الجيش ينفذ خطة امنية لفتح الطرق المقطوعة في بيروت وتوقيف المسلحين
Read this story in Englishيقوم الجيش بتنفيذ خطة امنية في مختلف المناطق في بيروت من اجل اعادة فتح الطرقات المقطوعة والقاء القبض على كافة المسلحين.
وتنفذ الخطة الامنية في قصقص والبربير وتشهد منطقة الطريق الجديدة، اليوم الاثنين، تبادلاً لاطلاق نار بين عناصر من الجيش وأخرى مسلحة.
وأفاد الجيش في بيان صادر عنه، ان المدعوان احمد وعبد قويدر من التابعية الفلسطينية أقدما على اطلاق النار بالاسلحة الحربية الخفيفة باتجاه دورية تابعة للجيش في محلة قصقص.
وقال الجيش أن "عناصر الدورية ردت على النار بالمثل، ما ادى الى مقتل المدعو احمد متأثرا بجراحه.
و تكرر قيادة الجيش ما شددت عليه في بيانها السابق بأن الوحدات العسكرية ستتصدى بكل حزم وقوة للعابثين بأمن المواطنين والمعتدين على قوى الجيش مهما كان انتماؤهم،
وأعادت التأكيد بأن هؤلاء لن يكونوا بمأمن من الملاحقة الامنية والقانونية حتى توقيفهم واحالتهم على القضاء المختص".
وشهد ليل الاحد-الاثنين اشتباكات واطلاق نار كثيف بالاسلحة الرشاشة والقذائف الصاروخية ما ادى الى اصابة ستة اشخاص.
وتأتي هذه الاشتباكات على خلفية انفجار الاشرفية الجمعة الذي ادى الى مقتل رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن والمطالبة باسقاط الحكومة ومحاولة اقتحام السراي من قبل مشاركين في تشييع الحسن امس الاحد.
وذكر تلفزيون "الجديد" امس الاحد ان مجموعات مسلحة "تؤكد انها تعمل تحت غطاء تيار المستقبل" الذي يراسه الزعيم السني سعد الحريري، ابرز اركان المعارضة، متورطة في اشتباكات ضد "مجموعات مناوئة لها"، من دون اعطاء تفاصيل اضافية.
ونقل التلفزيون اصوات اطلاق النار الكثيف، قبل ان يعلن نقلا عن مصدر عسكري ان الجيش اللبناني رد على مصادر اطلاق النار وتمكن من اسكاتها، وهو يلاحق المسلحين.
في طرابلس، تستمر عمليات القنص بين منطقتي جبل محسن ذات الغالبية العلوية وباب التبانة ذات الغالبية السنية، وقد اوقعت امس الاحد قتيلة و19 جريحا، بحسب مصدر طبي.
Dear Lebanese citizens do not fall into the trap of instability and lawlessness that was set up by Ass-Ad by these assassinations. It is apparent that Ass-ad will try to pull every trick he has left, one of which is to divide Lebanon and watch it burn. through his puppies Hezbo.
You stupid Lebanese citizens do you want to start another civil war in your lovely country ? What a shame, you should not let your emotions to rule you. Please think properly for in a civil war situation all side a losers. For God's sake, avoid listening to your selfish political leaders who are more concerned about themselves, all that they can make for themselves and their families and nothing for you. They will incite to violence and when things get really bad, they and their families jump on the next available flight to Paris and other European capitals where they have their homes. While leaving you brainless ordinary citizens to bear brunt of the mess that they have cause. I wish you all the best.
Let's open our eyes and admit that the Sunnis and all M14 don't trust our army's command anymore because of Hizballa's takeover of the Lebanese government and most judiciary...that's the way they feel because of obvious reasons (Assassinations, Hizb people not prosecuted for their crimes etc...)...The Lebanese government should guarantee equality and ease the Sunnis fears instead of keeping in defending Hizb interests...The Sunnis and M14 and any average person on the streets knows that Hizb currently controls Lebanese government and let's not hide behind our finger...that's the main reason for troubles and as long as Hizb keeps its illegal arms we will continue on the path of destruction...One last thing, the Sunnis areas are the main recruiting sources for our military…
Walak ma 7alkon tefhamou!!! Enough war, enought blood enough death. We don't want to destroy Lebanon again! The civil war wasn't that long ago. Nseetou? Walaw nseetou? 7aram 3leikon shoo zanbo hal balad l'msha7ar...
These are not your mom and pop gunmen, these are the gunmen of the callers for preserving the institutions and protecting the state but "mistakenly" attack the police and army and even kill innocent by-standards. As you know, mistakes happen every single day!
ya ishret el bizer, Hezbollah killed Samer Hanna. What happened to the assassin? Oh wait, now I remember, NOTHING!
Hezbollah killed Hariri and the others, what happened to them? NOTHING!
The army is protecting them, instead of storming Dahye and jnoub, they are attacking easy targets, a few dozen lightly armed men that can't stand this injustice anymore.
Bravo Inspector Benzona. Mission accomplished. You may send the STL crew home. The mystery has been solved.
I don't detect a reply to a comment. So are you going on a tangent or does this show the level of your intelligence? The army is protecting them, huh, yet they killed Samer Hanna! Are you trying to make a point or you just want to blabber, and indication, AGAIN, of the level of your intelligence? The few dozens seem to be moving from neighborhood to another in Beirut and then to Tripoli and then to Akkar and then to Sidon and then back to Beirut only to go to Tripoli and then... What a dozen lightly armed patriots and seekers of justice by killing a few innocent kids here or there!
I cannot believe that we are so spineless, that we are willing to accept the killings and murders of innocent people, without some sort of fight.If we sit back and watch our people drop like flies because we are too scared to want something better, and because we are too accepting of everything then we have become truly pathetic.
I am a British lady living here and indeed have been visiting here since 1979. I am married to a Lebanese man and my heart bleeds for your beloved country. I love Lebanon, I know it has it's faults, too much traffic, lack of electricity etc but it also has a magic about it that pulls you in! I often check your post and amazed how you bash each other, it's too sad and fills me with dread. Please dear Lebanese you have a lovely country, don't destroy it again. I love Hamra, Achrafiyeh, everywhere, you don't know what you have really! I sadly am being treated for Cancer here and Inshallah I will live to see Lebanon a strong free nation. Carry one flag, your beautiful flag with the cedar tree on it, all other flags pale in comparison!
"Politicians cannot continue to insist that they hold no responsibility for this kind of ugliness. Both March 14 and March 8 leaders pander to their bases by continuing to use inflammatory metaphors and language. Cut the political bullshit. This is a real tragedy.
It is only when the majority of the people in this country wake up and accept that the current leadership – in all its forms and parties – is only interested in claiming personal, strategic and political victory at the expense of the Lebanese people, that we will together to find real solutions to our problems.
Each and everyone one of us must demand reasonable national debate and disagreement. But most importantly, we must demand peace, civility and compassion."