وزارة الاعلام السورية تنفي إقالة علي من منصبه في لبنان: بريدنا تعرض للقرصنة
Read this story in Englishاعلنت وزارة الاعلام السورية الاثنين ان بريدها الالكتروني تعرض للقرصنة وبث من خلاله خبر مزور مفاده ان السفير السوري في لبنان تمت اقالته.
واكدت وزارة الاعلام في بيان نشرته وسائل الاعلام الرسمية ان "بريدها الالكتروني تعرض لقرصنة جديدة عبر خبر ينسب الى وزارة الخارجية بانهاء خدمة
علي عبد الكريم علي" كسفير في لبنان.
واضافت الوزارة انها "تدين هذه القرصنة" وتؤكد ان "السفير السوري يمارس عمله المعتاد في لبنان"، و"لا صحة لخبر انهاء خدمته جملة وتفصيلا".
من جهة اخرى، اعلنت وكالة الانباء السورية (سانا) ان صفحتها على موقع فيسبوك تعرضت للقرصنة.
واضافت الوكالة "في اطار الحملة العدوانية على سوريا واستهداف اعلامنا الوطني قامت جهات معادية باختراق صفحة الوكالة العربية السورية سانا على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيسبوك".
واوضحت سانا انها "لم تعد لها اي علاقة او صلة بهذه الصفحة وما ينشر عليها من مواد واخبار".
وتابعت انها "تعمل جاهدة لالغائها وفق الاصول المعتمدة مع آلية النشر على فيسيبوك".
وكانت وكالة الانباء السورية اكدت اواخر آب ان رسالة الكترونية مزيفة قد ارسلت باسمها معلنة اقالة نائب الرئيس فاروق الشرع.
That would have been the best move Bashar made in 10 years. But they would just send in another thug.
Karim Walid and Samir killed people years ago and have since repented. Bashar and Ali-whatever-Ali are doing their best to kill lebanese today.
you're right karim- we criticise bashar but we still have the likes of Geagea and Jumblatt playing key roles in our political system
do not forget all the others... aoun, berry, nasrallah and co also have blood on their hands.... just be fair and not M8 biased....
i was just giving examples 7abibi, what i meant is that the whole political system needs to be revamped and we should look for new politicians for a brighter future. Samy Gemayel?
All these posts here show the hatred that is deep rooted in every lebanese that lived in lebanon or is brain washed by whatever media they read. When is everyone going to realize that as long as individuals like you exist ,that are lebanese,you are all doing what you are condemning. Enough hatred and lets look at what is best for Lebanon. Unfortuantely politics is a dirty game and while I agree all of the current politicians have blood on their hands ,non of you are proposing anything solutions other than cursing and spewing hatred. Two wrongs dont make a right. I am shocked that any post would allow this kind of language to be posted. Regardles of your religion,you are basically doing exactly what any religion tells you not to. There is nothing that can justify this kind of behaviour.
I am proud to be Lebanese but thank god I didnt live thur this. Most of you probably werent even born and even if you were during the civil war,there is no excuse for this hatred. I am sure we can do better if we stop thinking along the religious lines and think of lebanese first. I am not sure otherwise how we can move the needle with individuals like yourselves that know nothing other than putting down everyone else as if you are any better.
Why don't they sack this dirtbag? Because he brings bags full of $$$ to Aoun and Nasrallah.