قوة من الجيش السوري الحر تتوغل الى عرسال وتعتدي على مركز للجيش اللبناني

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اعلنت قيادة الجيش-مديرية التوجيه، عن تعرض احد مركزها الامنية في منطقة عرسال البقاعية لهجوم مسلح ليل الجمعة-السبت، الا ان هذا الامر لم يوقع اي اصابات في صفوف الجنود.

وفي بيان اصدرته اليوم السبت، لفتت الى انه "للمرة الثانية في أقل من أسبوع تدخل قوة من الجيش السوري الحر الأراضي اللبنانية في جرود منطقة عرسال، حيث هاجمت ليل أمس أحد مراكز الجيش اللبناني مدعومة بعدد كبير من المسلحين".

ووفق البيان فأنه لم تسجل أي إصابات في صفوف عناصر المركز"، لافتاُ الى انه "تم استقدام المزيد من قوى الجيش إلى عرسال، وباشرت ملاحقة المسلحين الذين فرّوا بعد الاعتداء باتجاه الجبال وبعض القرى والبلدات الحدودية".

وشدد البيان على ان "قيادة الجيش تؤكد أنها لن تسمح لأي طرف كان باستخدام الأراضي اللبنانية من أجل توريط لبنان في أحداث الدول المجاورة".

وجدد عزم الجيش "على حماية الأراضي اللبنانية، والتصدي بقوة لأي خرق لها من أي جهة أتى".

وكانت قناة "المنار" قد افادت اليوم السبت ان مسلحين من عرسال خطفوا 3 جنود من الجيش اللبناني اوقفوا عناصر من الجيش السوري الحر، وان الجيش اللبناني استقدم تعزيزات من المغاوير لتحرير الجنود الثلاثة المختطفين".

الا ان مصادر امنية نفت عبر الـ"OTV"، اسر اي من جنود الجيش اللبناني في عرسال.

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Abb (ضيف) 14:23 ,2012 أيلول 22

Free Syrian Rats

Thumb joeleb 15:02 ,2012 أيلول 22

Im not defending anyone, but how do they know they are FSA? It doesn't make sense, why would they do that, they have no interest in attacking the Lebanese army....my bet is that it's a drug clan attacking the army because the government has been destroying their crops. As if there is a shortage of scum in that area....

Missing peace 16:35 ,2012 أيلول 22

it is not the FSA that slit the throats of babies in houla remember?
but if you defend those who killed lebanese and destroyed many lebanese villages then you are no better than the "wahhabis" you denounce! think of that...

Thumb kanaandian 18:12 ,2012 أيلول 22

Do you think these "Free Syrians" are all in support of a Free Lebanon. Firstly, it is mostly now a sectarian war. Secondly, they see the Lebanese Army as a division backed by Damascus and a Hezbollah agent. They will eventually be used to fight Hezbollah, much like the US-backed Taliban was used to fight the Soviets.

Missing feekahraba 22:41 ,2012 أيلول 22

Who are you still resisting against other then lebanese. Can't stand seeing iranians in here.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:06 ,2012 أيلول 22

so what is the new norm of relations between the lebanese army and both the syrian regime and FSA?WILL THE ARMY CONFRONT BOTH OR PLAY AROUND?

Thumb beiruti 15:36 ,2012 أيلول 22

An outrage. Neither Assad Regime nor FSA should violate Lebanese national territory. Keep their fight in their own country.

Default-user-icon Momed (ضيف) 15:36 ,2012 أيلول 22

joeleb, it doesn't make sense for you but it makes completely sense for us. The so called Free Syrian Army is a terrorist organization & their main goal is to destabilize the region. And stop making stupid excuses. This is not a drug clan. It's FSA.

Default-user-icon log live lebanon (ضيف) 15:43 ,2012 أيلول 22

wayno hasan wel moukawami

Thumb Marc 15:52 ,2012 أيلول 22

To me, they were Syrians with weapons! They are not welcome whoever they are and hope the LA teach them a lesson!

Missing roger@10452 13:56 ,2012 أيلول 23

FSA or not, they open fire on the Army they must get the same back but only 10 folds at least...from a humanitarian standpoint, the syrian refugees are welcome in Lebanon for a very short term, otherwise ANY armed syrian who steps in the country must be arrested and sent back...no special treatment.

The last thing we want to see happen with the FSA in Lebanon is what happend with the PLO starting in 1969 onward. This is their battle to fight in their country and not ours.

Default-user-icon Mick (ضيف) 16:07 ,2012 أيلول 22

As long as Nasrallah's men are helping there allies in Syria and the Syrian regime forces briefly occupying, shelling and kidnapping people as they please, then the FSA (if it really was them) are free to do what ever they want. When we talk about distancing ourselves from the crisis in Syria, it must be genuine or else.

Thumb eli-g 16:18 ,2012 أيلول 22

beiruti, marc ya'll took the words out of my mouth.

Missing peace 16:32 ,2012 أيلول 22

well as they know the so called "lebanese resistance" resists everywhere but against bashar and that the gvt let the situation in the north rot, no wonder there will be clashes like that!

but it doesn t excuse them from invading the lebanese territory! that is the big difference between the M8 followers and me: i denounce EVERY violation of our sovereingty when they just whine for the south and don t care for the north...and even excuse the shellings of the syrian army on lebanese villages...

Missing hitech 17:44 ,2012 أيلول 22

Is this how Lebanon is paid back for welcoming thousands of refugees? Is this how the FSA pays back for the thousands of their wounded who were treated in Lebanese hospitals for free? I understand that the FSA is not a centralized army and any faction can do this, but there is no reason for their central command not to issue a hash condemnation against this act. The responsibility here falls on all the people in Lebanon who support the revolution in Syria to be very vocal and outrageously condemn this act. No one should stay silent when our dignity and sovereignty are being compromised, no matter who the offender is.

Default-user-icon Hypocrisyria (ضيف) 19:30 ,2012 أيلول 22

When Bachar's army attacked Lebanon, ma 7ada hazz. Now that it is supposed to be the FSA (but where is the confirmation of that?), kil el 7ukumeh wil jésh saro abadayet...

Thumb Chupachups 20:06 ,2012 أيلول 22

F k the dirty Syrians

Default-user-icon Evolve (ضيف) 21:23 ,2012 أيلول 22

More reasons to strengthen the state while Syria is weak. Nobody knows whether the new regime will be friendly or will undermine the Lebanese state.

Missing peace 22:02 ,2012 أيلول 22

exactly what M8 propaganda tells you to repeat, good boy!

Default-user-icon LeboExpat (ضيف) 22:02 ,2012 أيلول 22

Syria is not trustworthy, their government has tortured, caused harm and discriminated against its own population on the grounds of empowering Alawites. Iran, although its current government structure resulted from pure U.S interventionism and carelessness,has evolved into a self-interest radical organization. Furthermore, the U.S and Israel have been mainly responsible for fueling Middle East conflicts, by overextending aid to one group over an another for personal interests. Even with each side's record, we are still justifying how supporting one is better than the other. Are you all fucking delirious? I'm tired of hizbullah, LF, and the rest of those micro-ideological organizations. They all had sincere intentions, however, they've evolved into complex organizations that cannot be matched by a civilian population that wishes to deviate from political conflicts.

Missing samiam 22:42 ,2012 أيلول 22

Lebanon shouldn't have arms smuggled into it nor out of it--PERIOD.

In any case, it is sort of curious how this news has only been reported by OTV and Al-Manar. It isn't like their news is completely propaganda--but what they choose to report is not to make Syria or themselves look bad.

Missing feekahraba 22:44 ,2012 أيلول 22

All accept for the christians rite? what a tool you are

Missing cedars 02:32 ,2012 أيلول 23

No no no, to some people such as Hizb el Saleh, if you are Bashar's follower then you are the good guy because they let the Iranian weapons make it to them via Damascus and the empire or their mini state remains healthy, Anyone who is against Bashar or Hizb el saleh is zionist and against the resistance.