تقارير: ويكيليكس يرجّح نظرية تورط "الموساد" في سقوط الطائرة الأثيوبية عام 2010 قبالة بيروت
Read this story in Englishكشفت موقع "ويكيليكس" المعروف بنشر وثائق سرية عن الحكومات والشركات، أن طائرة الركاب الاثيوبية "بوينغ 737" التي سقطت في البحر المتوسط بعد اقلاعها من مطار بيروت بوقت قصير يوم 25 كانون الثاني 2010 ربما كانت ضحية لعملية تخريب قام بها جهاز "الموساد" الاسرائيلي بعد اعتقاده بطريق الخطأ أن رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله هاشم صفي الدين وابن خالة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله كان بين ركابها".
وأفادت تقارير صخفية أن "صحيفة "ريبورتر" الاثيوبية الاسبوعية الصادرة امس نشرت تسريبات موقع "ويكيليكس" والتي تظهر سلسلة من رسائل البريد الالكتروني المتبادلة بين العاملين والمحللين في شركة الاستخبارات العالمية "ستراتفور" ومقرها ولاية تكساس الاميركية، أن التحليل المبدئي لجهاز مسجل بيانات الطائرة والمعروف باسم "الصندوق الاسود" لا يتضمن أي معلومات تشير الى أن الطيار ارتكب خطأ".
وأضافت التقارير: "لكن وثيقة ويكيليكس تشير الى اعتقاد شاع على نطاق واسع في اوساط الاستخبارات اللبنانية، أن سقوط الطائرة كان ضربة احترازية من "الموساد" في اطار صراعه مع "حزب الله".
وأشارت الى أن "ذلك تم بعدما تلقى افراد من الموساد" معلومات خاطئة أو مضللة، تشير الى أن صفي الدين والذي يعتقد انه الرجل الثاني الحقيقي في قيادة الحزب، سيكون في الطائرة التي كانت متجهة الى أديس أبابا".
وقالت الوثيقة التي نشرتها ويكيليكس، ودائما بحسب الصحف، أن "المحللين في حادث الطائرة خلصوا الى أنهلا يمكن في أي حال أن يؤدي خطأ الطيار، الى انفجار الطائرة في الجو قبل سقوطها"، موضحة " يمكن الطائرة أن يختل توازنها وتسقط نتيجة خطأ من الطيار، ولكنها لن تنفجر في الجو قبل سقوطها".
وأردفت وثيقة "ويكيليكس"، أن الرسائل المتبادلة بين محللي شركة الاستخبارات العالمية "ستراتفور" تشير ايضا الى أن السلطات اللبنانية لا ترغب في الاعتراف بالسبب الحقيقي لتحطم الطائرة، لأن هذا يعني الكشف عن ارتخاء الأمن وان مواد متفجرة وضعت في الطائرة في مطار بيروت".
وذكرت الوثيقة الى أن "محللي شركة الاستخبارات "ستراتفور" يرون أن الدوافع المحتملة التي كانت وراء اسقاط الطائرة والتي اشار اليها مسؤول في الاستخبارات العسكرية اللبنانية لم تحدد اسمه، هي المعلومات المضللة التي تلقاها "الموساد" عن وجود هاشم صفي الدين في الطائرة">
وتابعت أن "الدافع الآخر هو اعتقاد الموساد ايضا بأن نحو 20 من افراد "حزب الله" كانوا في الطائرة في طريقهم الى أوغندا وكينيا اللتين تضمان خلايا نائمة لحزب الله، وان توجههم الى هناك كان في اطار خطط الحزب لضرب المصالح الاميركية والاسرائيلية في حالة شن أي هجوم عسكري ضد ايران.
وتقول الوثيقة بحسب التقارير الصحفية إن "أديس ابابا تمت الاشارة اليها في رسائل البريد الالكتروني المتبادلة بين محللي شركة الاستخبارات "ستراتفور" على انها محور لعبور عملاء "حزب الله" ، وانهم يلقون مساعدة داخلها من خلال تقديم رشاوى أو من خلال بعض الاثيوبيات اللواتي يوظفهن "حزب الله" تحت قناع خادمات في لبنان".
يذكر أن طائرة الركاب الاثيوبية من طراز "بوينغ 737 – 800" قد سقطت في البحر في 25 كانون الثاني 2010، قبالة سواحل بيروت عقب اقلاعها بوقت قصير من مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي متجهة الى أديس أبابا وقتل جميع ركابها الـ90، ومعظمهم من اللبنانيين والأثيوبيين.
Get rid of Hizbullah and we will all be able to live in peace. Assuming these reports are ture, why should the innocent people on that plane be killed because of Safieddine and some of his uneducated, backward goons?
Ah no wait, i forgot, Hizbullah is our saviour...they will invade Israel, liberate Palestine, and hang Netanyahu in Tel Aviv square......yes...right...
By describing others as "goons" tells how envious you are, and in this regard,human nature can be explained since Adam's son whom had killed his brother. Besides, mentioning a name of those who have liberated not only the South but also Beirut and created genuine national dignity for the nation indicates how ignorant you are. I advise you to take care of your lectures.
liberated the south ok, maybe.
liberated beirut ?didnt the invade beirut in 2008 ?
arent they supporting mass killings in syria with more than 30K dead ? and still nasrallah and singing to bashar like he's the next prophet ?
goons. is the right worse my friend.
Yep, its completely the Hisbullah's fault that the Mossad bombed a civilian plane, killing 83 innocents. Impeccable logic, Sir.
So what you're saying is that Mossad are justified to murder innocents and bring down a plane full of people for 21 men. By that logic, if Safieddine was on the same plane as one of your family members it would e ok for mossad to bring it down..? "for the greater good"?. Oh and by the way, according to this leak; Mossad's information was inaccurate so the people on that plane "may" have died due to a clerical error from a lazy mossad operative who couldn't be asked to double check findings.
It's the bankers. That's how they finance all this mayhem and murder. If u support them (payed for your car or house), then you are just as guilty.
Educate yourself on how they print money and finance mayhem and distance yourself from them.
No one would shed a tear over the Hizbollah operatives that died in the crash, but I feel bad for the other victims, among them the French ambassador's wife... I'm looking forward to the day when the Hizbollah crowd gets wiped off the face of this earth and particularly in Lebanon... Nothing but a bunch of opportunist gang masquerading as a freedom movement...
It could be true,not the first time. Israel shot the USS Liberty in 1967 and killed 34....
The plane would have been blown up even if the weather would have been good, so pilot error my A--. Bad weather came as a cover up bonus. Most probably hit from a ship located off the Lebanese coast.
Why blow up an aircraft when the assassinations could have taken place at the airport without involving innocent passengers.
Another Wikileaks load of bulls..t!!!
Come on you've got to be joking. Israel destroys the lives of innocent Palestinians each and everyday. Let's just blow up a minivan, with eight innocent civilians inside, and one really bad guy ( who happens to be going to holiday ) and we call it fair in love and war Then when something goes wrong, and they get caught, they scream rasist, and claim they are protecting themselves from what happened in ww2. And like good dogs we all just lay down and shut up.
From a tactical perspective, given a chance to wipe out 20 top members of Hezbollah in one go, logistically this would be a gift from God! 20 bad guys out of 83 sounds fair from a purely military perspective. I'm not even criticizing them for doing it!
Finally Phil, why murder them 1 by 1 at the airport when you can simply Hide behind a fatal accident. No one would suspect anything. Like my home country Israel has wonderful people, unfortunately as with America the government really sucks!
no one is blaming anyone> it is just a Stratfor which is a US private intelligence boutique with close links to the CIA.
If the israeli mossad really did this then this is a blatant terrorist act, it is not a war or an operation that happens to kill 1,600 Lebanese and that they can justify to the Western public.
Guys, slash by bro, forget a bit your political arand and look at the story from an objective standpoint... It just makes sense that israel would do it....
And for silly shab... Do you think wikileaks are also governed by hizb?!
1) The plane is very safe. It tells the pilot about bad clouds from far and even if the pilot is novice and tired, he could have easily navigated away from the CB cloud.
2) There were two witnesses: One said he heard an explosion distinctly far from the sound of thunder. Another one saw a light flash fall into the sea.
3) The teams were searching in another place. It was the Lebanese Army who found the plane and rescued the black boxes.
According to suspicions of Lebabese intelligence who also happen to be huge fans of Israel
It not right thing if Mossad do plan crash cause want to destroy Hisbulloh member. Not fair.
Wikileaks has not said this. Wikileaks has published Stratfor emails in which Stratfor analysts have suggested this.
Not surprised at all that Israeli is responsible for killing civilians they have so much practice when it comes to Palestinian civilians. Let me guess some terrorist was on board so that is the excuse for blowing women and children out of the sky.
What a weak story ,as far as I know Hezb Iran have total control over the Airport thats why we have some many Irianian scum coming to Lebanon .I wouldnt put it pass Israel however Hezb Iran also think the same way, in the end Hezb Iran /Israel is the same shit different country.
"...They also highlighted Lebanese intelligence suspicions that the Mossad was involved in the incident due to the Israeli conflict with Hizbullah..."
"Lebanese Intelligence" what is that and who controls it?
If there was a terrorist attack by Mossad or others an investigation should have been conducted by the forces who control the Airport and at least an official conclusion could have been drawn.
If there were 20 hezbollah personalities on that plane one would think that this plane should have been the safest going out of an airport controlled by Hezbollah.
The other possibility was that the plane was erroneously hit by a surface to air missile....
I downloaded the Lebanese report on that crash. It's like 300 pages. It clearly points to pilot error - spacial disorientation combined with crew fatigue and maybe some other negative factors. The report of course is built around data which shows that the aircraft DID NOT explode in mid-air. I find it implausible that this data would be falsified. We're talking about many parameters retrieved from the onboard flight recorders. Should this data turn out to be false, then what the claim that is laid in this article will be possible.
any way we lost our citizens and grace of the airways. all the things are related to the home of terrorist:inhumam Arab states
The mossad!Gets one thinking,but the one thing that is for sure is that the mossad are smarter than this.
OMG, May God Bless those innocent people .i have my villager among the passenger she was left her 7/year son with her mother .he was eager to see and he was at the airport to welcome her but he is not luck to see his mother after 3/year she is also she was meet him with phone before a day and she is promise to bring him some toy's and some cloches.May God Rest their soul in peace.
The Lebanese are seriously disturbed.
The preliminary report mentioned above is highly questionable. Significant portions of both the CVR FDR were tampered with when found. Many bodies were hastily buried and evidence was intentionally destroyed. More investigation should go into this. It irritates me that their remarkably primitive plot to blame it all on the pilots is catching on!
May God(Allah) be with these precious products of his. those who decided on their life with the help of Satan will receive his judgments. we'll pray for their families. the deceases are with their father.
poor investigation. a slight political advantage shouldn't justify assassination of innocents. WE NEED TO HEAR THE TRUTH.
did you knowsome accurate site where i can found the complete lists of people who died in this plane crash. i really need it for my thesis please help me. thank you very much.
pilot error is highly unlikely. I mean maintaining a certain heading or altitude especially just after takeoff, i'm a pilot and i tell u it is jst pure nonsense from the lebanese government. The only reasonable report i've seen on this accident is this one, but i don't know how truthful it is