عون: نرفض الحالات الشاذة على أرضنا والفريق الآخر سيخسر حتى بقانون الستين

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أعلن رئيس "تكتل الإصلاح والتغيير" النائب ميشال عون رفضه بما أسماه "الحالات الشاذة" على أرضنا مؤكدا أن الفريق الآخر سيخسر في الإنتخابات النيابية "حتى بقانون الستين".

وقالع ون من بلدة قرطبا، المحطة الثانية من زيارة لقضاء جبيل، أن "سياستنا أمنت الاستقرار للبنان شاء الخصم أو أبى، وان الاستقرار مصان، ولكن الخوف اذا خسرت سوريا".

وشرح عون أنه " في هذه الحال تقوى الأصولية التكفيرية التي أصبحت معشعشة في شمال لبنان" متابعا

"لا يمكننا أن نقبل بالحالات الشاذة الموجودة على ارضنا والتي تهدد وجودنا".

وتابع عون أن "بلاد جبيل محرومة انمائيا لأنه لم يتم التعامل معها كما يجب، جزء من الحكومة يعرقل المشاريع الانمائية، نحن عندما نفكر بخدمة منطقة لا نفكر لحسابات سياسية وانتخابية، بل انمائية، لأن من حق المواطن علينا ان نؤمن له الحاجات".

من جهة أخرى أشار عون من بلدة بير الهيت محطته الأولى في زيارته للقضاء ان قانون الانتخاب "سيقر ولا مفر من ذلك، ولا حجة لديهم لعدم اقراره، والقانون لن يخلصهم أو يخلص حلفاءهم وسيخسرون حتى بقانون ال60 لأن الشعب واع لحسم أمره في الانتخابات".

كما أكد ان التغيير والاصلاح "أمر ضروري للبلد لأن أموالنا مسروقة وكل شيء من دون محاسبة منذ العام 1992".

ويختلف الأفرقاء في البلاد على قانون موحد للإنتخابات ففيما قدمت الحكومة مشروع قانون بتقسيم لبنان إلى 13 دائرة انتخابية على أساس النسبية رفضتها المعارضة وقدمت الأطراف المسيحية فيها قانونا يقسم لبنان إلى 51 دائرة على أساس النظام الأكثري.

التعليقات 23
Missing gabby5 18:56 ,2012 أيلول 29

Eventually Aoun will be gone and his destruction of the country and his idiocy will have to be cleaned up, just like the mess of the Shia ruining everything. Everyone else has to pay for and clean up after them.

Missing peace 18:57 ,2012 أيلول 29

look at this mere propaganda just to frighten people and make them hate each other so that he and his hezbo friends sell their populist soup....
he is trying to make people believe that the north has become an islamist region forgetting all the christian villages that live peacefully among muslims....
his hezbo friends have a coran and a kalashnikov as symbols, and they do not threaten our existence, they are as extremists as those he is denouncing?lol

Missing peace 19:08 ,2012 أيلول 29

you know nothing about the north, have you ever been there at least before spitting your hatred of sunnis?
and yes hezbos and FPM are spreading fear and propaganda to exacerbate people feelings and make them hate them just to provoke tensions between the two communities, seeing that bashar is in a bad position....

Missing peace 19:27 ,2012 أيلول 29

i m merely stating facts which you deny. aoun is working for his hezbis friends it is a fact. a minority in the north are salafis, it is a fact. hezbos have a kalashnikov as a symbol and pledge allegiance to foreigners , no other lebanese party did that, it is a fact. M8 supports bashar s regime, it is a fact. hezbos issue a fatwa forbidding any chia to replace those who resigned during siniora s gvt, it is another fact. (your friends too issue fatwas not just salafis my man! so you are defending islamists too, it is another fact...)
so if stating facts is propaganda then yes i m spreading it...
and i am not M14 it is another fact, so you may insult them as much as you want i don t give a sh...

Thumb bigsami 04:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

A new HA scum by the name of Istezz comes out of the blue mimicking (parroting) exact lame posts/statements as schizo Farsi BSThrower.....does one need to say more? It's his same ol games with aliases that come and go. A simple post count clearly shows the entire blog is anti scum HA/Aoun/Assad/Iran while the pathetic Farsi continues to beg for acceptance...get a life!

Missing peace 19:13 ,2012 أيلول 29

but if my memory serves me well, saudi flag isnt the flag of a so called lebanese party which has islamic revolution as a motto, it is the flag of a country... so do not compare what is not comparable...
you are proud to salute the hezbi flag more than the one of your country... haven t they pledge allegiance to iran? i never seen another party in lebanon that has pledge allegiance openly to a foreign country... so be quiet

Missing peace 21:21 ,2012 أيلول 29

hezb is religiously link to iran... lol what a play on words to deny that they receive orders from them... to your knowledge the stupid argument saying that we d be farsi if so is irrelevant... hezb doesn t wantto take over lebanon and impose its laws they know it is impossible, but they control it indirectly! fisrt using their orangina tool to make it look acceptable, then by threatening people with its arsenal! you are so naive....

and M14 do what they want it doesn t concern me. hezb since 2000 has become a terrorist machine in case you re blind. always finding new excuses to keep their weapons! it began before 2000 that when leb will be liberated they d give up. what happened? another excuse to keep them and son on...

Missing peace 23:29 ,2012 أيلول 29

M8 will implode due to their superiority complex and arrogance believing they are the strongest because they have more weapons than the army itself...
and funny how you use examples that definitely have nothing to do with what you are desperately trying to prove. for one example you give, dozens of others are here to contradict your points! but only simple uneducated minds believe in your stories...
just wait and see, history always repeat itself, just get educated and you ll see what i mean!
good little boy...

Missing peace 23:50 ,2012 أيلول 29

i have no allies, i am not M14, so don t mix up things. M14 do whatever they want, i don t care.
but the day the regime that harmed lebanon is over with then lebanon will have its revenge over an enemy that M8 praises! they even thanked it and we see what kind of regime they support, that kills its own people but do nothing against israel not even a gunshot! and they dare call it resistant! we see where the hypocrisy is! but if you support that then you are just a moral accomplice with this regime...

Missing peace 00:09 ,2012 أيلول 30

1/ concerning human shields hezb did the same in 2006 in the south hiding in villages.
2/ when the syrian regime was in place aoun claimed and repeated that every single politician in lebanon, even the most honest one had to collaborate or else die... i guess you would have died rather than collaborating like lebanese politicians did!
3/FPMers always give the argument that aoun changed radically his positions because only fools don t change. so i guess you can admit that the collaborators of yesterday can change too, no? then being against bashar...
4/ and you seem to see the future knowing who will replace bashar and how syria will become even worse!
5/ between two evils you got to chose the lesser one, in this case i cannot be with M8, but it doesn t mean i m with M14 because we know how irresponsible lebanese politicians are, working for themselves, never for the people...

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 20:26 ,2012 أيلول 29

Hilarious you people, the guy was fighting the Syrians while the LF was killing soldiers. Aoun was in France while your ALLIES were kissing the feet of the Syrians. Did you all forget? And the best joke of it all, is that Aoun is a Syrian ally, why would he ally with a regime that was thrown out of Lebanon and is at its weaknest point? What does he gain? You guys are tool, allies with the people who sold Lebanon to Syria and now everyone forgets. You deserve what you have, you're not worthy of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Z_abster (ضيف) 20:37 ,2012 أيلول 29

Here 's a politician not worth the powder it'll take to blow him up

Thumb lebnanfirst 21:57 ,2012 أيلول 29

Around wants Christians to believe that siding with HA's brand of Shi3a is the only way to go. He and HA are panicking with the approach of the end of Bashar's regime. They are hoping against all hope that the wind will change direction. Pissing against the wind, as my grandma used to say, will get you all wet. Will Aoun ever listen? Doubtful, this man never learned when to stop hence he is doomed.

Missing spartacus 22:42 ,2012 أيلول 29

Aoun represents the majority of the Christians in this country, and his fears are felt by the vast majority of christians in the region. The armed opposition in Aleppo is made of fanatics, hardened islamists. Geagea, when he says that the Arab Spring is a positive thing for the Christians, is not convincing for too many.

Missing peace 22:53 ,2012 أيلول 29

he is not afraid: he wants you to be afraid to bring him your vote...so that is why he and M8 are spreading this fear to better manipulate you....and seems he succeeded!

Missing peace 23:21 ,2012 أيلول 29

poor you... hezb is better working in the shadows by pulling the strings at the order of tehran... of course they won t islamize lebanon, it is not their plan but rather control the country indirectly like hypocrits they are... only idiots don t realize it yet, believing they resist for lebanon...

Missing peace 00:01 ,2012 أيلول 30

yeah mr-i-know-it-all... that same old M8 arrogance i was talking about...

good for you by the way if you believe that hezbos is a democratic and peaceful party working for the sake of freedom and economical development in lebanon, you must be happy then! enjoy! i believe my answer means nothing to you as you are sure that hezbis are here for the country, what a fool am i! i don t see that! i must be blinded by the millions of dollars the wahabis give me each day!

please enlighten me and tell me how stupid i am for not seeing how great they are for the country!

Thumb shab 22:46 ,2012 أيلول 29

He's getting real old. Shaking and can't stand on his own

Missing spartacus 00:03 ,2012 أيلول 30

fear, non fear, manipulation.. but no answer to what I mentioned. there are jihadis and very conservative armed salafists roaming syria, committing crimes and trying to conquer power. aoun has been objective ponderate and not at all rushed in denouncing this. the vast majority of christians in the region do not live in denial, as someone on this forum.

Missing peace 00:20 ,2012 أيلول 30

he really succeeded in making you think that we are on the verge of chaos and that only hezbis will save lebanon from the bad sunnis that are turning all into salafis and the christian traitors that don t see it!!... don t worry hezbis are already helping shabbihas to crush the bad syrian sunnis. so sleep tight

Missing zwilliamfarhat@gmail.com 10:46 ,2012 أيلول 30


Missing spartacus 12:58 ,2012 أيلول 30

thanks slash. but takfiris are a problem. al qaeda in the palestinian camps were a problem and we all supported the army in 2007 (i am sure you did so). now the FSA is in arsal, and what the christians from aleppo let me know, the katiba farouq is by no means nice to the christians, and they are supposed to be the more disciplined among the many miltias in syria. so why should not we worry when FSA is in Arsal? please, don't just say that I am manipulated. give your views.

Missing peace 13:58 ,2012 أيلول 30

many christians support the bashar regime, so no wonder they might have problems in such a conflict.it is not a question of religion as aoun wants you to believe but a question of who is for or against this regime...