واشنطن بوست: حزب الله زاد دعمه للنظام السوري وحالات "دفن سرية" لمقاتليه

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يزيد حزب الله من دعمه للحكومة السورية في مواجهة الإحتجاجات الحاصلة في سوريا منذ أكثر من عام ونصف كما يرسل "مستشارين عسكريين" لمساعدة القوات النظامية.

ونقلت صحيفة "واشنطن بوست" الأميركية اليوم الخميس عن مسؤولين لبنانيين طلبوا عدم الكشف عن هويتهم انه بات من الصعب إخفاء دعم حزب الله للنظام السوري.

يشار إلى أنه في العاشر من آب الفائت قررت واشنطن اضافة حزب الله الى قائمة المنظمات الخاضعة للعقوبات بسبب ارتباطها بالنظام السوري بسبب ما سمته "دوره المركزي" في دعم النظام السوري.

وأشارت الصحيفة إلى انه بات على المقاتلين المعارضين مواجهة ميليشيا جديدة كانوا يواجهون واحدا من أقوى جيوش المنطقة.

وذكر مسؤولون ومحللون لبنانيون للصحيفة ان مقاتلي حزب الله يقاتلون في سوريا ويموتون مضيفين أن الحزب "يحاول إخفاء نشاطاته في سوريا".

وتحدث المسؤولون اللبنانيون عن حالات دفن سرية في مناطق يسيطر عليها حزب الله في لبنان.

بدوره أشار مسؤول لبناني عرفته الصحيفة بأنه يعارض حزب الله وطلب عدم كشف هويته ان الحزب "ينشط في دعم النظام السوري بميليشياه الخاصة، وهم متورطون بدور قتالي ويشاركون في القتال".

وسئل مسؤول استخباراتي أميركي كبير عن دور حزب الله والحرس الثوري الإيراني في النزاع السوري، فقال انهما "زادا من وجودهما في سوريا" في الأشهر الماضية، لكنه قال انهما "لم ينفذا أية عمليات أو هجمات".

ورفض متحدث باسم الحزب تم الاتصال به هاتفيا من قبل "واشنطن بوست" التعليق على المزاعم بأن حزب الله متورط في النزاع السوري.

ودائما ما ينفي حزب الله أي عمليات له في الأراضي السورية ويقول الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله أن الحل لن يكون إلا بالحوار.

التعليقات 23
Thumb thepatriot 11:36 ,2012 أيلول 27

Call them Syrian, call them Iranian, those people are anything but Lebanese!

Thumb primesuspect 16:21 ,2012 أيلول 27

Y'a positive neutral. The news talks about Syria and Hezbollah... And all you talk about is Israel. We don't give a damn about israel my friend. We don't want armed militiamen in our streets. No2ta 3al satir. Those militiamen are corruptible and can be bought by people to carry out their dirty work, it has happened before and it happens again.

You know that Bashar is Israel's best friend, Hezbollah is defending Israel by defending Bashar. Did you get it my friend?

Thumb bigsami 16:40 ,2012 أيلول 27

You know it Patriot! How many times do we read about these scums HA about their priorities and mission....whether backing up Assad or Iran...it doesn't stop. Meanwhile these stone-aged regressed conditioned sheep like schizo Farsi BSThrower/Motormouth continue to kneel like zombies to Sayyed hoping he will save them from that figment of their imagination threat called ISRAEL! They are all naive conditioned peasants who have fallen for HA's manipulative goal/mission of scaring the hell out of them so when Iran says "attack" Israel these idiot followers will cheer on like idiots. Meanwhile our country is ripped apart and all because of the Iranians!

Thumb bigsami 19:52 ,2012 أيلول 27

Keep laughing there 'thersistance'.....you will soon find out that your end falls not by the hand of Israel but by the direct actions of your beloved murderers! The only funny (let alone figment of your imagination) is your bloggers name....the resistance! LOL! Keep praying, kneeling, kissing the dirt floor that your devil Sayyed walks upon! Your a typical brain-washed fool like your stone-aged followers.

Thumb thepatriot 14:21 ,2012 أيلول 28

I do Bigsam. People like our friend below don't understand that Hezb is Israel's baby. We would have no problems with Israel that can we can't surpass as long as we have Hezbollah.Some disputed territorie. Fine, so many coutries in the world have them and deal with it in a civil matter. As for the syrian regime, it has been murdering our people, stealing our country, meddling in our politics, and violating our sovereinty for years... They have harmed us more than Israel (that we sure don't like and want nothing to do with... just peace) over decades.Enough!

Missing shark15 11:42 ,2012 أيلول 27

They are not Lebanese dude ,they are Irianian lovers ..

Thumb thepatriot 13:41 ,2012 أيلول 27

mowaten, you want to hide your head i the sand...fine. I have syrian businessmen frinds who tell me the same. Want more proof. Google the damn thing on youtube. You'll find plenty of lovely stuff on the related topic...

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 11:57 ,2012 أيلول 27

the syrian uprising is serving lebanon in different ways.

Thumb makhaleh 13:26 ,2012 أيلول 27

Ya its getting the hizbthugs to go fight and slowly decrease in size:D

Default-user-icon Ben Dou (ضيف) 13:28 ,2012 أيلول 27

Source, lebanese opposition to Hizbullah and an american ha ha ,,,, where is the news?

Thumb makhaleh 13:28 ,2012 أيلول 27

FT....dude u basicaly are a hypocrite man....and heartless as we all know already a syrian matter that ur leader is fighting from lebanon.....FlameSHITTER is ur real name buddy

Thumb jadski 13:58 ,2012 أيلول 27

Disgusting. Why recruit Lebanese youngs ? arnt they suffering enough already ? sending them of to their death (i wonder how much they are paying their families for that service) for a cause that doesnt even concern them. Tfeh. an iranian military wing in lebanon causing the death of young men and then forcing their families not to discuss the circumstances. this is a disaster.

Thumb thepatriot 15:09 ,2012 أيلول 27

lol mowaten... You have posted youtube links several times on this same forum. lol

Missing peace 17:36 ,2012 أيلول 27

so true!

Thumb thepatriot 15:13 ,2012 أيلول 27

"as a lebanese, i'm hardly concerned"... but during hezbollah rallies you have more pictures of Bashar el Assad than any other person... so I guess that means you are concerned :)

Thumb rover98 15:40 ,2012 أيلول 27

These Shite stooges think their defending a fictitious Dawlat Ahl-Al Bayt with total disregard for even the basic human standard of respect and decency.

Thumb shab 17:05 ,2012 أيلول 27

filthy miltia

Thumb joesikemrex 07:10 ,2012 أيلول 28

oppressive resistance.

Missing allouchi 17:33 ,2012 أيلول 27

Shame on you Hizballa...Lebanon cannot be a truly independent state while this criminal farsi militia exists on our soil.

Missing peace 17:35 ,2012 أيلول 27

nothing new here! hezbis have been helping the shabbihas since the beginning , helping them in the terror they spread!
even if those hezbo lovers deny it, it is a fact! they just want to believe that hezbos are above everything when it is just a militia and terrorists... even if the had hard evidence they would deny it: that is what extremists and fanatics always do.....

Missing youssefhaddad 18:58 ,2012 أيلول 27

No one could change these facts besides the parents and communities of those who are being send to Syria to die for the Syrian Regime.
The Lebanese Shias should realize by now that they have been sold to the Iranian regime to pursue its interests in the region. Hezbollah cannot survive if it is kicked out of people's homes.

Thumb joesikemrex 07:08 ,2012 أيلول 28

good, Hizbkizb and Syrians can take each other. Less rubbish in Lenanon

Missing samiam 18:56 ,2012 أيلول 28

Now wait 3 days for standard denial by Hizb saying that these allegations are brought on by zionists and M14ers.