نصرالله يتحدث الخميس عن المستجدات ومنها قضية طائرة الإستطلاع فوق إسرائيل
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/55097/w460.jpg?1349878802)
يطل الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله مساء الخميس ليتحدث عن آخر المستجدات على الساحة اللبنانية وذلك بعد تطورات عدة متعلقة بالحزب في سوريا وإسرائيل.
وأفادت قناة "المنار" عصر الأربعاء على موقعها الإلكتروني أن نصرالله "يطل غداً عبر المنار عند الـ20:30 بتوقيت بيروت للحديث عن آخر المستجدات".
وأشارت القناة إلى أنه سيتحدث "في إطلالته المسائية عن قضية طائرة الإستطلاع فوق فلسطين المحتلة".
وكان قد أعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي السبت الفائت ان قواته اسقطت طائرة استطلاع مجهولة المصدر حلقت في الاجواء الاسرائيلية. ونقلت الاذاعة الاسرائيلية العامة عن مصدر عسكري الأحد قوله أن الجيش يدرس احتمال ان يكون حزب الله اطلقها.
أما صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" فقالت أن الطائرة إيرانية الصنع وان حزب الله هو من أرسلها.
من جهة أخرى كان قد شيع حزب الله الإثنين المقاتل حسين عبد الغني النمر البالغ من العمر 35 عاما وقال أنه "قضى خلال قيامه بواجبه الجهادي".
والثلاثاء الفائت شيع الحزب علي حسين ناصيف الملقب بـ"ابو عباس" الذي قضى أيضا "خلال قيامه بواجبه الجهادي" في حين أكد معارضون سوريون أنه قائد عمليات الحزب في حمص وقتل في مدينة القصير.
والأربعاء الفائت اعلن حزب الله في بيان ان "انفجارا في مستودع للذخائر القديمة في النبي شيت ادى الى استشهاد ثلاثة من الاخوة المجاهدين وعدد من الجرحى".
وأدت هذه التطورات إلى هجوم من قبل المعارضة على حزب الله ودعته إلى تسليم مخازن الذخيرة إلى السلطة اللبنانية لحمايتها وحماية السكان كما دعته إلى وقف الإنزلاق في النزاع الدامي في سوريا.
The denial speech, not to be missed. Al mawt li Amreeka!
mowaten it is just because his lies are so biiiiig and predictable that he makes a fool of himself each time...
Well said, you described Nasrallah's speeches to a "T". Canned, pre-fabricated lies and denials and always blame Israel and US for all ills. Never taking responsibility for anything and glorifying a "moqawameh" that at this point is worth even less than fijil (radishes).
Farsi motormouth.......just zip it for crying out loud. Your posts are soooooo lame, boring and full of BS!
When you have an idiot who is abut to speak and might cause a war that takes us back 30 years like he did in 2006 of course ppl will get worried and wait for him. Take away his weapons and see if anyone would give a flying *&^&*^ for what he has to say.
Nobody said anything bout a Lebanese drone. Stop waisting peoples time. tell us about jihadist duty in killing Sunnis. Filthy militia
Bet he'll still be in his rat hole when he makes the broadcast. He would be too frightened to go to a studio as it would be too easy to trace the source of a live broadcast, and he well knows what that would mean.
Also don't believe that it will be a live one, but recorded.
It took them a week to make up a lie
now it is time to deny, deny, deny
Blah, blah, blah....Israel is making it look like we assasinated Lebanese. Israel is the reason we are doing Jihad in Syria killing Syrians. Israel made the documents from Syria anout the Tueini murder. Israel is the reason we killed Lebanese on May 8. Death to America.
Oh yes, and for this "brotection" all of Lebanon must pay our electricity and bankrupt the nation.
What a load of rubbish you write.
Just why is Israel the reason for Jihad in Syria? As an outsider I can't wait to hear your learned explanation.
I can only see from your comments that Israel is to blame for everything in the Middle East. So tell me, which government tore up a peace agreement with Israel in the 1980's. (In case you don't know or have conveniently forgotten.........it was Lebanon)
The irony and sarcasm of @gabby6 was lost on you amigo. Re-read with the correct mindset and you will get what is being meant. That is to say that HA always puts the blame on Israel even when it does not make any sense.
Damn, why are people so jealous of the Shia:) Damn they envy the Shia:)Lebanon, Arab world, South East Asia, US and South America will be listening to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah tomorrow:)
Sayyed Hassouni, all the mistakes you did after the 2006 war have come to destroy any credibility. I do not support Hezbollah, but i respected this man because he always said the truth before. Now he lies like he breathes, goes on tv every week, like he is a pop star or something, responding endlessly to accusations that occur every month now and then against the party. it is clear it is not a plot and it is known that Bachar needs Hezbollah now more than ever and its fighters because he cannot send the army they are 70% sunnites and will divide like it is happening right now. The shabiha of assad is not enough to combat the FSA. And to respond to accusations against march 14th, do u really think Qatar , Saudi Arabia, etc.. need Hariri's few billions to send the FSA weapons? wake up dummies, they have millions of billions already. What Hariri is doing is only giving humanitarian help at most. They do not need him for other purposes.
@phillipo......lebanfirst has the correct mindset. Thank you for the explanation lebanfirst!!!
Hey theresistance enjoy Hasan while you can dude ,his day is coming soon I hope..