تقارير: مقتل لبناني وجرح آخر في البقاع برصاص الجيش السوري الحر
Read this story in Englishقتل لبناني وجرح آخر فجر اليوم الاربعاء، اثر تعرضهم لاطلاق نار من قبل عناصر من الجيش السوري الحر في بلدة طفيل البقاعية الحدودية.
وافادت معلومات صحافية، ان عبدالله حسن مراد ممدوح حسن مراد تعرضا عند الساعة 12 ونصف فجرا، لاطلاق نار من قبل عناصر من الجيش السوري الحر الذين يتواجدون داخل الاراضي السورية، وذلك اثناء توجههما من بلدة حام الى بلدة طفيل المحاذية للحدود السورية.
الامر الذي أدى الى وفاة عبدالله حسن مراد وجرح ممدوح حسن مراد، وتم نقلهم الى مستشفى دار الامل الجامعي في البقاع.
وفي بيان اصدرته قيادة الجيش السبت الفائت، لفتت الى انه "للمرة الثانية في أقل من أسبوع تدخل قوة من الجيش السوري الحر الأراضي اللبنانية في جرود منطقة عرسال، حيث هاجمت ليل أمس الثلاثاء أحد مراكز الجيش اللبناني مدعومة بعدد كبير من المسلحين".
ووفق البيان فأنه لم تسجل أي إصابات في صفوف عناصر المركز"، لافتا الى انه "تم استقدام المزيد من قوى الجيش إلى عرسال، وباشرت ملاحقة المسلحين الذين فرّوا بعد الاعتداء باتجاه الجبال وبعض القرى والبلدات الحدودية".
وشدد على ان "قيادة الجيش تؤكد أنها لن تسمح لأي طرف كان باستخدام الأراضي اللبنانية من أجل توريط لبنان في أحداث الدول المجاورة"، مجدداً عزم الجيش "على حماية الأراضي اللبنانية، والتصدي بقوة لأي خرق لها من أي جهة أتى".
that's where you're wrong - the army should fire upon anyone who violates lebanese territory, and you'll find the majority will agree with me. unlike you apologists who defend syrian state attacks on our country as if they were blessings
unlike you, we dont think our future is linked to a certain group. when someone has righteous demands, we support these demands, when they mess up, we blame them for their mistakes, and dont follow them blindly
How do they know it's the FSA? Because Assad told them? Because Nasrallah said so? Because the "Axis-of-Resistance" had decreed it so? And of all places, Arsal - where Bashar's army had bombed the land numerous times before. Let's hear the FSA command officially take claim for this "incursion" first, before pronouncing them guilty as charged.
Why are the supprters of the revolution in Syria silent? Where is Jumblat and Al Mustaqbal? Why isn't the FSA leadership condemning these attacks? Everyone knows that now in Syria everyone with a gun is called FSA, but that does not mean that the real leadership should not condemn these attacks. Our dignity and sovereignty is the responsibility of every leader and no one should stay silent when they are compromised.
Slash, why do you embaress yourself with those comments? The same people that raped and pillaged lebanon during the 70s, 80s & 90s were not sectarian shite or allawites. They were the same type of people that are your fsa. they are the same Syria. Look at Libya and Egypt, they are so grateful and respectfull for the western support.
There is only one side that believes all non believers are infidels and should be killed. In sydney, they were even so proud to have a 3 year old baby boy holding a sign that said " behead all those that don't respect the prophet"! The ninja mother was so proud of her son that she took a photo of him holding that sign!
Your support of these people prove that you are an imposter!
look how some pro syrian , trying to teach us lessons, defend the syrian regime... but NO COMMENT when syria is shelling lebanese villages in the north...we see where their loyalty lies, to the regime they thanked in 2005 for all the good things they did to lebanon and which they regret now.....
... and maybe the victim is hezbollah... Why would fsa kill an innocent farmer at the first place...?