نتنياهو يتهم حزب الله بإدخال الطائرة بدون طيار إلى إسرائيل

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تطرق رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو الخميس إلى الطائرة الصغيرة من دون طيار التي اخترقت الأجواء الإسرائيلية وأسقطتها طائرات حربية السبت الماضي قائلا إن حزب الله هو الذي أرسل طائرات الاستطلاع هذه.

ونقلت صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" عن نتنياهو قوله خلال جولة عند الشريط الحدودي بين إسرائيل ومصر "إننا مصرون على الدفاع بحزم عن حدودنا في البحر والجو والبر، مثلما حصل لدى إحباط محاولة حزب الله إدخال طائرة صغيرة بدون طيار إلى إسرائيل".

وكانت طائرة الاستطلاع قد دخلت إلى أجواء قطاع غزة من جهة البحر ثم اخترقت الأجواء الإسرائيلية وبعد ذلك أطلقت طائرة مقاتلة إسرائيلية من طراز "اف-16 صاروخا باتجاهها لكنه أخطأ هدفه بينما أصاب الطائرة صاروخ آخر وأسقطها في منطقة النقب في جنوب مدينة الخليل، ما يعني أن توغلت مسافة كبيرة نسبيا في الأجواء الإسرائيلية.

وأشارت تقديرات إسرائيلية مطلع الأسبوع الحالي الى أن هدف طائرة الاستطلاع كان جمع معلومات استخبارية في منطقة مفاعل ديمونا النووي.

التعليقات 17
Thumb bigsami 20:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

>>>> Hizbullah's al-Manar television announced Wednesday that the party's secretary-general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will make a televised appearance <<< More fiction on HA TV!

Thumb benzona 23:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

didn't watch it nor read the article....about the speech

Missing gabby6 20:15 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

Nassy the drug dealer will sing the same old song "we are good and everyone lies about us".

Default-user-icon Symbo Tomofty (ضيف) 21:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

Hey buddy, have you heard from gabby5, gabby4, gabby3, gabby2, gabby1 and the plain old gaby lately? Give them my best, and please take it easy on the competition between the gabby(i) elements. Take care. March 14 relies on your likes> Call it their raison d'etre.

Thumb bigsami 20:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

Soon we will hear (see a post) from schizo Farsi BSthrower/Motormouth denying story and defending HA with the following conspiracy scheme: Israel fired that drone from Lebanon into Israeli space so that they can blow it up to blame Iran and HA so they can come and attack us".

Well I hope they do!!!!!!!

Thumb joeleb 20:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

Bigsami! Don't forget that moron karim_m1! He will say that it's the march 14/Wahhabis who did it in coordination with Israel to blame the cancer of Lebanon aka Hizbullah!

Thumb joeleb 20:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

Bigsami! Don't forget that moron karim_m1! He will say that it's the march 14/Wahhabis who did it in coordination with Israel to blame the cancer of Lebanon aka Hizbullah!

Missing peace 13:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

hahaha! but violations of the territory by syria is all right... see how hypocrit you and your likes are....

Missing peace 14:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

oh! directed at fsa rebels? it seems you don t know akkar... let me tell you they even bomb places where there is NO rebels there but only syrians that seeked refuge, women children families...i have a friend whose field has been bombed and he has nothing to do with anything! i guess he is a terrorist then! they don t bomb lebanese interests huh?
no borders? whose fault is it? M8 never wanted to draw them...
then shut your mouth up when israelis bomb south of lebanon to strike back at incursions by palestinians or whoever... it is the same thing!
so please stop talking about things you don t know just to repeat elmanar propaganda....

Missing peace 15:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

"your friend had a square meter in his field plowed for free.. "

that s all you got as an answer? waw how respectful you are of lebanese people...
if israel attacks us yes lebanon should be defended. but by the army not by an outlaw party... that s the difference!

but you don t care if syria bombs lebanon but you do when israel does, what a strange conception of sovereignty you have... hypocrisy at its best! that is the main difference between hezbo lovers and the others! we believe that all enemies should be dealt with the same way not just when it suits the interests of a party like you do denying the role of the state...and you call yourself patriot? LOL
double M8 standards as usual...

Missing sanctify 20:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

"A senior air force source quoted by Yediot"
Sounds funny :))))

Default-user-icon Bill (ضيف) 22:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

IAF sends PLANES over your country every few days, and you don't seam to complain, retards.

Thumb benzona 23:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

HA (+ M8) = Israel's indirect ally.

Israel keeps the Golan.
Syria gets Lebanon.
Palestinians get Jordan.

Syria lost Lebanon after Hariri's assassination, HA is trying as hard as it can to keep this deal together... This drone thing is just Bashar + Netanyahu sending messages to each other via their puppet HA.

Missing freemind 23:56 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

i am shocked that none of the above commentators are not appalled by israel, its filthy PM and violations of the Lebanese territory.
sad people.
get a life.

Missing moonsear 00:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

Fantastic comment freemind...

Missing peace 14:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

since we love bashar and the syrian regime, then SURELY we love and applaud what syria did in lebnon"

of course you do... defending such a regime means you forgot what they did and you are not honoring the memories of those who died fighting this regime but rather killing them twice just like aoun did.......like it or not!

Thumb thepatriot 15:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

"assumptions"... "pathological thinking" "assume" "preconceptions" ...Hmmmm FT

" Je suis un observateur. J’ai refusé de commenter, d’infirmer ou de confirmer l’information selon laquelle j’aurais été victime d’une tentative d’attentat » michel aoun after the revelation that the car with a bullet was a 3 months old incident not related to him... and after he stated this was the 3rd attempt to murder him looooool :)