14 آذار: تبني نصر الله إطلاق الطائرة فوق اسرائيل أطاح بطاولة الحوار و يستدرج حربا اسرائيلية
Read this story in Englishرأى مصدر قيادي في قوى الرابع عشر من آذار أن تبني الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله إطلاق طائرة الإستطلاع التي أسقطتها اسرائيل السبت الفائت هدفه نقل التركيز من الحدود اللبنانية السورية بعد تطورته بالقتال الى جانب النظام، معتبرا أن في هذه الخطوة "يستدرج حربا اسرائيلية على لبنان".
وقال المصدر في حديثه الى صحيفة "الجمهورية" اليوم الجمعة: " تأكيد السيد نصرالله بأن حزب الله وراء إطلاق الطائرة التي أسقطتها إسرائيل هدفه نقل التركيز من الحدود اللبنانية-السورية ربطا بتورط الحزب بالقتال إلى جانب النظام إلى الحدود اللبنانية-الإسرائيلية، متكئا بذلك على ظروف الولايات المتحدة الانتخابية زائد الأوضاع الإقليمية المعقدة التي تؤدي باعتقاده، إلى تجميد الآلة العسكرية الإسرائيلية".
ونبه المصدر من أن "خطوة الحزب تذكر بمغامرته في حرب تموز 2006عبر اختطاف جنود إسرائيليين، وبالتالي إقدامه على خطوة غير محسوبة تستدرج حربا إسرائيلية على لبنان".
وإذ أشار الى أن "الحزب انتقل من الاستراتيجية الدفاعية إلى الاستراتيجية الهجومية تنفيذا لتهديداته في هذا المجال"، أوضح المصدر عينه أن هذا "يعني الإطاحة بالاستراتيجية الدفاعية وطاولة الحوار برمتهما، فضلا عن رده العملي والمباشر على رؤية رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان الدفاعية والتي رددها أكثر من مرة والرامية إلى تجميد سلاح الحزب ووضع استخدامه بأمرة الجيش".
وشدد المصدر عينه عبر "الجمهورية" على أن "رئيس الجمهورية الذي عودنا مؤخرا على اتخاذ المواقف السيادية مدعو إلى التعامل مع هذا التطور الذي يهدد لبنان بالمسؤولية نفسها التي تعامل فيها مع الخروقات السورية".
كما أكد أن "اعتراف حزب الله يعني تجاوز مفضوح للقرار الدولي رقم 1701 والقوات الدولية الموجودة جنوب الليطاني"، محملا الحكومة الميقاتية مسؤولية أي رد إسرائيلي أو حرب مستقبلية".
وعليه، طالب القيادي في 14 آذار "باستقالة الحكومة وتشكيل أخرى مهمتها توفير الحماية للبنان وإرساء ثقافة السلام في مواجهة ثقافة الحرب"، مشيرا الى أن "بين واجب الجهاد دفاعا عن كرامة المسلمين وبين استهداف إسرائيل بات لبنان في عين العاصفة، وتجنيبه الحرب من الشمال أو الجنوب يتطلب وضع هذا البلد بإشراف الأمم المتحدة".
كما اعتبرت مصادر في "14 آذار" عبر صحيفة "اللواء" أن "حزب الله" اقترب من الاعتراف بدور ميداني لمقاتلي الحزب على الارض بسوريا".
وتوقعت المصادر أن "يضاف هذا البند الى البنود الخلافية، بالاضافة الى تبني اطلاق الطائرة "ايوب"، او الطائرة بدون طيار التي أرسلت الى الاجواء الاسرائيلية.
وكان نصر الله كشف أمس الخميس أن "المقاومة أرسلت طائرة إستطلاع متطورة من الأراضي اللبنانية باتجاه البحر وسيرتها مئات الكيلومترات فوق البحر واخترقت العدو ودخلت وحلقت فوق منشآت وقواعد مهمة لعشرات الكيلومترات فوق الجنوب إلى أن اكتشفها العدو فوق ديمونا وأسقطها"، واصفا العملية بالـ"نوعية".
كما كشف أن "الطائرة صناعة إيرانية والمنتح كوادر من حزب الله وليست روسية".
من جهة أخرى، أشار نصر الله أمس الى "عدم إرسال مقاتلين من حزب الله إلى سوريا لدعم النظام "حتى اللحظة"، موضحا أن مقاتليه الذين شيعوا أخيرا سقطوا في الإعتداءات والقصف الذي تتعرض له المناطق الحدودية بين لبنان وسوريا.
HizbalKizb, the fake resistance. We need a real resistance to protect Lebanon from these thugs.
"israeli envoy meets assad, as an emissery from the americans...",that's the true face of the regime since 1975.
since the visit of putin to israel,iran and the mallali are negociating with" shaitan el akbar",that is the true face of iran since the irak/iran war, and iran/contra....and our great fakhamto is driving with agility lebanon through the storm.
karim_m1 its still early go back to sleep bisharfak w bala ur comments yali ma elon ma3na...
Hope Naharnet is a democratic forum that will publish this due to censorship seems to apply towards some whom comment on the website. If censorship applies, Naharnet should motivate why they ask people to comment articles when freedom of expression do not always apply?
You got your facts totally wrong. First of all we could say that the zionist entity is luring Lebanon into war with over 20,000 violations of Lebanon since 2006 compared with a couple of valid violations by Hizbullah. Why some always refer to Iran, Syria or Palestine and that we don't belong to them etc. All those whom say this have not forgotten, but are not aware of the fact that south Lebanon was occupied by the zionists for over 20 years and only the people of the south resisted the occupation, so for all of you whom criticize Hizbullah, ask your parents and leaders what did they do against the occupation, torture and bombardment of south Lebanon? Did they participate to help and free the Lebanese in the south from the oppression of the zionists? People of the south have history of violence against them while other Lebanese where comfy in there part of the country enjoying life like if nothing was going on in Lebanon.
Hizbullah is playing with fire and asking to open a war with Israel !
Israel has violated Lebanese airspace forever, has spies in the country. Why didn't hizbollah send their drone before? We all know this is not their first drone!
The timing of this drone is clearly an invitation to hike tentions and an open invitation for Israel to strike Lebanon and divert attention from syria!
Hizbollah is not stupid and they were given the green light for a new all out war with israel as a last chance to save the bashar regime and bring everyone down with him !
Just like in 2006, they are pushing the country to war to justify their criminal behaviors, their weapons and actions !
Hizbollah is a traitor to Lebanon and once again has shown that their weapons are not to DEFEND lebanon but to play with fire ! People who play with fire get burned !!!
If they cause another war with Israel, they should not expect 100% of lebanese to stand by them like they did in 2006 !
lol FT.. good one. I could also say dissarm and dissolve hezbollah, and Israel will do all that. Everything they do today in relation to Lebanon is to monitor the Hezbozos...
Just a couple of comments.
1. The UN has certified that Shebaa is not Lebanese but Syrian.
2. It was the Lebanese Government which tore up a Peace Treaty with Israeli in the 1980's, not the other way round.
3. What conditions do you claim that Israel has not yet fulfilled?
With or without Hezbollah, Lebanon is still technically at war with Israel since no peace treaty has been signed so far. There is alot that Israel has done that cannot be merely explained by Hezbollah. Sure, Hezbollah is the main reason RIGHT NOW that Israel threatens Lebanon, but we have other issues with them, such as offshore oil exploration and the cluster bombs in the South. These issues need to be resolved, and to defend Israel's actions is mere ideological illusions. It is simply trying to downgrade Hezbollah by defending a monster.
But a few clarifications: Shebaa has historically been considered Syrian land, according to the UN. The Syrian regime claims that Shebaa has Lebanese in order to continue justifying the existence of Hezbollah and thus use them as leverage against Israel. But we should all remmeber that the regime was willing to drop its support for Hezbollah and claim Shebaa be Syrian territory if Israel drops control of the Golan Heights.
Ben Dou you are talking in your sleep dude .Hezb Iran cashed in on the hard work done by the Lebanese resistance & the PLO , perhaps your parents did not tell who fired the first shot at the jews in Beirut,where were Hezb Iran than?I watched Hasan on TV and I have never seen anyone talks so much rubbish in my life. I dont like Israel and I dont like Iran either ,both countries are a cancer for the Middle East..
good luck to the future shia refugees because of the madness of this party! they will not be welcomed anywhere (apart in aoun s territories!) and should not complain if no one treats them well, they will have to ask their beloved leader to help them! which he won t...prefering to let them down to appear like a victim as usual...
if these people are lebanese then they would obey their state and institutions and not do things their way by spitting on the laws...
any political party is obliged to follow the rules, no? it proves that your party listens to another state than the one they should listen to! with your benediction ...
isn t it to the state to declare war? yes! to a political party ? no!
it shows how you M8 believe more in a party than in your own state which is totally disgusting and scandalous! so don t come and say you respect your state because everything proves the contrary....
they think that dahiye and the south is not part of lebanon but of hezbollaland as they do not listen to the laws and constitution of lebanon!
hezb want to drag israel into war along with syria trying to drag turkey into war. they are desperate so the best way out is to drag the region into war to hope winning it and staying into power. with the benediction of M8 of course...
Michel Aoun: Hezbollah is not a separate entity from Syria. It is under the Syrian operational control. September 12, 2002, before he was bought off and became a tool.
These March 14 rarities are unbelievably smart. They figured out that Israel needs an invitation or a reason to attack Lebanon. What brilliance! Any nation that does not have a March 14 collection should create one ASAP.
Again I expect comments like this from Shab,but not from someone,
who has respect and tries to portray responisble debating,please tell me by the comment of them being filthy or worse what does that solve, Wasnt you that was impressed with the Sayed how he handled the Pope situation,and now there filthy, I know you were called out for being respecatable towards the sayed by some extremeist on this site,but it seems to me and this is just an observation, that your trying to appease the others by joining there negative mentality,please stay respectable and debate with an open mind minus the names,like i said before i for one dont agree with your views but i enjoy reading and learning from your posts..Thank you sir, good day.
bigjohn, you are wrong, in my opinion, Israel is our enemy, the issue is not disputing that Israel is the enemy and yes it keeps violating our space etc...The issue is Hizablla is a state within a state and I believe that Hizb is currently even more threatening to Lebanon then Israel is...Hizballa being the most armed party in Lebanon is threatening the social and religious fabric of our country...Religious wars are the nastiest of all wars and Hizballa is playing with fire.
Ben Dou
The Shiia have never defended the South against Israel, their problem was the Palastinians.
When Israel invaded to curb the growing strength and control of the South by Fatah, the Shiia recieved them with open arms, showering them with rice and allowing them to kiss their babies. You must also remember that Lahad's Israeli backed army was 70% Shiia
The Shiia turned against Israel under the tutelage of Iran,
Iran thru HA totally turned the Shiia against Israel and pretentiously made the Zionist state their number one enemy. I say pretentiously because it is a hoax involving their ambitions to build an atomic bomb. The hoax involves the Arab states, Iran is trying to portray to them
that their nuclear program is aimed at Israel and not at the Arabs. A Hoax indeed.