). Thugs!

Missing people-power 20:02 ,2012 أيلول 17

The Iranian regime has NO credibility, ZERO.

It is not only acceptable in their beliefs to lie, it is encouraged as a means of achieving their ends.

The Iranian "pilgrims" were not IRGC..... OK some of them were IRGC, but they are retired members, no longer active.... OK, they were active IRGC, but they were only in Syria as "advisors", not as a military presence..... OK, maybe they were active militarily, but only from Quds Force Division, not the regular IRGC.

Just like nobody believes them about their "non desire" to build a nuclear bomb. And their subordinates lies about who started the 2006 war, or who won the war, or whether they will use their arms internally (like on May 7 2008). Or their continued lies about their involvement in drug dealing, car stealing and kidnapping.

Lies lies lies

Default-user-icon Sarko (ضيف) 20:41 ,2012 أيلول 17

So you deny your people's presence in Syria, But what about Lebanon you said nothing, strange.

Default-user-icon Atef (ضيف) 20:31 ,2012 أيلول 17

How about the zionist advisers lady geagea, gemayel have and help baby boy harriri transport weapons and terrorists to Syria to kill innocent people? Lebanon should aim efforts to curb this and not wast time on those whom helped liberate Lebanon from occupation and mass murderers, just keep in mind whom killed, raped and slaughtered Palestinians in Sabra Shatila!

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 20:50 ,2012 أيلول 17

Everyone knew that you are directing Hizbollah, and that they are an obedient puppet at your service. There is no other context or explanation to it! You are well-advised to check if your money is well-spent on those bootlickers, you thugs !

Missing gabby3 21:00 ,2012 أيلول 17

Mixing up Bahrain and Syria was probably out of context too. We know what you mean and what your goals are.

Missing gabby3 21:02 ,2012 أيلول 17

Since they are in there as 'advisors" then there is no reason the other side can't have advisors either.

Default-user-icon Maxx (ضيف) 23:56 ,2012 أيلول 17

Yes, because in fact the Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and Syria are actually part of the Meteorology Corps, and are only here to find out about the weather...