ميقاتي بعد اجتماع مجلس الوزراء: قرار استقالتي متعلق برد سليمان وسنحيل ملف الحسن للمجلس العدلي

Read this story in English W460

أعلن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أنه علق قرار استقالته من منصب رئاسة الحكومة نزولا عند رغبة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، مؤكدا تمسكه بتشكيل حكومة وفاق وطني جديدة، ومقررا في الوقت عينه إحالة ملف اغتيال رئيس شعبة المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي العميد وسام الحسن الى المجلس العدلي.

وقال ميقاتي في كلمة له بعد اجتماع مجلس الوزراء في بعبدا الوم السبت: "لا يمكننا أن نعبر عنه الالم ناتج عن فقدان انسان عزيز على قلبي على الصعيدين الشخصي والوطني أستشهد من أجل لبنان"، لافتا الى أم "لا يمكن فصل جريمة أمس عن سياق الكشف عن سلسلة التفجيرات التي كانت ستحدث".

وقرر المجلس " إحالة قضية التفجير الى المجلس العدلي، والتعاون مع مختلف الاجهزة التي من شأنها أن تسهم في كشف المجرمين لسوقهم الى العدالة".

وإذ دعا الى " الكشف والتعويض عن الاضرار التي حصلت"، طلب ميقاتي "من وزارة الاتصالات تسليم داتا الاتصالات من 19 تشرين الاول الى السلطات المختصة"، مؤكدا "تعزيز قوى الامن الداخلي".

وأضاف: " في 6 أشهر الماضية قلت انني لست متمسك في الحكومة وفي هذا المنصب، ودعوت الى تشكيل حكومة توافق وطني واجدد دعوتي لتشكيل هذه الحكومة".

وأكمل "قلت لسليمان كل الهواجس التي أمر فيها وخصوصا على ضرورة النظر في تأليف حكومة جديدة، وسليمان يقول أنه يجب أن لا ندخل لبنان الى المجهول "، مضيفا: “ أمام تمسكي واصراري بعدم التمسك، طلب سليمان فترة زمنية مني لاتخاذ موقف بعد مشاورات مع أركان هيئة الحوار".

وحمل ميقاتي "دم الحسن الى القاصي والداني"، مضيفا: " كنت على اطلاع دائم على اعماله ولم اشعر يوما أنه تابع لفريق سياسي، وأؤكد أن التحقيق سيأخذ مجراه وهناك تعاون مع السلطات المحلية والدولية للوصول الى الحقيقة والتمسك بالمحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان".

وتوجه ميقاتي الى اللبنانيين بالقول: أدعوكم الى التكاتف في هذا الظرف، والحكومة ستستقيل عاجلا أم أجلا، ونحن حريصون على كل شيء يؤدي الى استقرار الوطن عند تماسك وحدتنا"، مؤكدا أن " لبنان لن يكون في المجهول والموضوع ليس موضوع حكومة بل موضوع وطن".

هذا ولفت ميقاتي الى أنه لن يستبق التحقيقات "ولكن يوجد ترابط بين قضية ميشال سماحة واغتيال الحسن".

وكان التأم مجلس الوزراء في جلسة استثنائية، اليوم في القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا للبحث في قضية اغتيال الحسن، ولقد استهلها المجلس بالوقوف دقيقة صمت على ارواح شهداء التفجير الارهابي في الاشرفية.

وقال سليمان في مستهل الجلسة أنه سيباشر باجراء المشاورات مع اقطاب هيئة الحوار لعقد جلسة للحوار وفي اسرع وقت ممكن، داعيا الاجهزة الى "ان تكون متضامنة ومتعاونة لحماية لبنان من اي انكشاف".

على ان مشاوراته لعقد طاولة حوار سريعاً هي من اجل "التأكيد على وحدة اللبنانيين في رفض الفتنة".

واعتبر "ان الجريمة موجهة ضد رئيس جهاز امني كان له دور كبير في كشف شبكات تجسس وارهاب منذ العام 2006 والى اليوم، كما ان الجريمة موجهة ضد لبنان وضد وحدته والمقصود زلزلة الاتفاق والاستقرار اللبناني".

واكد ان "الرد على هكذا جرائم هو بمتابعة كشف الجرائم المرتكبة ومن ضمنها ملف المتفجرات الذي ضبط اخيرا".

ولفت سليمان الى ان "الجريمة لن توقف مسيرة السلام والاستقرار، مع دعوة الجميع للتهدئة والخطاب العاقل"، مضيفا: "اتفقنا جميعا على تحييد لبنان في اعلان بعبدا".

واغتيل رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي وسام الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني في إنفجار هز الأشرفية بعد ظهر امس الجمعة، وادى الانفجار الى سقوط ما بين 3 و8 قتلى (حيث تضاربت المعلومات عن عدد القتلى) وجرح اكثر من 100 شخص.

وقبل انعقاد الجلسة، التقى سليمان وزراء جبهة النضال الوطني غازي العريضي، وائل ابو فاعور وعلاء الدين ترو.

وبعد اللقاء، قال ابو فاعور ان "من قتل (رئيس الحكومة الاسبق) رفيق الحريري وقبله كمال جنبلاط هو نفسه من قتل وسام الحسن الذي لم يحم اللبنانيين فقط انما حمى من كان يكرهه وضده في السياسة".

وتابع، قائلاً "من يدمر سوريا يريد تدمير لبنان".

بدوره، رأى وزير الشباب والرياضة فيصل كرامي قبل دخوله الجلسة انه "من الخطأ بعد استهداف رئيس جهاز أمني فاعل إفراغ البلد من الحكومة".

وكانت قد افادت صحيفة "الجمهورية" ان الأجهزة الأمنية ستتخذ اجراءات استثنائية لضبط الوضع الأمني على الارض والسيطرة عليه خصوصا في اثناء مراسم تشييع الحسن.

يُشار الى أن تشييع الحسن سيتم غداً الاحد على ان يسجى الى جانب رئيس الحكومة الاسبق رفيق الحريري، في جامع الامين في وسط بيروت.

التعليقات 35
Thumb geha 15:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

we do not accept games: mikati, GO.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

it is very dangerous for the country if mikati DONT RESIGN IMMEDIATELY.HIS resignation now, will absorb the civil war and will defend the unity of the army,general kahwaji was excellent yesterday in his words as a truly responsible head of the army,god protect him.

Default-user-icon Thomas Boulos (ضيف) 15:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

have you seen the members of this cabinet nothing extraordinary about it.

Missing jayjay 15:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Good... now the next step is too throw the Syrian Agent out..and if anyone wants to follow him to Syria, you have Lebanon's blessing...

Missing jayjay 15:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

lol, @Galiboun... your comment speaks for itself..how petty are you?

Thumb benzona 15:36 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Miqati did well. It's his first good decision since he got the premiership.

Missing samiam 15:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

truthfully, he didn't have much of a chance to succeed with the ministers in the cabinet. it was doomed for failure and he did the right thing.

Default-user-icon david wehbe (ضيف) 15:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Syrias agents are plentiful starting with Aoun. Christians must clean house and choose Country over Iranian money.

Missing lebanonfirst95 15:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

a little bit of decency in your comments sir and avoid false accusations like cannot communicate unless on coke. What a level.

Default-user-icon abb (ضيف) 15:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Get someone decent, neither miqati nor hariri

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 16:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Who is going do a better job? Harari can't step foot in Lebanon without an American/Israeli invasion . The guy who wrotethat March 8 are bad and March 14 are no better was correct. Your situation is hopeless. Civil War is at the doorstep and it is what you deserve. Meanwhile Israel moves to take your energy and you do nothing but bitch,bitch,bitch.

Missing hitech 16:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

This is the right thing to do. As a prime minister you either stand up and say no matter who did this we will chase them to the gates of hell and bring them to justice, or if you have an idea who did it and you can't do anything about it, the appropriate thing to do is to resign. The streets are boiling and don't expect people to be slaughtered and expect them to watch silently. Self defense is a sacred human right. Hats off to you Mr Prime Minister. Ever since the Hizbullah drone you have been taking remarkable positions, and this one is very remarkable. God bless you.

Thumb geha 16:45 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

do not mind galiboun, ft and their likes. they are still drunk from all the champagne they drank yesterday celebrating Wisam Al Hassan's murdor.
they woke up today to the news they are no more in the cabinet, and at least they will no more have a say in the upcoming one, so what do you expect from such filth? comments like the above.

Default-user-icon jayrob (ضيف) 17:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

so whats the answer???

Default-user-icon mohamad (ضيف) 17:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

why do they allow comments on this page , it sickens me to see the level you people communicate with each other with . what sickens me more is the lack of constructive judgements . when will you stop talking politics & build a civil state . when will you stop following people and clans instead of evaluating what is been done . ( & i can see the cheap comments & insults coming up )

Missing rami 17:45 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Great Achiever and very decent indeed, kello adrab min ba3do, same face same shit.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 17:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

the name of tamam salam as primeminister is on circulation in saoudi coridors

Thumb shab 18:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

What is the alternative?

Missing watergate 18:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Guys, think abt it Hezbollah/Bashar has the power to kill anyone it wants, whenever it wants.. So does this mean that next time they will want the m14 gvt to resign, they'll plant a bomb, kill a m14 figure (or m8 if it increases their chances of success), and ask for the gvt to resign? All that of course with the cover of michel aoun and FT who will be barking abt it??
Not so sure abt the Mikati resignation.. I am not sure that if m14 were in the gvt, they would have been able to stop the crime.
Hasan, Lebanon RIP!

Default-user-icon FlameThrower (ضيف) 18:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

I like the way you think obviously M14 and the obviously coward who benefited by getting 70% vote in 2005 murdered those killed on February 14 2005, you are a genius dammi here I'll let you suck my dick.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 19:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

the killer of francois hajj is the killer of wissam hassan

Missing peace 19:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

what a stupid comment, as stupid as you i guess.... happy those with simple minds for heaven awaits them....

Thumb ado.australia 19:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

We all love to blame others for Lebanon's problems. We the Lebanese are the problem. It's not Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the USA, turkey, Syria or any other so called "Arab" country... It is the Lebanese!

A fake country. The people are loyal to sects and foreigners. The Sunni, Arab, Saudi illusions. Shiite, Iran and allawite Syria. The Druze are with anyone who is most powerfull. Christains (Maronites) who are responsible for the republic, are only concerned with their own power struggle in their illusions of regaining their power. The orthodox christains don't care as long as every sect elects their own.

This is why we are the play ground for regional and international battles! Maybe Syria killed him, maybe Israel did it to create strife, maybe hezbollah cause of those " security leaks". At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Lebanese did it to themselves! 8 other innocent people died don't forget!

Default-user-icon Chompa (ضيف) 19:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

March 14, you are bala akhle2 of the highest degree. I do not care about Miqati. But how dare you blame Miqati for the killing of al-Hassan? Is he the one who should have protected him or Wissam al-Hassan and Ashraf Rifi should have been the ones to protect all of us? This is one reason why you deserve no respect whatsoever. I do not recall you holding them and Saniora responsible for the killings that took place when Saniora was PM. Remind me if you could! fi3lan enkon sha3b bala akhle2 wa bala mokh. Really, you are just as bad as your foes. BALA AKHLE2. ste7o wa rou7o ekhtefo. DISGUSTING.

Default-user-icon LameGame (ضيف) 19:56 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

dami, please go change Your nickname to "DUMMY" cos basically that's what You are and You guys should be a bit with class and stop replying this useless FlameBlower Son of a DishWasher... Can't You see the low level he is at and the need for attention he keeps seeking? Let it Go!

Default-user-icon greenie (ضيف) 20:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

dummy ????
let us do it you way mate.
So m14 killed wissam so that the gvt resign right?
who killed pierre,antoine ghanem,Samir asir,ido?who killed gibran tueni?
harriri?who has tried to kill hamade?may Chidiac?m14 tried to kill em all right?
who killed thousands of lebanese during 30 yrs of occupation???
Is it M14 who kidnapped lebanese citizens and threw them in Syrian jails?
khaye do you have any dignity????el 3ama shi byehboul?
i do understand and respect anyone who disagree with M14,but i cannot believe anyone who support such traitors called M8.
Wlak what about the lebanese ppl like you and me ya dami?
They do deserve a bit of respect dont you think so?

Default-user-icon Love_lebanon_or_leave (ضيف) 20:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

for the idiot Flamethrower and others on this discussion Israel can bomb Lebanon out of existence, not HA or others can stop it; the only thing that holding them back is politics. when every person in Lebanon have the interest of the country in their hearts ahead of any thing else whether religion or political associations to other countries then there will be peace in Lebanon. by the way I don't like Israel the Palestinian or Syrian. I only love Lebanon.

Thumb Marc 20:56 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

No body ever asked Israel to carpet bomb the south on these threads? Give me a break man!

Missing gabby6 20:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Hizbcocaine will not let a new gov't form if he resigns. They will take advantage of the situation. Their guns are pointed internally at everyone's heads.

Default-user-icon Hmorsel (ضيف) 21:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Lebanon is a democracy by name only. Anyone who really believes its a democracy is dreaming. Lebanon is nothing more thana place where a collection of non-national slaves to other countries confront each other daily. Lebanon will only survive as a true democracy when the players really confess their allegiance to Lebanon first. The problem in that what I know and see is that muslims in general are beholden first to their religion than their country of origin. So when Iran proclaims itself the Shiites religious center than the Shiites are going to be committed to Iran first. Same goes for Sunnis with Saudi Arabia. So you can see where unless the lebanese society changes into a nonsecterian society and governement Lebanon will never ever become a democracy or for that metter a true civilized society..

Thumb lebanon_first 22:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Mikati. Please stay. Your government is not perfect. (Mansour stinks particularly). But it is better than no government. Those M14 demonstrators dont know what the alternative to your gouvernment is.

Default-user-icon May7 (ضيف) 23:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Uncle fester please go

Missing mansour 01:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

lebanon_first the alternative is to get all your syrian dogs out of lebanon and throw them into the civil war in syria,with GODS blessings goes on for another 100 years.

Long Live The Syrian Civil War

Missing forces 10:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Sure this is the best arguement you can bring to the table? like m14 killed the other m14 figures to pressure the government. like m14 killed Gebran Tueine and Gemayel, and and. thise killings putt a hell of a lot of pressure on m8 didn't they. Miqati is honourable enough to realise he is better off disassociating himself from the rubbish that is the lebanese politics he may just know the truth. as PM he had a lot of running battles with the likes of Imbassil and co so that he could impliment changes the right way not as the others pleased and for that he will be remembered. he was elected by m8 but had his own views often conflicting the current government which meant their lackey was not going to allow a free for all governement as hard as they tried.

Missing postscenium 10:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Clean? What about withholding the good old "data"? Isn't that what lead the the recent attack? Or was it the fact that hizb 'alla' controls the airport security? So he releases the "data" and resigns... anything but clean...