عون يدعو الى "الإقلاع عن الإتهام السياسي: لا صلة بين اغتيال الحسن ورحيل الحكومة
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رأى رئيس تكتل التغيير والغصلاح النائب ميشال عون أن لا صلة بين اغتيال العميد وسام الحسن والمطالبة برحيل الحكومة، داعيا الى الاقلاع عن الإتهام السياسي وانتظار القضاء، وأنه "لا يبرىء سوريا ولا يتهمها"، معتبرا أن "مرتكبي الجريمة هم من يغذون الشارع ويحدثون الفوضى اليوم".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر اليوم الثلاثاء: "أننا اعلنا ادانتنا لحدث اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات اللواء وسام الحسن، ونحن نكرم شهدائنا ولكن علينا ان نعيش مع الاحياء".
وإذ شدد على أنه "علينا مسؤولية اعادة الامن والهدوء"، لفت عون الى أن "بعد نداء رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري ورئيس كتلة المستقبل النائب فؤاد السنيورة لمهاجمي السراي بالعودة الى بيوتهم، لا تزال هناك اشتباكات مع الجيش في عدد من المناطق".
وعليه، قال عون: "لدي حق أن اتهم بالجريمة من يحرك هذه القوى، ومن يريد ان يخلف اللبنانيين مع بعضهم هو من يخلق هذه الحوادث".
ودعا اللبنانيين الى "اليقظة لان المشهد بات واضحا فالقوى التي تريد الفوضى عُزلت"، لافتا إلى أنه "لدينا اقتصاد يجب ان يُبنى والوضع الاقتصادي حاليا سيء ولا نعرف متى قد يرمون فتنة"، معتبرا في هذا السياق أن "الوضع لن يتطور اكثر مما هو عليه".
وأكد عون أن "القضاء يقوم بواجبه ولا يجب ان نسبقه باعلان النتائج"، مشددا على ضرورة الإقلاع عن الإتهام السياسي الذي هو ضد مبدأ القضاء وفيه تحقير وذم".
وأضح أن "ما يحصل ان اشخاصا ابرياء يُتهمون ومجرمين يُبرؤون"، مضيفا: "انظروا لما حصل معي ولاني نجوت من الحادثة لا يعني انه ليس هناك نية جرمية، وانا تركت القضية بيد القضاء".
وذكر أنه "بعد ساعات من خبر محاولة اغتيالي قامت وسائل اعلامية بنفي القضية وقالت ان هذا ادعاء"، معلنا في هذا الغطار انه "يحتفظ تجاه هذا الواقع المرير للاعلام والمصادر الأمنية، باقامة الدعوى على جميع الذي استغلوا الامر للذم وللصحف والتلفزيونات التي استعملت هذه المصادر".
كما سأل عون "ما علاقة البرلمان بجريمة اغتيال الحسن؟، وما علاقة الجريمة بقانون الانتخاب والموازنة وسلسلة الرتب والرواتب ليقوم فريق 14 آذار بمقاطعة مجلس النواب؟"، معتبرا أن "هذا عجز لانهم لا يستطيعون المواجهة بمجلس النواب".
ودعا عون فريق 14 آذار الى "العودة الى الهدوء وممارسة واجباتهم"، آملا "بالعودة الى الهدوء لان الانفعالات تقف عند مصلحة الشعب".
وتابع: "كل عائلة لها الحق ان تحزن ولكن بالنهاية هناك ايام ينتهي فيها الحداد"، مؤكدا أن "لا صلة بين الجريمة والحكومة".
وتابع عون ان "ايام حكومة السنيورة حصلت عشرات الجرائم ولم يرف له جفن ، وكانت داتا الاتصالات كاملة مع الحكومة ولم تكشف اي جريمة"، مؤكدا أن "ما يقومون به احتقار للشعب اللبناني".
وفيما أكد أنه "لا يستبعد احدا من تهمة اغتيال الحسن"، رأى أن "قوى 14 آذار اعتادت بعد خروج سوريا من لبنان اتهامها بكل الجرائم"، مشددا على أن "هذا التصرف غير مسؤول، ونطلب عدم الاتهام على النوايا".
وأوضح "قالوا لي سوريا متهمة باغتيال الحسن، وقلت لهم لا اعتقد ان لديها الوسائل في الظرف الذي تمر به، لكنني في الوقت عينه لم أنفِ الموضوع نفيا قاطعا، فلا أبرىء سوريا ولا أتهمها".
17:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: لا أعتقد ان سوريا لديها الوسائل في هذا الظرف على افتعال هكذا جريمة
17:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: انا لا أتهم أحدا الموضوع يعرض على القضاء أنا لا أبرىء سوريا ولا أتهمها فلحترم القضاء
17:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون عن استقالة الحكومة: هذا التعند ليس في مكانه فلا صلة بين الإغتيال ووجود الحكومة ففي عهد السنيورة حصل عشرات الجرائم
17:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: نتامل العودة الى الهدوء لأن الإنفعالات تتوقف عند مصلحة شعب بكامله
17:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: ندعو الى العودة للهدوء وممارسة واجباتهم كنواب في المجلس
17:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون عن تعطيل البرلمان: ما علاقة الجريمة التي حصلت بالبرلمان وبالموازنة وبقانون الإنتخاب وبسلسلة الرتب والرواتب
17:10 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: ادعم الجيش بكل خطوة يقوم بها
17:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: أحتفظ بإقامة دعوى قضائية ضد كل من استغل محاولة اغتيالي
17:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: انا أملك ضبط نفس كي لا اتكلم عن معلومات أعرفها حول محاول اغتيالي
17:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: للإقلاع عن الإتهام السياسي الذي يظهر في مواقف سياسية اعلامية
17:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: الوضع بالنسبة لي لن يتطور أكثر مما هو عليه القضاء سيقوم بواجبه ونرجو عدم استباق القضار في اتهامات لأن ليس هناك شيء اسنه اتهام سياسي وهو شنيع
17:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: هناك اقتصاد يجب أن يبنى فالإقتصاد مطلق وكذلك الجو المقلق
17:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: هناك اعمال أمنية لا تزال قائمة على الأرض ولي الحق أن اتهم بالجريمة هو من يريد اشتباك اللبنانيين بين بعضهم البعض ونطلب من الجميع اليقظة
17:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 23
عون: نؤكد إدانتنا لإغتيال الحسن نكرم شهداؤنا ولكن العيش مع الأحياء

Tuesday again, this clown is living in lala hizballa land...get real ya general and stop your lies and insane language, just because you can get loud doesn't mean you make any sense...

really kharfan this man...
I once thought he is something to be proud of...now i am ashamed of that past thought

"Aoun: We call on the lawmakers to resume their duties at parliament."
Did you call on Berri to resume his duties at parliament when he shut it down for more than a year ?

This does not excuse the behaviour of your politicians !
He should be trialled and jailed for interference with the constitution and for all the mafia activity under his umbrella (Daman ... moteur, mazout, telecom, dangerous herbal medicine ...)
M8 approved and was part (with a blocking minority) of all previous governments you seem to attack. You simply forget that M8 could block any decision yet you attack M14 previous govs and their decisions "APPROVED BY M8"

Aoun: I reserve the right to file a lawsuit against anyone who tried to exploit the attempt on my life.
CRAP! Now the senile old fool's gonna sue himself!

Cukoo.....cukoo....it is Tuesday again. The orange retard is not making any sense or statements that mean anything.
Everyone knows that his "friends" did the murder.

a bullet mark on a bullet proof car .... that no one heard.... and he knows exactly who did it... why not a 50 kilo bomb? and no parliment participation mr aoud because your government is a killer government!

"Aoun on calls for government's resignation: There is no link between the assassination and the presence of the government, as dozens of crimes happened during Saniora's tenure."
Siniora did not FAIL to cooperate with investigation ... he did not do everything in his power to block and interfere with Justice ! This government did ! Stop creating false excuses and diverting the attention from the real issues

The internet improvement? chou hal injez, getting now what others have since years, eh walla heik achievement aw bala. And for sure, the overall situation is much better now than it was years ago, shall i start naming issues, walla bta3ref chou, the list is so long that it won't fit in that little box. Sorry.

"Aoun: I don't want to accuse anyone and the issue must be examined by the judiciary. I'm not accusing or acquitting Syria, let us respect the judiciary."
To respect the Judiciary, HAND OVER THE TELECOM DATA and the 4 SUSPECTS !

The 4 suspects should be jailed for treason ! Irrespective of Hariri, they beat up you Aounies, throwed you in jail when you were protesting for freedom and independence.
It's crazy how you forget history !
Jamil el Sayyed was your worst enemy and now you worship him like a living god ! Do you still bend over for him (wilfully this time?)

to the traitor mowaten
you belong to the criminals who are doing these crimes, namely hizbushaitan. therefore we all know where you stand, so please stop filling your filth with your posts.
traitors will be judged ultimately.
start being decent and go away with your filthy iranians.

sectarian bigotry? where do you see that in what I said?
yeah it is your ways to try to divert what is said in another direction, however all lebanon knows who are the executors.

still trying to divert attention:
no one approved what happened at the serail, and hariri even sent his own security teaam t support the FSI and the army. so please STFU.
it is not my fault if hizbushaitan is mainly supported by aa big part of the shia community, but remember there are shia who are respectfull of the country who disapprove of hizbushaitan and have our full respect as legitimate citizens as much as we are.
so, no there is no bigotry, and stop using this kind of diversions as they are usefull.
my opinions are clear: I am against hizbushaitan who takes its orders from iran, and with the Lebanese shia community who want the rule of law, and not the law of the jungle of hizbushaitan.

ask a kid in the street about who did it, and you will get your reply.
you are just a disturbance, and as I said stp bothering us on this site with your lies and traitor opinions.
as long as you follow iran and the syrian regime, this is what you are: a traitor, nothing less, nothing more.
when you decide to follow the rule of law, thus refuse any weapons outside the armed forces, we might try to believe that you are Lebanese, untill then, you are a traitor to Lebanon, that is if originally you are Lebanese.....

I SECOND that BIG TIME geha. Farsi traitor is written all over his posts time after time. We all easily see from the numerous DOWN votes he gets on his postings that it's nothing but sewage coming out of him. Pathetic to say the very least.

Movaten (Farsi version of Mowaten): nobody stormed the Grand Saray. They just wanted to get closer to the Home of ALL Lebanese. The Saray belongs to all of us, check the constitution and see who the owner is.
The Ouzai strip also belongs to all of us, what's being done about it? The 50 kids throwing wooden sticks at the cops (which is unacceptable) are no threat to anyone. Yourself can go walk next to them and you'll see that nothing will happen to you.
Anyway, I'm certain the Hezbollah was the Lebanese hand that executed the Syrian order. Time will tell if I'm right or wrong but that's what my gut feeling.

Geha. "hariri even sent his own security team t support the FSI and the army. so please STFU."
Hariri called for a "day of anger"! He told CNN that if he was still the prime minister, this would not happen! How would Saadadine (from Ryahd) stop all attacks on Lebanon?
He calls for a day of anger and then he sends his own "security team" to support the army that his political movement constantly attacks and undermines? Who do you think the army needed support against?
Geha? Seriously, how can you keep up with the crap you post?

Long live a free, democratic, and sovereign Lebanon free from the syrian regime, iranians and their filthy internal traitors who execute their orders.
free from killers like hizbushaitan, fpm and the likes.

Aoun: I had said that amid these circumstances, Syria does not have the means to commit such a crime.
this guy is still trying to cover for his masters! he is a traitor and suicidal maniac.

@starsky: this shows how much freedom the judiciary has, even though the security sources uncovered there was no attempt on his life and that the car was sht at at least a month earlier.

stupid mowaten: the owner of the car admitted that in a signed statement. go check then come back and say what you want to say.

So he's trying to protect his fellow ASSad goons by shifting the light from the ASSASSINATION to his alleged ATTEMPTED assassination...bravo aoun!

nice, mooowaten is continuing aoun's plan by diverting attention from ASSad's assassination of Hassan for Smaha's arrest...that's the real issue here...

plus it's quite interesting that the diversion machine assumes that a 50kg bomb assassination should be discussed in the same context as a bullet hole in a car...

the assassination was to kill and revenge for smaha's arrest...it seems it's you and auon of course that have a problem with logic...I won't say what animal does that, i7tiraman lal7aywanet ya3ne...

what internet improvement? nothing has improved the service is sh*t

ou el chater yefham

1- This gov implemented things that were decided by previous govs including 3g and co.
2- Previous govs were never M14 government ... they were Unity governments and hence could not do anything without everyone's approval ! Stop distorting facts !
3- M8 has done everything in power to block any M14 initiative including shutting down parliament for 18 months ! What the hell are you talking about !
4- This M8 government has approved a spending spree exceeding $11B between the "budgets", the power boats (biggest scam ever), the billion$+ army budget ...
5- M8 is part of the same Mafia you're attacking. Mazout, Moteur, Drugs, Weapons, Valet Parking, Security Services ... who's the billionaires ? Who's the thief ?
Wake up Mowaten !

They know for sure, check out the article...how much money was spent on these "improvements" and was it all worth it? Lebanon's internet is still the worst of the worst!!! It's not enough to say that they "improved" the question is was it worth it???

ummm you do know he's allied with hizbocrap right? 2al no to terrorism....bili tistrak satr bala 3a2l...

If M14 wants the government to resign, doing it via streets and protests is not the way to go. They should do it via constitutional means if they truly believe in the state.
As for Aoun, he continues to claim that Syria is the most democratic among all Arab regimes. Astonishing.
This just goes to show that we don't actually have competent representatives in government in both M14 and M8, and that is simply a byproduct of our sectarian system. When you people stop following those incompetent individuals and start looking for alternative parties, Lebanon will truly progress.

gcb1, great statement and I agree, Lebanon is a democracy and an idiot would just want his party to rule and no other parties to exist, but unfortunately the parties we have have incompetent politicians that play on the emotions and religious strings of the Lebanese people and the Lebanese people are all amped up to jump on the finger pointing-hating band wagon. What i find hilarious is that all the political heads, from M8 and M14, have their hands filled with blood by killing other LEBANESE and yet they preach peace and unity.
And i'm not trying to hate on you or anything but can you provide me the source of when Aoun said "that Syria is the most democratic among all Arab regimes."

Yes it was during a very recent interview with The Daily Star, here it is: http://dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/2012/Oct-23/192398-aoun-resignation-of-some-ministers-possible.ashx#axzz2A7JA9JJy
I don't disagree with everything Aoun says. He's previously had a non-sectarian party platform that I definitely agree with. I truly believe that in order for Lebanon to be a real democratic state with transparency and no corruption, we have to abolish the sectarian system.

Of course, if I agree with a certain thing that Aoun says, many posters on Naharnet will start describing me as a traitor and Syria/Iranian lover. Such is the political immaturity among Lebanese political followers: if you agree with one thing from a politician of a certain side, then it must mean that you are completely against the other side. There is apparently no such thing as being neutral.
I've been accused of being an "Israeli sympathizer" and of being part of the "Iranian filthy militia". Try figuring that out lol

gcb i think we all share your views here, unfortunatley when there are elections and we see the poor independant who may be more qualified or better able to contribute to that electorate than the ones backed by the current parties only receive 10-20 votes if he is lucky, then we must insist the current parties start performing and validating their presence. It is unfortunate in Lebanon the only choices we make around the political divide is the lesser of evils not the greater of goods. Which is why we must insist on democracy in it's full context not just in name, ie: no weapons, killings, better facilities for the people.etc.etc individual contributions at the present get swept under the rug all too often

unfortunately forces, i don't think everyone shares gcb1 views like you and i do, and that's why none of these qualified independents get higher votes. Lebanon votes based on a combination of who your dad supported during civil war, who protected your area during civil war, who is the same religion as you etc... let's be honest, on top of all of those, who gets paid more by which politician to vote for him. Lebanese people during voting season are merchandise in an auction, you pay them more, they will vote for u. i used to live in Ohio, USA and i was approached by M14 people during the last voting season saying they will pay me a full roundtrip ticket to lebanon and if i want, i can include hotel, just to vote for them. By the way, I'm not saying that M8 was not maybe doing the same but i didn't get approached by them

and what's funny and sad at the same time is the polarization of the people here... you original thread gained 3 thumbs up and 3 thumbs down but "the1phoenix" got 3 thumbs up and 0 down and he simply stated that he agreed with you lol... makes me wonder sometimes
it's like what's happening on this article, when Aoun speaks, even if he stated something right like "“I don't want to accuse anyone and the issue must be examined by the judiciary. I'm not accusing or acquitting Syria, let us respect the judiciary,” aoun haters will just bash him and accuse him of being a puppet etc.. not because of what he said but just blind hate.. by the way, i know most of you will down vote me but let me say this i agree with some stuff that M8 stands for and stuff that M14 stands for, but in the end as GCB1 said, in this country, you cannot be neutral or else you are "stereo" (reference to ziad rahbani film ameriki taweel play)

Government Approves $1.6B plan to equip lebanese army : http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/54117
Wake up ! You're delusional !

Wow wow wow....look at Farsi Motormouth with almost TWENTY threads/posts desperately trying to make a statement but getting shot down like a ailing vulture. Haraam sho mustool!

of course I will ask if it is worth it....and of course I know that the internet here in lebanon is sh*t and is the worst of the worst, do you agree with that one? So was it worth it?

Aoun,you are a disgrace to the nation. How come only M14 politicians get assassinated then you stupid back stabbing moron.

yes ... and they stole $11B in 1 year right ?
And M8 leaders did not see a single penny out of this so called stolen money right ? And syrian mafia and goons weren't involved right ?
Aoun himself says you should accuse no one without proof and judicial process ... stop throwing false and misleading accusations ...

tab ma hayehon M8 have full power now...and the internet is still sh*t and they had the ministry before the internet was still sh*t all that money for sh*t...mabrok 3layk!

In the Wahabit Kingdom they have electricity and running water 24/7. I'm glad they are investing in Lebanon and in Lebanese people.

Aoun: I had said that amid these circumstances, Syria does not have the means to commit such a crime.
This is the idiot that used to blame syria when anyone farted in Lebanon during his days in Paris. I don't feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for the idiots who still follow him and defend him.

I skimmed these comments for about 3-4 minutes. I urge fellow readers to do this same and if you come to any other conclusion the the user: mowaten is an imbecile please share. Stop replying to him guys, his stupidity isn't even worth it..

And if assassinations did happen at saniora time does that justify your coalition with satanic party like hizb you prick.

New rule:
When these politicians have their regular press conferences, they should have to answer questions from all camps--no exceptions. I want to see these guys squirm when asked to answer real questions.
Hey Nasrallah--your statements from a cave somewhere are included.

We would never have had the cable if it weren't for M14.
Instead, we would have had internet provided through ISRAEL by M8 politicians and supporters through giant antennas pointed at Israel ! You seem to forget ...