وثيقة مسربة: مخابرات حزب الله ساعدت الأجهزة السورية في اغتيال جبران تويني
Read this story in Englishكشفت إحدى الوثائق المسربة من داخل أجهزة النظام السوري ضلوعها بمساعدة مخابرات حزب الله في عملية اغتيال النائب الأسبق والرئيس السابق لمجلس إدارة صحيفة "النهار" الراحل جبران تويني.
وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة "العربية" مساء السبت وهي التي حصلت على الوثيقة من ضمن المئات التي تكشف عنها يوميا، أفادت عن واحدة تعود "إلى الثاني عشر من كانون الأول 2005 وهي مرسلة من رئيس فرع العمليات في المخابرات السورية حسن عبد الرحمن إلى رئيس جهاز الأمن القومي السابق آصف شوكت".
وكان قد اغتيل تويني في انفجار سيارة ملغومة في الثاني عشر من كانون الأول في منطقة المكلس بعد عودته من باريس حيث بقي عدة اشهر خشية تعرضه لمحاولة اغتيال.
ويقول عبد الرحمن في الوثيقة "إنه وبمساعدة عناصر من مخابرات حزب الله اللبناني تم إنجاز المهمة رقم 213 والتي أوكلت إليهم في العاشر من ديسمبر (كانون الأول) بنتائج ممتازة".
وتقول القناة أنه "بالتزامن مع توقيت رسالة آصف شوكت بتنفيذ المهمة، وفي نفس اليوم الذي أرسلت فيه هذه البرقية إلى القصر الجمهوري السوري، كانت سيارة مفخخة بانتظار النائب اللبناني جبران تويني، وهو في طريقه إلى العمل لتنهي حياته في عملية اغتيال".
يشار إلى أنه في الثاني من حزيران 2011 أفادت أحد برقيات "ويكيليكس" عن "تورّط حلقة أمنيّة تحيط بالرئيس السوري بشار الأسد ويرأسها صهره آصف شوكت".
وآصف شوكت هو من القادة الأمنيين الذين يحكمون دمشق فعليا وقتل في 18 تموز بانفجار استهدق مقر الأمن القومي مع قائدين آخرين ضمن النزاع الدائر في البلاد منذ أكثر من عام ونصف.

What rubbish. Even Americans know that the CIA and Mossad were all over Lebanon during that time. THEY did it.

The fact that Hizbollah and Assad's regime are two criminal organizations is old news. The fact that Lebanese tolerate being ruled by a government formed by a criminal organization and a criminal regime is a crime against Lebanon and future generations. Sadly M14 did not rise up to the hopes of the Cedar Revolution and time is running out for Lebanese to draft true democratic candidates for the next election, candidates who believe in freedom, accountability, transparent democracy, environmental protection, and human rights.

Mister Aoun will say the leaked documents are fake. I cannot wait for the culprits to be judged. Everyone involved in killings no matter his religion or political affiliations belongs at the very least in jail. Hassan Nasrallah should go see the judge and put himself in the custody of the state.

no aoun always said the syrians were behind it, remember? he won t go back on his opinions, will he? he says he is the only honest politician in lebanon!

So what is new? who do you think killed Gebran? the holy ghost?? of course syria and its proxies killed him.
What is important now is to reduce the popular strength of hte hezb. To have a middle way betwenn the thiefs of M14 and the thugs of m8. This middle way should be safe enough for the chiites to vote for him.

wow we all knew that already but we have the proof now.....HIZBALLAH the resistance lol a bunch of murderers.....how dare they call themselves the party of god when they kill innocent people.....just waiting on the leak of how they were involved of killing RAFIK HARIRI that would be icing on the cake

Where is your daughter ( a useless parliament member ) to redeem you , a great Man that Lebanon lost

Mehdi has forsaken the filthy militia. They have been very unlucky lately. Only downfall from now on. Sorry the heavens are closed for fake jihadists

yeah, al arabiya is a very reliable source for forgeries, i mean news... Better than going to Saudi news. you should try Israeli newspapers. They are even more "unbiased" and "independent". It's a shame that a lebanese paper will publish this rubbish from a known forger and hack source like al arabiya

So, what these leaks have been saying is that HA have always been mercenaries, and have never resembled a resistance (except to the laws and rules of Lebanon of course)?

I hope the murderers and their bosses in Dahiye, Damascus and Tehran will be punished. The STL should be conducting a full investigation on this crime, inlcuding using telecom data.
Let's see how they blame this again on Israel or the CIA.
The Assad regime will have to start shredding all the paper trails because it is only a matter of time until they fall and will be ousted. We know who killed Rafik Hariri, Gebran Tueni, Pierre Genmayel, George Hawi, Samir Kassir, Wissam Eid, and others, but it is good to have more evidence to convince the brainewashed followers of the lunatic orangina and the Hezb-assassinators.

Yeah we all know where your facts/evidence come from lying Farsi schizo! Get a life you conditioned circus freak!

Oh yeah because such things get taken down in shorthand, typed up by assistants, approved by managers and then stamped and signed by the higher-ups just like the process of some official promotion! March 14, listen to me, this is exactly how it happens. So go have a party!

Hizbollahs reputation is tarnished beyond any repair. Since 2005 they have committed mistake after mistake, really gross miscalculations. More and more proofs are emerging of involvement in kidnappings, assasination of non-violent lebanese, drug smugling operations, interference in neighbouring countries affairs, terror planning in far away places like Thailand etc not to mention their slaughter of neigbouring syrians to help out the dictatorship of the Assad clan.
I think neither the syrian of lebanese people can ever forgive them for what they have done. Eventually their own sect will see the madness of the Hizbollah-leadership and throw them into the sea. But probably not before another diastrous military campaign which will make all Lebanese pay the price as usual.

re mowaten
How about Hizballah-members in coffins crossing the border from Syria, is that proof enough for you?

As a Syrian, I must tell you the Lebanese have the best comments in the Arab world... After the soon-to-be-free Syrians, of course :)