السائقون العموميون يضربون اليوم للمطالبة بتثبيت سعر المحروقات
Read this story in Englishينفذ السائقون العموميون اضراباً اليوم الاربعاء احتجاجاً على ارتفاع اسعار المحروقات، ولمطالبة الحكومة بتثبيت سعر صفيحتي البنزين والمازوت.
واعلن رئيس النقابة العامة لسائقي السيارات العمومية في لبنان مروان فياض، خلال اعتصام السائقين العموميين، اليوم انهم "مصرون على احقاق حقوقنا واليوم بداية التحرك وغداً تصعيد أكبر".
وتطالب النقابة بـ"تثبيت صفيحة البنزين على سعر 25000 ليرة لبنانية وسعر صفيحة المازوت على 20000 ليرة لبنانية".
ولم يشهد جدول تركيب اسعار النفط الصادر اليوم الاربعاء اي تغيير ملحوظ، وتبلغ سعر صفيحة البنزين 95 اوكتان 35.900 ليرة لبنانية والـ98 اوكتان 36.000 ليرة لبنانية.
من جانبها أعلنت نقابة السواقين العموميين في محافظة لبنان الشمالي في بيان، امس الثلاثاء "أن يوم غد الأربعاء هو يوم عمل عادي"، ودعت "الطلاب وسائقي أوتوبيسات المدارس إلى العمل كالمعتاد".
وقال رئيس النقابة شادي عبد الرحمن أن "لا علاقة لنقابتنا بالإضراب الذي دعا إليه مروان فياض رئيس نقابة السيارات العمومية، ونقابتنا تنتمي إلى إتحاد نقابات النقل البري الذي يضم 23 نقابة، والتي تقف جميعها بوجه الإضراب".
واعتبر أن "الداعين إلى إضراب الغد، يريدون العمل في السياسة ضد الحكومة، وليس من أجل مصلحة السائقين".
this is the only country with weekly updates of fuel prices...what a disgrace..in other countries fuel prices increases once a year or maybe twice...
untrue! in the European country I live in, the price is updated on a weekly basis. It's even more sensitive to fluctuations in the US of A.
And how would you recommend you charge the Electric Cars ?
With Bassil's new power plants ? With Bassil's awesome power Boats ? or With the Mafia neighbourhood generators backed by our Mafia politicians ?
In Lebanon, electricity would be more expensive than the cost of fuel. In European countries you refer to, cost per Liter is over 1.3 euros well above our prices over here ... this makes electric "affordable".
Ya FT, every idiot with a 500$/month wage is probably "forced" to drive a car, because of our great and reliable public transport system, you know FARGO buses, wa7ad 3a jounieh... The day most of the middle class and probably some of the upper class will switch to public transport, will be a great achievement. Because our idiots at the helm of the country do not realize that, and even see how much money it can generate, this will unfortunately remain as is for a long time. BTW, have you been on one of those buses?
Too many taxis out there anyway--I saw a report saying that there were 10x as many cabs/vans as were licensed. If they want to cap prices, then the authorities should have the authority (better yet, give an outside company this authority) to do extensive background searches in return for getting subsidized fuel.
In other news, another day, another strike trying to get something from this morally and monetarily bankrupt government.
who doesn t want to improve the transportation systems? the MPs... they have share in private businesses...
hariri once wanted to revive the railroad system and tramways... who said no? MPs! even from his own camp...
so yes people have the right to shout out loud because the gvt is inefficient and corrupted to the bones...and do not care of improving lebenon as long as it hinders their businesses...
another source of income here would be to stop distributing gallon tickets to the army personnel who resell them....
yes! he did... but the parliament refused for the reasons said above... he even wanted to create a railway from north to south... but everyone refused to keep their businesses running despising once more the benefits of the citizens..thats why they dismantled everything for money and business!
inform yourself!
"Prime Minister Rafik Hariri wanted to establish a modern train network and efforts were under way before his assassination in 2005."
and saad hariri also started to discuss it with the french...
what about M8? .... nada
the project started in 2001...
other sources are available if you do not trust daily star! just inform yourself....always denying facts which are easy to verify just to prove that he is right... poor thing.
water projects were not stalled as you pretend.... many projects are underway with the help of the EU but not known to the public!
it was a huge project to link lebanon with the gilf countries and syria... why has the project stopped?
"Lebanon is among the 13 signatories of the UN Economic and Social Council for Western Asia's (ESCWA) 2003 Agreement on International Railways in the Arab Mashreq, which entered into force in 2005 after being ratified by five countries."
so before being blinded by your hatred of hariri inform yourself instead of spitting your FPM propaganda everywhere!
who is saying fpm stalled the project only in your biased mind? learn to read... maybe aoun wasn t in power but i repeat what i have already written which you did not read on purpose to sell your soup, many of your friends were in power, many PM that were with hariri stalled the project...
buy yourself glasses instead of spitting your propaganda as usual just to play the victim...
who is saying fpm stalled the project only in your biased mind? learn to read... maybe aoun wasn t in power but i repeat what i have already written which you did not read on purpose to sell your soup, many of your friends were in power, many PM that were with hariri stalled the project...
buy yourself glasses instead of spitting your propaganda as usual just to play the victim...
Peace, thanks for your comments, but as you can see, some people are paid to come here and post anti-Hariri propaganda, anti-M14 propaganda, and anti-western propaganda. No matter what you say, you cannot reason with them. For me, it is a waste of time. Although it is good that you provide information that sets him in his place, it still leads him to post more nonsense.
What we need is an "ignore" button, to block certain commenters on this site. Just hit the button and "poof" their posts disappear. They would only disappear for the person who hit the ignore button, not for everyone, and the propagandist wouldn't even know that he is blocked by those who hit the ignore button.
FT is such an important business person that he spends 24/7/365 on an M14-leaning site, which he criticizes continuously, posting pro-Iranian, pro-Assad propaganda. The only time he isn't posting is when he takes the bus to the internet cafe.