"التايمز" البريطانية: آلاف العناصر من حزب الله يؤمنون الدعم ويدربون القناصة في سوريا

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أشارت مصادر المعارضة السورية إلى دخول 25 حافلة للحدود اللبنانية السورية محملة بمئات العناصر من حزب الله.

وأفادت صحيفة "التايمز" البريطانية بوجود 1500 عنصر من حزب الله داخل سوريا، ومثلهم من العناصر الإيرانية.

ونقلت الصحيفة معلوماتها عن عضو سابق في المخابرات الجوية السورية انشق في آب، استقى ما أفاد به من زملائه في المخابرات قبل أن ينشق وينتقل إلى لبنان.

وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن أعضاء حزب الله يؤمِّنون الدعم اللوجستي والرجال والعتاد للنظام السوري، إضافة إلى النصيحة والتدريب اللازمين للقناصة في الجيش. كما أنهم ينقلون خبرتهم في حرب العصابات إلى شبيحة النظام.

ويأتي التقرير بعد أيام من مقتل عناصر من حزب الله في سوريا، بينهم قيادي يدعى أبو العباس وهو علي حسين ناصيف.

وقد أعد حزب الله لناصيف جنازة كبيرة في لبنان شاركت فيها شخصيات كبيرة من الحزب، وقالت إنه قتل بينما كان يؤدي واجبه الجهادي.

فيما أكدت مصادر المعارضة أنه قتل في القصير بحمص.

التعليقات 16
Missing lqu7 15:10 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

If this is true, it will be Hezbollah's undoing. When they defend the south against Israel, we are with them 100%. But sending fighters to other countries? It is illegal, immoral, and causes fertile ground for civil war.

Thumb thepatriot 12:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

hehehe... someone's still in denial mode :)

Thumb benzona 17:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

Khalas ba2a... killo rayi7. Lets close our borders with Syria and have HA terrorists get stuck in Syria... and have FSA deal with them.

Thumb benzona 17:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

Slash, tu vas pas me dire que tu crois en ces balivernes? Tu penses bien que l'accord est tel: Israel garde le Golan, la Syrie prend le Liban. Le reste n'est que de la mise en scene pour implemtenter ces deals. le HA est un accessoire... dangereux mais n'est que cela.

Vivement les elections!

Missing maroon40 17:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

It may likely be that the next 'relief' shipment from Iran to HA will be two containers of body bags.
Let HA self destruct in the process. This is the path they chose, so let them pay for it.

Thumb shab 17:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

In the future, 250 busses will arrive in Lebanon with FSA fighters to wipe out the filthy persian militia once for all.

Missing gabby6 19:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

Hizbcocaine will pay for this politically. Any day now he is due for a speech. He will try to defend all of this with the usual twisted logic.

Why are we paying for their electricity and adding heavy debt to the country when they are now proven to be an international killer terror group, not a "resistance"?

Default-user-icon Twarry Vozolia (ضيف) 22:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

An army of 400,000 fighters are incapable of doing much without 1,500 Hizbullah members and let's say 500 Iranian guards! March 14, believe me, this is true, 100% true, and don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. OK?

Missing yamaha201 22:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 07

how can people in Lebanon still follow the Hezb knowing that the Hezb cares about the Syrian regime more than Lebanon. Lebanon turned from a counrty of education, culture and an attractive tourist site to a terrorist counrty in the eyes of others. disgusting

Thumb CarlRachid 00:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

Look people, Hizbollah is nothing more then a disgusting and somehow legally elected mafia, hiding behind an evil bastard who is the don of this mafia. Unlike the Italian mafia, this bastard kills, steals, sells drugs, intimidates everyone in every part of the country and has illegal weapons And starts illegal wars. Hello people! I guarantee from informed sources their are only at max 5,000 of these evil bitches. RISE UP AGAINST THEM! Where is Saad Hariri ? Why are the stupid Christians in such a small country as Lebanon split? What the hell is wrong with you people? Kill that bitch nasrallah- as a Muslim I tell you he's a joke / an utter blasphemy to our faith!

Thumb CarlRachid 00:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

Oh & the name Christian saliba is obviously not my real name! People fuck the damn Hezbollah - they launder money, they've ruined the country - they've turned their guns on the people - all the while they are bringing in everything illegal to this country -

Missing maroon40 07:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

Anyone that hides underground for this long is rotten, dirty , and cowardly.
Sooner or later he will have the same fate as either Arafat, Saddam or Gaddafi. No way around it.

Missing simonvegas 07:50 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

wallah ma ra7 ye5alona nertai7,we3ieh ya lebaneny 3al 7ilim ma beyt7a2a2.lebanon to be free country from any outside agenda

Missing shark25 11:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

Thats what dogs are for to fight for their master.

Thumb thepatriot 13:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 08

mowaten... you're fantastic! You don't believe in hezbo's presence in Syria, you don't believe in them drug trafficking, you don't believe they had anything to do with Harriri's or Tueini's assassination, you don't believe they are the ones burning the liquor stores in South Lebanon, you don't believe they are present in South America, Thailand, Iraq or Egypt (even when they get caught)... oh man! On another hand... you DO believe in all other imaginable conspiracy theory earth has created... you scare me dude...maybe you should...you know... see someone... talk about your childhood maybe...

Default-user-icon Xolile (ضيف) 02:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

What does the Americans,British ,France and Germany doing in Turkye and Jordan?Instigating War in Syria by paying rebels to kill Serians.Turnig muslims against one another.