جنبلاط: الأسد يريد حرق محيطه واغتيال الحسن جريمة موقعة بيده وبيد عصابته
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد اغتال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي العميد وسام الحسن مشيرا إلى أنه "يحرق المحيط" السوري كما يقتل الشعب السوري إلا أن دعا إلى المواجهة بالسياسة وعدم اتهام أطرافا داخلية.
وقال جنبلاط في حديث إلى قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الجمعة "الجريمة موقعة بيد بشار وعصابة بشار للإنتقام من أحد أبرز المناضلين في لبنان الشهيد وسام الحسن".
وتابع جنبلاط "أهم شيء أن يكون جوابنا نحن فريق أحرار لبنان ولا نتهم أحدا في الداخل لأننا بذلك ننفذ ما يريده بشار" قائلا "المهم ألا ندخل في متاهات داخلية كي لا نعطي بشار الذريعة فهو لا فرق معه إذ أنه يقتل شعبا بكامله".
وشرح ان "هناك جهاز مخابرات سورية لا يزال متجذرا في لبنان وهناك أكثر من ميشال سماحة في البلد" في إشارة إلى الوزير السابق الذي كشفه الحسن أنه كان ينقل متفجرات من سوريا إلى لبنان.
وختم بالقول "كلما أسرعنا في إسقاط بشار كلما وفرنا الإستقرار للشعبين السوري واللبناني".
وفي حديث آخر إلى قناة "الجزيرة" قال جنبلاط "لا نملك أحهزة أمنية إجرامية كما يملك الخصم النظام السوري وإذا كان لي من عتب فهو هذا العتب على المجتمع الدولي الذي يسكت على قتل الشعب السوري".
وأضاف قائلا "بشار أحرق سوريا ويريد أن يحرق المحيط".
ونصح جنبلاط أن "نلتف حول وسام الحسن بيومه وكما فعلنا في 14 شباط 2005 سنقف معا ونمضي قدما في المواجهة السياسية ونخن لا نملك إلا كلمة الحق".
ولم يخف القول أن النظام السوري "دخل على دم كمال جنبلاط وخرج على دم رفيق الحريري".
وأشار إلى أن "هذا النظام لا يقبل أن يرضى حتى بمفهوم النأي بالنفس" مضيفا أن عملية الإغتيال "انتقام مباشر للعملية التي أوقفت العميل ميشال سماحة".:
وخلص إلى القول "لا يخيفنا الإغتيال السياسي واستمرينا بالنضال (..) وصلتنا الرسالة وسنستمر".
هذا وتحدث جنبلاط إلى قناة "العربية" فقال "لا أخشى على وسام الحسن لأنه ترك جهازا قويا وهناك كثيرون سيقومون بعمله بالرغم من أنها خسارة فادحة".
وشرح أن موقفه هو الرد بالسياسة "ومن لديه جواب آخر فليخبرني به".
well ...assad, berri, nasrallah, aoun, ssnp, franjieh ALL GOT THEIR WISH... AND THEIR MAN. march 8 has no more claim for lebanon. they have lost their destinies and sealed their fate.
"I openly accuse Bashar Assad and his regime of killing Wissam al-Hasan," Jumblat said.
The truth was stated clearly.
This paltry evil man has no loyalty for his country. He can only spread hatred and sedition with no regard to the national security of Lebanon. He is indeed mentally sick and should be sectioned to a psychiatric asylum at no dely.
March 14, should not remain silent anymore and use nice words. If they want to fight us with hardware we shall fight back with hardware. Slowly slowly the freedom loving people will be fighting a war without leaders.
The next michel samaha in Lebanon could be the traitor Aoun.
how about trying to answer why so many anti syrian figures in lebanon get killed while the pro syrian ones get left alone?
once you answer that, take your agents of syria and iran and get them the hell out of this country along with yourself and we would be better off.
Walid beik.. tla3 min government.. topple it and dont care.. walla warak rjel.. 7ot edak ma3 l 7akeem w jamiyel w niko la 3oun. Ma fi 7ada ghayro 3am ya3mol mashekil.
Time for another Cedar revolution--this time, SSNP, HA, and the rest of Syria'a allies should be thrown out permanently.
jumblatt was the traitor that put march 8 back in power.... he is responsible for empowering the death squads
Yalla Bashar, Mo3llem, pleeeeease come out, condemn the violence and accuse Isreal/Mossad of the explosion!! I can't wait. Do you think anyone is going to believe anything you say now ya kleb?. Wleh surmayet yahudi bteswa kel kalb menkom and all the other kleb tools that co-operate with you.
How hard is it some Lebanese to see that IRAN wants a shi'ite foot hold in the ARAB world? and they use the ISRAEL card to fool people with their crap?? ISRAEL is harmless -the harm is the cancer that is growing within, IRAN and it's tumors, Sheikh Hassan Kalb w'Bashar Puppet Assad. Walak thef 3a heik sha3b, wayn wataneyetkom ya kleb.
C'mon, accuse me of being a Zionist, an American traitor. Bas lah ya kleb, ma te7lamo lebanon ra7 yenba3 ya IRAN....your days are counted ya wled eshramouta.
I wish some lebanese realise, ISRAEL IS NOT THE ENEMEY - Bashar is the enemy, IRAN IS THE ENEMEY. Aoun - ya 7ayawen, how many more hints do you need??
Saliba or should I say saliva, u are a fucking MORON. No sense or logic or even a clear understanding of whats going on. Simply, your a tool, puppet, piece of shit, the scum between your toe and toe nail. Fuckwit.
Question:Is there hope for Lebanon? Answer: with the present constitution never.
Q:Why? A: easy to explain, it is impossible to have peace in a country when it's population do not feel and experience that they belong to one nation. Q: how come? a precondition to belong to one nation is to have equal rights. Q: how to change it? A: The first step is well known and obvious, the second step in formal and official communication speak, and write one language...Lebanese
dear fellow Lebanese please we are one! stop all these talks of work and think you will realize that war is never won by anyone we are all loosers in war!Let Syria fight its own war and Once Bashar is gone Hassan Nasrallah and his men will be nothing more than old newsand history! Please calm down and think straight!
Dear fellow Lebanese please we are one! stop all these talks of work and think you will realize that war is never won by anyone we are all loosers in war! Let Syria fight its own war and Once Bashar is gone Hassan Nasrallah and his men will be nothing more than old news and history! Please calm down and think straight! We are the youth of this country if we start fighting today we will never know when would we finish but there are some things that we know at this point in time!
once Bashar is out then we can start talking of eliminating his element in Lebanon , infract they will have to leave by themselves or bow down to all other sects because Israel will not keep quiet for the defeat hesbollah inflicted on them and once that happen they would need refuge then they will try to come to us! So they will now have to start re-calculate there options and start realizing the truth. So please don’t start a war in Lebanon cause that is what will ease Syrias
issue and divert the worlds attention away from all the crimes bashar is doing and once the world attention has been diverted that is when bashar would order a full strike on the uprising! Please calm down in Lebanon and think with your heads not with your emotions! Please be upon Lebanon! Amin/Amen its all the same!!!!! Allah Kbeer!!!!